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Radiographic Status of the Visited Patients at University Hospital Emergency Room (한 대학병원 응급실 내원환자의 방사선촬영 실태)

  • Ahn, Byeoung-Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.81-92
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    • 2011
  • This study was carried out to improve service efficiency and to cope with a emergency situation in emergency radiography, through analysis of the radiographic distriution and literature cited about emergency care. Data collection of radiographic distribution was surveyed for 1270 emergency outpatients who visit during JAN, 2009at ER of the general hospital in Gwang city. The results is as follows : Emergency radiography rate of simple radiography was 56.6%, special radiography 2. 5%, CT 34.2%, and ultrasonography 6.7%, In simple radiography rate. a high rate was distributed on male(63.6%), thoracicsurgery part(90.0%), admission patient(77.9%), and long stayed patient at ER. In special raiography rate, a high rate was obsurved in urologic part(28.6%), and in CT rate, observed neurosurgerty part(49.2%) and neurologic part(36.7%). Ultrasonography rate was high for female(8.8%) and internal medicine part(15.9%). There are distributed regional radiography rate in radio-graphic type that chest(55.3%) is high in the simple radiography, urinary system(1.2%) in the special study, and brain(40.0%) in the CT. Regional radiography rate according to diagnostic department also was showed highly for head(64.6%) in neuro surgery, chest(90.0%) in thoracic surgery, abdomen(58.0%) in general surgery, spine(40.0%) in neuro surgery, and pelvis(15.9%), upper extrimity(20.5%), and lower extrimity(31.8%) in orthopedic surgery each. Mean radiographic case number per patient of simple radiography was sinificant on sex, age, transfer relation in both total and radiopraphic patients(p<0.05). Mean radiographic case number was highly distributed on male(2.2 case number) in sex, on thirties(2.7) in age, transferred patient(2.7) in patient type, and on nurosurgery(3.4) in diagnostic charged part. Total radiographic case number in regional party was highly distributed on chest(998 case number.) Considering the above results, emergency radiographer should take care of the elder patient in emergency radiography and get hold of injury mechanism to decrease possible secondary injury during radiography. Because of high radiography rate of urinary system in special study, related instrument. All radiographer who take charge emergency patient should cope with a emergency situation during radiography. Because head trauma patients is very important in patient care, especilly in CT at night, charged doctor should be always sitted with CT room and monitoring patient. Radiography was reqested by many diagnostic department in ER. Considering that rate of simple radiography is high, special room for emergency radiopraphy should be established in ER area, and the radioprapher of this room should be stationed radiologic technician who is career and can implement emergency patient care and The disposition of men which is appropriate with emergency patient increase is necessary.

A Study on Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior to Sexuality in Middle School Students (중학생의 성에 대한 지식, 태도, 행위에 관한 조사연구)

