• Title/Summary/Keyword: Learning behavior

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The Meaning of Dating and Marriage among Well-Educated Korean Couples at the Optimal Marriageable Age (고학력 결혼적령기 커플들의 연애와 결혼에 대한 의미 및 젠더 정체성)

  • Sin, Hye Lim;Joo, Susanna
    • Journal of Family Relations
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.77-98
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: The aim of this study was to explore perceived meanings of dating and marriage among well-educated Korean couples who were in optimal marriageable ages. Particularly, an emphasis was placed on finding out where the traditional gender norms and post-modern contexts intersect on the couples' course of dating and marriage. Method: We undertook a qualitative analysis of 8 couples (age: 26-34) dating. Participants were limited to university graduates of upper-middle rank universities in Seoul, South Korea. The rationale for choosing such sample was based on the idea that characteristics of class is inherent in the act of dating and marriage, and that such characteristics lead to different contextual experiences in dating and marriage. This study was based on interviews conducted over a three-month time span. The interviews were first transcribed into research text and then subjects and key categories were drawn from the transcripts for analysis. Results: Participants sought meanings of joy, learning, and self-improvement in dating, and they were free from traditional gender norms in their romantic relationships. They viewed marriage as having a permanent companionship with their partner, becoming independent from their parents, and/or a social norm to be followed. Participants reported mixed perceptions about marriage in such fashion that they described their parents' relationship in terms of a gendered leader-supporter relationship, while viewing their own relationship as being genderless partners. In transition to parenthood, however, they regressed to traditional gender norms dichotomized as women being a homemaker and men being a breadwinner. In sum, participants displayed expectations that were inconsistent with regard to dating and marriage over the study period. That is, during the course of dating and early marriage, they did not hold separated gender norms; however, when transitioning from being a newly married couple to giving their first childbirth, expectations shifted to traditional gender norms and values. Conclusion: This suggests that it is not marriage, but the experience of childbirth and motherhood, which strengthen traditional gendered norms, engendering regeneration of the gender norms in families. The results indicate that there is a need to promote co-parenting behavior among the newly-married couples and to educate gender equality about parent roles or for parents in South Korea so that they can overcome traditional gendered norms in family.

Meaning and Structure of 'Eonji(言志)' as Educational Poetry (교육을 위한 노래, <도산십이곡> '언지(言志)'의 뜻)

  • Suh, Myeong-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Classical Literature and Education
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    • no.32
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    • pp.225-260
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    • 2016
  • This paper aims to shed light on the structure of "Eonji[言志]" to demonstrate that it is a song with educational purposes, which is evident in its meaning and constitution. Based on various records of the epilogue and from the texts handed down several generations, it is clear that is an educational song that describes the life of ascholar and the core of knowledge as considered by Lee-Huang. Therefore, the meaning contained in Eonji[言志] is closely related to Lee-Huang's thoughts and it reflects the Confucian way of life. In the 4thphase, Pimi-ilin[彼美一人] of Eonji[言志] states that self-learning and serving the king can be carried out concurrently. The 5th phase of Eonji[言志] describes the anxiety of the lord for the wiseman and urges people to live a life full of consideration. This shows that one should not disregard the fact that a wise man's scholarship and life can contribute to the politics of the real world, even if the wise one chooses to lead a life of seclusion; even when the wise man enters the word of politics, his behavior and traits must not deviate from the calm course of self-cultivation in nature. The structure of Eonji[言志] and its different phases comprising nature, scholarship, and education deal with the following matters: "the meaning of retirement into nature (1stphase)," "nature+the practice of scholarship (2ndphase)," "scholarship+the practice of education (3rdphase)," "nature+the stance of scholarship (4thphase)," "scholarship+the stance of education (5thphase)," and "the beauty of nature+idea of scholarship and education (6thphase)."

Interaction Design Study of Virtual Reality Safety Education Contents (가상현실 안전교육 콘텐츠의 인터랙션 디자인 연구)

  • Chang, Hyo-Jin;Chang, Sun-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.9
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    • pp.75-87
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to derive the characteristics of interaction design for each stage of content composition so that it can be referred to in the planning and production of virtual reality safety education contents. It was confirmed that each of the following interaction design features was found in the three configuration steps: acquisition of situation response procedure knowledge, accident situation experiential learning, and content confirmation and evaluation. First, it was revealed that the quality of experience was controlled by increasing the fidelity of behaviors and reducing general and repetitive behaviors in order to emphasize the educational content-related experiences in the learner experience stage. Second, in order for learners to easily recognize main interaction objects in order to acquire information on safe behavior procedures in unfamiliar environments, use of spatial UI or signifiers using arrows or symbols, posts that specifically instruct actions, and multisensory signals Therefore, it was found to be important to emphasize essential actions in a way that lowers the degree of freedom of user experience, and the proportion of non-realistic interactions for cognitive interactions was found to increase. Lastly, in the confirmation and evaluation stage of the experience, it is important to use the meta UI to alleviate negative experiences such as physical damage after experiencing a safety accident situation,

