• Title/Summary/Keyword: Li (principle)

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Auto-parametric resonance of framed structures under periodic excitations

  • Li, Yuchun;Gou, Hongliang;Zhang, Long;Chang, Chenyu
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.61 no.4
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    • pp.497-510
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    • 2017
  • A framed structure may be composed of two sub-structures, which are linked by a hinged joint. One sub-structure is the primary system and the other is the secondary system. The primary system, which is subjected to the periodic external load, can give rise to an auto-parametric resonance of the second system. Considering the geometric-stiffness effect produced by the axially internal force, the element equation of motion is derived by the extended Hamilton's principle. The element equations are then assembled into the global non-homogeneous Mathieu-Hill equations. The Newmark's method is introduced to solve the time-history responses of the non-homogeneous Mathieu-Hill equations. The energy-growth exponent/coefficient (EGE/EGC) and a finite-time Lyapunov exponent (FLE) are proposed for determining the auto-parametric instability boundaries of the structural system. The auto-parametric instabilities are numerically analyzed for the two frames. The influence of relative stiffness between the primary and secondary systems on the auto-parametric instability boundaries is investigated. A phenomenon of the "auto-parametric internal resonance" (the auto-parametric resonance of the second system induced by a normal resonance of the primary system) is predicted through the two numerical examples. The risk of auto-parametric internal resonance is emphasized. An auto-parametric resonance experiment of a ${\Gamma}$-shaped frame is conducted for verifying the theoretical predictions and present calculation method.

Investigating the Effect of Planting Density on Parameter Estimation of Stand Growth Models (식재(植栽) 밀도(密度)가 임분생장(林分生長)모델 모수(母數) 추정(推定)에 미치는 효과(效果)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Li, Fengri;Kwon, Soonduk;Chung, Joosang
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.88 no.4
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    • pp.446-453
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    • 1999
  • In this study, the effects of stand planting density on parameters of stand height and basal area growth models were investigated. We used the Korf equation as the base model in estimating the parameters of the growth models for cryptomeria plantation forest stands. Then, in order to investigate the effects of the change in plantation density on the parameter estimates, the "extra sums of square" principle, which provided a reasonable statistical procedure for a performance test, was used. The results of the test coincide with the understandings that stand height growth is not affected significantly by the planting density and the growth curves of stand basal area approaches a common asymptote regardless of the stand density for a given site. However, the shapes of the basal area growth curves were affected significantly by the planting density. Based on the results of the test, we developed a basal area growth model to account for the effects of initial planting density in cryptomeria plantation forest stands.

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Basic Principles of the 『Spleen-stomach theory』 by Li Dong-yuan (이동원(李東垣) 『비위론(脾胃論)』에 담겨 있는 생리기반이론)

  • Choi, Hee-Yun;Kim, Kwang-Joong
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.911-920
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    • 2010
  • The basic principles in the "Spleen-stomach theory(脾胃論)" sets up the phases and roles of spleen-stomach (脾胃) by establishing Earth(地 坤 土) and exposing the reality of spleen-stomach(脾胃) of human body which has its own shape and form with Heaven's reality exhibited. The meaning of Earth is based on the constant meaning of Earth in 'Earth Original-Earth as extended and stable ground(坤元一正之土)' giving form and shape, and Earth's movement with circulation, then exposes itself as 'Earth as plowing land(耕種之土)' concerning both the application of Five Phases and the physical characteristics of Earth. The Yin-Yang recognition on Earth is revealed as Yin Earth(陰土)-Yang Earth(陽土). Spleen(脾) was established as Yin Earth(陰土) and Stomach(胃) as Yang Earth(陽土). The seasonal assignment of Earth is Indian Summer(長夏), which is divided from Summer, and becomes Heat(熱), and the Yin-Yang recognition of Earth comes to be the meaning of the center and border. According to the Five Phasic recognition, it becomes Earth(土) and gets to be Dampness(濕) in accordance with Six Qi(六氣). 'Extreme Yin(至陰)' indicates Qi's status exposing the fundamental meaning regarding the role of creating, changing, and propelling Spleen-Stomach(脾胃) as a characteristic Yin Earth. Earth comprehends 'Four Courses(四維)' meaning, recognizes them as four parts of the 12 Earth's Branches(辰戌丑未) and the terminals of four seasons(四季之末), and has the meaning of the president of the change in four seasons. The theory of principle in the "Spleen-stomach theory(脾胃論)" stands on the basis of the 'Form Qi theory(形氣論)' and that of 'Upbearing, Downbearing, Floating, and Sinking theory(升降浮沈論)'. It manifests the theory of movement in the interaction between Form(形) and Qi(氣), and 'Qi Interior Form Exterior(氣裏形表)' indicates that Qi(氣) moves interiorly and Form(形) exteriorly.

