• Title/Summary/Keyword: Link Failure

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A Fast Multipoint-to-Point LSP Traffic Engineering for Differentiated Service in MPLS Networks (MPLS 망에서 차별화 된 서비스를 제공하기 위한 빠른 Multipoint-to-Point LSP 결정 방식)

  • Kim, Seong-Gwan;Jo, Yeong-Jong
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.232-242
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    • 2002
  • In a MPLS(Multiprotocol Label Switching) network, it is important to reduce the number of labels and LSP(Lable Switched Path)s for network resource management. MTP(Multipoint-to-Point) LSP can be used to solve this problem. In consideration of traffic engineering, MTP LSP must be chosen to enhance the availability of network and link utilization. Also, a fast mechanism to setup MTP LSPs is required for rerouting capability against link failure. In this paper, we propose a fast MTP LSP traffic engineering of multipath MTP LSP by using a mapping of a MTP LSP upon Diffserv PHBs(Per Hop Behavior) in a Diffserv-capable MPLS network. In the proposed traffic engineering, we determine multiple MTP LSPs in a hierarchical manner according to the characteristics of different services. By using Monte-Carlo method for traffic load balancing process, it provides fast rerouting capability in case of frequent link failure across large network. Out method produces to be nearly optimal within reasonable run-times. It's time complexity is in O( Cn$^2$logn) as conventional multipath routing and it is much faster than Linear Programming approach. Simulation results show that the proposed traffic engineering can be controlled effectively in an administrative manner and enhance the availability of network in comparison with conventional multipath routing.

Virtual Cluster-based Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (이동 Ad-hoc 네트워크를 위한 가상 클러스터 방식의 경로 설정 프로토콜)

  • 안창욱;강충구
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.27 no.6C
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    • pp.544-561
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, we propose a new hybrid type of the routing protocol (Virtual Cluster-based Routing Protocol: VCRP) for mobile ad-hoc networks, based on a virtual cluster, which is defined as a narrow-sense network to exchange the basic information related to the routing among the adjacent nodes. This particular approach combines advantage of proactive routing protocol (PRP), which immediately provides the route collecting the network-wide topological and metric information, with that of reactive routing protocol, which relies on the route query packet to collect the route information on its way to the destination without exchanging any information between nodes. Furthermore, it also provides the back-up route as a byproduct, along with the optimal route, which leads to the VCBRP (Virtual Cluster-based Routing Protocol with Backup Route) establishing the alternative route immediately after a network topology is changed due to degradation of link quality and terminal mobility, Our simulation studies have shown that the proposed routing protocols are robust against dynamics of network topology while improving the performances of packet transfer delay, link failure ratio, and throughput over those of the existing routing protocols without much compromising the control overhead efficiency.

Seismic performance of high-strength steel framed-tube structures with bolted web-connected replaceable shear links

  • Lian, Ming;Cheng, Qianqian;Guan, Binlin;Zhang, Hao;Su, Mingzhou
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.323-339
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    • 2020
  • In steel framed-tube structures (SFTSs), the plastic hinges at beam-ends cannot be adequately improved because of the large cross sections of spandrel beams, which results in the lower ductility and energy dissipation capacities of traditional SFTSs. To address this drawback, high-strength steel fabricated SFTSs with bolted web-connected replaceable shear links (HSFTS-SLs) have been proposed. In this system, shear links use conventional steel and are placed in the middle of the deep spandrel beams to act as energy dissipative components. In this study, 2/3-scaled HSFTS-SL specimens were fabricated, and cyclic loading tests were carried out to study the seismic performance of both specimens. The finite element models (FEMs) of the two specimens were established and the numerical results were compared with the test results. The results showed that the specimens had good ductility and energy dissipation capacities due to the reliable deformation capacities. The specimens presented the expected failure modes. Using a shorter shear link can provide a higher load-carrying capacity and initial elastic lateral stiffness but induces lower ductility and energy dissipation capacity in HSFTS-SLs. The performance of the specimens was comparable to that of the original sub-structure specimens after replacing shear links. Additionally, the expected post-earthquake recoverability and resilience of the structures could be achieved by replacing shear links. The acceptable residual interstory drift that allows for easy replacement of the bolted web-connected shear link was 0.23%. The bolted web-connected shear links had reliable hysteretic responses and deformation capacities. The connection rotation had a notable contribution to total link rotation. The results of the numerical analysis run for the proposed FEMs were consistent with the test results. It showed that the proposed FEMs could be used to investigate the seismic performance of the HSFTS-SL.

