• Title/Summary/Keyword: Low-Frequency

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Chronic Kidney Disease-mineral Bone Disorder and Active Vitamin D Analogs for Treating Severe Hyperparathyroidism in Children Receiving Chronic Peritoneal Dialysis (소아복막투석환자에서 CKD-MBD와 중증 부갑상샘 기능항진증에서 비타민 D 치료)

  • Kang, Eun Gu;Lee, Joo Hoon;Park, Young Seo
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.64-70
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The aims of this study were to assess the clinical and laboratory profiles of chronic kidney disease-mineral bone disorder (CKD-MBD) and to assess the effects of treatment of active vitamin D analogs on severe hyperparathyroidism (SHPT) in pediatric patients on chronic peritoneal dialysis. Methods: This is a retrospective study included 53 patients who had been undergoing dialysis for more than 1 year, between January 2003 and December 2012. Results: Even after treatment with phosphate binders and active vitamin D analogs, the $mean{\pm}standard$ deviation of the percentage of time during peritoneal dialysis that the patients' serum concentrations of phosphorus, corrected total calcium, and parathyroid hormone (PTH) fell within the Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative recommended ranges was $25.06{\pm}17.47%$, $53.30{\pm}23.03%$, and $11.52{\pm}9.51%$, respectively. Clinical symptoms or radiological signs of CKD-MBD were observed in 10 patients (18.9%). There were significant differences in percentage of time that the serum intact PTH concentration was outside of the recommended range between patients with and without symptoms or signs of CKD-MBD (below recommended range, $11.74{\pm}7.37%$ vs. $40.77{\pm}25.39%$, P <0.001; above the recommended range, $63.79{\pm}27.86%$ vs. $37.09{\pm}27.76%$, P =0.022). Of the 25 patients with SHPT, high-dose alfacalcidol treatment was required in 13 patients that controlled SHPT in 7 of these patients, without marked complications. Conclusion: Despite our efforts to manage CKD-MBD, patients' met the recommended ranges from relevant guidelines at a low frequency. The treatment of high-dose active vitamin D analogs was required in about half of the patients with SHPT and effective in about half of them.

An Analysis of Factors That Affect Image Quality Deterioration in The Potable X-ray Examination on using Digital Wireless Detector (디지털 무선 검출기를 이용한 이동형 X선검사에서 영상품질 저하의 요인분석)

  • Yu, Young-Eun;Lim, Cheong-Hwan;Ko, Joo-Young
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.93-100
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    • 2014
  • Recently the development of portable digital wireless imaging system, which acquires digital radiation images by using wireless LAN telecommunications function in an easy and fast way, provides lots of convenience for people. Considering the characteristics of portable imaging tests on emergency and critical patients, this study aims to suggest guidelines for Digital wireless detector by evaluating the effect of de-centering of focus-grid and displacement of subject in detector on the quality of image. The equipments used for this study were Elmo-T6 Digital Mobile X-ray system (SIMAZU Corp.), el' Tor ($14{\times}17$ "Wireless detector), Grid (10:1) and Chest & head phantom. After acquiring post-processing image according to dose increase and de-centering image of grid-focus and head phantom displacement image, this study compared, analyzed and evaluated these images by using a digital image analysis program by Image J. In the change of images based on dose increase, images were rough in the dose of 0.5 mAs, while there was no difference among images in the proper dose of 1~2 mAs and, especially from 2.5 mAs, average value of pixels radically decreased, affecting contrast. Over 3 mAs, contrast dropped due to saturation phenomenon of lungs. As the result of analysis using Image J program, with the increase of displacement between focus-grid and head phantom, the frequency of low pixel value also increase, causing the outline of surface image to disappear, which in turn affects contrast. For better quality imaging, a radiographer must be aware before the time of test that the image quality can be changed based on the critical patient's posture, movement, respiration, displacement of X-ray tube and distance of imaging.

