• Title/Summary/Keyword: Local terrain model

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Site - Specific Frost Warning Based on Topoclimatic Estimation of Daily Minimum Temperature (지형기후모형에 근거한 서리경보시스템 구축)

  • Chung Uran;Seo Hee Cheol;Yun Jin I.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.164-169
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    • 2004
  • A spatial interpolation scheme incorporating local geographic potential for cold air accumulation (TOPSIM) was used to test the feasibility of operational frost warning in Chatancheon basin in Yeoncheon County, where the introduction of new crops including temperate zone fruits is planned. Air temperature from April to June 2003 was measured at one-minute intervals at four locations within the basin. Cold-air accumulation potentials (CAP) at 4 sites were calculated for 3 different catchment scales: a rectangular area of 65 x 55 km which covers the whole county, the KOWACO (Korea Water Corporation) hydrologic unit which includes all 4 sites, and the sub-basins delineated by a stream network analysis of the digital elevation model. Daily minimum temperatures at 4 sites were calculated by interpolating the perfect prognosis (i.e., synoptic observations at KMA Dongducheon station) based on TOPSIM with 3 different CAPs. Mean error, mean absolute error, and root mean square error were calculated for 45 days with no precipitation to test the model performance. For the 3 flat locations, little difference was detected in model performance among 3 catchment areas, but the best performance was found with the CAPs calculated for sub-basins at one site (Oksan) on complex terrain. When TOPSIM loaded with sub-basin CAPs was applied to Oksan to predict frost events during the fruit flowering period in 2004, the goodness of fit was sufficient for making an operational frost warning system for mountainous areas.

The effects of topography on local wind-induced pressures of a medium-rise building

  • Hitchcock, P.A.;Kwok, K.C.S.;Wong, K.S.;Shum, K.M.
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.433-449
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    • 2010
  • Wind tunnel model tests were conducted for a residential apartment block located within the complex terrain of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). The test building is typical of medium-rise residential buildings in Hong Kong. The model study was conducted using modelling techniques and assumptions that are commonly used to predict design wind loads and pressures for buildings sited in regions of significant topography. Results for the building model with and without the surrounding topography were compared to investigate the effects of far-field and near-field topography on wind characteristics at the test building site and wind-induced external pressure coefficients at key locations on the building facade. The study also compared the wind tunnel test results to topographic multipliers and external pressure coefficients determined from nine international design standards. Differences between the external pressure coefficients stipulated in the various standards will be exacerbated when they are combined with the respective topographic multipliers.

Traditional Software Development for WLAN Propagation Model

  • Ibrahim Anwar Hassan;Ismail Mahamod;Jumari Kasmiran;Kiong Tiong Sieh
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.123-128
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    • 2007
  • SPWPM traditional software development is surveyed and essential problems are investigated on the basis of system wireless link considerations. This paper presents the current state software planning tools for wireless LAN link optimization. The software directory is based on combination of MatLab and MapInfo software and measurement which gives the best grouping parameters to build up the software development. Among the requirements assumed, the WLAN site selections must be Line-of-sight (LOS) or near line of sight (NLOS) field strength prediction for either point to point or point to multi points. The results obtainable the out put of the program include two-dimensional (2D) and three dimensional (3D) plots for creating the link; design parameters through GUI representing the height and location for each antenna is depending on K-factor of the area and transmit antenna location.

