• Title/Summary/Keyword: MATLAB program

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Free vibration analysis of combined system with variable cross section in tall buildings

  • Jahanshahia, Mohammad Reza;Rahgozar, Reza
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.715-728
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    • 2012
  • This paper deals with determining the fundamental frequency of tall buildings that consist of framed tube, shear core, belt truss and outrigger systems in which the framed tube and shear core vary in size along the height of the structure. The effect of belt truss and outrigger system is modeled as a concentrated rotational linear spring at the belt truss and outrigger system location. Many cantilevered tall structures can be treated as cantilevered beams with variable cross-section in free vibration analysis. In this paper, the continuous approach, in which a tall building is replaced by an idealized cantilever continuum representing the structural characteristics, is employed and by using energy method and Hamilton's variational principle, the governing equation for free vibration of tall building with variable distributed mass and stiffness is obtained. The general solution of governing equation is obtained by making appropriate selection for mass and stiffness distribution functions. By applying the separation of variables method for time and space, the governing partial differential equation of motion is reduced to an ordinary differential equation with variable coefficients with the assumption that the transverse displacement is harmonic. A power-series solution representing the mode shape function of tall building is used. Applying boundary conditions yields the boundary value problem; the frequency equation is established and solved through a numerical process to determine the natural frequencies. Computer program has been developed in Matlab (R2009b, Version, Mathworks Inc., California, USA). A numerical example has been solved to demonstrate the reliability of this method. The results of the proposed mathematical model give a good understanding of the structure's dynamic characteristics; it is easy to use, yet reasonably accurate and suitable for quick evaluations during the preliminary design stages.

A Study on the location of Compensation Capacitor and Capacitance in the Concrete Slab Track (콘크리트 슬래브궤도에서 보상 커패시터의 위치 및 전기용량에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Min-Seok;Lee, Sang-Hyeok;Ko, Jun-Seog;Lee, Jong-Woo;Jo, Su-Ik;Yu, Jin-Young
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.879-891
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    • 2009
  • Impedance of rails is increased by the magnetic coupling between rails and reinforcing bars in the concrete slab track. Currently, the current of track circuit has been compensated by installing the compensation capacitors on track circuit because of increasing the impedance of rails. In case of a rapid transit railway, the compensation capacitors are installed every 20[m] to compensate the current of track circuit in the concrete slab track. Because the interval of one block for a rapid transit railway is as long as 1500[m], the compensation capacitors are installed about the number of 70$\sim$75 on track circuit. However, in case the compensation capacitors are broken over the number of three, it is a problem that the amplitude of current is under standard amplitude of current which is 0.8[A]. In this paper, it was suggested installing a compensation capacitor by using resonance phenomenon on the concrete slab track. We represent the electrical model of track circuit and the four terminal network, calculate the parameters demanded for the electrical model in the concrete slab track. Also, we computed the position and capacitance of the compensation capacitor about 2040[Hz], 2400[Hz], 2760[Hz], 3120[Hz] which currently is the track circuit frequency in the Gyeongbu rapid transit railway and demonstrated the validity of it, using the Matlab and PSpice program.

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Tension Control of a Winding Machine using Time-delay Estimation (시간 지연 추정 기법을 이용한 권취기의 장력 제어 알고리즘)

  • Heo, Jeong-Heon;You, Byungyong;Kim, Jinwook
    • Journal of Drive and Control
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2018
  • We propose a tension controller based on a time-delay estimation (TDE) technique for a winding machine. Firstly, we perform the necessary calculations to derive a mathematical model of the winding machine. In this sense, it is revealed that the roll radius of the winding machine is characteristically seen to be increasing or decreasing during the winding process. That being said, it is noted that the parameters of the winding machine are coupled and constantly changing during this process. Understandably then, it is noted that the model is shown to be nonlinear and time-varying. Secondly, we propose the way to apply the TDE based controller which is the so-called Time-delay Control (TDC). The TDC utilizes the time-delayed information intentionally to compensate the nonlinear and time-varying characteristics. As we have seen, the proposed controller consists of two parts: one is a TDE component, and the other is an error dynamics component which is defined by a user. In a computer simulation based on the Matlab/Simulink program, the proposed controller is compared with a conventional PID controller, which is widely used in the tension control of the winding machine. The proposed controller reduces the incidence of overshoot and steady-state error in the tension control, as compared to the conventional PID controller.

