• Title/Summary/Keyword: MAC(Multiple Access Control)

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Method for Position Estimation of Network Entry Terminal based on DTDMA(Dynamic Time Division Multiple Access) (DTDMA 기반 초기 망가입 단말의 효율적 위치 추정 방법)

  • Seo, Nan Sol
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.623-629
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we analysis the performance of position estimation when adopting Dynamic TDMA(DTDMA) in JTIDS RelNav. JTIDS RelNav is widely understood as a new navigation solution possibly capable to support or take cover of the role of conventional systems including INS or GPS no matter if they are working well or not. By maximizing the efficiency of radio resource management in MAC(Medium Access Control) layer we enhance the system performance without any replacement of hardware.

An Advanced Resource Allocation Algorithm for PON-LTE Converged Networks

  • Abhishek Gaur;Vibhakar Shrimali
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.23 no.7
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    • pp.16-22
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    • 2023
  • Enhanced radio access technologies (RAT) are deployed in Next Generation Convergence Networks by the service providers so as to satisfy the basic requirements of end-users for e.g. QoS. Whenever the available resources are being shared simultaneously and dynamically by multiple users or distribution of allocated channels randomly, the deficiency of spectral resources and dynamic behavior of Network traffic in real time Networking, we may have problem. In order to evaluate the performance of our proposed algorithm, computer simulation has been performed on NS-2 simulator and a comparison with the existing algorithms has been made.

Performance Evaluation of MAC Protocols Considering Various Input Traffic in WDM Metro Ring Networks (WDM 메트로 링 망에서 다양한 입력 트래픽을 고려한 MAC 프로토콜의 성능분석)

  • Lee, Kyu-Jeong;So, Won-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2006.10d
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    • pp.24-29
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    • 2006
  • 본 논문에서는 광대역 통신 방송 융합 서비스 제공을 고려한 WDM 메트로 링 망을 위한 매체 접근 제어(Medium Access Control; MAC) 프로토콜의 성능을 분석한다. 현재 인터넷은 통신 방송 융합 망으로 진화하고 있으며 다양한 트래픽 특성을 갖는 서비스가 액세스 망에서 메트로 망으로 유입되고 있다. 그러나 기존 메트로 망의 MAC 프로토콜은 이러한 망 환경 변화를 고려하지 않고 단순하고 동일한 트래픽만을 고려하여 성능을 분석하였다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 메트로 링에 연결된 액세스 노드의 입력 트래픽을 Self-Similar와 Poisson 트래픽으로 분류하여 기존 MAC 프로토콜의 성능을 분석하고 평가한다. 메트로 링 망에 연결된 액세스 노드는 이 두 종류의 트래픽 중에서 하나를 망에 유입하며 채널을 공유하는 노드 수에 따라서 다양한 트래픽 환경이 고려된다. WDM 메트로 링망의 기본 MAC 프로토콜은 CSMA/CA(Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance)이며, 패킷을 빈 슬롯에 전송하고 송신지에서 패킷을 제거하는 SS (Source-Stripping) 기반으로 운용된다. 본 논문에서는 SS 방식으로 생성된 빈 슬롯을 바로 패킷 전송에 이용하는 방식과 그렇지 않은 방식을 각각 1-Persistent와 non-Persistent로 분류하고 MAC 프로토콜을 분석하여 기존 방식의 장 단점을 비교한다. 또한 전송 공정성과 처리율을 같이 고려하여 적용할 수 있는 확률 기반 p-Persistent MAC 프로토콜도 분석하였으며 시뮬레이션을 통하여 각 프로토콜을 노드 처리율, 전송 지연, 패킷 손실률, 전송 공정성 관점에서 비교하고 평가한다.y 수행을 여러 서버로 분산처리하게 함으로써 성능에 대한 신뢰성을 향상 시킬 수 있는 Load Balancing System을 제안한다.할 때 가장 효과적인 라우팅 프로토콜이라고 할 수 있다.iRNA 상의 의존관계를 분석할 수 있었다.수안보 등 지역에서 나타난다 이러한 이상대 주변에는 대개 온천이 발달되어 있었거나 새로 개발되어 있는 곳이다. 온천에 이용하고 있는 시추공의 자료는 배제하였으나 온천이응으로 직접적으로 영향을 받지 않은 시추공의 자료는 사용하였다 이러한 온천 주변 지역이라 하더라도 실제는 온천의 pumping 으로 인한 대류현상으로 주변 일대의 온도를 올려놓았기 때문에 비교적 높은 지열류량 값을 보인다. 한편 한반도 남동부 일대는 이번 추가된 자료에 의해 새로운 지열류량 분포 변화가 나타났다 강원 북부 오색온천지역 부근에서 높은 지열류량 분포를 보이며 또한 우리나라 대단층 중의 하나인 양산단층과 같은 방향으로 발달한 밀양단층, 모량단층, 동래단층 등 주변부로 NNE-SSW 방향의 지열류량 이상대가 발달한다. 이것으로 볼 때 지열류량은 지질구조와 무관하지 않음을 파악할 수 있다. 특히 이러한 단층대 주변은 지열수의 순환이 깊은 심도까지 가능하므로 이러한 대류현상으로 지표부근까지 높은 지온 전달이 되어 나타나는 것으로 판단된다.의 안정된 방사성표지효율을 보였다. $^{99m}Tc$-transferrin을 이용한 감염영상을 성공적으로 얻을 수 있었으며, $^{67}Ga$-citrate 영상과 비교하여 더 빠른 시간 안에 우수한 영상을 얻을 수 있었다. 그러므로 $^{99m}Tc$-transierrin이 감염 병소의 영상진단에 사용될 수 있을 것으로 기대된