A Study on Making use of Multiple Interfaces with Mobile Node Simultaneously (이동 단말의 다중 인터페이스 동시 사용에 관한 고찰)

  • You Tae-wan;Lee Seung-yun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.9 no.7
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    • pp.1412-1418
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    • 2005
  • Recently, more and more portable terminals probably have multiple interfaces to be connected to different access technologies. Each technology has its specific characteristics in terms of coverage area, bandwidth, reliability, etc. For example, the mobile node is equipped with three heterogeneous interfaces; IEEE 802.1lb MLAM link, CDMA Cellular link, and 802.16 WiMAX link These mobile nodes may be reachable through different links at the same time or use each interface alternately depending on the network environment. As like this, the portable terminal equipped multiple interfaces can have many benefits; it should be connect to Internet through other interface in case of occurring to failure for currently activate interface, and it should share a mount of traffic efficiently per interface etc. This environment is called end node Multihoming. However, current most Internet protocols are designed originally with single interface in mind. So these potocols do not provide methods for supporting simultaneous diffentiated use of multiple access technologies. In this paper, firstly we have to refer technical consideration items to use multiple interfaces based on IPv6 simultaneously. And we should propose extended registration mechanism for multiple addresses being acquired from interfaces to support reliable accessibility and vertical handover.

High Power Density and Low Cost Photovoltaic Power Conditioning System with Energy Storage System (에너지 저장장치를 갖는 고 전력밀도 및 저가격형 태양광 인버터 시스템)

  • Keum, Moon-Hwan;Jang, Du-Hee;Hong, Sung-Soo;Han, Sang-Kyoo;SaKong, Suk-Chin
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Power Electronics
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.587-593
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    • 2011
  • A new high power density and low cost Photovoltaic Power Conditioning System (PV PCS) with energy storage system is proposed. Its high power density and cost effectiveness can be achieved through the unification of the maximum power point tracker and battery charger/discharger. Despite of the reduced power stage, the proposed system can achieve the same performances of maximum power point tracking and battery charging/discharging as the conventional system. Moreover, the high voltage stress across the link-capacitor can be relieved through the series-connected link-capacitor with the battery. Therefore, a large number of series/parallel-connected link-capacitors can be reduced by 4-times. Especially, when the utility power failure happens, both photovoltaic and battery energies can be supplied to the load with only one power stage. Therefore, it features a simpler structure, less mass, lower cost, and fewer devices. Finally, to confirm the operation, validity, and features of the proposed system, theoretical analysis and experimental results from a single phase AC 220Vrms/1.5kW prototype are presented.

The design of Ground Flight Termination System for Space Launch Application (위성발사를 위한 지상국비행종단지령장비 설계)

  • Lee, Sung-Hee;Bae, Young-Jo;Oh, Chang-Yul;Lee, Hyo-Keun
    • Aerospace Engineering and Technology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.229-235
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    • 2008
  • The ground flight termination system(GFTS) could be used for the termination of launch vehicle in flight motion when the launch vehicle deviates from the designated route due to the system malfunction or failure as well as the launch vehicle can't be tracked by the ground tracking system. This paper introduces the basic concept and design of the ground flight termination system to be used for KSLV launch mission in NARO space center. In order to design the optimal ground flight termination system for KSLV launch application, the operational concept reflected on the flight trajectory and system characteristics of KSLV launch vehicle should be considered. Moreover the RF link budget analysis, and the analysis for system availability and reliability are done. Based on the analysis above, the each subsystem of ground flight termination to transmit the termination signal in stable is designed for KSLV launch mission.

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Effect on Shear Strength of Ceramic Surface Treatment Materials and Three Resin Cements to IPS Empress 2 (표면 처리재와 레진 시멘트가 IPS Empress 2의 전단결합강도에 미치는 영향)

  • Yae, Sun-Hae;Lee, Kyubok;Lee, Cheong-Hee
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.157-170
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the shear bond strength according to kinds of surface treatment agents and resin cements after acid etching of IPS Empress 2. For this purpose, test groups were classified into silane-treated bonding groups, silica-coated group and Targis link applied group. Then, nine bonding groups in total, each three groups per kind, were prepared by using three kinds of resin cements-Panavia F, Variolink II and Rely-X ARC, and thirty test specimens per group were prepared. To examine any changes in the oral environment, the shear bond strength of each test specimen was measured after dipping test for 24 hours and for five weeks, respectively, in distilled water at $37^{\circ}C$ and performing heat cycle 10,000 times in total, each 2,000 times per week, during a five weeks of dipping, under the condition similar to the oral environment. The bond failure modes were also observed by means of a scanning electron microscope. The results are summarized as follows 1. Statically significant differences between the surface conditioning materials were observed. The shear strength of the silane treatment was the highest of all three types of surface treatments(p<0.001). 2. Shear strengths varied significantly for different types of resin luting agents. But bond strength of Targis link surface treatments were not significantly different(p<0.05). 3. No significant difference of bonding strengths was found between storage time conditions(24 hours and 5 weeks). Only group II, IV, VII, IX were significantly different(p<0.05). 4. After thermocycling, the shear bond strengths of all groups were significantly decreased (p<0.05). Group III, V, VI were no significantly different. 5. On the SEM observation of fractured surfaces, all groups were shown complex failure.