Floods and Flood Warning in New Zealand

  • Doyle, Martin
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.20-25
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    • 2012
  • New Zealand suffers from regular floods, these being the most common source of insurance claims for damage from natural hazard events in the country. This paper describes the origin and distribution of the largest floods in New Zealand, and describes the systems used to monitor and predict floods. In New Zealand, broad-scale heavy rainfall (and flooding), is the result of warm moist air flowing out from the tropics into the mid-latitudes. There is no monsoon in New Zealand. The terrain has a substantial influence on the distribution of rainfall, with the largest annual totals occurring near the South Island's Southern Alps, the highest mountains in the country. The orographic effect here is extreme, with 3km of elevation gained over a 20km distance from the coast. Across New Zealand, short duration high intensity rainfall from thunderstorms also causes flooding in urban areas and small catchments. Forecasts of severe weather are provided by the New Zealand MetService, a Government owned company. MetService uses global weather models and a number of limited-area weather models to provide warnings and data streams of predicted rainfall to local Councils. Flood monitoring, prediction and warning are carried out by 16 local Councils. All Councils collect their own rainfall and river flow data, and a variety of prediction methods are utilized. These range from experienced staff making intuitive decisions based on previous effects of heavy rain, to hydrological models linked to outputs from MetService weather prediction models. No operational hydrological models are linked to weather radar in New Zealand. Councils provide warnings to Civil Defence Emergency Management, and also directly to farmers and other occupiers of flood prone areas. Warnings are distributed by email, text message and automated voice systems. A nation-wide hydrological model is also operated by NIWA, a Government-owned research institute. It is linked to a single high resolution weather model which runs on a super computer. The NIWA model does not provide public forecasts. The rivers with the greatest flood flows are shown, and these are ranked in terms of peak specific discharge. It can be seen that of the largest floods occur on the West Coast of the South Island, and the greatest flows per unit area are also found in this location.

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Railway Object Recognition Using Mobile Laser Scanning Data (모바일 레이저 스캐닝 데이터로부터 철도 시설물 인식에 관한 연구)

  • Luo, Chao;Jwa, Yoon Seok;Sohn, Gun Ho;Won, Jong Un;Lee, Suk
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.85-91
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    • 2014
  • The objective of the research is to automatically recognize railway objects from MLS data in which 9 key objects including terrain, track, bed, vegetation, platform, barrier, posts, attachments, powerlines are targeted. The proposed method can be divided into two main sub-steps. First, multi-scale contextual features are extracted to take the advantage of characterizing objects of interest from different geometric levels such as point, line, volumetric and vertical profile. Second, by considering contextual interactions amongst object labels, a contextual classifier is utilized to make a prediction with local coherence. In here, the Conditional Random Field (CRF) is used to incorporate the object context. By maximizing the object label agreement in the local neighborhood, CRF model could compensate the local inconsistency prediction resulting from other local classifiers. The performance of proposed method was evaluated based on the analysis of commission and omission error and shows promising results for the practical use.

The Analysis of Regional Scale Topographic Effect Using MM5-A2C Coupling Modeling (국지규모 지형영향을 고려하기 위한 MM5-A2C 결합 모델링 특성 분석)

  • Choi, Hyun-Jeong;Lee, Soon-Hwan;Kim, Hak-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.210-221
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    • 2015
  • The terrain features and surface characteristics are the most important elements not only in meteorological modeling but also in air quality modeling. The diurnal evolution of local climate over complex terrain may be significantly controlled by the ground irregularities. Such topographic features can affect a thermally driven flow, either directly by causing changes in the wind direction or indirectly, by inducing significant variations in the ground temperature. Over a complex terrain, these variations are due to the nonuniform distribution of solar radiation, which is highly determined by the ground geometrical characteristics, i.e. slope and orientation. Therefore, the accuracy of prediction of regional scale circulation is strong associated with the accuracy of land-use and topographic information in meso-scale circulation assessment. The objective of this work is a numerical simulation using MM5-A2C model with the detailed topography and land-use information as the surface boundary conditions of the air flow field in mountain regions. Meteorological conditions estimated by MM5-A2C command a great influence on the dispersion of mountain areas with the reasonable feature of topography where there is an important difference in orographic forcing.

