• 제목/요약/키워드: Local Records

검색결과 551건 처리시간 0.025초

Prognostic Factors of Pyogenic Spinal Infections

  • Jung, Young-Jin;Kim, Sang-Woo;Chang, Chul-Hoon;Kim, Seong-Ho;Kim, Oh-Lyong;Cho, Soo-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • 제38권6호
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    • pp.445-449
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    • 2005
  • Objective : This study is performed to evaluate the clinical manifestations and prognostic factors among patients with pyogenic spinal infections. Methods : The records and radiologic data of 27 patients treated between 2001 and 2003 were retrospectively evaluated. Results : All patients [mean age, 55.2yrs] were treated with i.v. antibiotics and 13[48.1%] required surgical treatment. Mean follow up duration was 38.9 weeks. The sixteen patients[59.2%] had previous surgical procedure on spine and six patients[22.0%] had local injections. The ten patients had predisposing factor [such as, diabetes mellitus, UTI, liver cirrhosis, septic condition]. The most common symptoms are lower back pain and motor weakness. Causative organisms determined only in ten patients[37%] and Staphylococcus aureus[50%] was most common. C-reactive protein[CRP] and white blood cell[WBC] count were more correlated with clinical outcome than erythrocyte sedimentation rate[ESR]. Conclusion : CRP and WBC level can be significant parameters of treatment and prognosis in pyogenic spinal infection.

SAR Image De-noising Based on Residual Image Fusion and Sparse Representation

  • Ma, Xiaole;Hu, Shaohai;Yang, Dongsheng
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • 제13권7호
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    • pp.3620-3637
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    • 2019
  • Since the birth of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), it has been widely used in the military field and so on. However, the existence of speckle noise makes a good deal inconvenience for the subsequent image processing. The continuous development of sparse representation (SR) opens a new field for the speckle suppressing of SAR image. Although the SR de-noising may be effective, the over-smooth phenomenon still has bad influence on the integrity of the image information. In this paper, one novel SAR image de-noising method based on residual image fusion and sparse representation is proposed. Firstly we can get the similar block groups by the non-local similar block matching method (NLS-BM). Then SR de-noising based on the adaptive K-means singular value decomposition (K-SVD) is adopted to obtain the initial de-noised image and residual image. The residual image is processed by Shearlet transform (ST), and the corresponding de-noising methods are applied on it. Finally, in ST domain the low-frequency and high-frequency components of the initial de-noised and residual image are fused respectively by relevant fusion rules. The final de-noised image can be recovered by inverse ST. Experimental results show the proposed method can not only suppress the speckle effectively, but also save more details and other useful information of the original SAR image, which could provide more authentic and credible records for the follow-up image processing.

Comparison of the Surgical Approaches for Frontal Traumatic Intracerebral Hemorrhage

  • Park, Eun Sung;Moon, Seong Keun;Eom, Ki Seong
    • Journal of Trauma and Injury
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    • 제32권2호
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    • pp.71-79
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: Recent developments in minimally invasive techniques have the potential to reduce surgical morbidity, promote patient recovery, accelerate surgical procedures, and thus improve cost-effectiveness in case management. In this study, we compared the treatment efficacy and results of supraorbital keyhole approach (SOKA) with those of conventional unilateral frontal craniotomy (CUFC) for traumatic intracerebral hemorrhage (TICH) in the frontal lobe. Methods: We analyzed the data of 38 patients who underwent CUFC (n=30) and SOKA (n=8) and retrospectively reviewed their medical records and radiological findings. Furthermore, we tried to identify the best surgical method for such lesions by including patients who underwent burr hole aspiration and drainage (BHAD) (n=9) under local anesthesia due to various circumstances. Results: The difference in the initial Glasgow coma scale score, operative time, and length of hospitalization between the CUFC and SOKA were statistically significant. All radiological features between the two groups including associated skull fracture, amount of pre- and postoperative hematoma, percentage of complete hematoma removal, pre- and postoperative midline shifting of the hematoma, and development of postoperative delayed hematoma were not statistically significant. Our experience of 46 patients with TICH in the frontal lobe with any of the three different surgical methods including BHAD enabled us to obtain valuable findings. Conclusions: Although it is difficult to insist that one particular approach is more useful than the other, we are confident that SOKA will have more advantages over CUFC in carefully selected patients with frontal TICH depending on the surgical experience of a neurosurgeon.

