• Title/Summary/Keyword: Leaving group

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Kinetic Studies on the Reaction of the Homobimetallic Anion, M+5-MeCp)Mn(CO)2Mn(CO)5-(M+=Na+, PPN+) with Allyl Chloride (동종이핵착물인 M+5-MeCp)Mn(CO)2Mn(CO)5-(M+=Na+, PPN+)와 염화알릴간의 반응에 대한 반응속도론적 연구)

  • Park, Yong-Kwang;Yun, Dong-Shin
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.48 no.5
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    • pp.473-482
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    • 2004
  • The homobimetallic anion, $M^+({\eta}^5-MeCp)Mn(CO)_2Mn(CO)_5^-(M^+=Na^+,\;PPN^+)$was disrupted by CH2CHCH2Cl in THF at various temperatures ($20^{\circ}C~50^{\circ}C$) under the pseudo 1st order reaction conditions where excess of allyl chloride was employed under a nitrogen atmosphere. This homobimetallic anion seems to be involved in a concerted reaction mechanism in which a four-centered transition state is proposed. After undergoing the transition state, this reaction eventually leads to (MeCp)Mn$(CO)_3$ on addition of CO and $({\eta}^1-allyl)Mn(CO)_5$, respectively. However, in case of $Na^+$ analog, $Na^+$ may play a novel counter ion effect on the disruption reaction either by transferring one terminal CO from the $Mn(CO)_5$ moiety on to the $({\eta}^5-MeCp)Mn(CO)_2$of the corresponding homobimetallic complex, eventually resulting in $({\eta}^5-MeCp)Mn(CO)_3$ or through the interaction between $Na^+$ and the leaving group (Cl) of allyl chloride. This reaction is of overall second order with respect to homobimetallic complex with the activation parameters (${\Delta}H^{\neq}=17.15{\pm}0.17kcal/mol,\;{\Delta}S^{\neq}=-9.63{\pm}0.10$ e.u. for $Na^+$ analog; ${\Delta}H^{\neq}=22.13{\pm}0.21 kcal/mol,\;{\Delta}S^{\neq}=9.74{\pm}0.19$ e.u. for $PPN^+$ analog reaction).

Characterization and Control of Vascellum curtisii (Berkeley)Kreisel Causing the Fairy Ring Arcs in the Golf Course in Korea (골프코스에서 페어리링의 원인이되는 Vascellum curtisii의 특징과 방계)

  • Choi, Dae-Hong;Lee, Jung-Han;Kim, Hee-Kyu
    • Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.171-178
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    • 2008
  • We have found the clusters of tiny spiny puffball-like mushrooms growing gregariously in fairy ring (arcs) rimmed by a zone of darker green grass in the golf courses. Macroscopic as well as microscopic characters were examined for the morphology of fruiting body. Exoperidium is thin and densely spiny with minute fibrillae at early stage. The connivent spines were soft and quite persistent. In age, the fibrillae scrumble away with a powdery coating, which leaves white endoperidium becoming pale brown. It's interior was white and fleshy at first, but turns into an olive-colored dust as the gleba, the spore-producing tissue, develops to maturity and loaded with olive-brown spore mass. Then, distinct apical pore developed on the endoperidium. Rudimentary subgleba(sterile base) was narrow, chambered, delineated from the gleba by a membrane in young material. These characters suggested this fungus is a Vascellum, a member of the family Lycoperdaceae. The shapes of the spores were globose, echinulate, $3{\sim}3.5{\mu}m$ in diameter, thick-walled, and olive brown. Capillitial threads were $8-9{\mu}m$ wide, mostly colorless in KOH solution and thin-walled, which designated as "paracapillitium". This is an another character that distinguishes this mushroom from Lycoperdon spp. The spines developed on exoperidium were characteristically connivent; their apices joined together in a point, leaving a space below, which gives the appearance of vault to each group of usually 5 to 6 fibrillae. Based on the above characters, this fungus is identified as Vascellum curtisii (Berkeley). The characters distinguishable this from Lycoperdon pulcherrimum, and Vascellum pretense are discussed in detail. Control trial was also attempted. Strong vertical raking(SVR) followed by applying 500x detergent solution (Spark, Aekyung Co. Seoul) resulted in excellent control over any other treatments. In this plot, fruiting body was not developed throughout the end of mushroom growing season.

Needs Assessment for the Beneficiaries of Home-Based Cancer Patients Management Project (보건소 재가암환자관리사업 대상자의 서비스 요구도 분석)

  • Lee, Ju-Hyung;Park, Jung-Im;Kang, Ji-Hoon;Youm, Jung-Ho;Koh, Dai-Ha;Kwon, Keun-Sang
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.238-250
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    • 2011
  • Objectives: This study was performed to investigate the service needs of the beneficiaries who had enrolled in home-based management programs for cancer patients. Methods: From March to May 2009, 676 cancer patients who were registered in home-based cancer patient management programs were selected as subjects for this study. The data were collected using a questionnaire along with a face-to-face interview performed by officers in charge of the home-based care programs of 47 regional health centers. Fifteen patients were excluded due to incomplete data, leaving 661 subjects who were ultimately enrolled in the study. Results: The mean age of subjects was $64.0{\pm}2.5$ years, and males comprised 45.1% (298/661) of the sample. The results of factor analysis for service needs showed that there were five main categories and Cronbach's alpha ranged from 0.593 to 0.890 for each factor. The service needs categories in order of importance were social support, information and education, psychological problems, physical symptoms and household chores. The service needs scores were significantly different when subjects were stratified by age, habitation, religion and disease classification. When we divided the subjects into complete remission, under treatment and terminally ill groups, the needs scores of the terminally ill patient group were significantly higher than those of the other groups (p<0.001). Conclusions: Service provision based on patient and beneficiary needs could be an effective intervention to reduce the economic burden of cancer management and to improve the quality of life of cancer patients receiving home-based care. Therefore, it is recommended that individual cancer patient care programs be developed and administered according to patient age, habitation and disease severity.

