• Title/Summary/Keyword: M2M platform

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Applied Implementation of J2ME 3D Mobile Based on WTK Development Environment (WTK 개발 환경 기반에서의 J2ME 3차원 모바일 응용구현)

  • Joo, Heon-Sik;Lee, Song-Won;Hong, Sung-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.253-261
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    • 2008
  • Mobile games will be one of independent industries on game areas and take the fourth standing in the important platform since PC Games, TV Games, and Palm Games. There are several reasons why mobile games will differ in their platform, behaviors, and habits. According to the data of market consultation about the figure of mobile-game players throughout the world, the Mobile game will increase steadily from 780 million in 2007 to 1860 million in 2010. Also, market income will mount up from 42,100millionto87,000 million. 3D games have been playing important roles in our lives. Satisfying users' needs in high-quality games, they have been growing and attracting more people with their powerful visual effects and the three-dimensional design player. We cannot emphasize their tremendous visual impacts and animation effects too much. This paper displays how to design 3D application based on J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition) and shows free movement of 3D objects receiving and responding to the keyboard of mobile devices withWTK (Wireless ToolKit) simulator on the 3D screen.

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Creating Cultural Cluster through Reuse of Industrial Heritage in the Inner city - Case Studies of M50, BankART1929, ARTPlatform - (구도심 내 근대산업유산의 재생을 통한 문화클러스터 조성에 관한 연구 - M50, 뱅크아트1929, 아트플랫폼 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Park, So-Yeon;Lee, Kyung-Hoon
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.192-201
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    • 2015
  • This research aims to find planning issues on reuse of an industrial heritage as a cultural cluster and to suggest planning factors which can be referred when designing the similar cases. Analysis standards were formed through reviewing of precedent literatures, and the selected cases(i.e Shanghai M50, Yokohama BankART1929, and Incheon ArtPlatform) were analyzed to identify both physical and nonphysical planning characteristics. By combining analyses, the following results were obtained; (1) The demand and supply of the arts coexist in one place, and the studios and galleries are designed with high ceilings; (2) The regional and historical characteristics are revealed from preserving major architectural elements of previous buildings, and open spaces are provided to promote a variety of activities for local residents; (3) Various strategies to overcome disadvantage in location are developed, and the concepts of design can be easily recognized by buildings' exterior as the reused industrial heritage and the cultural cluster; (4) Diverse supports for artists make it possible to gather many competent artists, and the cooperative networks among artists play a pivotal role in the development of cultural cluster; (5) The cluster runs educational programs reflecting the needs of local residents, and builds a strong relationship with the local community by supporting regional art industry or developing linked programs; (6) The cluster serves various functions such as cafes, pubs, restaurants, art shops, and bookstores, and hosts appealing events and festivals to attract many people even who are not interested in arts.

Quality Enhancement of Wave Data Observed by Radar at the Socheongcho Ocean Research Station (소청초 종합해양과학기지 Radar 파랑 관측 데이터의 신뢰도 향상)

  • Min, Yongchim;Jeong, JinYong;Shim, Jae-Seol;Do, Kideok
    • Journal of Coastal Disaster Prevention
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.189-196
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    • 2017
  • Ocean Research Stations (ORSs) is the ocean platform type observation towers and measured oceanic, atmospheric and environmental data. These station located on the offshore area far from the coast, so they can produce the data without land effect. This study focused to improve the wave data quality of ORS station. The wave observations at ORSs are used by the C-band (5.8 GHz, 5.17 cm) MIROS Wave and Current Radar (MWR). MWR is convenient to maintenance and produce reliability wave data under bad weather conditions. MWR measured significant wave height, peak wave period, peak wave direction and 2D wave spectrum, so it's can provide wave information for researchers and engineers. In order to improve the reliability of MWR wave data, Datawell Waverider Buoy was installed near the one ORS (Socheoncho station) during 7 months and validate the wave data of MWR. This study found that the wave radar tend to be overestimate the low wave height under wind condition. Firstly, this study carried out the wave Quality Control (QC) using wind data, however the quality of wave data was limited. So, this study applied the four filters (Correlation Check, Direction Filter, Reduce White Noise and Phillips Check) of MWR operating software and find that the filters effectively improve the wave data quality. After applying 3 effective filters in combination, the RMSE of significant wave height decreased from 0.81m to 0.23m, by 0.58m and Correlation increased from 0.66 to 0.96, by 0.32, so the reliability of MWR significant wave height was significantly improved.

Design of the Agent-based Network-Centric Warfare Modeling System (에이전트 기반의 NCW 전투모델링 시스템 설계)

  • Park, Se-Youn;Shin, Ha-Yong;Lee, Tae-Sik;Choi, Bong-Wan
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.271-280
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    • 2010
  • While the future warfare is expected to be appeared as network-centric, effect-based, and coordinated cooperative, most current M&S systems reflect only the unit behaviors and interactions of each weapon system. There are limitations to analyze the behaviors of managing weapons cooperatively and sharing the situational awareness over the networks of distributed sensors, C2, and shooters using them. Therefore, we introduce the new design of the networkcentric warfare modeling system using the agent-based modeling and simulation approach. We have developed a system for engagement-level warfare models and tested with multi-platform battleship warfare. In this paper, we propose the method to design battle agents, environments, and networks for network centric warfare modeling.

