• Title/Summary/Keyword: Livestock resources

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Association of functional sequence variants of the myosin heavy chain 3 gene with muscle collagen content in pigs

  • Yong-Jun Kang;Sang-Hyun Han;Sang-Geum Kim;Su-Yeon Kim;Hyeon-Ah Kim;Yoo-Kyung Kim;Ji-Hyun Yoo;Moon-Cheol Shin;Byoung-Chul Yang;Hee-Bok Park;Jun Heon Lee;In-Cheol Cho
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.65 no.3
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    • pp.511-518
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    • 2023
  • This study examined the association between functional sequence variants (FSVs) of myosin heavy chain 3 (MYH3) genotypes and collagen content in a Landrace and Jeju native pig (JNP) crossbred population. Four muscles (Musculus longissimus dorsi, Musculus semimembranosus, Musculus triceps brachii, and Musculus biceps femoris) were used for the analysis of meat collagen content, and the same animals were genotyped for the FSVs of the MYH3 gene by using PCR-RFLP (polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism). Three FSVs of MYH3 genotypes were identified and had genotype frequencies of 0.358, 0.551, and 0.091 for QQ, Qq, and qq, respectively. QQ animals for the FSVs of the MYH3 genotypes showed higher collagen content in their M. longissimus dorsi (p < 0.001), M. semimembranosus (p < 0.001), M. triceps brachii (p < 0.001), and M. biceps femoris (p < 0.001) than qq homozygous animals. After the validation of this result in other independent populations, the FSVs of MYH3 genotypes can be a valuable genetic marker for improving collagen content in porcine muscles and can also be applied to increase the amount of collagen for biomedical purposes.

Determination of Optimal Livestock Wastewater Treatment Process for Linked Treatment in Sewage Treatment Plant (하수처리장 연계처리를 위한 가축분뇨 최적 처리공정 선정에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Choong Gon;Shin, Hyun Gon
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.52-59
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    • 2012
  • As the result of reviewing the linked treatment of water quality for treating process at public livestock wastewater treatment facilities for fair selection of the proper linked process in case of linking sewage treatment plant for livestock wastewater, in case of wastewater processed by bio-reactor that is only biologically-treated, the load factor showed relatively high as 1.67%(base on design quality), 2.59%(base on operation quality) regarding COD and 3.69%(base on design quality), 7.67%(base on operation quality) regarding $COD_{Mn}$ but it is judged that there is nearly no influence on the operation of sewage treatment plan. And, in case of oxidized flotation-treated water & biofiltlation-treated water that are the advanced wastewater treatment, the load factor is approximately 1% and there is concern about the installation of excessive facilities in case of installing the advanced wastewater treatment. So, in case of considering the economic efficiency & stable operation of sewage treatment plant S, it is judged to be desirable to link with wastewater processed by bio-reactor that is biologically-treated.

Effects of Dietary Supplemental $Megazone^{(R)}$ on Growth Performance, Nutrients Digestibility, Blood Characteristics, Meat Quality and Carcass Traits in Weaning-to-Finishing Pigs

  • Kim, Y.H.;Wang, Y.;Cho, J.H.;Chen, Y.J.;Kim, H.J.;Yoo, J.S.;Min, B.J.;Lee, S.J.;Park, J.C.;Jung, H.J.;Kim, I.H.
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.447-453
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    • 2006
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effects of $Megazone^{(R)}$ (a mineral mix) supplementation on growth performance, nutrients digestibility, blood characteristics, meat quality and carcass traits in weaning-to-finishing pigs. A total of 48 crossbred $(Landrace{\times}Yorkshire{\times}Duroc)$ pigs with initial body weight (BW) of $4.46{\pm}0.18kg$ were used in a 21 wks trial. Pigs were blocked by weight and allotted to two dietary treatments in a completly randomized design. There were 6 pens per treatment. Dietary treatments included: 1) Control (CON: basal diet) and 2) MT (basal diet+0.8% $Megazone^{(R)}$). Through the entire experimental period, there were no effects of dietary $Megazone^{(R)}$ supplementation on growth performance nutrients digestibility, blood characteristics and meat quality traits (p>0.05). Market weight and backfat thickness also had no differences between the two treatments (p>0.05). However, carcass weight and carcass ratio in MT treatment were improved significantly compared with CON treatment (p<0.05). In conclusion, supplmentation of $Megazone^{(R)}$ can increase carcass weight and carcass ratio in weaning-to-finishing pigs, however, it has no effects on growth performance, nutrients digestibility, blood characteristics and meat quality traits.