  • Cha, Eun-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.357-375
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study is to find out methods to control, regulate and prevent sexual violence and provide guidelines for sex education in middle school. This study was conducted to examine factors in relation to sexuality, attitudes toward women, experience of sexual contact, frequencies and kinds of pornography with which they had contact, and sex education. For the data collection, a survey was conducted from September 25 to October 1, 1997 by using prepared questionnaires. Questionnaires were given to 503 students from three different kinds of middle schools in Seoul, Boys, Girls, and Coeducation schools. The data analyses used a PC-SAS. Each item was examined by frequencies and percentage. To compare Boys with Girls, I applied a T-test. In addition, with the kinds of school type, I applied anANOVA, ${\chi}^2$. Moreover, For investigating and analyzing each category, I categorized knowledge and attitude of sexuality, with precautionary measures of sexual violence. After that I applied T-test, ANOVA, and a Pearson's correlation for each category. The instruments of this study consisted of 9 domains. (1) General characteristics of the respondents (2) 9 questions about the interaction between he/she and his/her parent. (3) 12 questions, concerning A Scale for Attitudes of Adolescents Toward women(AWSA). (4) 26 questions related to sexual knowledge. (5) 25 questions about sexual attitude (6) strategies for prevention of sexual violence-33 questions (7) 5 questions related to sexual behavior (8) the experience of contact with pronography. (9) the experience of sex-education. The major results were summarized as follows; 1. Like many researches, This study shows that the girls are more eqalitarian than boys. The girls mean ($40.90{\pm}3.67$) is significantly higher than boys ($34.72{\pm}3.77$). Most Koreans have believed that there are many differences between men's roles and women's ones, because of confucianism which had been implied in most thought and ideas since the Lee dynasty. Therefore, the result is not surprising at all. 2. Most students answered correctly the questions of sexual knowledge. The girl's score was higher ($Mean{\pm}SD$ : $48.88{\pm}2.39$) than the boys' ($Mean{\pm}SD$ : $46.95{\pm}3.90$)(p 0.001). Nevertheless, the hypothesis that sexual knowledge influences sexual attitude and its behavior was rejected. 3. When twenty-five questions were asked about sexual attitude, the girl students investigated were found to have a more propre sexual attitude than that of the boys. A significant difference was found between boys and girls(p=0.001). The result shows that a person who has more experience in viewing pornography and who smokes will have a more distorted view of sexuality. 4. There are many students who have experienced of sexual contact. They need to take a sex education program about contraception and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. Systematic and concrete sex education is one way to lead them to proper sexual behavior. 5. Most respondents rejected stereotyped attitudes towards women. Boys, however, were more likely to accept stereotypes of Women. The girl's mean($Mean{\pm}SD$ : $40.90{\pm}3.67$) is higher than the boys($Mean{\pm}SD$ : $34.72{\pm}3.77$)(p=0.0001). 6. Many boys ignored the rules for prevention of sexual violence. A boy or a girl who has more experience of sexual contact over kiss and sex-typed neglected the rules, too(p=0.001). Today, there is increasing juvenile delinquency related to sexuality. This study provided the basic material for a preventive education system. I believe that a systematic and concrete sex education system can be helpful for adolescents and promote their responsibility as well as cultivate morality about sexuality. As a result, juvenile delinquency can be decreased. This study is basically aimed to provide information for a prevenative education system of sexual violence. Further research is recommended to evaluate programs in schools.

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A Study on the Serologic Parameters in Petients with Anemia of Chronic Renal Failure-According to Erythropoietin Treatment (만성 신부전환자의 빈혈에 있어서 Erythropoietin 치료에 따른 혈청지표의 양상)

  • Lim, Jong-Sik;Kang, Ho-Jung;Park, Jong-Won;Do, Joon-Yeung;Yoon, Kyung-Woo
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.82-93
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    • 1994
  • Clinical study was carried out on the 64 hemodialysis patients(HD) with chronic renal failure who had been treated from December 1992 to July 1993 in Yeungnam University Hospital. The following results were obitained. In hematologic parameters, MCH was $28.8{\pm}2.0pg$, and MCV was $92.4{\pm}4.7fl$. Result revealed normochromic and normocytic anemia. Mean values of serum ferritin were $657.4{\pm}292.0ng/ml$ in men and $511.5{\pm}370g$ in women. Mean valuses of serum iron were $145.5{\pm}63.7{\mu}g/dl$. Mean values of transferrin saturation was $61.6{\pm}28.4%$. Serum frerritin, serum iron and transferrin saturation were higher in HD group than normal reference. In erythropoeitin treatment group, Hb and Hct were significantly higher than non-erythropoietin treatment group. Amount of transfusion was significantly higher in non-erythropoietin treatment group than erythropoeitin treatment group(p<0.05). Values of iron, transferrin saturation were significantly higher in abnormal liver function test(LFT) hemodialysis group than normal LFT group(p<0.05). Transfusion amounts revealed positive correlation with ferritin(r=0.4675), transferrin satruation (r=0.3823) and iron(r=0.3386)(p<0.05). In conclusion, erythropoietin treatment cna reduce requirement of blood transfusion and transfusion related side effects such as iron overload, hemosiderosis and hemochromatosis.