An Interpretable Log Anomaly System Using Bayesian Probability and Closed Sequence Pattern Mining (베이지안 확률 및 폐쇄 순차패턴 마이닝 방식을 이용한 설명가능한 로그 이상탐지 시스템)

  • Yun, Jiyoung;Shin, Gun-Yoon;Kim, Dong-Wook;Kim, Sang-Soo;Han, Myung-Mook
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.77-87
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    • 2021
  • With the development of the Internet and personal computers, various and complex attacks begin to emerge. As the attacks become more complex, signature-based detection become difficult. It leads to the research on behavior-based log anomaly detection. Recent work utilizes deep learning to learn the order and it shows good performance. Despite its good performance, it does not provide any explanation for prediction. The lack of explanation can occur difficulty of finding contamination of data or the vulnerability of the model itself. As a result, the users lose their reliability of the model. To address this problem, this work proposes an explainable log anomaly detection system. In this study, log parsing is the first to proceed. Afterward, sequential rules are extracted by Bayesian posterior probability. As a result, the "If condition then results, post-probability" type rule set is extracted. If the sample is matched to the ruleset, it is normal, otherwise, it is an anomaly. We utilize HDFS datasets for the experiment, resulting in F1score 92.7% in test dataset.

Case Study on Enhancing Communication Skills of Adolescents With Mild Intellectual Disabilities Through a Group Rap Making (그룹 랩만들기의 치료적 적용: 경도지적장애 청소년의 의사소통기술 향상 사례)

  • Kim, Eunha
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.45-66
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    • 2021
  • This study aimed to develop a group rap making program and examine its applicability to improve communication skills of adolescents with mild intellectual disabilities (ID). Three adolescents with ID participated in a total of six 50-minute group sessions over 4 weeks. The group rap making program included three stages: understanding the context of communication, learning how to communicate with others, and applying the communicative behaviors in a group setting. To examine changes in the participants' communication skills, the rap lyrics constructed by participants were analyzed and communicative behaviors were observed during sessions and analyzed in terms of asking questions and providing information to others. Also, a social communication skills checklist was rated by the participant's caregivers. The analysis of rap lyrics showed that the expressions included in the rap were diversified as the session proceeded. Changes in observed behaviors supported that participants became to engage in communication with others more actively in order to complete the group rap. While the social communication skills checklist tended to increase, there was a difference in degree of change depending on the level of language communication skills. These results indicate that a group rap making can be an effective option for these adolescents to learn how to communicate with their peers, which presents implications for how rap making can be used for therapeutic purpose with more diversified population.

The Effect of DISC Behavioral Style on Nursing Student's Knowledge and Clinical Performance (간호대학생의 DISC 행동유형이 지식과 임상수행능력에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hearan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.60-67
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effects of DISC behavioral style on the knowledge and clinical performance of nursing students. The subjects of the study were nursing students in the fourth grade of university and the data collection period was from March 2015 to December 2016. The collected data were analyzed using SPSS 24.0. DISC behavioral style analysis showed that 10.6% were dominant, 33.8% were influence, and 48.5% were steadiness and 7.1% were conscientiousness. Knowledge score in accordance with the measured points of DISC behavioral style did not show differences in the first, but did show differences in the second and third. Conversely, clinical performance score in accordance with the measurement points of DISC behavioral style showed differences in the first, second and third.Knowledge and clinical performance scores revealed significant differences in the interactions between the groups, between measurement points and between groups and measurement points. As a result, DISC behavioral style of nursing college students vary, with each having merits and demerits. Therefore, it is necessary to provide an opportunity to understand these points and to develop merits in order to improve the learning outcomes of the curriculum.

The Study of the Disability Education Experience of the Mothers for their Children with Brain Lesions - Hermeneutic Grounded Theory Methodology - (중증뇌병변장애인 자녀를 둔 어머니들의 장애자녀 교육경험에 관한 연구 -해석학적 질적연구-)

  • Kang, Sun Kyung;Choi, Yoon
    • 재활복지
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.79-106
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    • 2016
  • This study examined the meanings of the disability education of the mothers who reared their children with brain lesions. For this purpose, Rennie's hermeneutic grounded theory was applied and the consented 7 mothers participated in this study. With the in-depth interviews, 53 meaning units, 16 subordinate categories and 7 hermeneutic categories were classified. These 7 hermeneutic categories were 'wailing miserably everyday', 'social mobilization of the surroundings', 'straight forward', 'smash rock with the eggs', 'looking at a faraway', 'learning together' and 'subjectivation of disability education.' The experience of disabled children education process was concurrent experience of frustration and hoping that moving toward a big hope through the resignation stage, the chasing stage, the vision stage, the challenge stage, and the small achievement stage. Repetitive common patterns of behavior revealed three types: wishy-washy type, realistic-strategy type, and indomitable-challenge type. Moreover, the core category of educational experience was concluded to be 'a pedagogical process of turning despair from severe disabilities into hope through education.' Based on the analysis results, concrete intervention plans for social welfare practice were suggested to support the disabled children's lives with high quality of education.

