• Title/Summary/Keyword: Line Elements

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Optical signal amplification property in photorefractive Cu-KNSBN crystal (광굴절 Cu-KNSBN 결정에서의 광신호 증폭 특성)

  • Kim, Sung-Gu;An, Jun-Won;Kim, Nam;Lee, Kwon-Yeon;Seo, Ho-Hyung
    • Proceedings of the Optical Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2000.02a
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    • pp.288-289
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    • 2000
  • SBN, BSKNN KNSBN 등의 tungsten-bronze 계열에 속하는 광굴절 결정은 짧은 파장에서 좋은 감광도와 빠른 응답시간을 갖는다. 이중에서도 KNSBN 결정은 큰 크기의 결정 성장 및 도핑이 용이하고 광굴절 결정에서 중요한 특성 중 하나인 열 안정성(thermal stability)이 좋기 때문에 빠른 응답특성이 요구되는 응용분야에서 촉망받는 매질이다. 본 논문에서는 광정보저장, 광정보처리, 광컴퓨터, 광통신과 같은 다양한 분야에서 응용가능성을 가지는 Cu가 0.04wt.%도핑된 5mm$\times$5mm$\times$5mm 크기의 KNSBN 결정을 이용한 광신호의 증폭기술에 대하여 연구하였다. 먼저 Cu-KNSNB 결정의 2광파 결합 특성을 분석하기 위하여, 기록 파장에 따른 지수이득계수의 외부입사각의존성, 최대 지수이득계수를 나타내는 외부입사각에서 입사빔의 세기비에 따른 2광파 결합 이득을 측정하였다. 또한, 632.8nm파장 영역에서 기록 및 삭제시간 상수, 회절 효율의 입사빔 세기비 의존성을 측정하였다. 그리고, 음향-광학 변조기(AOM: acousto-optic modulator)에 의해 진폭 변조된 신호빔을 이용하여 광신호 증폭특성을 분석하고 그 결과를 제시하였다. 이때 두 빔의 입사각은 최대 지수이득계수를 나타내는 입사반각 12$^{\circ}$로 고정하고, 감쇄기를 이용하여 신호빔의 세기를 조절하면서 신호빔의 차동이득을 측정하였다. 투과된 신호빔은 같은 주파수에서 차동 이득(diffrerential gain)을 보였으며, 이는 moving grating과 시간-변조된 신호빔(또는 펌프빔)사이의 새로운 상호작용은 광굴절 결정의 시간 적분 특성에 의한 것이다. (중략) 경우는 상온에서 펌프 펄스의 유지시간이 0.5% 인 경우 레이저가 동작하는 것을 보여주었다. 이는 구조내에서 열전도가 문제가 된다는 것을 의미하는데 위아래가 공기로 둘러 싸여 있어 발생한 열이 가는 유전체 네트웍을 통해서만 전달 될 수 있기 때문이다. (중략)$^4$A$_2$에 의한 nophonon line R$_1$, R$_2$(680.4, 678.5 nm) 및 $^2$T$_1$$\longrightarrow$$^4$A$_2$(655.7, 649.3, 645.2 nm)의 형광방출 스펙트럼을 얻었으며, 형광수명은 0.264 ms로 조사되었다. 제조된 레이저 발진봉은 직경 6.3 m, 길이 45 nm이었다.\pm$0.06kHz Ge $F_4$; -1.84$\pm$0.04kHz$0.04kHz/TEX>0.04kHz 모국어 및 관련 외국어의 음운규칙만 알면 어느 학습대상 외국어에라도 적용할 수 있는 보편성을 지니는 것으로 사료된다.없다. 그렇다면 겹의문사를 [-wh]의리를 지 닌 의문사의 병렬로 분석할 수 없다. 예를 들어 누구누구를 [주구-이-ν가] [누구누구-이- ν가]로부터 생성되었다고 볼 수 없다. 그러므로 [-wh] 겹의문사는 복수 의미를 지닐 수 없 다. 그러면 단수 의미는 어떻게 생성되는가\ulcorner 본 논문에서는 표면적 형태에도 불구하고 [-wh]의미의 겹의문사는 병렬적 관계의 합성어가 아니라 내부구조를 지니지 않은 단순한 단어(minimal $X^{0}$ elements)로 가정한다.