Effects of primers on the microtensile bond strength of resin cements to cobalt-chromium alloy (레진 시멘트와 코발트 크롬 합금의 미세인장결합강도에 다양한 프라이머들이 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Hong-Taek;Campana, Shiela A.;Park, Jin-Hong;Shin, Joo-Hee;Lee, Jeong-Yol
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.57 no.2
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    • pp.95-101
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of various primers on the microtensile bond strength (${\mu}TBS$) of resin cements to cobalt-chromium (Co-Cr) dental casting alloy. Materials and methods: Four adhesive primers (Universal primer, Metal primer II, Alloy primer, and Metal/Zirconia primer) and two resin cements (Panavia F2.0, G-CEM LinkAce) were tested. One hundred fifty Co-Cr beams were prepared from Co-Cr ingots via casting ($6mm\;ength{\times}1mm\;width{\times}1mm\;thick$). The metal beams were randomly divided into ten groups according to the adhesive primers and resin cements used; the no-primer groups served as the control (n = 15). After sandblasting with aluminum oxide ($125{\mu}m$ grain), the metal and resin cements were bonded together using a silicone mold. Prior to testing, all metal-resin beams were examined under stereomicroscope, and subjected to the ${\mu}TBS$ test. The mean value of each group was analyzed via one-way ANOVA with Tukey's test as post hoc (${\alpha}=.05$) using SPSS software. Results: The mean ${\mu}TBS$ of all groups was ranged from 20 to 28 MPa. There is no statistically significant difference between groups (P > .05). Mixed failure, which is the combination of adhesive and cohesive failures, is the most prevalent failure mode in both the Panavia F2.0 and G-Cem LinkAce groups. Conclusion: The ${\mu}TBS$ of all tested groups are relatively high; however, the primers used in this study result in no favorable effect in the ${\mu}TBS$ of Panavia F2.0 and G-Cem LinkAce resin cement to Co-Cr alloy.

A Comparative Study of Aggregation Schemes for Concurrent Transmission over Multiple WLAN Interfaces (다중 무선랜 인터페이스 전송을 위한 결합 방식의 성능 연구)

  • Saputra, Yuris Mulya;Hwang, Hwanwoong;Yun, Ji-Hoon
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.51 no.7
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    • pp.18-25
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    • 2014
  • To increase wireless capacity, the concurrent use of multiple wireless interfaces on different frequency bands, called aggregation, can be considered. In this paper, we focus on aggregation of multiple Wi-Fi interfaces with packet-level traffic spreading between the interfaces. Two aggregation schemes, link bonding and multipath TCP (MPTCP), are tested and compared in a dualband Wi-Fi radio system with their Linux implementation. Various test conditions such as traffic types, network delay, locations, interface failures and configuration parameters are considered. Experimental results show that aggregation increases throughput performance significantly over the use of a single interface. Link bonding achieves lower throughput than MPTCP due to duplicate TCP acknowledgements (ACKs) resulting from packet reordering and filtering such duplicate ACKs out is considered as a possible solution. However, link bonding is fast responsive to links' status changes such as a link failure. It is shown that different combinations of interface weights for packet spread in link bonding result in different throughput performance, envisioning a spatio-temporal adaptation of the weights. We also develop a mathematical model of power consumption and compare the power efficiency of the schemes applying different power consumption profiles.

MRFR - Multipath-based Routing Protocol with Fast-Recovery of Failures on MANETs

  • Ngo, Hoai Phong;Kim, Myung Kyun
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.271-287
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    • 2013
  • We propose a new multipath-based reliable routing protocol on MANETs, Multipath-based Reliable routing protocol with Fast-Recovery of failures (MRFR). For reliable message transmission, MRFR tries to find the most reliable path between a source and a destination considering the end-to-end packet reception reliability of the routes. The established path consists of a primary path that is used to transmit messages, and the secondary paths that are used to recover the path when detecting failures on the primary path. After establishing the path, the source transmits messages through the primary path. If a node detects a link failure during message transmission, it can recover the path locally by switching from the primary to the secondary path. By allowing the intermediate nodes to locally recover the route failure, the proposed protocol can handle the dynamic topological change of the MANETs efficiently. The simulation result using the QualNet simulator shows that the MRFR protocol performs better than other protocols in terms of the end-to-end message delivery ratio and fault-tolerance capability.