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Alteration of Anaerobic Bacteria and S. mutans Count in Oral Cavity after Occlusal Stabilization Appliance Use (교합안정장치 사용에 따른 구강 내 혐기성 세균과 S. mutans의 변화)

  • Byun, Jin-Seok;Suh, Bong-Jik
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.375-381
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    • 2007
  • Occlusal stabilization appliance is one of the most common treatment option for management of temporomandibular disorders. It acts in oral cavity for several hours per day, and usually it will take at least 6 months to 2 years of total wearing periods to take a treatment goal. In the oral cavity, occlusal stabilization appliance, unintentional manner, is able to acts as a reservoir of bacteria and protect bacteria from saliva and oxygen. This condition is so favorable to many bacteria such as S. mutans and other anaerobes, usually have been reported as causative factors of dental caries, periodontal disease and oral malodor. In this study, we investigated anaerobic bacteria and S. mutans count before and after occlusal stabilization appliance use to evaluate the possible role of occlusal stabilization appliance as protector of these bacteria. Four men(average 27.5 years) wore maxillary occlusal stabilization appliance at each night(average 9 hours) for 5 days. we swabbed saliva-plaque mixed sample at 3 different site(maxillary left 2nd molar, maxillary left central incisor, mandibular left 2nd molar) before and after occlusal stabilization appliance use. Each samples were plated in (1) anaerobic blood agar medium, (2) selective S. mutans medium(MS-MUTV) and incubated in anaerobic chamber($CO^2$ 10%, $37^{\circ}C$) for 72 hours. Each bacterial colony forming unit(CFU) were counted with naked eyes. From obtained data, we can conclude as follows: 1. There was some changes about anaerobic bacteria and S. mutans count in oral cavity after occlusal stabilization appliance use. 2. The number of anaerobic bacteria was significantly increased at maxillary 2nd molar(P=0.003), maxillary central incisor(P=0.020) after occlusal stabilization appliance use compared with before. 3. Occlusal stabilization appliance use itself had indirect effect to increase the number of anaerobic bacteria at other uncovered opponent tooth site. 4. The number of S. mutans was significantly increased at maxillary 2nd molar(P=0.043), maxillary central incisor (P=0.049) after occlusal stabilization appliance use compared with before. 5. Occlusal stabilization appliance use itself had not any effect on the number of S. mutans at other uncovered opponent tooth site.

Relationship between Actual Health and Yangseng of the Elderly in Rural Areas - Focused on certain parts of rural areas in Jeonbuk province - (농촌지역(農村地域) 노인(老人)들의 건강실태(健康實態)와 양생(養生) 수준(水準)과의 관련성(關聯性) -전라북도(全羅北道) 일부(一部) 농촌지역(農村地域)을 중심(中心)으로-)

  • Moon, Su-Young;Chong, Myong-Soo;Seo, Myoung-Hyo;Kim, Young-Hun;Yang, Sun-Ho;Lee, Ki-Nam
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2005
  • The present study is designed to provide basic data for the future health promotion projects to be aimed at improving quality of life for the elderly people in the increasingly aging society of Korea by investigating factors related to the yangseng of old people in rural areas. The results of this study are intended to serve as fundamental for efficient approach toward health promotion projects for the elderly in rural communities. For this purpose, a survey by questionnaires was conducted to rural inhabitants from May to June 2004. The replies were analyzed from the perspective of Oriental medicine for yangseng. 1. The average points of health care appeared to be 3.24. In details by sub-areas, morality was 3.79, followed by 3.74 for activities and rest, 3.73 for sleeping, 3.29 for diet, 3.25 for mind, 2.88 for season, 2.12 for exercise and 1.95 for sexual life in sequence, showing that the yangseng of morality was scored highest while the area of sexual life were rated lowest. 2. As for the extent of health care depending on the characters of the subjects, spoused ones, married couples living alone, while the higher educated and the more leisure is utilized, the more the care is paid for yangseng. 3. Concerning the extent of yangseng depending on the general characters of the subjects, men showed more yangseng in activities and rest. The group aged 70 to 74 acquired the highest points in mind yangseng. The group with spouse featured higher concern for yangseng in the categories of morality, diet, activities and rest, sleeping and sexual life. Married couples who are living with no other family members recorded the highest points in the areas of morality, diet, sleeping and sexual life(P<0.05). 4. In terms of socioeconomic characters, the more one is educated, the more he/she is tended to take yangseng in the exercise, sleeping and sexual life. The group with occupation is inclined to take more yangseng in the activities and rest and sleeping. When people have to work for their keep, they usually showed to have highest yangseng for sleeping. People who enjoy leisure showed higher yangseng in all areas except for morality. In case man has religion, he showed more yangseng in the activities and rest, exercise and sleeping(P<0.05). 5. Those who reply they are confident with health showed higher yangseng. No significant difference was found in all areas except for sexual life in which high care is taken for yangseng, as far as one has no disease. Those who are confident with health had highest yangseng in all areas except for season yangseng(P<0.05). As seen above, extents of yangseng by the old people in the rural area are found to have difference depending on the individual and socioeconomic characters, factors which should be seriously considered in the local health promotion projects and projects for the health of the elderly. Particularly important is to launch health promotion programs and to analyze their effects to promote health care particularly in the areas of sexual life, exercise and season yangseng that turned out to be lowest by taking into account of yangseng in each sub-area.