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Finite Element Simulation of Laser-Generated Ultrasound and Interaction with Surface Breaking Cracks (유한요소법을 이용한 레이저 유도 초음파와 표면 균열과의 상호작용 모델링)

  • Jeong, Hyun-Jo;Park, Moon-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.259-267
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    • 2004
  • A finite element method is used to simulate interaction of laser-based ultrasounds with surface breaking tracks in elastic media. The laser line source focused on the surface of semi-infinite medium is modeled as a shear dipole in 2-D plane strain finite elements. The shear dipole-finite clement model is found to give correct directivity patterns for generated longitudinal and shear waves. The interaction of surface waves with surface breaking cracks (2-D machined slot) is considered in two ways. Both the source and receiver are fixed with respect to the cracks in the first case, while the source is moving in another case. It is shown that the crack depth tested in the range of 0.3-5.0mm $({\lambda}_R/d=0.21{\sim}3.45)$ can be measured using the corner reflected waves produced by the fixed laser source. The moving laser source is found to cause a large amplitude change of reflected waves near crack, and the crack whose depth is one order lower than the wavelength ran be detected from this change.

Observation of the Mesoscale Phenomena by Ocean Acoustic Tomography in the East Sea (동해에서 해양음향토모그래피에 의한 중규모 현상 관측)

  • Na, Jung-Yul;Han, Sang-Kyu;Lee, Jae-Hak;Shim, Tae-Bo;Kim, Kuh
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.170-179
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    • 1999
  • The SUS (Signal, Underwater Sound)-OAT experiment was carried out in the Ulleung Basin of the East Sea on 3 June 1997. The SUS-OAT system consisted of aircraft deployed shots as sources and a vertical line array (VLA) tethered by a receiver ship was used to survey a large area where a mesoscale warm eddy appears frequently. The experiment was carried out such that explosive charges set to detonate at 800 ft depth were dropped in a rectangular ($120{\times}120$ km). Sources were a rapidly deployable SUS charge (MK 61 MOD 0), and receiver is a fixed VLA, 90 m in length (150-240 m in receiver depth), composed of 10 elements equally spaced. The reference ray paths are computed by range-dependent acoustic model in canonical ocean based on the historical data. The singular value decomposition (SVD) method is used to obtain the horizontal perturbation of the temperature fields. Horizontal distributions of temperature fields at 150 m and 200 m depth show a weak warm eddy observed by AXBT and the inversely estimated temperature shows similar patterns in terms of the location of the warm eddy. In conclusion, the SUS-OAT experiment has been successful to estimate the position of warm eddy and its temperature field in the East Sea of Korea.

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Ac/Ds-mediated gene tagging system in rice

  • Eun, Moo-Young;Yun, Doh-Won;Nam, Min-Hee;Yi, Gi-Hwan;Han, Chang-Deok;Kim, Doh-Hoon;Park, Woong-June;Kim, Cheol-Soo;Park, Soon-Ki
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Plant Biotechnology Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.95-105
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    • 2005
  • Transposon-mediated insertional mutagenesis provides one of the most powerful tools for functional studies of genes in higher plants. This project has been performed to develop a large population of insertional mutations, and to construct databases of molecular information on Ds insertion sites in rice. Ultimate goals are to supply genetic materials and information to analyze gene function and to identify and utilize agronomically important genes for breeding purpose. Two strategies have been employed to generate the large scale of transposon population in a Japonica type rice, Dongjin Byeo; 1) genetic crosses between Ac and Ds lines and 2) plant regeneration from seeds carrying Ac and Ds. Our study showed that over 70% of regenerated plants generally carried independent Ds elements and high activity of transposition was detected only during regeneration period. Ds-flanking DNA amplified from leaf tissues of F2 and T1 (or T2) plants have been amplified via TAIL-PCR and directly sequenced. So far, over 65,000 Ds lines have been generated and over 9,500 Ds loci have been mapped on chromosomes by sequence analysis. Database of molecular information on Ds insertion sites has been constructed, and has been opened to the public and will be updated soon at http://www.niab.go.kr. Detailed functional analysis of more than 30 rice mutants has been performed. Several Ds-tagged rice genes that have been selected for functional analysis will be briefly introduced. We expect that a great deal of information and genetic resources of Ds lines would be obtained during the course of this project, which will be shared with domestic and international rice researchers. In addition to the Japonica rice, we have established the tagging system in an rice line of indica genetic background, MGRI079. MGRI079 (Indica/Japonica) was transformed with Agrobacteria carrying Ac and Ds T-DNA vectors. Among transgenic lines, we successfully identified single-copy Ds and Ac lines in MGR1079. These lines were served as ‘starter lines’ to mutagenize Indica genetic background. To achieve rapid, large scale generation of Ds transposant lines, MGR1079 transformants carrying homozygous Ac were crossed with ones with homozygous Ds, and $F_2$seeds were used for plant regeneration. In this year, over 2,000 regeneration plants were grown in the field. We are able to evaluate the tagging efficiency in the Indica genetic background in the fall.

