• Title/Summary/Keyword: Low-speed

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Evaluation of Multi-Level Memory Characteristics in Ge2Sb2Te5/TiN/W-Doped Ge2Sb2Te5 Cell Structure (Ge2Sb2Te5/TiN/W-Doped Ge2Sb2Te5 셀 구조의 다중준위 메모리 특성 평가 )

  • Jun-Hyeok Jo;Jun-Young Seo;Ju-Hee Lee;Ju-Yeong Park;Hyun-Yong Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.88-93
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    • 2024
  • To evaluate the possibility as a multi-level memory medium for the Ge2Sb2Te5/TiN/W-doped Ge2Sb2Te5 cell structure, the crystallization rate and stabilization characteristics according to voltage (V)- and current (I)- pulse sweeping were investigated. In the cell structures prepared by a magnetron sputtering system on a p-type Si (100) substrate, the Ge2Sb2Te5 and W-doped Ge2Sb2Te5 thin films were separated by a barrier metal, TiN, and the individual thicknesses were varied, but the total thickness was fixed at 200 nm. All cell structures exhibited relatively stable multi-level states of high-middle-low resistance (HR-MR-LR), which guarantee the reliability of the multilevel phase-change random access memory (PRAM). The amorphousto-multilevel crystallization rate was evaluated from a graph of resistance (R) vs. pulse duration (T) obtained by the nanoscaled pulse sweeping at a fixed applied voltage (12 V). For all structures, the phase-change rates of HR→MR and MR→LR were estimated to be approximately t<20 ns and t<40 ns, respectively, and the states were relatively stable. We believe that the doublestack structure of an appropriate Ge-Sb-Te film separated by barrier metal (TiN) can be optimized for high-speed and stable multilevel PRAM.

Characterization of various crystal planes of beta-phase gallium oxide single crystal grown by the EFG method using multi-slit structure (다중 슬릿 구조를 이용한 EFG 법으로 성장시킨 β-Ga2O3 단결정의 다양한 결정면에 따른 특성 분석)

  • Hui-Yeon Jang;Su-Min Choi;Mi-Seon Park;Gwang-Hee Jung;Jin-Ki Kang;Tae-Kyung Lee;Hyoung-Jae Kim;Won-Jae Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2024
  • β-Ga2O3 is a material with a wide band gap of ~4.8 eV and a high breakdown-voltage of 8 MV/cm, and is attracting much attention in the field of power device applications. In addition, compared to representative WBG semiconductor materials such as SiC, GaN and Diamond, it has the advantage of enabling single crystal growth with high growth rate and low manufacturing cost [1-4]. In this study, we succeeded in growing a 10 mm thick β-Ga2O3 single crystal doped with 0.3 mol% SnO2 through the EFG (Edge-defined Film-fed Growth) method using multi-slit structure. The growth direction and growth plane were set to [010]/(010), respectively, and the growth speed was about 12 mm/h. The grown β-Ga2O3 single crystal was cut into various crystal planes (010, 001, 100, ${\bar{2}}01$) and surface processed. The processed samples were compared for characteristics according to crystal plane through analysis such as XRD, UV/VIS/NIR/Spec., Mercury Probe, AFM and Etching. This research is expected to contribute to the development of power semiconductor technology in high-voltage and high-temperature applications, and selecting a substrate with better characteristics will play an important role in improving device performance and reliability.

A Study on Detection of Overloaded Vehicles at Highway Toll Gates Using Detection of Height Changes in Vehicle Cargo Boxes (차량 적재함의 높이 변화 감지를 이용한 고속도로 톨게이트 과적차량 검출에 관한 연구)

  • Gwang Lee;Bong-Keun Kim
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.16 no.3_spc
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    • pp.391-399
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    • 2024
  • All highway toll gates in Korea use low-speed WIM(Weight-In-Motion) to block overloaded cargo vehicles from entering the main highway, but some cargo vehicle owners are illegally modifying vehicles to operate variable axles and evading crackdowns by manipulating the axles. In previous studies detect all tires of a running vehicle were detected to determine whether there is axle manipulation. However, because the vehicle entry area at the highway toll gate checkpoint is very narrow, there is a problem that it is realistically difficult to film all tires of the entering vehicle in one video frame. In this paper, we proposed a system that can determine whether the axle is being operated through changes in the height of the vehicle's cargo box rather than by detecting tires. To detect changes in the height of a cargo box, we propose a method to extract the representative line of the cargo box using Hough transform and then measure the change in height of the representative line to detect the change in height of the cargo box. In addition, we propose a method to detect changes in the vertical height of a cargo box by accumulating motion vectors of pixels within a certain area of the image using optical flow. And the two methods were compared and their advantages and disadvantages were analyzed and presented.