"Critical Application of Witness Commentaries: The Case of Guerrilla Warfare in the Korean War" ("증언자료의 비판적 활용 - 6.25전쟁 시기 유격대의 경우")

  • Cho, Sung Hun
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.12
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    • pp.137-178
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    • 2005
  • The anticommunist guerrillas' activities that aretheconcern of this article took place largely in North Korea or behind the enemy-held lines. Verifying their history is accordingly difficult and requires careful attention, but despite their active operations the military as well as the scholarly community have been lax in studying them. The Korean War came to be perceived as a traditional, limited war with regular battles, so that the studies addressed mostly the regular operations, and guerrilla warfare is remembered as an almost 'exclusive property' of the communist invaders; a small wonder that the anticommunist guerrillas have not been studied much and the collection of materials neglected. Therefore, in contrast with the witness accounts concerning regular battles, witness resources were of a small volume about these "patriots without the service numbers." For the above reasons the guerrilla participants and their later-organized fellowships took to the task of leaving records and compiling the histories of their units. They became active preservers of history in order to inform later generations of their works and also to secure deserved benefits from the government, in a world where none recognized their achievements. For instance, 4th Donkey Unit published witness accounts in addition to a unit history, and left video-recordings of guerrilla witnesses before any institute systematized the oral history of the guerrillas. In the case of Kyulsa ("Resolved to Die") Guerrilla Unit, the unit history was 10 times revised and expanded upon for publication, contributing substantially to the recovery of anticommunist guerrilla history which had almost totally lacked documented resources. Now because the guerrilla-related witness accounts were produced through fellowship societies and not individually, it often took the form of 'collective memory.' As a result, though thousands of former guerrillas remain surviving, the scarcity of numerous versions of, or perspectives upon, an event renders difficult an objective approach to the historical truth. Even requests to verify the service of a guerrilla member or to apply for decoration or government benefits for those killed in action, the process is taken care of not at the hands of the first party but the veteran society, so that a variety of opinions are not available for consideration. Moreover, some accounts were taken by American military personnel, and since some historians, unaware of official documents or evaluation of achievements, tended to center the records around their own units and especially to exaggerate the units' performances, they often featured factual errors. Thefollowing is the means to utilize positively the aforementioned type of witness accounts in military history research. It involves the active use of military historical detachments (MHD). As in the examples of those dispatched by the American forces during the Korean War, experts should be dispatched during, and not just after, wartimes. By considering and investigating the differences among various perspectives on the same historical event, even without extra documented resources it is possibleto arrive at theerrors or questionable points of the oral accounts, supplementing the additional accounts. Therefore any time lapses between witness accounts must be kept in consideration. Moreover when the oral accounts come from a group such as participants in the same guerrilla unit or operation, a standardized list of items ought to be put to use. Education in oral history is necessary not just for the training of experts. In America wherethefield sees much activity, it is used not only in college or graduate programs but also in elementary and lifetime educational processes. In comparison in our nation, and especially in historical disciplines, methodological insistence upon documented evidences prevails in the main, and in the fields of nationalist movement or modern history, oral accounts do not receive adequate attention. Like ancient documents and monuments, oral history also needs to be made a regular part of diverse resource materials at our academic institutes for history. Courses in memory and history, such as those in American colleges, are available possibilities.

Accuracy of bite registration according to the buccal bite scan range of intra-oral scanner (구강 스캐너의 협측 교합 스캔 부위에 따른 교합 인기의 정확도)

  • Tae-sung Kwon;Dae-hyun Kim;Min-su Kim;Dong-jun Song;Joo-Hun Song
    • Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.125-134
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine which scan range would provide the most accurate bite registration when performing a bite scan after scanning an upper and lower arch using an intraoral scanner. Materials and Methods: The occlusal contact points were recorded using articulating paper for 30 adults, and the results of various ranges of buccal bite scan were compared based on this. Buccal bite scan of 5 ranges (1st premolar to 2nd premolar, 1st premolar to 1st molar, 1st premolar to 2nd molar, 2nd premolar to 1st molar, and canines to another side canine of the maxillary teeth) was performed, and then the buccal bite scan file was used in a CAD program to confirm the occlusal area in the scan file through data editing and alignment, leaving the buccal area of the teeth. Afterwards, the degree of agreement between the occlusal contact points obtained from the articulating paper and the occlusal area obtained from the scan file was compared, and statistical analysis was performed using the homoscedastic T-test (α = 0.05). Results: The alignment success and alignment failure rates among each group were 77.23% and 40.85% in canine to another side canine, 68.23% and 28.89% in bilateral first premolar to second premolar, 63.76% and 29.97% in bilateral first premolar to first molar, 61.31% and 32.04% in bilateral first premolar to second molar, 67.55% and 27.46% in second premolar to first molar. The results of the anterior scan of both canines showed higher alignment success and failure rates compared to the scan results of all maxillary posterior teeth. In the alignment success rate, statistical significance was not found depending on the scan range of the posterior teeth, but in comparing the results of the posterior teeth and both canines, statistical significance was observed except for the scan results of the second premolar to the first molar. There was no statistical significance in the alignment failure rate depending on the scan range of the posterior teeth, and statistical significance was observed in the results of the posterior teeth and both canines. Conclusion: When taking a buccal bite scan, in the case of scanning the anterior teeth, more occlusal area appear than when scanning the posterior teeth, and in the case of scanning the posterior teeth, there is no significant difference in the bite registration depending on the scan range.