Characteristics of Fish Utilization of the Nature-like Fishway Installed at the Beakjae Weir (백제보에 설치된 자연형 어도의 어류 이용 특성 분석)

  • Kim, Jeong-Hui;Yoon, Ju-Duk;Park, Sang-Hyeon;Lee, Jin-Woong;Baek, Seung-Ho;Jang, Min-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.212-218
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    • 2015
  • In South Korea, various nature-like fishways recently been installed for use by a wide variety of fish species. However, limited attempts have been made to monitor the fish utilization. The present study was conducted to ascertain the frequencies and patterns of utilization of the fishway installed at Beakjae Weir. We collected fish species that use the fishway by installing a fyke net at the exit of the fishway at least once a month from April 2013 to October 2013. Additionally, in order to identify all fish species that can potentially use the fishway, we investigated the fish fauna downstream to Beakjae Weir (mainstream of the Geum River). We found that 10 species belonging to 2 families used the fishway; this accounted for 64% of the total species inhabiting the mainstream. The species that used the fishway most frequently were Microphysogobio jeoni, followed by Squaliobarbus curriculus and Opsariichthys uncirostris amurensis. The highest number of fish using the fishway was observed in August, which was positively correlated with the water temperature (Spearman rank correlation, $r_s$=0.743, P=0.035). The sizes of the fish using the fishway varied widely, with the total body length ranging from 39 mm to 550 mm. Analysis of the time-dependent utilization frequency revealed that most fish used the fishway during the night (20:00~08:00). Compared to other fishways installed along the Geum River, the fishway installed at Beakjae Weir was used by fewer species and fish. This may be attributed to the structural inadequacy of the fishway, thereby resulting in a low attraction efficiency. Therefore, measures should be adopted to enhance the fishway attraction and passage efficiency. The results of this study can be used to ensure efficient operation and management of the Beakjae Weir fishway as well as serve as basic data for developing and building nature-like fishways tailored to Korean situations.

The Study on the State of Health and dietary Habits of boy′s and Girl′s High School Students in Seoul (서울시내 남.녀 고등학생들의 식습관과 건강상태에 관한 연구)

  • 박성효;정낙원;이효지
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.67-80
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    • 1991
  • This study researched the dietary habit of boy's and girl's high school students, and into low it was connected with the state of health between the group of having the right dietary habit and the group of having the wrong habit. Results were as follows: 1. The age about the object person of research was the most numerous in 79% at 16~17 years old, the average weight was $55.67\pm9.08$kg, the average height was $165.47\pm7.56$cm. 2. In the parent's school career of the object person of research, persons who graduated high school were many. The mother's educational level was lower than the father's school career. The parent's school career in the district south of a river was higher than the parent's school career in the district north of a river. And the parent's school career of cultural students was high. 3. The frequency of food intake in the district north of a river and in the district south of a river was a meaningful difference in the vegetables blended in green and yellow things (p<.01), fruit (p<.05), rice, flour, potatoes (p<.05), and so the district north of a river took less than the district south of a river. 4. The most regular diet in a day was lunch. The appetite of the students was generally good. 5. The general environment and state of health were a meaningful difference about melancholia (p<.05) in the district of north and south of river, and so melancholia in students of the north of a river was high. 6. The state of health according to regular diet was a meaningful difference, so regular student was better than irregular student in state of health, and was the same in study. 7. Eating habit correlated much to each state of health, Especially in physical health, the muscular frame correlated to fruit (p<.001), seaweeds (p<.05), fried food, jun, panbroiled food (p<.05), salty taste (p<.05), sour taste(p<.001).

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Statistical Studies on the Gestation and Delivery of the Pregnant Women and on the Neonates (한국부인의 임신.분만 및 신생아에 대한 통계적 연구)