Seismic performance of RC frame having low strength concrete: Experimental and numerical studies

  • Rizwan, Muhammad;Ahmad, Naveed;Khan, Akhtar Naeem
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.75-89
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    • 2019
  • The paper presents experimental and numerical studies carried out on low-rise RC frames, typically found in developing countries. Shake table tests were conducted on 1:3 reduced scaled two-story RC frames that included a code conforming SMRF model and another non-compliant model. The later was similar to the code conforming model, except, it was prepared in concrete having strength 33% lower than the design specified, which is commonly found in the region. The models were tested on shake table, through multiple excitations, using acceleration time history of 1994 Northridge earthquake, which was linearly scaled for multi-levels excitations in order to study the structures' damage mechanism and measure the structural response. A representative numerical model was prepared in finite element based program SeismoStruct, simulating the observed local damage mechanisms (bar-slip and joint shear hinging), for seismic analysis of RC frames having weaker beam-column joints. A suite of spectrum compatible acceleration records was obtained from PEER for incremental dynamic analysis of considered RC frames. The seismic performance of considered RC frames was quantified in terms of seismic response parameters (seismic response modification, overstrength and displacement amplification factors), for critical comparison.

Evaluation and improvement of forest watershed management projects in Korea

  • Rhee, Hakjun
    • 농업과학연구
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    • 제47권4호
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    • pp.885-901
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    • 2020
  • A forest watershed management project was introduced in 2004 to develop ecologically sound forest watersheds. It includes landslide prevention and erosion control, water resource management, landscape development, and forest resource management. However, it has been managed fragmentarily and inefficiently, far from the original intents. This study investigated current status, problems, and improvement measures of the project. Literature reviews were conducted on forest watershed management in Korea and other countries, and surveys were conducted on 201 erosion control experts. When introduced, the forest watershed management project was well planned and implemented as intended. It later turned to focus only on disaster prevention such as erosion control dams and stream conservation measures. The survey results showed that a majority (89% and 86%) of surveyees wanted increases in the project period and budget. They also responded that conflicts with local residents (51%) and determining project locations (32%) were the most difficult tasks when implementing the projects, and only 36% kept project records. To plan and implement the projects as intended, the following suggestions should be considered: (1) establishment of a solid legal foundation and improvement of the erosion control practices law; (2) increase in the project period (from 1 to 2 - 3 years) and budget; (3) development of a manual for project site selection and guidelines; (4) monitoring and systematic information management; and (5) development of spatial analysis tools for watershed analysis and management.

대규모 공원에서의 미아발생과 보행밀도와의 상관분석을 통한 미아발생 환경요인 도출 - 부산시민공원과 북서울 꿈의 숲을 중심으로 - (A Study on the Environmental Factors affecting Child Loss through Correlation Analysis between Child Loss and Pedestrian Density in Large-scale Parks - Focused on Busan Citizens Park and Dream Forest -)

  • 최소영;최재필
    • 대한건축학회논문집:계획계
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    • 제36권5호
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    • pp.59-70
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to derive the environmental factors affecting child loss through correlation analysis between child loss and pedestrian density. The status of lost children was identified through the lost child records and interviews in large parks. In addition, the behavior survey was conducted by photographing the entire outdoor of each park, and visitors was marked on the behavioral maps. Also, the pedestrian density was analyzed by GIS as 100㎡ and 1㎡ grid. As a result, child loss was related to the pedestrian density rather than the number of visitors or the area. Especially, 'Dynamic pedestrian density' and 'Ratio of pedestrian in high density to area' was related to child loss. In other words, the more dynamic behaviors such as play and movement appear, and the more the local area of high density, the higher the probability of child loss. In addition, environmental factors that induce such high density include bottlenecks, overlap of circulation due to multi-functionality of space, concentration of rides, and concentration of guardians due to visual obstacles.

Does reduction of the oncologic safety margin for facial basal cell carcinoma result in higher recurrence rates?