Listener Auditory Perception Enhancement using Virtual Sound Source Design for 3D Auditory System

  • Kang, Cheol Yong;Mariappan, Vinayagam;Cho, Juphil;Lee, Seon Hee
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.15-20
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    • 2016
  • When a virtual sound source for 3D auditory system is reproduced by a linear loudspeaker array, listeners can perceive not only the direction of the source, but also its distance. Control over perceived distance has often been implemented via the adjustment of various acoustic parameters, such as loudness, spectrum change, and the direct-to-reverberant energy ratio; however, there is a neglected yet powerful cue to the distance of a nearby virtual sound source that can be manipulated for sources that are positioned away from the listener's median plane. This paper address the problem of generating binaural signals for moving sources in closed or in open environments. The proposed perceptual enhancement algorithm composed of three main parts is developed: propagation, reverberation and the effect of the head, torso and pinna. For propagation the effect of attenuation due to distance and molecular air-absorption is considered. Related to the interaction of sounds with the environment, especially in closed environments is reverberation. The effects of the head, torso and pinna on signals that arrive at the listener are also objectives of the consideration. The set of HRTF that have been used to simulate the virtual sound source environment for 3D auditory system. Special attention has been given to the modelling and interpolation of HRTFs for the generation of new transfer functions and definition of trajectories, definition of closed environment, etc. also be considered for their inclusion in the program to achieve realistic binaural renderings. The evaluation is implemented in MATLAB.

Integrating OpenSees with other software - with application to coupling problems in civil engineering

  • Gu, Quan;Ozcelik, Ozgur
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.85-103
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    • 2011
  • Integration of finite element analysis (FEA) software into various software platforms is commonly used in coupling systems such as systems involving structural control, fluid-structure, wind-structure, soil-structure interactions and substructure method in which FEA is used for simulating the structural responses. Integrating an FEA program into various other software platforms in an efficient and simple way is crucial for the development and performance of the entire coupling system. The lack of simplicity of the existing integration methods makes this integration difficult and therefore entails the motivation of this study. In this paper, a novel practical technique, namely CS technique, is presented for integrating a general FEA software framework OpenSees into other software platforms, e.g., Matlab-$Simulink^{(R)}$ and a soil-structure interaction (SSI) system. The advantage of this integration technique is that it is efficient and relatively easy to implement. Instead of OpenSees, a cheap client handling TCL is integrated into the other software. The integration is achieved by extending the concept of internet based client-server concept, taking advantage of the parameterization framework of OpenSees, and using a command-driven scripting language called tool command language (TCL) on which the OpenSees' interface is based. There is no need for any programming inside OpenSees. The presented CS technique proves as an excellent solution for the coupling problems mentioned above (for both linear and nonlinear problems). Application examples are provided to validate the integration method and illustrate the various uses of the method in the civil engineering.

Effect of a Elderly Walker on Joint Kinematics and Muscle Activities of Lower Extremities Using a Human Model (인체 모델을 이용한 노인 보행기의 하지관절 기구학과 근활성에 미치는 영향)

  • Shin, Jun-Ho;Kim, Yoon-Hyuk
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.35 no.11
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    • pp.1243-1248
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    • 2011
  • The purposes of this study were to develop a dynamic model of a human and to investigate the effect of a walker on an elderly subject's motions, such as sit-to-stand (STS) motion and normal gait, by using this model. A human model consisting of 15 segments and 14 joints was developed, embedded in $RecurDyn^{TM}$, and connected through a Simulink$^{(R)}$ interface with collected motion data. The model was validated by comparisons between joint kinematic results from inverse dynamics (Matlab$^{(R)}$-based in-house program) and from $RecurDyn^{TM}$ simulation during walking. The results indicate that the elderly walker induced a longer movement time in walking, such that the speed of joint flexion/extension was slower than that during a normal gait. The results showed that the muscle activities of parts of the ankle and hamstring were altered by use of the elderly walker. The technique used in this study could be very helpful in applications to biomechanical fields.