Flexible Planar Heater Comprising Ag Thin Film on Polyurethane Substrate (폴리우레탄 유연 기판을 이용한 Ag 박막형 유연 면상발열체 연구)

  • Seongyeol Lee;Dooho Choi
    • Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.29-34
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    • 2024
  • The heating element utilizing the Joule heating generated when current flows through a conductor is widely researched and developed for various industrial applications such as moisture removal in automotive windshield, high-speed train windows, and solar panels. Recently, research utilizing heating elements with various nanostructures has been actively conducted to develop flexible heating elements capable of maintaining stable heating even under mechanical deformation conditions. In this study, flexible polyurethane possessing excellent flexibility was selected as the substrate, and silver (Ag) thin films with low electrical resistivity (1.6 μΩ-cm) were fabricated as the heating layer using magnetron sputtering. The 2D heating structure of the Ag thin films demonstrated excellent heating reproducibility, reaching 95% of the target temperature within 20 seconds. Furthermore, excellent heating characteristics were maintained even under mechanically deforming environments, exhibiting outstanding flexibility with less than a 3% increase in electrical resistance observed in repetitive bending tests (10,000 cycles, based on a curvature radius of 5 mm). This demonstrates that polyurethane/Ag planar heating structure bears promising potential as a flexible/wearable heating element for curved-shaped appliances and objects subjected to diverse stresses such as human body parts.

Analysis of Domestic and Overseas Radioactive Waste Maritime Transportation and Dose Assessment for the Public by Sinking Accident (국내·외 방사성폐기물 해상운반 현황 및 침몰사고 시 일반인 선량평가 사례 분석)

  • Ga Eun Oh;Min Woo Kwak;Hyeok Jae Kim;Kwang Pyo Kim
    • Journal of Radiation Industry
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2024
  • Demand for RW transportation is expected to increase due to the continuous generation of RW from nuclear power plants and facilities, decommissioning of plants, and saturation of spent fuel temporary storage facilities. The locational aspect of plants and radiation protection optimization for the public have led to an increasing demand for maritime transportation, necessitating to apprehend the overseas and domestic current status. Given the potential long-term radiological impact on the public in the event of a sinking accident, a pre-transportation exposure assessment is necessary. The objective of this study is to investigate the overseas and domestic RW maritime transportation current status and overseas dose assessment cases for the public in sinking accident. Selected countries, including Japan, UK, Sweden, and Korea, were examined for transport cases, Japan and the U.S were chosen for dose assessment case in sinking accidents. As a result of the maritime transportation case analysis, it was performed between nuclear power plants and reprocessing facilities, from plants to disposal or intermediate storage facilities. HLW and MOX fuel were transported using INF 3 shipments, and all transports were performed low speed of 13 kn or less. As a result of the dose assessment for the public in sinking accident, japan conducted an assessment for the sinking of spent fuel and vitrified HLW, and the U.S conducted for the sinking of spent fuel. Both countries considered external exposure through swimming and working at seashore, and internal exposure through seafood ingestion as exposure pathway. Additionally, Japan considered external exposure through working on board and fishing, and the U.S considered internal exposure through spray inhalation and desalinized water and salt ingestion. Internal exposure through seafood ingestion had the largest dose contribution. The average public exposure dose was 20 years after the sinking, 0.04 mSv yr-1 for spent fuel and 5 years after the sinking, 0.03 mSv yr-1 for vitrified HLW in Japan. In the U.S, it was 1.81 mSv yr-1 5 years after the sinking of spent fuel. The results of this study will be used as fundamental data for maritime transportation of domestic RW in the future.