Exploratory research on ultra-long polymer optical fiber-based corrosion sensing for buried metal pipelines

  • Luo, Dong;Li, Yuanyuan;Yang, Hangzhou;Sun, Hao;Chen, Hongbin
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.507-520
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    • 2020
  • In order to achieve effective corrosion monitoring of buried metal pipelines, a Novel nondestructive Testing (NDT) methodology using ultra-long (250 mm) Polymer Optical Fiber (POF) sensors coated with the Fe-C alloy film is proposed in this study. The theoretical principle is investigated to clarify the monitoring mechanism of this method, and the detailed fabrication process of this novel POF sensor is presented. To validate the feasibility of this novel POF sensor, exploratory research of the proposed method was performed using simulated corrosion tests. For simplicity, the geometric shape of the buried pipeline was simulated as a round hot-rolled plain steel bar. A thin nickel layer was applied as the inner plated layer, and the Fe-C alloy film was coated using an electroless plating technique to precisely control the thickness of the alloy film. In the end, systematic sensitivity analysis on corrosion severity was further performed with experimental studies on three sensors fabricated with different metal layer thicknesses of 25 ㎛, 30 ㎛ and 35 ㎛. The experimental observation demonstrated that the sensor coated with 25 ㎛ Fe-C alloy film presented the highest effectiveness with the corrosion sensitivity of 0.3364 mV/g at Δm = 9.32 × 10-4 g in Stage I and 0.0121 mV/g in Stage III. The research findings indicate that the detection accuracy of the novel POF sensor proposed in this study is satisfying. Moreover, the simple fabrication of the high-sensitivity sensor makes it cost-effective and suitable for the on-site corrosion monitoring of buried metal pipelines.

Bandwidth Management of WiMAX Systems and Performance Modeling

  • Li, Yue;He, Jian-Hua;Xing, Weixi
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.63-81
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    • 2008
  • WiMAX has been introduced as a competitive alternative for metropolitan broadband wireless access technologies. It is connection oriented and it can provide very high data rates, large service coverage, and flexible quality of services (QoS). Due to the large number of connections and flexible QoS supported by WiMAX, the uplink access in WiMAX networks is very challenging since the medium access control (MAC) protocol must efficiently manage the bandwidth and related channel allocations. In this paper, we propose and investigate a cost-effective WiMAX bandwidth management scheme, named the WiMAX partial sharing scheme (WPSS), in order to provide good QoS while achieving better bandwidth utilization and network throughput. The proposed bandwidth management scheme is compared with a simple but inefficient scheme, named the WiMAX complete sharing scheme (WCPS). A maximum entropy (ME) based analytical model (MEAM) is proposed for the performance evaluation of the two bandwidth management schemes. The reason for using MEAM for the performance evaluation is that MEAM can efficiently model a large-scale system in which the number of stations or connections is generally very high, while the traditional simulation and analytical (e.g., Markov models) approaches cannot perform well due to the high computation complexity. We model the bandwidth management scheme as a queuing network model (QNM) that consists of interacting multiclass queues for different service classes. Closed form expressions for the state and blocking probability distributions are derived for those schemes. Simulation results verify the MEAM numerical results and show that WPSS can significantly improve the network’s performance compared to WCPS.

Structure Analysis of Li-ion Battery Using Neutron Beam Source (중성자를 이용한 리튬이온 이차전지 전극 구조분석)

  • Kim, Chang-Seob;Park, Heon-Yong;Liang, Lianhua;Kim, Ji-Young;Seong, Baek-Seok;Kim, Keon
    • Journal of the Korean Electrochemical Society
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.20-24
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    • 2007
  • Lithium ion secondary battery has been applied widely to portable devices, and has been studied for application to high power electric cell system such as power tool or hybrid electronic vehicle. The structure change of the electrodes materials occur when lithium ions move between electrodes. Neutron or X-rays can analyze the structure of electrode. The advantage of X-rays is convenient in test. However X-rays is scattered by electron cloud in atoms. Therefore, The elucidation for correct position of lithium is difficult with X-rays because lithium has small atomic weight. Neutron analysis techniques could solve this problem. In this review, We wish to discuss about structure analysis and the principle of structural characterization method using neutron beam source.