  • Choi, Joong-Myung
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.193-202
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    • 1984
  • Clinical and statistical observations were performed on 1,930 cases of pregnant women who were admitted for delivery in the Department of Obstetrics, Kyung Hee University Hospital during 1 year (1982) and on 1,961 cases of neonates who were born to the former. The results were obtained as follows: 1. Concerning maternal age distribution, the commonest age group was that of $25{\sim}29$ and the proportion of the age group $20{\sim}29$ was 82.4% of all. 2. Concerning obstetrical history, the proportion of the women who had no prior experience of delivery nor abortion was the highest, 45.5%. 3. Concerning abortion history, 36.1% of the women had experienced it and the mean number was 1.8. 4. Type of delivery was as follows: Spontaneous delivery; 58.1%, Vacuum extracted delivery; 22.4%, Cesarean section; 18:8%, Breech delivery; 0.7%. 5. Gestational period distribution of the neonates was as follows: Under 37 weeks (Preterm); 7.1%, Between 38 and 42 weeks (Term); 87.2%, More than 43 weeks (Postterm); 5.7%. 6. Sex ratio of male to female of the neonates was 1.03:1. 7. Birth weight distribution was as follows: Under 2,500gm.; 9.0%, Between 2,501 and 4,000 gm.; 85.5%, More than 4,001gm.; 5.5%. 8. The measured growth data of neonates were as follows: Body weight; 3.28kg. for male, 3.18kg. for female, Body height; 50.40cm for male, 49.77cm for female, Chest circumference; 32.54cm for male. 32.17cm for female, Head circumference; 33.49cm for male, 33.11cm for female. 9. The mean values of Apgar score per 1 minute were 7.70 for male and 7.63 for female. 10. The incidence rate of neonatal jaundice was 50.0% and no difference in sex respectively, but more prevalent in preform baby. 11. The incidence rate of neonatal diseases was 8.9% and the commonest disease was neonatal infection (35.6%). 12. Concerning multiple pregnancy, ratio to single births was 1 : 64.3 and the sex ratio of male to female was 1 : 1.03. 13. The incidence rate of congenital anomaly was 2.4% and the commonest anomaly was digestive system anomaly (30.9%). 14. The neonatal mortality rate was 11.73 per 1,000 neonates, and the majority of neonatal deaths were in low birth weight and preform neonates (78.3%). 15. The causes of neonatal deaths in decreasing order of frequency were abnormal ventilation (39.1%), prematurity (30.4%), congenital anomaly (13.0%) and etc.

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Effects of Various Physical and Chemical Factors on the Death of Trouble Seaweed Ulva australis (구멍갈파래(Ulva australis) 해조류 사멸에 미치는 여러 물리화학적 요인들의 영향)

  • Kim, Jin-Seog;Kwak, Hwa Sook;Kim, Bo Gwan
    • Weed & Turfgrass Science
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.222-234
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    • 2017
  • Green tides, which was mainly caused by Ulva spp., have been increasing in severity and frequency globally, and have negatively affected on marine ecosystems. This study was conducted to investigate effects of various physical and chemical factors on the death of Ulva australis (ULAUS) and to consider a practical measures useful for alleviating Ulva bloom. Soaking of ULAUS thalli in pure water for 8 hr didn't induce a death, but incubation in 1.0-1.5% salinity for 7 d inhibited sporulation by about 70%. Desiccation gave rise to a serious damage when more than 40-50% of initial fresh weight was lost. ULAUS growth was sensitive to temperature and seriously inhibited from more than $30^{\circ}C$. At $35^{\circ}C$, $40^{\circ}C$, $45^{\circ}C$ and $50^{\circ}C$, treatment time required for 90-95% death of ULAUS thalli was 1 d, 10 min, 30 sec, and 1 sec, repectively. ULAUS growth was seriously inhibited at lower than pH 6.0 and completely dead at pH 4.0. Several compounds for ULAUS control was selected and the chemcals causing a rapid death were oxidants such as hydrogen peroxide and sodium percarbonate. Taken together, our results suggest that low salinities, dryness, pH, high temp. and compounds could be selected for Ulva bloom control, and high temperature and compounds seems to be useful for a development of practical control methods.

Analysis of Relativity Between Invasiveness on Chest of Tomographic Finding and Histopathologic Invasiveness (종격동 종양의 전산화 단층촬영(CT)소견, 수술소견 및 병리조직학적 침윤도 사이의 상관성 분석)