Numerical Simulation for Net-water Flux of the Cross-sectional area in the Nakdong River Estuary (낙동강 하구역내 사주간의 단면유량플럭스 수치모의)

  • Yoon, Han-Sam;Lee, In-Cheol;Ryu, Cheong-Ro
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Marine Environment & Energy
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.186-192
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    • 2005
  • We investigated the deposition characteristics and mass transport flux estimation of the Nakdong estuary, Korea. To understand the effects of the tidal current circulation that influences estuary terrain changes, we used a 2D numerical model to map seawater circulation under three different situations, with the level of river flow being set as none or flood. The net-water flux of the cross-sectional area between sandbars (known as dung) was estimated. From our review of previous research, we know that the development of local sandbars shifted from the west to the east side of the estuary after the construction of the Nakdong River dike. Current development is occurring mostly at the Bakhap-dung near Tadea. The seawater circulation pattern over this large-scale area of tidal na is brings changes related to the quantity of the outflow from the Nakdong River. Based on the calculated results for the net-water flux of the cross-sectional area, we see very strong accumulation in local waters around Jangjiado, Bakhapdung, and Tadae under flood river flow conditions, but accumulation in local waters around Jinudo under the other states of flow. Consequently, in the Nakdong estuary, the main sensitive regions that are affected by changes in the flow of river discharge are the local waters around Jangiado, Bakhapdung, Tadae, and Jinudo.

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A Review on the Photochemical Oxidant Modeling as Applied to Air Quality Studies in Complex Terrain

  • Hwa-Woon Lee;Yoo
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.19-33
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    • 1992
  • The high oxidants, which occur the daily maximum concentrations in the afternoon, are transported into the other region via long range transport mechanisms or trapped within the shallow mixing boundary layer and then removed physically (deposition, transport by mountain wind, etc.) and chemically (reaction with local sources). Therefore, modeling formation of photochemical oxidants requires a complex description of both chemical and meteorolog ital processecs . In this study, as a part of air quality studies, we reviewed various aspects of photochemical modeling on the basis of currently available literature. The result of the review shows that the model is based on a set of coupled continuity equations describing advection, diffusion, transport, deposition, chemistry, emission. Also photochemical oxidant models require a large amount of input data concerned with all aspects of the ozone life cycle. First, emission inventories of hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxides, with appropriate spatial and temporal resolution. Second, chemical and photochemical data allowing the quantitative description of the formation of ozone and other photochemically-generated secondary pollutants. Third, dry deposition mechanisms particularly for ozone, PAN and hydrogen peroxide to account for their removal by absorption on the ground, crops, natural vegetation, man-made and water surfaces. Finally, meteorological data describing the transport of primary pollutants away from their sources and of secondary pollutants towards the sensitive receptors where environmental damage may occur. In order to improve our present study, shortcomings and limitation of existing models are pointed out and verification Process through observation is emphasized.

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A Study on Adequacy Assessment of Protective Action Distance in Hazardous Chemical Accident by AERMOD Modeling (AERMOD 모델링 분석을 통한 유해화학물질 누출사고 시 방호활동거리의 적정성 평가연구)

  • Lim, Chea-Hyun;Doh, Sang-Hyeun
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.7-11
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    • 2015
  • In Korea, The protective action distance based on Canada's ERG has been adopted for safety of residents in case of hazardous chemicals leakage accident. However, it couldn't respond properly on the accidents because of geographical and meteorological differences between two nations. In this study, It was found that the protective action distance varies depending on season and terrain, Through AERMOD modeling analysis for the petrochemical complex reflected local geographical data and meteorological conditions.


  • Jeong-Hwan Kim;Seung-Soo Lee;Jin-Woong Park;Ji-Hyeok Yoon;Jong-Won Seo
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.457-463
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    • 2009
  • The earthwork is essential procedure for all civil engineering projects. Because of its importance in terms of cost and time, it should be managed effectively. In light of this, The Intelligent Excavating System (IES) research consortium has established to improve the productivity, quality and safety of current excavating/earthwork system by the Ministry of Land, Transportation and Maritime Affairs (MLTM) of Korea. This paper summarizes ongoing research aimed at development knowledge and presents a framework of task planning and visualization system for IES. The task planning and visualization system consists of three functions. 1) Using digital terrain model which created by 3D laser scanner, the system can divide it and generates global/local work area so that the excavator can work through the area. 2) In order to operate and/or control the excavator, the system exports the location, paths of boom, arm and bucket data of the excavator to control center. 3) The task planning system is visualized on the computer programming aided-graphic interface which simulates the planned work processes and eventually assists the operator for the control of the excavator. The case study which we have performed, demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed system.

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