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Performance Analysis of Antenna Polarization Diversity on LTE 2×2 MIMO in Indoor Environment (실내 환경에서 LTE 2×2 MIMO 기술의 안테나 편파 다이버서티 성능 분석)

  • Nguyen, Duc T.;Devi, Ningombam Devarani;Shin, Seokjoo
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Next Generation Computing
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.7-21
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    • 2017
  • Multiple antenna techniques employed in fourth generation mobile communication systems are affected on their performance mostly by transmission environments and antenna configurations. The performance of the indoor LTE(Long-term Evolution) MIMO(multiple input multiple output) has been rigorously evaluated with considering various diversity transmission schemes and propagation conditions in the paper. Specifically, MAC TP(medium access control throughput) and LTE system parameters related to the MIMO technique are analyzed for several indoor propagation conditions. The performance comparison between multiple antenna diversity mode and single antenna mode has been derived as well. The results performed in the paper give the guideline on antenna configurations of polarization diversity in LTE 2×2 MIMO for various indoor channel environments, and possibly are exploited by network operators and antenna manufacturers.

A Study on New DCF Algorithm in IEEE 802.11 WLAN by Simulation (시뮬레이션에 의한 IEEE 802.11 WLAN에서의 새로운 DCF 알고리즘에 관한 연구)

  • Lim, Seog-Ku
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, MAC algorithm for the IEEE 802.11 DCF improving the performance is proposed and analyzed by simulation. The MAC of IEEE 802.11 WLAN to control data transmission uses two control methods called DCF(Distributed Coordination Function) and PCF(Point Coordination Function). The DCF controls the transmission based on CSMA/CA(Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance), that decides a random backoff time with the range of CW(Contention Window) for each station. Normally, each station increase the CW to double after collision, and reduces the CW to the minimum after successful transmission. The DCF shows excellent performance relatively in situation that competition station is less but has a problem that performance is fallen from throughput and delay viewpoint in situation that competition station is increased. This paper proposes an enhanced DCF algorithm that increases the CW to maximal CW after collision and decreases the CW smoothly after successful transmission in order to reduce the collision probability by utilizing the current status information of WLAN. To prove efficiency of proposed algorithm, a lots of simulations are conducted and analyzed.