  • 김용희;이현우
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.30 no.8
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    • pp.780-785
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    • 1997
  • Mediastinal tumor had been fascinated by its location on heart, great vessels, esophagus, and nervous tissue, its convenience of surgical treatment and superiority of its operative result. Between January 1989 and June 1995, eighty-seven patients with mediastinal tumor which were treated surgically in the Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Asan Medical Center, School of Medicine, University of Ulsan. To provide the appropriate surgical management of mediastinal tumor, the demographic data, diagnostic evaluation, clinical presentation, location, size, operative finding and histopathologic distribution were reviewed and we analyzed relativity between invasiveness in chest computed tomographic finding or invasiveness on operative finding and histopathologic invasiveness. The anterosuperior mediastinum was the most commonly involved site of a mediastinal tumor(57%), followed by the posterior mediastinum(35%) and middle mediastinum(8%). The most frequently encountered tumors were thymic neoplasia(31%), followed by primary cyst(22%), neurogenic tumor(22%) and teratoma(10%) in decreasing order of frequency. Histopathologically invasive tumors were present in 17 patients(20%) and its site included anterosuperior mediastinum(16%) and posterior mediastinum(4%). All patients in this study underwent chest CT. In chest CT's finding, 15 patients(17%) showed invasiveness. A total excision of the tumor was performed 80 patients(92%), subtotal excision 6 patients(7%) and biopsy only 1 patient(2%). In operative finding, 14 patients(16%) were suspected invasiveness. The mean size of the tumor was 6.0$\pm$ 3.2cm. In anterosuperior mediastinum, the mean size was 6.2$\pm$3.1cm, in middle mediastinum, it was 3.9$\pm$1.1cm, in posterior mediastinum, it was 5.8$\pm$2.6cm. In malignant tumors, the mean size was 7.3$\pm$4.6cm, in benign tumor, it was 5.5$\pm$2.6cm(P<0.05). Relativity between histopathological invasiveness(17 patients) and invasiveness in chest CT's finding(15 patients) included sensitivity 35%, specificity 87% and predictability 35%, relativity between histopathological invasiveness(17 patients) and invasiveness on operative finding included sensitivity 52%, specificity 93% and predictability 64%. In conclusion, since it was proved that the compatibility of preoperative chest CT findings or operative findings and histopathological invasiveness is quite low, it is considered that wide excision of the mediastinal tumor except cystic lesion including adjacent tissues would yield better postoperative results.

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Obstetric and Neonatal Outcomes of the Teenage Pregnancy (청소년 임신에 따른 임산부와 신생아의 주산기 문제점)

  • Shin, Jeong-Hee;Bauer, Siegfried;Yoon, Young-Sun;Jeong, Hyun-Chul;Rhie, Young-Jun;Lee, Jang-Hoon;Woo, Chan-Wook;Choi, Byung-Min;Kim, Hai-Joong;Park, Sang-Hee;Song, Ji-Won
    • Neonatal Medicine
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.94-101
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    • 2010
  • Purpose:In recent years, Korea has showed a steady increase in the frequency of teenage birth, while the overall birth rate has declined. As the teenage birth is known as a high risk pregnancy itself, we examined perinatal complications of teenage mothers and whose neonates in aspects of medical problem, and social status and support. Methods:We examined the perinatal characteristics of teenage mothers and whose babies, who were hospitalized at Korea University Ansan Hospital from January 2004 to July 2009 using medical records retrospectively. Twenty-seven teenage mothers and their 28 babies were enrolled in this study. Results:Teenage mothers were all unmarried and showed high rates of preterm labor, maternal anemia, and unexpected delivery. Among them, 11 (40.7%) were from families that were separated. Eleven mothers (40.7%) did not have any antenatal care. There were high rates of prematurity and low birth weight (60.7% and 64.3%, respectively). The complication included: respiratory distress syndrome, patent ductus arteriosus and necrotizing enterocolitis. Fourteen babies (51.9%) were not going to be brought up by their biological parents. Conclusion:Teenage pregnancy had high rates of preterm labor and associated complications, often caused by the lack of proper antenatal care. Babies from unmarried mothers were likely to be adopted and this could be a social burden. Therefore, to reduce unplanned teenage pregnancy and births, sex education and social supports should be provided to all teenagers.

