• Title/Summary/Keyword: Life cycle of cabbage white butterfly

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Analysis and Improvement of 'Life cycle of Butterfly' in the Science Textbook for 3rd Grade Elementary Students (초등학교 3학년 과학교과서에 제시된 배추흰나비의 한살이 내용분석 및 개선 방안)

  • 류미;김재근
    • School Science Journal
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.251-260
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    • 2019
  • The life cycle of cabbage-white butterfly is presented in textbooks as an activity to understand the life cycle of animals for 3rd graders in elementary schools. This study was intended to analyze the contents of the current science textbook in the 2015 revised curriculum and suggested improvement of contents. The life cycle of cabbage-white butterfly presented in the textbook consists of eggs, caterpillars, pupae and adult insects in linear steps, and there is a shortage of activity to show the full life cycle. To improve the contents, we checked life cycle of cabbage-white butterfly through a series of experiments. To collect eggs in the out field, kale and cabbage seedlings were placed next to outdoor flowers, next to artificial butterfly feeder, and in grasses without flowers during June. The largest number of butterfly eggs were found from kale beside flowers. The sponges soaked in sugar water or honey water were provided for adult butterflies in ground-type, hook-type and ceiling-type form. Most absorbent activities were observed on the sponge soaked in honey water installed on the ceiling. From the third day, butterfly started to lay eggs. In order to incorporate these facts in the textbook, we suggest to reorganize the relevant contents of the textbook as follows. The kale seedlings should be placed next to the flowers on the school flower bed from June to collect the cabbage white butterfly eggs. A sponge soaked with honey should be placed on top of the breeding net for butterflies. Breeding net should be big enough to keep butterfly flying freely and several kale flowerpots. After laying eggs, butterflies should be released in the field. This process will give students an better understanding of the life cycle of animal.