IoT Collaboration System Based on Edge Computing for Smart Livestock System (스마트 축사를 위한 에지 컴퓨팅 기반 IoT 협업 시스템)

  • Ahn, Chi-Hyun;Lee, Hyungtak;Chung, Kwangsue
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.258-264
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    • 2022
  • The smart farm for livestock, in which information and communication technology (ICT) is combined with livestock farm, is mostly based on the cloud computing paradigm. A cloud-based smart livestock farm has disadvantages such as increased response time, burden on cloud resource caused by the increased number of IoT sensors, traffic burden on the network, and lack of failure resilience mechanisms through collaboration with adjacent IoT devices. In this paper, with these problems in mind, we propose an IoT collaboration system based on edge computing. By using the relatively limited computing resources of the edge device to share the cloud's web server function, we aim to reduce the cloud's resources needed and improve response time to user requests. In addition, through the heartbeat-based failure recovery mechanism, IoT device failures were detected and appropriate measures were taken.

Evaluation of Hydrothermal Carbonization Characteristics for Solid Fuel Conversion of Cow Manure (우분의 고형연료화를 위한 수열탄화 특성 평가)

  • Seong Kuk Han;Moonil Kim
    • Journal of the Korea Organic Resources Recycling Association
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2023
  • As of 2020, 139,753 tons/day of livestock manure is generated. Most of the livestock manure is made of compost(75.3%) and Liquor(11.7%) and is spread on farmland. The compost and Liquor of these livestock manure are the main causes of water pollution. Therefore, it is necessary to convert livestock manure into energy. For this reason, hydrothermal carbonization technology was applied to evaluate the physical and chemical properties. Among livestock manure, cow manure was used. Through hydrothermal carbonization, it was confirmed that the HHV (Kcal/kg) of 3,101 kcal/kg of raw material rises to more than about 3,800 kcal/kg at 220℃ or higher. This result was judged to be influenced by carbonization through a clear trend of decrease in O/C and H/C ratios. As a result, the value of Bio-SRF was evaluated through hydrothermal carbonization of cow manure, and All other items except for chlorine showed satisfactory results.

Enhancing Raw Bovine Milk Quality using Ultraviolet-C (UV-C) Irradiation: A Microbial and Lipid Peroxidation Study

  • Davids Makararpong;Supawan Tantayanon;Chupun Gowanit;Jiranij Jareonsawat;Sukuma Samgnamnim;Sirirat Wataradee;Henk Hogeveen;Chaidate Inchaisri
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.372-389
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    • 2024
  • This study investigated the efficacy of ultraviolet-C (UV-C) irradiation in enhancing the quality of raw bovine milk by targeting microbial populations and lipid peroxidation, both of which are key factors in milk spoilage. We categorized the raw milk samples into three groups based on initial bacterial load: low (<3 Log 10 CFU/mL), medium (3-4 Log 10 CFU/mL), and high (>4 Log 10 CFU/mL). Using a 144 W thin-film UV-C reactor, we treated the milk with a flow rate of 3 L/min. We measured the bacterial count including standard plate count, coliform count, coagulase-negative staphylococci count, and lactic acid bacteria count and lipid peroxidation (via thiobarbituric acid reactive substances assay) pre- and post-treatment. Our results show that UV-C treatment significantly reduced bacterial counts, with the most notable reductions observed in high and medium initial load samples (>4 and 3-4 Log 10 CFU/mL, respectively). The treatment was particularly effective against coliforms, showing higher reduction efficiency compared to coagulase-negative staphylococci and lactic acid bacteria. Notably, lipid peroxidation in UV-C treated milk was significantly lower than in pasteurized or untreated milk, even after 72 hours. These findings demonstrate the potential of UV-C irradiation as a pre-treatment method for raw milk, offering substantial reduction in microbial content and prevention of lipid peroxidation, thereby enhancing milk quality.