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A Study on the Application of SAW Process for Thin Plate of 3.2 Thickness in Ship Structure (선체외판부 3.2T 박판에 대한 SAW 용접 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Chong-In;Yun, Jin-Oh;Lim, Dong-Young;Jeong, Sang-Hoon;Lee, Jeong-Soo
    • Proceedings of the KWS Conference
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    • 2010.05a
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    • pp.51-51
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    • 2010
  • Recently just as in the automobile industry, shipbuilders also try to reduce material consumption and weight in order to keep operating costs as low as possible and improve the speed of production. Naturally industry is ever searching for welding techniques offering higher power, higher productivity and a better quality. Therefore it is important to have a details research based on the various welding process applied to steel and other materials, and to have the ability both to counsel interested companies and to evaluate the feasibility of implementation of this process. Submerged-arc welding (SAW) process is usually used about 20% of shipbuilding. Similar to gas metal arc welding(GMAW), SAW involves formation of an arc between a continuously-fed bare wire electrode and the work-piece. The process uses a flux to generate protective gases and slag, and to add alloying elements to the weld pool and a shielding gas is not required. Prior to welding, a thin layer of flux powder is placed on the work-piece surface. The arc moves along the joint line and as it does so, excess flux is recycled via a hopper. Remaining fused slag layers can be easily removed after welding. As the arc is completely covered by the flux layer, heat loss is extremely low. This produces a thermal efficiency as high as 60% (compared with 25% for manual metal arc). SAW process offers many advantages compared to conventional CO2 welding process. The main advantages of SAW are higher welding speed, facility of workers, less deformation and better than bead shape & strength of welded joint because there is no visible arc light, welding is spatter-free, fully-mechanized or automatic process, high travel speed, and depth of penetration and chemical composition of the deposited weld metal. However it is difficult to application of thin plate according to high heat input. So this paper has been focused on application of the field according to SAW process for thin plate in ship-structures. For this purpose, It has been decided to optimized welding condition by experiments, relationship between welding parameters and bead shapes, mechanical test such as tensile and bending. Also finite element(FE) based numerical comparison of thermal history and welding residual stress in A-grade 3.2 thickness steel of SAW been made in this study. From the result of this study, It makes substantial saving of time and manufacturing cost and raises the quality of product.

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Prediction of Divided Traffic Demands Based on Knowledge Discovery at Expressway Toll Plaza (지식발견 기반의 고속도로 영업소 분할 교통수요 예측)

  • Ahn, Byeong-Tak;Yoon, Byoung-Jo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.521-528
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    • 2016
  • The tollbooths of a main motorway toll plaza are usually operated proactively responding to the variations of traffic demands of two-type vehicles, i.e. cars and the other (heavy) vehicles, respectively. In this vein, it is one of key elements to forecast accurate traffic volumes for the two vehicle types in advanced tollgate operation. Unfortunately, it is not easy for existing univariate short-term prediction techniques to simultaneously generate the two-vehicle-type traffic demands in literature. These practical and academic backgrounds make it one of attractive research topics in Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) forecasting area to forecast the future traffic volumes of the two-type vehicles at an acceptable level of accuracy. In order to address the shortcomings of univariate short-term prediction techniques, a Multiple In-and-Out (MIO) forecasting model to simultaneously generate the two-type traffic volumes is introduced in this article. The MIO model based on a non-parametric approach is devised under the on-line access conditions of large-scale historical data. In a feasible test with actual data, the proposed model outperformed Kalman filtering, one of a widely-used univariate models, in terms of prediction accuracy in spite of multivariate prediction scheme.

Analysis of Impact Characteristics of Bonded Dissimilar Materials for Center Pillar (센터필라 적용을 위한 이종 접합강의 충격 특성 해석에 관한 연구)

  • Nam, Ki-Woo;Park, Sang-Hyun;Yoo, Jung-Su;Lee, Sang-Mun
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.36 no.8
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    • pp.929-934
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    • 2012
  • This study was carried out to analyze the dynamic characteristics of laser tailor-welded blanks (TWBs) made of dissimilar materials. The analysis was performed using Hyper Works 10.0 with Solver LS-DYNA v.971. 2D-Shell was used as the modeling element, and the number of elements and nodes was 35,641 and 36,561, respectively. The impact speed was 10 km/h. To analyze the impact characteristics according to the height of the weld line for the upper and lower parts of the center pillar, the length of the lower part was set as 300 and 400 mm. When the lower part was made of SPFC980 steel with a length of 300 mm, the deformation was the smallest and the absorbed energy of the impact force was the largest. On based the lower part of center pillar, the position of TWB shows the shorter and the better value. In other words, the performance depended on the proportion of the upper part made of high-strength SABC1470 steel. A lower part made of SPFH590 steel showed large deformation. In contrast, a lower part made of SPFC980 steel showed significantly lesser deformation. Therefore, the impact performance of a lower part made of SPFC980 steel with a length of 300 mm showed the best analysis result.