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Surgical Treatment for Carotid Artery Stenosis (경동맥 협착증의 수술적 치료)

  • Kim, Dae-Hyun;Yi, In-Ho;Youn, Hyo-Chul;Kim, Bum-Shik;Cho, Kyu-Seok;Kim, Soo-Cheol;Hwang, Eun-Gu;Park, Joo-Chul
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.39 no.11 s.268
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    • pp.815-821
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    • 2006
  • Background: Carotid endarterectomy is an effective treatment modality in patients with severe carotid artery stenosis, but it may result in serious postoperative complications, We analyzed the results of the carotid endarterectomy performed in our institution to reduce the complications related to the card endarterectomy. Material and Method: We analyzed retrospectively the medical records of 74 patients(76 cases) who underwent carotid endarterectomy for carotid artery stenosis by a single surgeon from February 1996 to July 2004. Result: There were 64 men and 10 women. The mean age of the patients was 63.6 years old. Carotid endarterectomy only was performed in 63 cases, carotid endarterectomy with patch angioplasty in 8 cases, and carotid endarterectomy with segmental resection of internal carotid artery and end to end anastomosis in 5 cases. Intra-arterial shunt was used in 29 cases. The mean back pressures of internal carotid arteries checked after clamping common carotid arteries and external carotid arteries were $23.48{\pm}10.04$ mmHg in 25 cases with changes in electroencephalography(group A) and $47.16{\pm}16.04$ mmHg in 51 cases without changes in electroencephalography(group B). There was no statistical difference in the mean back pressure of internal carotid arteries between two groups(p=0.095), but the back pressures of internal carotid arteries of all patients with changes in electroencephalography were under 40 mmHg. When there was no ischemic change of electroencephalography after clamping common carotid artery and external carotid artery, we did not make use of intra-arterial shunt regardless of the back pressure of internal carotid artery. Operative complications were transient hypoglossal nerve palsy in four cases, cerebral hemorrhage occurred at previous cerebral infarction site in two cases, mild cerebral infarction in one case, hematoma due to anastomosis site bleeding in one case, and upper airway obstruction due to laryngeal edema probably caused by excessive retraction during operation in two cases. One patient expired due to cerebral hemorrhage occurring at previous cerebral infarction site. Conclusion: Carotid endarterectomy is a safe operative procedure showing low operative mortality. We suggest that intra-arterial shunt usage should be decided according to the ischemic change of electroercephalography regardless of the back pressure of internal carotid artery. Excessive retraction during operation should be avoided to prevent upper alway obstruction due to laryngeal edema and if upper airway obstruction is suspected, prompt management is essential.