  • Kim, Eon Su;Yang, Chae Eun;Chung, Yoon Kyu
    • 대한두개안면성형외과학회지
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.135-140
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    • 2021
  • Background: Wide surgical excision is the gold standard for basal cell carcinoma (BCC) treatment. Typically, resection requires a safety margin ≥ 4 mm. We aimed to confirm BCC excisions' cancer recurrence rate and safety on the facial region with new safety margins. Methods: We included patients with primary BCC on the facial region who underwent wide excision with 2- or 3-mm safety margins at our institution between January 2010 and December 2018. Medical records were reviewed to confirm the epidemiology and surgical information. Recurrence was confirmed by physical examination through regular 6-month follow-up. Results: We included 184 out of 233 patients in this study after applying the exclusion criteria. The mean age and follow-up period were 71.2±10.2 years and 29.3±13.5 months, respectively. The predominantly affected area was the nose (95 cases); a V-Y advancement flap was the most commonly used surgical method. There were two cases of recurrence in the 2 mm margin group and one recurrence in the group resected with 3 mm margins. Conclusion: In this large cohort study, we found 2-3 mm excision margins can yield enough safety in facial BCCs. The recurrence rates were found to be comparable with those reported after wider margins.

Extraction of optimal time-varying mean of non-stationary wind speeds based on empirical mode decomposition

  • Cai, Kang;Li, Xiao;Zhi, Lun-hai;Han, Xu-liang
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제77권3호
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    • pp.355-368
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    • 2021
  • The time-varying mean (TVM) component of non-stationary wind speeds is commonly extracted utilizing empirical mode decomposition (EMD) in practice, whereas the accuracy of the extracted TVM is difficult to be quantified. To deal with this problem, this paper proposes an approach to identify and extract the optimal TVM from several TVM results obtained by the EMD. It is suggested that the optimal TVM of a 10-min time history of wind speeds should meet both the following conditions: (1) the probability density function (PDF) of fluctuating wind component agrees well with the modified Gaussian function (MGF). At this stage, a coefficient p is newly defined as an evaluation index to quantify the correlation between PDF and MGF. The smaller the p is, the better the derived TVM is; (2) the number of local maxima of obtained optimal TVM within a 10-min time interval is less than 6. The proposed approach is validated by a numerical example, and it is also adopted to extract the optimal TVM from the field measurement records of wind speeds collected during a sandstorm event.

산촌 중학교 보건교사의 코로나19 집단감염 발생 대응 사례 (A Case Report of the COVID-19 Outbreak Response by a Middle School Health Teacher in a Mountain Village)

  • 조아람
    • 한국농촌간호학회지
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.54-59
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: This study aimed to describe a school health teacher's experience working in a mountain village during the COVID-19 outbreak in 2021. Methods: The study used a case study method based on the school records and reports to the local office of education. Results: In T City, since the first COVID-19 case confirmed on March 8, 2020, as of May 17, 21, a total of 21 cases have occurred, including two third-year students of H Middle School. Since then, one additional case was confirmed on May 18, one more on May 25, and one more on May 27, resulting in a total of five confirmed cases. During this period, 42 students and 13 teachers were self-quarantined, all students and staff were tested for COVID-19 PCR, and students received remote classes. The role of school health teacher can be described through three categories: "collaborator", "care coordinator", and "educator". The school health teacher did a lot of work until the situation came to an end, successfully fulfilling these three roles. Conclusion: Some suggestions were made to prepare a more effective communicable disease response system suitable for public health infrastructure of non-urban area.

마해송의 수필 속 개성 한옥 고찰 (A Study of Gae-sung Han-ok in Reference to Ma Hae-song's Essay)

  • 김버들
    • 건축역사연구
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    • 제31권6호
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 2022
  • It is difficult to conduct an on-site investigation of Kaesung since it's located in North Korea. After the devastating Korean civil war we have lost a lot of authentic structures. At present, the statement of those who have seen the Kaesung during the time would be of great help in bringing out the significance of this study. According to Ma Hae-song, who was a local in Kaesung. He vividly remembered how his neighborhood looks like and he even mentioned the every single detail of his house in his essay. Moreover he also compared the traditional Han-ok in the former time from the household of other countries. There was an extraordinary interest and insight in Han-ok. This study estimated Ma hae-song's Gaesuong house based on Ma hae-song's personal and supplementary records. the contents by exchanging e-mails with his eldest son, poet Ma Jong-ki. Through the above process, it was confirmed that the writer Mahae Song's Gaeseong House was a typical wealthy merchant's house located in Donghaerang, a luxury residential area, and was engaged in commerce.