• Title/Summary/Keyword: Learning Coaching

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Development of a Robot Programming Instructional Model based on Cognitive Apprenticeship for the Enhancement of Metacognition (메타인지 발달을 위한 인지적 도제 기반의 로봇 프로그래밍 교수.학습 모형 개발)

  • Yeon, Hyejin;Jo, Miheon
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.225-234
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    • 2014
  • Robot programming allows students to plan an algorithm in order to solve a task, implement the algorithm, easily confirm the results of the implementation with a robot, and correct errors. Thus, robot programming is a problem solving process based on reflective thinking, and is closely related to students' metacognition. On this point, this research is conducted to develop a robot programming instructional model for tile enhancement of students' metacognition. The instructional processes of robot programming are divided into 5 stages (i.e., 'exploration of learning tasks', 'a teacher's modeling', 'preparation of a plan for task performance along with the visualization of the plan', 'task performance', and 'self-evaluation and self-reinforcement'), and core strategies of metacognition (i.e., planning, monitering, regulating, and evaluating) are suggested for students' activities in each stage. Also, in order to support students' programming activities and the use of metacognition, instructional strategies based on cognitive apprenticeship (i.e. modeling, coaching and scaffolding) are suggested in relation to the instructional model. In addition, in order to support students' metacognitive activities. the model is designed to use self-questioning, and questions that students can use at each stage of the model are presented.

Effects of Athlete Career and Competition Participation Frequency on Exercise Commitment of Women University Taekwondo Athletes (여자 대학 태권도 선수들의 선수 경력과 대회 참가빈도가 운동몰입에 미치는 영향)

  • Sung-Min Son;Byung-O Ahn
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.476-483
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    • 2023
  • This study aimed to analyze the effects of athletic career and competition participation frequency on exercise commitment of women university taekwondo athletes. Study subjects were 20 women university taekwondo athletes. Athletic career and competition participation frequency was assessed by 4-points scale and the higher points indicate the higher level of each variables. Exercise commitment was assessed by Exercise Commitment Scale. The assessment consists of a total of 8 questions, 4 of which are action immersion and 4 of cognitive immersion, and is evaluated using a 5-point Likert scale. The higher the score, the higher the level of exercise commitment. As the results, positive relationship showed both correlation and casual relationship analysis between competition participation frequency and exercise commitment. Negative casual relationship (-) showed between athletic career and exercise commitment. These results indicated that the increase of competition participation frequency affects the exercise commitment and the longer of athletic career indicates the decrease the level of exercise commitment. Thus, to improve the exercise commitment of women university taekwondo athletes, the competition participation frequency and athletic career should be considered.

Consistency of 1-day and 3-day average dietary intake and the relationship of dietary intake with blood glucose, hbA1c, BMI, and lipids in patients with type 2 diabetes (제2형 당뇨병 환자의 1일과 3일 평균 식이섭취량의 일관성과 혈당, 당화혈색소, 체질량지수, 지질과의 관련성)

  • DaeEun, Lee;Haejung, Lee;Sangeun, Lee; MinJin, Lee;Ah Reum, Khang
    • Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.20-31
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: This study aimed to determine the consistency of 1-day and 3-day average dietary intake using the 24-hour diet recall method and to investigate the relationship of diet intake with physiological indicators potentially associated with diabetic complications in patients with diabetes. Methods: This study conducted a secondary data analysis using pretest data of a nursing intervention study entitled "Development of deep learning based AI coaching program for diabetic patients with high risk and examination of its effects." Data were analyzed through descriptive analysis, one-way repeated-measures analysis of variance, and Pearson correlation coefficients using SPSS 26.0. Results: The average total daily calorie intake over 3 days was 1,494.48 ± 436.47 kcal/day: 1,510.90 ± 547.76 kcal/day on the first day, 1,414.22 ± 527.58 kcal/day on the second day, 1,558.34 ± 645.83 kcal/ day on the third day, showing significant differences (F = 3.59, p = .031). The correlation coefficient between the 1-day and 3-day average dietary intake was 0.41-0.77 for each nutrient and 0.62-0.80 for each food group. Vegetable intake showed negative correlations with body mass index (BMI; r = -.19, p = .023) and triglycerides (r = -.18, p = .036), whereas dairy intake was positively associated with low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL; r = -0.18, p = .034) and triglycerides (r = .40, p<.001). Conclusion: This study demonstrated that 1-day dietary intake was highly correlated with 3-day average dietary intake using the 24-hour diet recall method. Food groups showed significant associations with physiological indicators of potential diabetic complications such as BMI, triglycerides, and LDL levels. Further studies are needed to improve the knowledge base on the relationships between physiological indicators and food groups.

The Case Study of SW Education for Slow Youth Learners (느린 학습자 청년 대상 소프트웨어교육 사례연구)

  • Ryoo Eunjin;Park juyeon
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.127-131
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    • 2024
  • SW education was conducted for slow youth learners. 6 learners participatd in 8 sessions of an introductory course using several plays and 3 learners who more interested in introductory course participated in deeper course using normal method. After education, we survey and interview from learners, instructors and heads of welfare organizations. Learners showed interest and participated in the fact that they were participating in SW education, which was widely talked about. Learners were found to be more satisfied with introductory course education using play such as board games, and although they initially appeared to participate in unfamiliar learning content with low efficacy, it was observed that their efficacy increased with repetition. Additionally, it was observed that young people with an IQ of 80 or higher had a higher level of interest or interest in SW education than those with an IQ of 80 or lower. we discussed that there were not many opportunities to directly use the SW education content for youth who are slow learners in work or real life. We suggest this should be a focus education on the use of digital media - online meeting apps, office SW etc.- to improve digital literacy for life and work and that research on this should continue.