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cdma2000 Physical Layer: An overview

  • Willenegger, Serge
    • Journal of Communications and Networks
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.5-17
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    • 2000
  • cdma2000 offers several enhancement as compared to TIA/EIA-95, although it remains fully compatible with TIA/EIA-95 systems and allows for a smooth migration from one to the other-Major new capability include:1)connectivity to GSM-MAP in addition to IP and IS-41 networks; 2) new layering with new LAC and MAC architectures for improved service multiplexing and QoS management and efficient use of radio resource ;3) new bands and band widths of operation in support of various operator need and constraints, as well as desire for a smooth and progressive migration to cdma 2000; and 4) flexible channel structure in support of multiple services with various QoS and variable transmission rates at up to 1 Mbps per channel and 2 Mbps per user. Given the phenomenal success of wireless services and desire for higher rate wireless services. improved spectrum efficiency was a major design goal in the elaboration of cdma2000. Major capacity enhancing features include; 1) turbo coding for data transmission: 2)fast forward link power control :3) forward link transmit diversity; 4) support of directive antenna transmission techniques; 5) coherent reverse link structure; and 6) enhanced access channel operation. As users increasingly rely on their cell phone at work and at home for voice and data exchange, the stand-by time and operation-time are essential parameters that can influence customer's satisfaction and service utilization. Another major goal of cdma2000 was therefore to enable manufacturers to further optimize power utilization in the terminal. Major battery life enhancing features include; 1) improved reverse link performance (i.e., reduced transmit power per information bit; 2) new common channel structure and operation ;3) quick paging channel operation; 4) reverse link gated transmission ; and 5) new MAC stated for efficient and ubiquitous idle time idle time operation. this article provides additional details on those enhancements. The intent is not to duplicate the detailed cdma2000 radio access network specification, but rather to provide some background on the new features of cdma2000 and on the qualitative improvements as compared to the TIA/EIA-95 based systems. The article is focused on the physical layer structure and associated procedures. It therefore does not cover the MAC, LAC, radio resource management [1], or any other signaling protocols in any detail. We assume some familiarity with the basic CDMA concepts used in TIA/EIA-95.

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Underwater Experiment on CSMA/CA Protocol Using Commercial Modems (상용 모뎀 제어를 통한 수중 CSMA/CA 프로토콜 시험)

  • Cho, Junho;Lee, Sang-Kug;Shin, Jungchae;Lee, Tae-Jin;Cho, Ho-Shin
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.39C no.6
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    • pp.457-465
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    • 2014
  • This paper introduces a test bed for communication protocol schemes of underwater acoustic sensor network, and also shows experimental results obtained from the test bed. As a testing protocol, carrier sense multiple access/collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) is evaluated on underwater acoustic channel. A sensor node is equipped with a DSP control board of ATmega2560 and a commercial underwater modem produced by Benthos. The control board not only manipulates a GPS signal to acquire the information of location and time, but also controls the underwater modem to operate according to the procedure designed for a given testing protocol. Whenever any event takes place such as exchanging control/data packets between underwater modems and acquiring location and timing information, each sensor node reports them through radio frequency (RF) air interface to a central station located on the ground. The four kinds of packets for CSMA/CA, RTS(Request To Send), CTS(Clear to Send), DATA, ACK(Acknowledgement) are designed according to the underwater communication environment and are analyzed through the lake experiment from the point of feasibility of CSMA/CA in underwater acoustic communications.