The Influence of Noise Environment upon Voice and Data Transmission in the RF-CBTC System

  • Kim, Min-Seok;Lee, Sang-Hyeok;Lee, Jong-Woo
    • International Journal of Railway
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.39-45
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    • 2010
  • The RF-CBTC (Radio Frequency-Communication Based Train Control) System is a communication system in railroad systems. The communication method of RF-CBTC system is the wireless between the wayside device and on-board device. The wayside device collects its location and speed from each train and transmits the distance from the forwarding train to the speed-limit position to it. The on-board device controlling device controls the speed optimum for the train. In the case of the RF-CBTC system used in Korea, transmission frequency is 2.4 [GHz]. It is the range of ISM(Industrial Scientific and Medical equipment) band and transmission of voice and data is performed by CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) method. So noises are made in the AWGN (Additive White Gaussian Noise) and fading environment. Currently, the SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) is about 20 [dB], so due to bit errors made by noises, transmission of reliable information to the train is not easy. Also, in the case that two tracks are put to a single direction, it is needed that two trains transmit reliable voice and data to a wayside device. But, by noises, it is not easy that just a train transmits reliable information. In this paper, we estimated the BER (Bit Error Rate) related to the SNR of voice and data transmission in the environment such as AWGN and fading from the RF-CBTC system using the CDMA method. Also, we supposed the SNR which is required to meet the BER standard for voice and data transmission. By increasing the processing gain that is a ratio of chip transmission to voice and data transmission, we made possible voice and data transmission from maximally two trains to a wayside device, and demonstrated it by using Matlab program.

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Design and Realization of a Digital PV Simulator with a Push-Pull Forward Circuit

  • Zhang, Jike;Wang, Shengtie;Wang, Zhihe;Tian, Lixin
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.444-457
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    • 2014
  • This paper presents the design and realization of a digital PV simulator with a Push-Pull Forward (PPF) circuit based on the principle of modular hardware and configurable software. A PPF circuit is chosen as the main circuit to restrain the magnetic biasing of the core for a DC-DC converter and to reduce the spike of the turn-off voltage across every switch. Control and I/O interface based on a personal computer (PC) and multifunction data acquisition card, can conveniently achieve the data acquisition and configuration of the control algorithm and interface due to the abundant software resources of computers. In addition, the control program developed in Matlab/Simulink can conveniently construct and adjust both the models and parameters. It can also run in real-time under the external mode of Simulink by loading the modules of the Real-Time Windows Target. The mathematic models of the Push-Pull Forward circuit and the digital PV simulator are established in this paper by the state-space averaging method. The pole-zero cancellation technique is employed and then its controller parameters are systematically designed based on the performance analysis of the root loci of the closed current loop with $k_i$ and $R_L$ as variables. A fuzzy PI controller based on the Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model is applied to regulate the controller parameters self-adaptively according to the change of $R_L$ and the operating point of the PV simulator to match the controller parameters with $R_L$. The stationary and dynamic performances of the PV simulator are tested by experiments, and the experimental results show that the PV simulator has the merits of a wide effective working range, high steady-state accuracy and good dynamic performances.

Characteristics Analysis of CVT with Built-in Crank for Bicycle (자전거용 크랭크 일체형 자동변속기에 대한 특성 해석)

  • Baek, Seung-Yub
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.963-969
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    • 2015
  • Bicycle is one of the most popular mode of transport due to the increase of interest in the well-being and environment pollution. Before fabricating a continuously variable transmission that is applied to the actual bicycle, for reducing the problems in the early stage, the reliable simulation program has been applied and the financial problem can be solved. In this paper, in order to confirm the design factor, the stress analysis has been applied. In all models, each link and the joint portion are assumed to be a major design factors, and impact of each link and joints received stress during the operation and it is confirmed by using the CAE. Also, for the analysis region, the special code has been developed to calculate pulsation phenomenon through appropriate mathematical modeling.

Comparison of Artificial Neural Network for Partial Discharge Diagnosis (부분방전 진단을 위한 인공신경망 기법의 비교)

  • Chung, Gyo-Bum;Kwack, Sun-Geun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.9
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    • pp.4455-4461
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    • 2013
  • This paper investigates the diagnosis performance of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) depending on the structure and the input vector type of ANN, which has been used to detect the partial discharge to lead to the electric machinery deterioration. The diagnosis performance of one hidden layer and two hidden layer in ANN are compared. The performance using the 2048 time-series data and the performance using the feature input vector are compared. For measuring the partial discharge signal, the tip-to-plate, the sphere-to-sphere, the tip-to-tip, the tip-to-sphere and the sphere-to-plate electrodes are used respectively. For ANN's learning, Matlab and C-code program are used. For evaluating the diagnosis performance of ANNs, the simulation studies are performed.