한국수출산업을 위한 산업디자인 개선에 관한 연구 -시각.공예.제품디자인을 중심으로-

  • 박대순
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.1-162
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    • 1980
  • The Design Society of Korea. It is our urgent task that we should map out our detailed guiedlines for the improvement of export-oriented industries and of the design of export goods in preparation for our export goal of $30 billion in the upcoming 1980s. The government, university design researchers, and most entrepreneurs have confronted diverse kinds of racking issues: how much do most export industries take advantage of the indus-trial design for the improvement of the quality of export goods\ulcorner, structural defects of most export industries, chronic and vicious cycle of overlooking the value of the industrial design in the process of manufacturing export goods and etc. In other words, the recent trend of slighting the industrial design is to speed up the sales of only unsophisticated goods on the international markets. Although Koreans have been plagued by scantiness of natural resources under these circumstances, most Korean people have showed off their strong will for today's growth. Furthermore, most exporters should do their best to sweep overseas markets by manufacturing sophisticated goods outranking those commodi-ties made by the United States, Japan, West Germany and the other developed countries. In this respect, we have to make our best efforts for the expensive application and practical use of the industrial design, one of the comprehensive sciences, in the face of the hard realities and conditions which we have confronted until now. For example, it can be attributed to the practical application of the industrial design that the neighboring Japan, West Germany, France, the United Kingdom in Europe, and the United States in North America have formulated a highly advan-ced cultural zone and braced up for their own trade protection-ism and tightened their embargoes on EEC goods. Unless any export goods take the best advantage of the industrial design, one of the behavioral sciences capable of satisfying the material mental needs of modern men and of promoting cultural growth, I am convinced that they will not infiltrate into any countries that have enjoyed their own highly cultural lives. It is absolutely important that most Korean universities, state-run, private corporations and research institutes should work out the improvement strategy for the development and practical use of the industrial design as will as the revision of the present curricula of the departments of design. However, most design researchers have come to grips with several difficult problems such as the correlation of export oriented industries and the industrial design and the development of the design of export goods. The improvement of the industrial design is our urgent assignment that we have to solve in the 1980s. Accordimgly, I cannot too much emphasize the value the recognition of the industrial design in our industrial communities because we have never witnessed the prosperity of those countries which have taken little notice of the importance of the industrial design. Hopefully, most entrepreneurs will take much consideration of the value of the industrial design and then can defeat their rival businessmen on the international markets by exporting goods of highly sophisticated design. In this respect, the main purpose of the research paper which this society presented is to underline the fact that the improvement and development of the industrial design is our common assignment to be studied from the viewpoints of national dimension as well as in conformity with our immediate goal for the export-oriented prosperity of state. In conclusion, I would like to highlight the fact that our export goods shall be continually developed in pace with the correlative improvement of the indudtrial design so as to pave the way for their bright prospect and to enhance their best impression of the first-class goods on the international markets.

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The literary characteristics and material status about the translation of Sijo into Chinese poetry (시조 한역 자료의 현황과 그 성격)

  • Kim, Myoung-Sun
    • Sijohaknonchong
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    • v.30
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    • pp.241-262
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    • 2009
  • In this study, we will find out and understand of the literary characteristics and the material status about the translation of Sijo into chinese poetry which is the representative genre in Korean traditional poetry. Most of the work was done from 17th 19th century, and there are about 120 literary men who translated Sijo. 759 works are translated into Chinese poetry and we cannot find 135 works' original poetry. Therefore about 900 works are translated into Chinese poetry. One Sijo can be translated into more than 1 Chinese poetry, so there are more translated works. According to this study, there are 1356 translated works in total. Many works are done in piece by piece, however most of them are in series with many poems from 10 to 100. First, some popular Sijo was translated into series. Second, some serial Sijo or some Sijo of particular writers are translated into Chinese works. In first case, there are 22 writers' 27 works of Sijo along with Shinwi's "Soakbu" and 652 translated works. In the other case, there are 30 writers' 26 works of Sijo including 10 "Kosangugokga", which was translated by Song shiyul. There are 511 translated works. A lot of translations of Sijo into Chinese poetry are in various documents. They are in personal collections of works such as "Beonbanggok" in Namguman's "Yakchunjip". The works are in books of poems such as Hong yangho's "Chunggudangok" and Shinwi's "Jahasoakbu". In collection of Sijo like Shin heum's "Bangongshiyeo" in "Chungguyoungwon", there are some translated works as well. We can understand Sijo which we do not know the lyrics now by studying the materials about the translation of Sijo into Chinese poetry. The materials about the translation of Sijo into Chinese poetry have necessary value for studying the creation and tradition process of Sijo. In addition, with the materials, we can study the interaction between Korean literature and Chinese one, and also we can study about the changing aspects of Chinese poetry in Late Chosun.