Seismic analysis of half-through steel truss arch bridge considering superstructure

  • Li, Ruiqi;Yuan, Xinzhe;Yuan, Wancheng;Dang, Xinzhi;Shen, Guoyu
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.59 no.3
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    • pp.387-401
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    • 2016
  • This paper takes a half-through steel truss arch bridge as an example. A seismic analysis is conducted with nonlinear finite element method. Contrast models are established to discuss the effect of simplified method for main girder on the accuracy of the result. The influence of seismic wave direction and wave-passage on seismic behaviors are analysed as well as the superstructure and arch ring interaction which is mostly related with the supported bearings and wind resistant springs. In the end, the application of cable-sliding aseismic devices is discussed to put forward a layout principle. The main conclusions include: (1) The seismic response isn't too distinctive with the simplified method of main girder. Generally speaking, the grillage method is recommended. (2) Under seismic input from different directions, arch foot is usually the mostly dangerous section. (3) Vertical wave input and horizontal wave-passage greatly influence the seismic responses of arch ring, significantly increasing that of midspan. (4) The superstructure interaction has an obvious impact on the seismic performance. Half-through arch bridges with long spandrel columns fixed has a less response than those with short ones fixed. And a large stiffness of wind resistant spring makes the the seismic responses of arch ring larger. (5) A good isolation effectiveness for half-through arch bridge can be achieved by a reasonable arrangement of CSFABs.

Statistical Back Trajectory Analysis for Estimation of CO2 Emission Source Regions (공기괴 역궤적 모델의 통계 분석을 통한 이산화탄소 배출 지역 추정)

  • Li, Shanlan;Park, Sunyoung;Park, Mi-Kyung;Jo, Chun Ok;Kim, Jae-Yeon;Kim, Ji-Yoon;Kim, Kyung-Ryul
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.245-251
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    • 2014
  • Statistical trajectory analysis has been widely used to identify potential source regions for chemically and radiatively important chemical species in the atmosphere. The most widely used method is a statistical source-receptor model developed by Stohl (1996), of which the underlying principle is that elevated concentrations at an observation site are proportionally related to both the average concentrations on a specific grid cell where the observed air mass has been passing over and the residence time staying over that grid cell. Thus, the method can compute a residence-time-weighted mean concentration for each grid cell by superimposing the back trajectory domain on the grid matrix. The concentration on a grid cell could be used as a proxy for potential source strength of corresponding species. This technical note describes the statistical trajectory approach and introduces its application to estimate potential source regions of $CO_2$ enhancements observed at Korean Global Atmosphere Watch Observatory in Anmyeon-do. Back trajectories are calculated using HYSPLIT 4 model based on wind fields provided by NCEP GDAS. The identified $CO_2$ potential source regions responsible for the pollution events observed at Anmyeon-do in 2010 were mainly Beijing area and the Northern China where Haerbin, Shenyang and Changchun mega cities are located. This is consistent with bottom-up emission information. In spite of inherent uncertainties of this method in estimating sharp spatial gradients within the vicinity of the emission hot spots, this study suggests that the statistical trajectory analysis can be a useful tool for identifying anthropogenic potential source regions for major GHGs.

An Evaluation of Routing Methods and the Golden Zone Effect in the Warehouses Order Picking System (창고의 복도형 오더 피킹 시스템의 'Golden Zone' 운영과 경로 최적화 알고리즘 효과 비교)

  • Li, Jin;Lee, Yong-Dae;Kim, Sheung-Kown
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.67-76
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    • 2011
  • Order picking in automotive service parts warehouses is considered to be the most labor-intensive operation. Such warehouses contain hundreds of thousands of items, but normally 20% of products contribute to about 80% of turnover according to Pareto's 80-20 principle. Therefore most fast moving items are located near an outbound area which is called the "Golden Zone". Order picking routing efficiency is related to productivity and labor cost. However, most companies use simple methods. In this paper, we describe a series of computational experiments over a set of test cases where, we compared various previously existing routing heuristics to an optimal algorithm. We focus on examining the influence of the golden zone on the performance and selection of routing methods. The results obtained show that the optimal routing method increases the productivity at least 17.2%, and all the routing methods have better performance as the pick up rate from the golden zone increases.

A Study on a Shipborne Automatic Identification System

  • Wen -Li Sun;Fu-Wen Pang;Sang-Ku Hwang;Tchang-Hee Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Navigation
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 1998
  • Shipbome Automatic Identification System (AIS) will be an important manne equipment used for identification, surveillance and communication in the 21st century, which is currently being researched in developed countries. A technical scheme of AlS is proposed in this paper. The main component of the AlS is a broadcast transponder, and the core technology is a VHF radio data link with high capacity, named STDMA (Self-organized Time Division Multiple Access). The ships installed the AlS, which will automatically and periodically broadcast their positions and identities in the marine VHF channels, can be displayed on a screen of an ECDIS on board or in VTS centers. The AlS is able to support not only broadcast service but also point-to-point communication service. This paper presents the configuration, operation principle and functionality of the AlS as well as the scenario of STDMA. In addition, the standardization work of AlS in IMO is introduced in this pauer, too.

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