A Study on the Factors for Danjing Port Development by Employing IPA (당진항의 발전 요인에 대한 IPA 분석)

  • Shin, Da-Som;Lee, Choong-Bae
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.211-227
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    • 2024
  • As the role of logistics shifts to a system that supports supply chain management, the roles and functions of ports are becoming more expanded, complex, and sophisticated. Ports have now moved beyond simply supporting maritime transportation to playing a central role in the supply chain and national or regional economy. As a result, national and local governments are investing and making efforts for port development. The purpose of this study is to analyze key factors for the development of Pyeongtaek and Dangjin Ports, identify their importance and satisfaction, and suggest ways to strengthen competitiveness. To this end, a survey was conducted targeting stakeholders at Dangjin Port, and the 13 derived factors were compared and analyzed based on importance and satisfaction. As a result of the analysis, the importance was found to be high in docking capacity, cargo processing speed, inland transportation connectivity, and creation of a port logistics cluster, but satisfaction with these factors was relatively low. In particular, the introduction of smart ports and improving the efficiency of CIQ (immigration and customs clearance) were found to be significantly lacking in satisfaction compared to their importance, requiring intensive improvement. In conclusion, in order to increase the competitiveness of Dangjin Port, strengthening logistics infrastructure such as wharf expansion, creation of a logistics cluster, and rapid cargo handling is essential. In addition, port operation efficiency must be increased through the introduction of smart ports and the establishment of an independent CIQ system. Through this, Dangjin Port will be able to achieve sustainable growth in the future.

PM2.5 Prediction Model Performance and Variable Impact Analysis Using SHAP (SHAP을 활용한 PM2.5 예측 모델 성능 및 변수 영향력 분석)

  • Yong-jin, Jung;Chang-Heon Oh
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.760-766
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    • 2024
  • Machine learning and deep learning are being researched in various fields and applied in real life. Designing reliable models is crucial, and understanding the results of these models is necessary. This paper analyzes the impact of variables on prediction values using SHAP. Prediction models for PM2.5 were designed using DNN and LSTM algorithms. The training and test data were composed by selecting weather data and air pollutant data through correlation analysis. The RMSE and accuracy for AQI categories were checked for both prediction models, with the LSTM algorithm showing slightly better performance. The contribution of variables to the prediction values of both models was confirmed using SHAP. It was found that air pollutant data had a high contribution in predicting PM2.5, and temperature among weather data had a high contribution in the prediction process of both models. Both models showed that high values of temperature, wind speed, and sea level pressure decreased prediction values, while low values increased them. For NO2 , PM10, and SO2, the LSTM model showed a bidirectional impact on prediction values, unlike the DNN model.

Overview of 5G-NR-V2X System and Analysis Methodology of Communication Performance (5G-NR-V2X 시스템 개요 및 통신 성능 분석방법론)

  • Ji-Min Lee;Seong-Hyun Jang;Sang-Hun Yoon;Ki-Taeg Lim;Dae-Kyo Shin;Soo-Hyun Jang;Jun-Hyek Jang;Byoung-Man An
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.310-320
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    • 2024
  • This article describes the 5G-NR-V2X system and its communication performance methodology. We present a system that can develop and verify the performance of self-driving services in a real road test environment using OBU and RSU for 5G-NR-V2X communication (level 4 or higher). This system ensures ultra-high speed (150Mbps or more), ultra-low latency (3ms or less), and high reliability (99.99 percent) in communication robustness, even under malicious conditions. The 5G-NR-V2X system and performance analysis method proposed in this paper are anticipated to aid in the development of V2X communication technologies that are ultrafast, ultralow-delay, and high-confidence. In addition, it is expected that the services validated by the suggested performance analysis technique will enhance technological competitiveness in the road, transportation, logistics, and commerce industries.