Correlation Between Walking Speeds and Lower Extremities Joint Moment in Obese (비만인들의 보행속도와 하지관절모멘트에 대한 상관관계 분석)

  • Shin, Sung-Hyoo;Kim, Tae-Whan;Kwon, Moon-Seok
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.105-115
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to elucidate the mechanical characteristics of lower extremity joint movements at different walking speeds in obese people and suggest the very suitable exercise for obese person's own body weight and basic data for clinical application leading to medical treatment of obesity. This experimental subjects are all males between the ages of 20 and 30, who are classified into two groups according to Body Mass Index(BMI): one group is 15 people with normal body weight and the other 15 obese people. Walking speed is analysed at 3 different speeds (1.5m/s, 1.8m/s, 2.1m/s) which is increased by 0.3m/s from the standard speed of 1.5m/s. We calculated joint moments of lower extremity during stance phase through video recording and platform force measurement.Two-way ANOVA(Analysis of Variance, Mix) is applied to get the difference of moments according to walking speeds between normal and obese groups. Pearson's Correlation Analysis is applied to look into correlation between walking speeds and joint moments in both groups. Significance level of each experiment is set as α=.05. As walking speed increases maximum ankle plantar flexion moment in the stance phase is smaller in obese group than in normal group, which is suggestive of weak toe push-off during terminal stance in obese group, and the highest maximum ankle plantar flexion moment in obese group during the middle speed walking(1.8m/s.). Maximum ankle dorsal flexion moment in obese group is relatively higher than in normal group and this is regarded as a kind of compensatory mechanism to decrease the impact on ankle when heel contacts the floor. Maximum knee flexion and extension moments are both higher in normal group with an increase tendency proportional to walking speed and maximum hip flexion and extension moments higher in obese group. In summary, maximum ankle plantar flexion moment between groups(p<.025), maximum knee moment not in flexion but in extension(p<.001) within each group according to increasing walking speed, and maximum hip flexion and extension moment(p<.001 and p<.004, respectively according to increasing walking speed are statistically significant but knee and hip moments between groups are not. Pearson correlation are different: high correlation coefficients in maximum knee flexion and extension moments, in maximum hip extension moment but not hip flexion, and in maximum ankle dorsal flexion moment but not ankle plantar flexion, in each group. We suspect that equilibrium imbalance develops when the subject increases walking speed and the time is around which he takes his foot off the floor.

Estimation and Analysis of the Vertical Profile Parameters Using HeMOSU-1 Wind Data (HeMOSU-1 풍속자료를 이용한 연직 분포함수의 매개변수 추정 및 분석)

  • Ko, Dong-Hui;Cho, Hong-Yeon;Lee, Uk-Jae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.122-130
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    • 2021
  • A wind-speed estimation at the arbitrary elevations is key component for the design of the offshore wind energy structures and the computation of the wind-wave generation. However, the wind-speed estimation of the target elevation has been carried out by using the typical functions and their typical parameters, e.g., power and logarithmic functions because the available wind speed data is limited to the specific elevation, such as 2~3m, 10 m, and so on. In this study, the parameters of the vertical profile functions are estimated with optimal and analyzed the parameter ranges using the HeMOSU-1 platform wind data monitored at the eight different locations. The results show that the mean value of the exponent of the power function is 0.1, which is significantly lower than the typically recommended value, 0.14. The values of the exponent, the friction velocity, and the roughness parameters are in the ranges 0.0~0.3, 0~10 (m/s), and 0.0~1.0 (m), respectively. The parameter ranges differ from the typical ranges because the atmospheric stability condition is assumed as the neutral condition. To improve the estimation accuracy, the atmospheric condition should be considered, and a more general (non-linear) vertical profile functions should be introduced to fit the diverse profile patterns and parameters.

Automatic Traffic Data Collection Using Simulated Satellite Imagery (인공위성영상을 이용한 교통량측량 자동화)