TCP Acknowledgement Compression for Fairness Among Uplink TCP Flows in IEEE 802.11n WLANs (IEEE 802.11n 무선랜에서 상향링크 TCP 플로우간 형평상 향상을 위한 TCP ACK 압축기법)

  • Kim, Minho;Park, Eun-Chan;Kim, Woongsup
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.19 no.7
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    • pp.653-660
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    • 2013
  • This paper deals with the problem of unfairness among uplink TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) flows associated with frame aggregation employed in IEEE 802.11n WLANs (Wireless Local Area Networks). When multiple stations have uplink TCP flows and transmit TCP data packets to an AP (Access Point), the AP has to compete for channel access with stations for the transmission of TCP ACK (acknowledgement) packets to the stations. Due to this contention-based channel access, TCP ACKs tend to be accumulated in the AP's downlink buffer. We show that the frame aggregation in the MAC (Medium Access Control) layer increases TCP ACK losses in the AP and leads to the serious unfair operation of TCP congestion control. To resolve this problem, we propose the TAC (TCP ACK Compression) mechanism operating at the top of the AP's interface queue. By exploiting the properties of cumulative TCP ACK and frame aggregation, TAC serves only the representative TCP ACK without serving redundant TCP ACKs. Therefore, TAC reduces queue occupancy and prevents ACK losses due to buffer overflow, which significantly contributes to fairness among uplink TCP flows. Also, TAC enhances the channel efficiency by not transmitting unnecessary TCP ACKs. The simulation results show that TAC tightly assures fairness under various network conditions while increasing the aggregate throughput, compared to the existing schemes.

Hybrid S-ALOHA/TDMA Protocol for LTE/LTE-A Networks with Coexistence of H2H and M2M Traffic

  • Sui, Nannan;Wang, Cong;Xie, Wei;Xu, Youyun
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.687-708
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    • 2017
  • The machine-to-machine (M2M) communication is featured by tremendous number of devices, small data transmission, and large uplink to downlink traffic ratio. The massive access requests generated by M2M devices would result in the current medium access control (MAC) protocol in LTE/LTE-A networks suffering from physical random access channel (PRACH) overload, high signaling overhead, and resource underutilization. As such, fairness should be carefully considered when M2M traffic coexists with human-to-human (H2H) traffic. To tackle these problems, we propose an adaptive Slotted ALOHA (S-ALOHA) and time division multiple access (TDMA) hybrid protocol. In particular, the proposed hybrid protocol divides the reserved uplink resource blocks (RBs) in a transmission cycle into the S-ALOHA part for M2M traffic with small-size packets and the TDMA part for H2H traffic with large-size packets. Adaptive resource allocation and access class barring (ACB) are exploited and optimized to maximize the channel utility with fairness constraint. Moreover, an upper performance bound for the proposed hybrid protocol is provided by performing the system equilibrium analysis. Simulation results demonstrate that, compared with pure S-ALOHA and pure TDMA protocol under a target fairness constraint of 0.9, our proposed hybrid protocol can improve the capacity by at least 9.44% when ${\lambda}_1:{\lambda}_2=1:1$and by at least 20.53% when ${\lambda}_1:{\lambda}_2=10:1$, where ${\lambda}_1,{\lambda}_2$ are traffic arrival rates of M2M and H2H traffic, respectively.

Performance analysis of BTB-TDMA considering asymmetry of propagation delays in UANets (수중 네트워크의 전파 비대칭성을 고려한 BTB-TDMA 성능 분석)

  • Cho, A-Ra;Yun, Changho;Lim, Yong-Kon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.50-60
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    • 2015
  • A Block-Time-Bounded Time Division Multiple Access (BTB-TDMA) medium access control protocol, which estimates the propagation delay of nodes according to their location and moving velocity information, has been proposed for underwater acoustic networks. BTB-TDMA provides nodes with their transmission schedules by a time block that is a time unit, newly designed for BTB-TDMA. In this paper, we investigate how the receiver collision, that is induced by the asymmetry between node's uplink and downlink propagation delay due to its mobility, affects the performance of BTB-TDMA. To do this, we analytically obtain the collision rate, the channel access delay, and the channel utilization by considering the asymmetry of propagation delay. Then, simulations are extensively performed with respect to the length of a time block by varying the number of nodes, the network range, and the node's velocity. Thus, the simulation results can suggest performance criteria to determine the optimal length of a time block which minimizes the collision rate and concurrently maximizes the channel access delay and the channel utilization.