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The Effects of Total Sleep Deprivation on Anxiety, Mood, Sleepiness and Fatigue (전수면박탈이 정상인의 불안, 기분, 졸리움 및 피로도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Heon-Jeong;Kim, Leen;Joe, Sook-Haeng;Suh, Kwang-Yoon
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.76-84
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    • 1999
  • Objectives: A number of studies have shown that sleep deprivation results in reduced vigilance and increased negative affects such as tension, depression and anger. However there are few studies about effects of sleep deprivation on anxiety. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 40 hour sleep deprivation on state anxiety, affects, sleepiness and fatigue. The authors also intended to study the effect of trait-anxiety on these psychological variables after sleep deprivation. Methods: Twenty nine subjects(22 men, 7 women, $24.59{\pm}1.35$ years of age) participated in this study. Subjects had no past history of psychiatric disorders and physical illnesses, and had normal sleep-waking cycle without current sleep disturbances. All of the subjects completed sleep dairy for two weeks to exclude some who suffered from chronic sleep deprivation or sleep disturbances. Subjects were instructed to get a normal sleep as usual at night before the study. After awakening, subjects remained awake for 40 hours under continuous surveillance. They completed State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Index of General Affect, Stanford Sleepiness Scale and Fatigue Questionnaire every three hours, therefore they completed the scales 14 times totally. Subjects were dictated not to take caffeine, alcohol, or any medications on the day of the study. Heavy exercises and naps were restricted too. Results: Sleep deprivation resulted in increased state anxiety, negative general affects, and increased sleepiness and fatigue(p<.001). Dividing into high trait-anxiety group and low trait-anxiety group, there was significant sleep deprivation x traitanxiety interaction effect on general affect(p<.05). But, there was no significant sleep deprivation x trait-anxiety interaction effect on state-anxiety, sleepiness and fatigue. During sleep deprivation, the highest ratings of scales on anxiety, negative affect, sleepiness and fatigue occurred between 4 : 00AM and 7 : 00AM. Conclusions: These results show that sleep deprivation results in increased anxiety, mood state disturbance and increment of sleepiness and fatigue. These findings also suggest that trait-anxiety is a factor that influences the degree of worsening in general affect caused by sleep deprivation. During sleep deprivation, the rating curves of anxiety, affect, sleepiness and fatigue show rhythmicity that may be related to circadian rhythm.

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Comparison of REM Sleep-Dependent Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome with Sleep Stage Non-Dependent One in Women Patients (폐쇄성 수면무호흡증 여자 환자에서 렘수면 의존성 무호흡과 비의존성 무호흡의 호흡의 비교)

  • Park, Tae-Joon;Jeong, Do-Un
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2008
  • Objectives: A few studies have compared REM sleep-dependent obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (REM-OSA) with sleep stage non-dependent apnea syndrome (SND-OSA). Despite that REM-OSA might be more common in women than men, no studies have examined the probable characteristics of women patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS). This study aimed at finding out the characteristics of REM-OSA in women by comparing it with SND-OSA. Methods: Fifty-three subjects diagnosed as OSAS (AHI>5 ; AHI : apnea-hypopnea index) with nocturnal polysomnography at the Center for Sleep and Chronobiology of the Seoul National University Hospital between October 2004 and February 2006 were studied. Of them, 44 subjects with OSAS severity of mild (52 and AHI-NR<15 (AHI-R : AHI during REM sleep, AHI-NR : AHI during non-REM sleep). We compared REM-OSA group with SND-OSA as well as the criteria-determined REM-OSA cases with the visually-determined ones. Results: Among 44 subjects, 28 persons (63.6%) turned out to have REM-OSA by our criteria and 24 persons (54.5%) by visual determination. Statistically significant differences (p<0.05) were found between REM-OSA and SND-OSA groups in AHI, hypopnea index, total sleep time, total wake time, sleep efficiency index, percents of stage 1, 2 and REM sleep, and REM latency. Percent of stage REM sleep (%REM) turned out to have influence on AHI ratio (AHI-R/AHI-NR) (B=0.537, p=0.002). REM-OSA was likely to be diagnosed in milder severity of OSAS (${\chi}^2=13.117$, p<0.001) and those with higher %REM (${\chi}^2=11.325$, p=0.001). There was no significant difference between the criteria-determined and the visually-determined cases of REM-OSA. Conclusion: We suggest that REM-OSA and SND-OSA patients be differentiated in terms of pathophysiology and treatment strategies. Visual determination of REM-OSA might be useful as the screening procedure of REM-OSA. Further studies on women with OSAS and REM-OSA need to be done.

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