• Title/Summary/Keyword: Leg shape

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A Change of fashin IIIustration by the Ideal Type of Human Body Beauty (인체미의 이상형에 따른 패션 일러스트레이션의 변화)

  • 전경숙
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.28
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    • pp.65-84
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the relation between the beauty of human body and the fashion illustration in each period And I attained my object through the investigation of features and changes of illustration which is given a vivid description of the features and development of ideal humam body beauty. By various methods I studied this subject. Frist I refered to sundry records Secondly I investiated the fashion illustrations which are included in Vogue. On the basis of this data I grasped the ideal types of human body beauty which is founded during the social change in each 10 years. And I analyzed the relation be-tween the ideal type and fashion illustration which show the change of fashion. The summary of result is as follows. 1. In the early part of the 20th century the beauty of human body is represented with the figure of large-sized beauty which emphasize shoulder and bust. And fashion ikllustration show 9 life-size broad shoulder full bust lim waist and hourglass silhouette. 2, In the 1910s the swell of strength vanishes gradually and shoulder and sleeve are straight type. And fashion illustration show 7 life-size high waist line. And that is tublar sil-houette of high waist and streamline shape in which bust and hip are not emphasized. 3. In the 1920s the ideal type of human body beauty is straight type which shows flat bust and unexaggerate hip. And fashion illus-tration is about 8 life-size tublar silhouette of low waist and lunger and slimmer and young style in which bust and hip are not emph-asized. 4. In the 1930s the ideal is womamly slim and long style. Fashion illustration is about 8 life-size and slim & long silhouette in which waist line is emphasized and bust and hip line come out. 5. In the 1940s the ideal type is womamly style which has narrow shoulder rich bast and slim waist. And fashion illustration is about 7 life-size and hourglass silhouette which has unartificial shoulder slim waist and empha-sized bust. 6. In the 1950s the ideal type is that of ro-bust health which emphasize build and muscu-lar system. And fashion illustration is 8.5 life-size and show full bust and made waist slimmer. That is sheath silhouette. 7. In the child who has full face with large eyeball slender and long leg: narrow and immatured body comparatively big head. And fashion illus-tration is 7 life-size and show slim and long neck flat bust long and slim limbs and big head. That is H type silhouette. 8. In the 1970s the ideal type is high stat-ure flat breast small hip and wide shoulders. And fashion illustration is wide shoulders and slim waist as 11 life-size and straight sil-houete. 9. In the 1980s the ideal type is extremely emphasized breadth of shoulder because healthy body and muscle are recognized as the symbol of ideal attractiveness. And fashion il-lustration is about 8.5 life-size and show mus-cular slim type that is slim silhouette. 10 At the present time the ideal type is slim and tall type which is empasized healthy beauty. And fashion illustration is 12 life-size which has healthy body and skin So that is slim and long type.

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A Model Experiment on the Basic Efficiency of Midwater Rope Trawl Net (로프 트롤 그물의 기본성능에 관한 모형실험)

  • Yae, Young-Hee;Lee, Byong-Gee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.200-213
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    • 1993
  • A model experiment on a midwater rope trawl net which is used in the North Pacific to catch alaska pollack is carried out in the circulating tank to examine the basic efficiency of the net. The prototype is the net used by M/S Hanil(1, 179GT, 2, 700PS), a Korean trawler. The model net was made according to the Tauti's Similarity Law of Fishing Gear in 1/100 scale by considering the condition of the tank. To measure the basic efficiency of the standard model net, the vertical opening and width between some points marked on the net were measured, and the hydrodynamic resistance were determined. Then the constructive conditions of the net were varied as follows and the factors were measured again to compare the efficiency of those nets with that of the standard net(A-1 type) front weight multiplied 1.5 times: A-2 type. buoyancy and depressing force multiplied 1.7 times: A-3 type. front weight multiplied 1.5 times on A-3 type: A-4 type. depressors rigged at ground rope: B type. cod-end stuffed with cashmylon wad: C type. The results obtained can be summarized as follows: 1. The vertical opening at the center of head rope was steeply decreased with the flow velocity increasing and the vertical opening H(m) can be expressed in H=1.2v super(-1.2)(v : flow velocity in m/sec). The width of the net varied a little when the flow velocity was over 0.4m/sec, and the width of net mouth showed about 37% of the distance between the fore tips of net pendant. The shape of net mouth was almost a circle at 0.2m/sec and then steeply flatted elliptically with the flow velocity increasing and the area of mouth S(m super(2)) can be expressed in S=(1.65-2.3v)$\times$10 super(-2). The hydrodynamic resistance of the net increased almost linearly with the flow velocity increasing and the resistance R(kg) can be expressed in R=3.2$\times$d/l$\times$abv. where d/l denotes the mean of d(diameter of netting twine) and l(length of a leg in a mesh) from wing tip to the end of bag-net except cod-end on the side pannel, and a denotes the strectched circumference of the net at the fore end of a meshed part and b the stretched length of the whole net from wing tip to the end of cod-end. 2. In the condition-varied nets, the vertical opening of head rope showed some increase in every type net except the C type, and the increase showed the greatest in the B type by 30~54%, whereas it showed decrease in the C type by 5~10%. Variation of the area of net mouth showed almost the same tendency as the vertical opening and the increase showed the greatest in the B type by 20%, whereas it showed decrease in the C type by 12%. Hydrodynamic resistance showed some increase in every type compared with the standard net, and the rate of increase indicated 5~10% in the A-2, A-3 and A-4 type, 22% in the B type and 3% in the C type.