  • 조우석
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.101-116
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    • 1995
  • The fact that the demands on traffic data collection are imposed by economic and safety considerations raisese the question of the potential for complementing existing traffic data collection programs with satellite data. Evaluating and monitoring traffic characteristics is becoming increasingly important as worsening congestion, declining economic situations, and increasing environmental sensitivies are forcing the government and municipalities to make better use of existing roadway capacities. The present system of using automatic counters at selected points on highways works well from a temporal point of view (i.e., during a specific period of time at one location). However, the present system does not cover the spatial aspects of the entire road system (i.e., for every location during specific periods of time); the counters are employed only at points and only on selected highways. This lack of spatial coverage is due, in part, to the cost of the automatic counters systems (fixed procurement and maintenance costs) and of the personal required to deploy them. The current procedure is believed to work fairly well in the aggregate mode, at the macro level. However, at micro level, the numbers are more suspect. In addition, the statistics only work when assuming a certain homogenity among characteristics of highways in the same class, an assumption that is impossible to test whn little or no data is gathered on many of the highways for a given class. In this paper, a remote sensing system as complement of the existing system is considered and implemented. Since satellite imagery with high resolution is not available, digitized panchromatic imagery acquired from an aircraft platform is utilized for initial test of the feasibility and performance capability of remote sensing data. Different levels of imagery resolutions are evaluated in an attempt to determine what vehicle types could be classified and counted against a background of pavement types, which might be expected in panchromatic satellite imagery. The results of a systematic study with three different levels of resolutions (1m, 2m and 4m) show that the panchromat ic reflectances of vehicles and pavements would be distributed so similarly that it would be difficult to classify systematically and analytically remotely sensing vehicles on pavement within panchromatic range. Anaysis of the aerial photographs show that the shadows of the vehicles could be a cue for vehicle detection.

Development of agricultural reservoir water supply simulation system (농업용 저수지 용수공급 모의 시스템의 개발)

  • Jun, Sang Min;Kang, Moon Seong;Song, Inhong;Song, Jung-Hun;Park, Jihoon;Kee, Woosuk
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.103-114
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    • 2014
  • The objective of this study was to develop agricultural reservoir water supply simulation system to assess water cycle of agricultural water district. Developed system was named as ARWS (Agricultural Reservoir Water supply simulation System). ARWS consists of platform and independent modules. In ARWS, reservoir inflow was calculated using Tank model, and agricultural water supply was calculated considering current farming period and mid-summer drainage. ARWS was applied to simulate water level of Gopung and Tapjung reservoir in 2011 - 2012. The results were compared to simulation results of HOMWRS and observed data. Average R2, EI, RMSE of ARWS were 0.76, 0.46, 1.78 (m), average R2, EI, RMSE of HOMRWS were 0.88, -0.14, 2.37 (m) respectively. Considering statistical variances, water level simulation results of ARWS were more similar to observed data than HOMWRS. ARWS can be useful to estimate reservoir water supply and assess hydrological processes of agricultural water district.

Quantitative Evaluation of Gated Radiation Therapy Using Gamma Index Analysis (감마지표 분석을 통한 호흡연동방사선치료의 정량적 평가)

  • Ma, Sun Young;Choi, Ji Hoon;Jeung, Tae Sig;Lim, Sangwook
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.198-203
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    • 2013
  • Generally, to evaluate gated radiation therapy, moving phantoms are used to simulate organ motion. Since the target moves in every direction, we need to take into account motion in each direction. This study proposes methods to evaluate gated radiation therapy using gamma index analysis and to visualize adequate gating window sizes according to motion ranges. The moving phantom was fabricated to simulate motion in the craniocaudal direction. This phantom consisted of a moving platform, the I'm MatriXX, and solid water phantoms. A 6 MV photon filed with a field size of 4×4cm2 was delivered to the phantom using the gating system, while the phantom moved in the 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-, and 5-cm motion ranges. The gating windows were set at 40~60%, 30~40%, and 0~90%, respectively. The I'm MatriXX acquired the dose distributions for each scenario and the dose distributions were compared with a 4×4cm2 static filed. The tolerance of the gamma index was set at 3%/3 mm. The greater the gating window, the lower the pass rate, and the greater the motion range, the lower the pass rate in this study. In case treatment without gated radiation therapy for the target with motion of 2 cm, the pass rate was less than 96%. But it was greater than 99% when gated radiation therapy was used. However gated radiation therapy was used for the target with motion greater than 4 cm, the pass rate could not be greater than 97% when gating window was set as 30~70%. But when the gating window set as 40~60%, the pass rate was greater than 99%.

Design and Fabrication of Composite Sandwich Payload Platform and Strut Tubes for Satellite Main Body Structures (인공위성 본체 복합재료 샌드위치 플랫폼 및 튜브 스트럿 구조물의 설계 및 제작)

  • Roh, Hui-Seok;Choi, Heung-Seop;Ha, Jae-Seon;Son, Won-Gi;Kim, Cheol;Lee, Ju-Hun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society For Composite Materials Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.228-232
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    • 2002
  • 본 연구에서는 다목적 실용위성 2호기에 적용된 금속 구조물 중 알루미늄 샌드위치 패널 구조인 탑재체 플랫폼과 튜브 스트럿(tube strut) 구조에 복합재료 응용기술을 적용하였다. 복합재료 구조로의 대체 설계에서도 관성하중 및 음향진동등과 같은 극심한 발사환경과 더불어 운용하게 될 우주 열환경을 고려하였다. 연구의 목적은 금속소재보다 비강도, 비강성이 우수한 복합재료를 위성 구조물에 사용함으로써 무게를 경량화함에 있다.

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