Effect of Rice Seed Disinfection of Loess-sulfur on the Suppression of Bakanae disease caused by Fusarium fujikuroi (벼 키다리병 방제에 관한 황토유황의 종자소독 효과)

  • So, Hyun-Kyu;Kim, Yong-Ki;Hong, Sung-Jun;Han, Eun-Jung;Park, Jong-Ho;Shim, Chang-Ki;Kim, Min-Jeong;Kim, Seok-Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.345-355
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    • 2017
  • This study was conducted to evaluate rice seed disinfection efficacy of loess-sulfur for the suppression of Bakanae disease caused by Fusarium fujikuroi. Rice seeds were treated at different concentrations of loess-sulfur, soaking time and temperature, and combination of hot-water treatment. Rice cultivar, Shindongjin harvested from Bakanae disease-infested area in 2015, was used. Loess-sulfur was treated as follows; concentration of undiluted solution, 2%, 1% and 0.5%; soaking time of 24 and 48 hours; treatment temperature of $20^{\circ}C$ and $30^{\circ}C$; hot water treatment or not. Optimal conditions of rice seed disinfection were selected soaking time of 48 hours and the suspension of 0.5% and 1% loess-sulfur by investigating seed germination and isolation frequency of Fusarium spp. on Komada agar medium in vitro, and were established 3 disinfection conditions as hot water ($60^{\circ}C$, 10 min.) + 1% loess-sulfur ($20^{\circ}C$, 48 hours), 1% loess-sulfur only ($30^{\circ}C$, 48 hours) and 1% loess-sulfur only ($20^{\circ}C$, 48 hours) through additional test in greenhouse. Above 3 conditions were verified by rice seedling box and paddy field test in the way of investigating Bakanae diseased plants (%) and healthy plants (%). Consequently, most effective rice seed disinfection conditions on Bakanae disease were combination of hot water and 1% loess-sulfur and loess-sulfur only at $30^{\circ}C$. Furthermore, treatments with these conditions showed control value of 100% were maintained from seedling to the heading stage in the field. However, treatment of 1% loess-sulfur only at $20^{\circ}C$ showed low control value of 78.2% in paddy field. Hot water only treatment turned out to be an effective disinfection method when conducted thoroughly with $60^{\circ}C$, 10 min. However, it was thought additional soaking process with loess-sulfur after hot water treatment served more high control effect against Bakanae disease when rice seeds were disinfected on a large scale. This results expected rice seed disinfection with loess-sulfur were effectively and easily usable method if farmers had only one of either hot water-disinfector or seed-disinfector. In addition, loess-sulfur is well-known to farmers, simple to manufacture method and cheap.

Spaciotemporal Distributions of PM10 Concentration and Their Correlation with Local Temperature Changes : a Case Study of Busan Metropolitan City (PM10 농도의 시공간적 분포 특징과 국지적 기온 변화 간의 상관관계: 부산광역시 사례 분석)

  • Park, Sunyurp
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.151-167
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    • 2017
  • The main objective of this study was to investigate the climatic impact of $PM_{10}$ concentration on the temperature change pattern in Busan Metropolitan City(BMC), Korea during 2001~2015. Mean $PM_{10}$ concentration of BMC has gradually declined over the past 15 years. While the highest $PM_{10}$ concentration was observed in spring followed by winter, summer, and fall on average, the seasonal variations of $PM_{10}$ concentration differed from place to place within the city. Frequency analysis showed that the most frequently observed $PM_{10}$ concentration ranged from $20{\mu}g/m^3$ to $60{\mu}g/m^3$, which accounted for 64.6% of all daily observations. Overall, the west-high and east-low pattern of $PM_{10}$ concentration was relatively strong during the winter when the effect of yellow-dust events on the air quality was weak. Comparative analyses between $PM_{10}$ concentration and monthly temperature slope derived from generalized temperature curves indicated that the decreasing trend of $PM_{10}$ concentration was associated with increases of annual temperature range, and $PM_{10}$ concentration had a negative relationship with the temperature slope of warming months. Overall, $PM_{10}$ concentration had a weak correlation with the annual mean temperature, but it had a significant, positive correlation with the winter season, which had a dominant influence on the annual mean temperature. In terms of energy budget, it has been known that the change in $PM_{10}$ concentration contributes to the warming or cooling effect by affecting the radiative forcing due to the reflection and absorption of radiant energy. The correlation between $PM_{10}$ concentration and temperature changes in the study area was not seasonally and spatially consistent, and its significance was statistically limited partly due to the number of observations and the lack of potential socioeconomic factors relevant to urban air quality.

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