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An Intravenous Injection Simulator using Augmented Reality for Veterinary Education (증강현실 기술을 사용한 수의학 교육용 정맥 주사 훈련 시뮬레이터)

  • Lee, Jun;Seo, Anna;Kim, WonJong;Kim, Jee-In;Lee, SeungYeon;Eom, KiDong
    • Journal of the HCI Society of Korea
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.25-34
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    • 2012
  • A veterinary student learns and experiences veterinary processes though experiments and practices using real animals. However, animal protection laws regulate animal experiments and restrict number of the experiments on laboratory animals, veterinary students would have less chances of the experiments and the practices for their veterinary training with real animals. This paper proposes a simulator for veterinary education based on augmented reality (AR). We selected an intravenous injection procedure for the simulation because the injection procedure is the most frequently used procedure during veterinary training and the most difficult stage for beginning veterinary students. The proposed AR simulator provides with a tangible prop, of which shape looks like a leg of a real dog. It also has a injection simulator, which receives user's input and sends force feedbacks to indicate results of the injection simulation. We developed a WorkBench type AR system with an LED display and cameras for visual information processing. Finally, we evaluated its performance through experiments and user studies to check its acceptance level and usability of the proposed system. We compared the proposed system with a traditional video based education and an AR based system using a head mounded display (HMD). The results that the proposed system showed better performances over these systems.

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Hierarchical Non-Rigid Registration by Bodily Tissue-based Segmentation : Application to the Visible Human Cross-sectional Color Images and CT Legs Images (조직 기반 계층적 non-rigid 정합: Visible Human 컬러 단면 영상과 CT 다리 영상에 적용)

  • Kim, Gye-Hyun;Lee, Ho;Kim, Dong-Sung;Kang, Heung-Sik
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.259-266
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    • 2003
  • Non-rigid registration between different modality images with shape deformation can be used to diagnosis and study for inter-patient image registration, longitudinal intra-patient registration, and registration between a patient image and an atlas image. This paper proposes a hierarchical registration method using bodily tissue based segmentation for registration between color images and CT images of the Visible Human leg areas. The cross-sectional color images and the axial CT images are segmented into three distinctive bodily tissue regions, respectively: fat, muscle, and bone. Each region is separately registered hierarchically. Bounding boxes containing bodily tissue regions in different modalities are initially registered. Then, boundaries of the regions are globally registered within range of searching space. Local boundary segments of the regions are further registered for non-rigid registration of the sampled boundary points. Non-rigid registration parameters for the un-sampled points are interpolated linearly. Such hierarchical approach enables the method to register images efficiently. Moreover, registration of visibly distinct bodily tissue regions provides accurate and robust result in region boundaries and inside the regions.

Geoacoustic Inversion and Source Localization with an L-Shaped Receiver Array (L-자형 선배열을 이용한 지음향학적 인자 역산 및 음원 위치 추정)

  • Kim, Kyung-Seop;Lee, Keun-Hwa;Kim, Seong-Il;Kim, Young-Gyu;Seong, Woo-Jae
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.25 no.7
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    • pp.346-355
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    • 2006
  • Acoustic data from a shallow water experiment in the East Sea of Korea (MAPLE IV) is Processed to investigate the Performance of matched-field geo-acoustic inversion and source localization. The receiver array consists of two legs as in an L-shape. one vertical and the other horizontal lying on the seabed. Narrowband multi-tone CW source was towed along a slightly inclined bathymetry track. The matched-field geo-acoustic inversion includes comparisons between three processing techniques. all based on the Bartlett processor as; (1) the coherent processing of the data from the full array, (2) the incoherent Product of each output from both the horizontal and vertical arrays, and (3) the cross correlation between the horizontal and vertical arrays. as well as processing each array leg separately. To verify the inversion results. matched-field source localization for low level source signal components were performed using the same Processors used at the inversion stage.