A Study of Material and Production Technique of Scroll Painting Ring in Joseon (조선시대 족자 장황에 사용된 고리의 재료 및 제작기법 연구)

  • Jang, Yeonhee;Yun, Eunyoung;Kwon, Yoonmi;Kim, Sooyeon
    • Conservation Science in Museum
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    • v.16
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    • pp.56-81
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    • 2015
  • Ring in the scroll painting is one of the mounting elements which are fixed string and tassel to hang, these differ widely in shape and produce a variety of metals. Most traditional shapes of ring have been lost, because of remount, there are used Japanese style rings in present.Therefore, this study examines to shape, production technique and analyze component traditional style rings of 19 traditional scroll paintings in National Museum of Korea for restoration of original style. Ring has been recorded official names; Wonhwan(Ring), Gukhwadong(Chrysanthemum shaped ornaments), Baemok(Ring-shaped nail) in Uigwe. Result of an optical microscope (Leica, M205A), Wonhwan has two type of production technique; one is cutting and bending a metal rod and other is cast. Baemok is made to forging process after metal rod or plate by casting alloy. Baemok decoration is metal plate cutting shape, and then decorates it with pattern by using kicking line engraving, chasing and so on. Component analysis result from portable X-ray fluorescence found various metals, such as, brass, iron silver-cooper. Brass based on copper and zinc used rings of 17 scroll painting. Baemok of Yun Sidal portrait is used iron and plated with a tin-lead alloy. Yi Seogu portrait is silver-cooper alloy in whole ring.

An Improvement Plan of the Interactive ROK Army Interactive Electronic Technical Manuals (육군 전자식 기술교범 개선방안 연구)

  • Lee, Pan-Ju;Shim, Sang-Ryul
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.399-406
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    • 2020
  • The R.O.K Army has developed and operated TM to maintain the operation of weapons systems since its establishment. As more modern weapons systems were developed, the more efficient operation was limited by a large quantity. As a countermeasure, the DAPA has operated the IETM using the KAIS TOOL since 2003. However, 16 years later, they were shunned by operators for software instability and other reasons. Based on the results of an operational test and evaluation team of the Army headquarters, the analysis results of software instability, limited compatibility and integration, limited real-time updates, etc. were analyzed. It was confirmed that KAIS development tools were urgently needed. Therefore, in order to solve this current problem for the Army IETM, the first phase of this paper focused on improving the IETM by maintaining the application present, the second of the Army Electronic Technology manual, phase going to propose improvement plans for operational test and evaluation by lining 11 elements of comprehensive logistics support with an electronic technology code.

Chemical Characteristics and Source Apportionment ofPM2.5 in Seoul Metropolitan Area in 2010 (2010년도 서울시 대기 중 PM2.5의 성분특성 및 발생원 추정에 관한 연구)

  • Moon, Kwang-Joo;Park, Seung-Myung;Park, Jong-Sung;Song, In-Ho;Jang, Sung-Ki;Kim, Jong-Chun;Lee, Seok-Jo
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.711-722
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    • 2011
  • This study is aimed to estimate the $PM_{2.5}$ source apportionment at Seoul intensive monitoring site located in Seoul metropolitan area. Time-resolved chemical compositions of $PM_{2.5}$ are measured in real time using ambient ion monitor, semi-continuous carbon monitor, and on-line XRF at Seoul intensive monitoring site in 2010. The mass concentration of $PM_{2.5}$ was simultaneously monitored with eight ionic species (${SO_4}^{2-}$, $NO_3{^-}$, $Cl^-$, $NH_4{^+}$, $Na^+$, $K^+$, $Mg^{2+}$, $Ca^{2+}$), two carbonaceous species (OC and EC), and fourteen elements (Si, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Zn, As, Se, Pb) in 1-hr interval. The data sets were then analyzed using EPA PMF version 3 to identify sources and contributions to $PM_{2.5}$ mass. EPA PMF modeling identified eight PM2.5 sources, including soil dust, secondary sulfate, secondary nitrate, motor vehicle, coal combustion, oil combustion, biomass burning, and municipal incineration. This study found that the average $PM_{2.5}$ mass was apportioned to anthropogenic sources such as motor vehicle, fuel combustion, and biomass burning (61%) and secondary aerosols, including sulfate and nitrate (38%).