The Components of the Child-care Teachers' Professional Vision Through the Video-based Learning Community: Focusing on Selective Attention and Knowledge-based Reasoning (비디오 활용 학습공동체를 통해 나타난 보육교사의 전문적 시각의 구성 요소: 선택적 주의와 인지 기반 추론을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Soo Jung;Lee, Young Shin;Lee, Min Joo
    • Korean Journal of Child Education & Care
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.27-43
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    • 2019
  • Objective: The purpose of this study is to investigate how the child care teachers experience about professional vision development through participating in video clubs with their peers while watching videos about their interactions with children in the classroom. Methods: We selected three child care teachers in a day care center in Seoul area and conducted the qualitative case study. Video clubs were designed to support the quality of teacher-child interaction by developing child-care teachers' professional vision. And the video clubs used the self-reflection process and cooperative self-reflection process as an important educational method. Results: Teachers were able to experience the change of attention in watching their interaction scene through the 4-time video club participation and to have opportunity for educational (knowledge based) reasoning. Particularly, through participation in the video club, the teacher could pay attention to teachers' intention, teachers' decision making process, and child's intention. In addition, through video club participation, the teachers experienced educational interpretation based on children's thinking and interest; and reasoning through reflective thinking about the results of teaching behavior. This change of professional vision was possible through mutual scaffolding through cooperative reflection among participating teachers. Conclusion/Implications: Based on the results of this study we discussed the importance of the professional vision development of the child care teachers and the effectiveness of the video club for supporting their professional vision development.

The Effect of Changes in Airbnb Host's Marketing Strategy on Listing Performance in the COVID-19 Pandemic (COVID-19 팬데믹에서 Airbnb 호스트의 마케팅 전략의 변화가 공유성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, So Yeong;Sim, Ji Hwan;Chung, Yeo Jin
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.1-27
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    • 2021
  • The entire tourism industry is being hit hard by the COVID-19 as a global pandemic. Accommodation sharing services such as Airbnb, which have recently expanded due to the spread of the sharing economy, are particularly affected by the pandemic because transactions are made based on trust and communication between consumer and supplier. As the pandemic situation changes individuals' perceptions and behavior of travel, strategies for the recovery of the tourism industry have been discussed. However, since most studies present macro strategies in terms of traditional lodging providers and the government, there is a significant lack of discussion on differentiated pandemic response strategies considering the peculiarity of the sharing economy centered on peer-to-peer transactions. This study discusses the marketing strategy for individual hosts of Airbnb during COVID-19. We empirically analyze the effect of changes in listing descriptions posted by the Airbnb hosts on listing performance after COVID-19 was outbroken. We extract nine aspects described in the listing descriptions using the Attention-Based Aspect Extraction model, which is a deep learning-based aspect extraction method. We model the effect of aspect changes on listing performance after the COVID-19 by observing the frequency of each aspect appeared in the text. In addition, we compare those effects across the types of Airbnb listing. Through this, this study presents an idea for a pandemic crisis response strategy that individual service providers of accommodation sharing services can take depending on the listing type.

Development and Application TEP Activity for the Education of Experimental Apparatus at Elementary School (초등학생의 실험기구 교육을 위한 TEP 활동의 개발 및 적용)

  • Jeon, Soyeon;Park, Jongseok
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.64 no.6
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    • pp.379-388
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study are to develop the TEP activity for learning experimental apparatus at elementary school and to test the effects of the TEP activity. This study consists of two steps. First through literature research on the difficulties and needs of experimental apparatus education developed the form that how to educate the experimental apparatus at elementary school. Second, applied the TEP activity and figured out the effects as two aspect(knowledge about experimental apparatus and actual using skill during lesson). This worksheet was applied to 3rd grade students in elementary school about 4 experimental apparatuses(Beaker, Electronic scale, Glass rod, Spatula). The results of this study are as follows: There is no specific time to teach what is and how to use experimental apparatus by regular curriculum. So many students and teachers need method and time to learn them. Also they want to lots of opportunities to use them. With that needs given previously, TEP activity developed by 3 steps. 1. Trigger interest 2. Explore experimental apparatus: learned knowledges about experimental apparatus focused on appearance(name, purpose, directions for use, precautions) 3. Practice experimental apparatus: actual using time to acquire skills. After that did the survey of knowledge and observation of students' behavior during usual class to confirm the effects. According to the results, TEP activity helped the students to improve there awareness of the experimental apparatus and actual using skills.