A Study on Estimation of Edible Meat Weight in Live Broiler Chickens (육용계(肉用鷄)에서 가식육량(可食肉量)의 추정(推定)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Han, Sung Wook;Kim, Jae Hong
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.221-234
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    • 1983
  • A study was conducted to devise a method to estimate the edible meat weight in live broilers. White Cornish broiler chicks CC, Single Comb White Leghorn egg strain chicks LL, and two reciprocal cross breeds of these two parent stocks (CL and LC) were employed A total of 240 birds, 60 birds from each breed, were reared and sacrificed at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 weeks of ages in order to measure various body parameters. Results obtained from this study were summarized as follows. 1) The average body weight of CC and LL were 1,820g and 668g, respectively, at 8 weeks of age. The feed to gain ratios for CC and LL were 2.24 and 3.28, respectively. 2) The weight percentages of edible meat to body weight were 34.7, 36.8 and 37.5% at 6, 8 and 10 weeks of ages, respectively, for CC. The values for LL were 30.7, 30.5 and 32.3%, respectively, The CL and LC were intermediate in this respect. No significant differences were found among four breeds employed. 3) The CC showed significantly smaller weight percentages than did the other breeds in neck, feather, and inedible viscera. In comparison, the LL showed the smaller weight percentages of leg and abdominal fat to body weight than did the others. No significant difference was found among breeds in terms of the weight percentages of blood to body weight. With regard to edible meat, the CC showed significantly heavier breast and drumstick, and the edible viscera was significantly heavier in LL. There was no consistent trend in neck, wing and back weights. 4) The CC showed significantly larger measurements body shape components than did the other breeds at all time. Moreover, significant difference was found in body shape measurements between CL and LC at 10 weeks of age. 5) All of the measurements of body shape components except breast angle were highly correlated with edible meat weight. Therefore, it appeared to be possible to estimate the edible meat wight of live chickens by the use of these values. 6) The optimum regression equations for the estimation of edible meat weight by body shape measurements at 10 weeks of age were as follows. $$Y_{cc}=-1,475.581 +5.054X_{26}+3.080X_{24}+3.772X_{25}+14.321X_{35}+1.922X_{27}(R^2=0.88)$$ $$Y_{LL}=-347.407+4.549X_{33}+3.003X_{31}(R^2=0.89)$$ $$Y_{CL}=-1,616.793+4.430X_{24}+8.566X_{32}(R^2=0.73)$$ $$Y_{LC}=-603.938+2.142X_{24}+3.039X_{27}+3.289X_{33}(R^2=0.96)$$ Where $X_{24}$=chest girth, $X_{25}$=breast width, $X_{26}$=breast length, $X_{27}$=keel length, $X_{31}$=drumstick girth, $X_{32}$=tibotarsus length, $X_{33}$=shank length, and $X_{35}$=shank diameter. 7) The breed and age factors caused considerable variations in assessing the edible meat weight in live chicken. It seems however that the edible meat weight in live chicken can be estimated fairly accurately with optimum regression equations derived from various body shape measurements.

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Formation of Liquid Crystalline with Hydrogenated Lecithin and Its Effectiveness (수소첨가레시친을 이용한 액정 젤의 형성과 보습효과)

  • Kim, In-Young;Lee, Joo-Dong;Ryoo, Hee-Chang;Zhoh, Choon-Koo
    • Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.159-165
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    • 2004
  • This study described about method that forms liquid crystal gel (LCG) by main ingredient with hydrogenated lechin (HL) in O/W emulsion system. Result of stability test is as following with most suitable LCG's composition. Composition of LCG is as following, to form liquid crystal, an emulsifier used 4.0wt% of cetostearyl alcohol (CA) by 4.0wt% of HL as a booster. Moisturizers contained 2wt% of glycerin and 3.0wt% of 1,3-butylene glycol (1,3-BG). Suitable emollients used 3.0wt% of cyclomethicone, 3.0wt% of isononyl isononanoate (ININ), 3.0wt% of cerpric/carprylic triglycerides (CCTG), 3.0wt% of macademia nut oil (MNO) in liquid crystal gel formation. On optimum conditions of LCG formation, the pHs were formed all well under acidity or alkalinity conditions (pH=4.0-11.0). Considering safety of skin, pH was the most suitable 6.0${\pm}$1.0 ranges. The stable hardness of LCG formation appeared best in 32 dyne/$\textrm{cm}^2$. Particle of LCG is forming size of 1-20$\mu\textrm{m}$ range, and confirmed that the most excellent LCG is formed in 1-6$\mu\textrm{m}$ range. According to result that observe shape of LCG with optical or polarization microscope, LCG could was formed, and confirmed that is forming multi -layer lamellar type structure around the LCG. Moisturizing effect measured clinical test about 20 volunteers. As a result, moisturizing effect of LCG compares to placebo cream was increased 36.6%. This could predicted that polyol group is appeared the actual state because is adsorbed much to round liquid crystal droplets to multi-lamellar layer's hydrophilic group. It could predicted that polyol group is vast quantity present phase that appear mixed because is adsorbed to round liquid crystal to multi-lamellar layer's hydrophilic group. This LCG formation theory may contribute greatly in cosmetics and pharmacy industry development.