A Study on Improvement of Torque Characteristics of 10kW Class Axial Magnetic Flux In-wheel Motor according to Permanent Magnet Shape (영구자석 형상에 따른 10kW급 축방향 자속 인 휠 모터의 토크 특성 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Hyeon-Jun Kim;Soo-Whang Baek
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.1167-1172
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    • 2024
  • This paper is a study on the comparison and improvement of torque characteristics of axial flux permanent magnet motor (AFPMM) according to the shape of permanent magnet of rotor. The in-wheel motor is designed as an AFPMM type that is smaller than the radial flux permanent magnet motor and exhibits high torque characteristics in the low-speed range. The shape of permanent magnet was selected as fan shape and trapezoid shape, and the characteristics of two shapes of in-wheel motor were analyzed using 3D finite element method. When the shape of permanent magnet of rotor was fan shape, the rated torque was superior than that of trapezoid shape. On the other hand, peak to peak of torque ripple and cogging torque were superior in trapezoid shape. As a result of analyzing the demagnetization characteristics of in-wheel motor, it was confirmed that no demagnetization was occurred in both shapes even under temperature condition of 150℃. As a result, the in-wheel motor of fan shape showed an efficiency of 95.8%, and the in-wheel motor of trapezoid shape showed an efficiency of 95.9%.

Pipetting Stability and Improvement Test of the Robotic Liquid Handling System Depending on Types of Liquid (용액에 따른 자동분주기의 분주능력 평가와 분주력 향상 실험)

  • Back, Hyangmi;Kim, Youngsan;Yun, Sunhee;Heo, Uisung;Kim, Hosin;Ryu, Hyeonggi;Lee, Guiwon
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.62-68
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    • 2016
  • Purpose In a cyclosporine experiment using a robotic liquid handing system has found a deviation of its standard curve and low reproducibility of patients's results. The difference of the test is that methanol is mixed with samples and the extractions are used for the test. Therefore, we assumed that the abnormal test results came from using methanol and conducted this test. In a manual of a robotic liquid handling system mentions that we can choose several setting parameters depending on the viscosity of the liquids being used, the size of the sampling tips and the motor speeds that you elect to use but there's no exact order. This study was undertaken to confirm pipetting ability depending on types of liquids and investigate proper setting parameters for the optimum dispensing ability. Materials and Methods 4types of liquids(water, serum, methanol, PEG 6000(25%)) and $TSH^{125}I$ tracer(515 kBq) are used to confirm pipetting ability. 29 specimens for Cyclosporine test are used to compare results. Prepare 8 plastic tubes for each of the liquids and with multi pipette $400{\mu}l$ of each liquid is dispensed to 8 tubes and $100{\mu}l$ of $TSH^{125}I$ tracer are dispensed to all of the tubes. From the prepared samples, $100{\mu}l$ of liquids are dispensed using a robotic liquid handing system, counted and calculated its CV(%) depending on types of liquids. And then by adjusting several setting parameters(air gap, dispense time, delay time) the change of the CV(%)are calcutated and finds optimum setting parameters. 29 specimens are tested with 3 methods. The first(A) is manual method and the second(B) is used robotic liquid handling system with existing parameters. The third(C) is used robotic liquid handling system with adjusted parameters. Pipetting ability depending on types of liquids is assessed with CV(%). On the basis of (A), patients's test results are compared (A)and(B), (A)and(C) and they are assessed with %RE(%Relative error) and %Diff(%Difference). Results The CV(%) of the CPM depending on liquid types were water 0.88, serum 0.95, methanol 10.22 and PEG 0.68. As expected dispensing of methanol using a liquid handling system was the problem and others were good. The methanol's dispensing were conducted by adjusting several setting parameters. When transport air gap 0 was adjusted to 2 and 5, CV(%) were 20.16, 12.54 and when system air gap 0 was adjusted to 2 and 5, CV(%) were 8.94, 1.36. When adjusted to system air gap 2, transport air gap 2 was 12.96 and adjusted to system air gap 5, Transport air gap 5 was 1.33. When dispense speed was adjusted 300 to 100, CV(%) was 13.32 and when dispense delay was adjusted 200 to 100 was 13.55. When compared (B) to (A), the result increased 99.44% and %RE was 93.59%. When compared (C-system air gap was adjusted 0 to 5) to (A), the result increased 6.75% and %RE was 5.10%. Conclusion Adjusting speed and delay time of aspiration and dispense was meaningless but changing system air gap was effective. By adjusting several parameters proper value was found and it affected the practical result of the experiment. To optimize the system active efforts are needed through the test and in case of dispensing new types of liquids proper test is required to check the liquid is suitable for using the equipment.

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