Enhancing Leadership Skills of Construction Students Through Conversational AI-Based Virtual Platform

  • Rahat HUSSAIN;Akeem PEDRO;Mehrtash SOLTANI;Si Van Tien TRAN;Syed Farhan Alam ZAIDI;Chansik PARK;Doyeop LEE
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2024.07a
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    • pp.1326-1327
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    • 2024
  • The construction industry is renowned for its dynamic and intricate characteristics, which demand proficient leadership skills for successful project management. However, the existing training platforms within this sector often overlook the significance of soft skills in leadership development. These platforms primarily focus on safety, work processes, and technical modules, leaving a noticeable gap in preparing future leaders, especially students in the construction domain, for the complex challenges they will encounter in their professional careers. It is crucial to recognize that effective leadership in construction projects requires not only technical expertise but also the ability to communicate effectively, collaborate with diverse stakeholders, and navigate complex relationships. These soft skills are critical for managing teams, resolving conflicts, and driving successful project outcomes. In addition, the construction sector has been slow in adopting and harnessing the potential of advanced emerging technologies such as virtual reality, artificial intelligence, to enhance the soft skills of future leaders. Therefore, there is a need for a platform where students can practice complex situations and conversations in a safe and repeatable training environment. To address these challenges, this study proposes a pioneering approach by integrating conversational AI techniques using large language models (LLMs) within virtual worlds. Although LLMs like ChatGPT possess extensive knowledge across various domains, their responses may lack relevance in specific contexts. Prompt engineering techniques are utilized to ensure more accurate and effective responses, tailored to the specific requirements of the targeted users. This involves designing and refining the input prompts given to the language model to guide its response generation. By carefully crafting the prompts and providing context-specific instructions, the model can generate responses that are more relevant and aligned with the desired outcomes of the training program. The proposed system offers interactive engagement to students by simulating diverse construction site roles through conversational AI based agents. Students can face realistic challenges that test and enhance their soft skills in a practical context. They can engage in conversations with AI-based avatars representing different construction site roles, such as machine operators, laborers, and site managers. These avatars are equipped with AI capabilities to respond dynamically to user interactions, allowing students to practice their communication and negotiation skills in realistic scenarios. Additionally, the introduction of AI instructors can provide guidance, feedback, and coaching tailored to the individual needs of each student, enhancing the effectiveness of the training program. The AI instructors can provide immediate feedback and guidance, helping students improve their decision-making and problem-solving abilities. The proposed immersive learning environment is expected to significantly enhance leadership competencies of students, such as communication, decision-making and conflict resolution in the practical context. This study highlights the benefits of utilizing conversational AI in educational settings to prepare construction students for real-world leadership roles. By providing hands-on, practical experience in dealing with site-specific challenges, students can develop the necessary skills and confidence to excel in their future roles.

The Practice of 'Liberated-ness': An Education Model for Protestant Spiritual Practice (개신교 '자유케 됨'의 영성에 기초한 기독교 영성교육 모형: '자유케 됨'의 실천)

  • Hwang, In-Hae
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.68
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    • pp.375-415
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    • 2021
  • Although the interest in Christian education of spirituality has increased recently, the practice of the education of spirituality in the Korean Church has been fragmented in the contents and methods without any clear educational purpose of the Protestant tradition. This requires a creative study to seek out the contents and method best suited to realizing the educational purpose of the Protestant tradition, through a rigorous academic methodology. This study proposes just such a creative model for the education of spirituality with an educational purpose based on the core ethos of the Protestant spirituality, integrating the long tradition of spiritual practices of Christianity. First, I survey the teachings on 'the life of faith' of the main leaders of the Protestant church, including Martin Luther, John Calvin, and John Wesley. Through this process, I reveal 'liberated-ness' to be the common purpose of the Protestant leaders, and the core of the practices for that purpose are 'the means of grace,' which has a different meaning from that of the Roman Catholic tradition. I construct the meaning of 'liberated-ness' in a dynamic manner, which begins with the 'liberating will' of God, and is followed by the 'self-giving will' of the believer as the response to the 'grace' of the 'liberating will.' The contact point of these two 'wills' is what I call 'the living membrane of faith.' As a creative synthesis of the above discussions, I propose a model of 'the practice of liberated-ness' for an education in spiritual practice. The purpose of this education is for the learner to become a person who continuously experiences ever-increasing 'liberated-ness' through continuous personal 'encounters' with God, and to become ever more faithful in carrying out practices for the 'liberated-ness' of her or his neighbors. The relationship between the teacher and the learner is that of personal 'encounter' as put forth by Sherrill, and also incorporates elements of 'co-authorship' as conceptualized by Kim. I transform and rename major practices of spiritual discipline according to a principle of 'liberated-ness' based on the Protestant tradition, and these comprise the main content of my spirituality education model. They include: 'lectio divina of encounter,' 'prayer facing the Lord,' 'service in liberation,' 'reflection of liberated-ness,' and 'mutual spiritual direction.' The teaching and learning process draws on Dykstra's methods of coaching and mentoring. The key environment is that of a 'sacramental community' as defined by Moore. Evaluation can be performed only by the learner her/himself. The significance of this model is that it creatively inherits and succeeds the tradition of Christian spiritual discipline from the early church onwards by transforming it through a Protestant spirituality of 'liberated-ness.'