• Title/Summary/Keyword: Laws and regulations

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An Empirical Study in Relationship between Franchisor's Leadership Behavior Style and Commitment by Focusing Moderating Effect of Franchisee's Self-efficacy (가맹본부의 리더십 행동유형과 가맹사업자의 관계결속에 관한 실증적 연구 - 가맹사업자의 자기효능감의 조절효과를 중심으로 -)

  • Yang, Hoe-Chang;Lee, Young-Chul
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.49-71
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    • 2010
  • Franchise businesses in South Korea have contributed to economic growth and job creation, and its growth potential remains very high. However, despite such virtues, domestic franchise businesses face many problems such as the instability of franchisor's business structure and weak financial conditions. To solve these problems, the government enacted legislation and strengthened franchise related laws. However, the strengthening of laws regulating franchisors had many side effects that interrupted the development of the franchise business. For example, legal regulations regarding franchisors have had the effect of suppressing the franchisor's leadership activities (e.g. activities such as the ability to advocate the franchisor's policies and strategies to the franchisees, in order to facilitate change and innovation). One of the main goals of the franchise business is to build cooperation between the franchisor and the franchisee for their combined success. However, franchisees can refuse to follow the franchisor's strategies because of the current state of franchise-related law and government policy. The purpose of this study to explore the effects of franchisor's leadership style on franchisee's commitment in a franchise system. We classified leadership styles according to the path-goal theory (House & Mitchell, 1974), and it was hypothesized and tested that the four leadership styles proposed by the path-goal theory (i.e. directive, supportive, participative and achievement-oriented leadership) have different effects on franchisee's commitment. Another purpose of this study to explore the how the level of franchisee's self-efficacy influences both the franchisor's leadership style and franchisee's commitment in a franchise system. Results of the present study are expected to provide important theoretical and practical implications as to the role of franchisor's leadership style, as restricted by government regulations and the franchisee's self-efficacy, which could be needed to improve the quality of the long-term relationship between the franchisor and franchisee. Quoted by Northouse(2007), one problem regarding the investigation of leadership is that there are almost as many different definitions of leadership as there are people who have tried to define it. But despite the multitude of ways in which leadership has been conceptualized, the following components can be identified as central to the phenomenon: (a) leadership is a process, (b) leadership involves influence, (c) leadership occurs in a group context, and (d) leadership involves goal attainment. Based on these components, in this study leadership is defined as a process whereby franchisor's influences a group of franchisee' to achieve a common goal. Focusing on this definition, the path-goal theory is about how leaders motivate subordinates to accomplish designated goals. Drawing heavily from research on what motivates employees, path-goal theory first appeared in the leadership literature in the early 1970s in the works of Evans (1970), House (1971), House and Dessler (1974), and House and Mitchell (1974). The stated goal of this leadership theory is to enhance employee performance and employee satisfaction by focusing on employee motivation. In brief, path-goal theory is designed to explain how leaders can help subordinates along the path to their goals by selecting specific behaviors that are best suited to subordinates' needs and to the situation in which subordinates are working (Northouse, 2007). House & Mitchell(1974) predicted that although many different leadership behaviors could have been selected to be a part of path-goal theory, this approach has so far examined directive, supportive, participative, and achievement-oriented leadership behaviors. And they suggested that leaders may exhibit any or all of these four styles with various subordinates and in different situations. However, due to restrictive government regulations, franchisors are not in a position to change their leadership style to suit their circumstances. In addition, quoted by Northouse(2007), ssubordinate characteristics determine how a leader's behavior is interpreted by subordinates in a given work context. Many researchers have focused on subordinates' needs for affiliation, preferences for structure, desires for control, and self-perceived level of task ability. In this study, we have focused on the self-perceived level of task ability, namely, the franchisee's self-efficacy. According to Bandura (1977), self-efficacy is chiefly defined as the personal attitude of one's ability to accomplish concrete tasks. Therefore, it is not an indicator of one's actual abilities, but an opinion of the extent of how one can use that ability. Thus, the judgment of maintain franchisee's commitment depends on the situation (e.g., government regulation and policy and leadership style of franchisor) and how it affects one's ability to mobilize resources to deal with the task, so even if people possess the same ability, there may be differences in self-efficacy. Figure 1 illustrates the model investigated in this study. In this model, it was hypothesized that leadership styles would affect the franchisee's commitment, and self-efficacy would moderate the relationship between leadership style and franchisee's commitment. Theoretically, quoted by Northouse(2007), the path-goal approach suggests that leaders need to choose a leadership style that best fits the needs of subordinates and the work they are doing. According to House & Mitchell (1974), the theory predicts that a directive style of leadership is best in situations in which subordinates are dogmatic and authoritarian, the task demands are ambiguous, and the organizational rule and procedures are unclear. In these situations, franchisor's directive leadership complements the work by providing guidance and psychological structure for franchisees. For work that is structured, unsatisfying, or frustrating, path-goal theory suggests that leaders should use a supportive style. Franchisor's Supportive leadership offers a sense of human touch for franchisees engaged in mundane, mechanized activity. Franchisor's participative leadership is considered best when a task is ambiguous because participation gives greater clarity to how certain paths lead to certain goals; it helps subordinates learn what actions leads to what outcome. Furthermore, House & Mitchell(1974) predicts that achievement-oriented leadership is most effective in settings in which subordinates are required to perform ambiguous tasks. Marsh and O'Neill (1984) tested the idea that organizational members' anger and decline in performance is caused by deficiencies in their level of effort and found that self-efficacy promotes accomplishment, decreases stress and negative consequences like depression and emotional instability. Based on the extant empirical findings and theoretical reasoning, we posit positive and strong relationships between the franchisor's leadership styles and the franchisee's commitment. Furthermore, the level of franchisee's self-efficacy was thought to maintain their commitment. The questionnaires sent to participants consisted of the following measures; leadership style was assessed using a 20 item 7-point likert scale developed by Indvik (1985), self-efficacy was assessed using a 24 item 6-point likert scale developed by Bandura (1977), and commitment was assessed using a 6 item 5-point likert scale developed by Morgan & Hunt (1994). Questionnaires were distributed to Korean optical franchisees in Seoul. It took about 20 days to complete the data collection. A total number of 140 questionnaires were returned and complete data were available from 137 respondents. Results of multiple regression analyses testing the relationships between the each of the four styles of leadership shown by the franchisor as independent variables and franchisee's commitment as the dependent variable showed that the relationship between supportive leadership style and commitment ($\beta$=.13, p<.001),and the relationship between participative leadership style and commitment ($\beta$=.07, p<.001)were significant. However, when participants divided into high and low self-efficacy groups, results of multiple regression analyses showed that only the relationship between achievement-oriented leadership style and commitment ($\beta$=.14, p<.001) was significant in the high self-efficacy group. In the low self-efficacy group, the relationship between supportive leadership style and commitment ($\beta$=.17, p<.001),and the relationship between participative leadership style and commitment ($\beta$=.10, p<.001) were significant. The study focused on the franchisee's self-efficacy in order to explore the possibility that regulation, originally intended to protect the franchisee, may not be the most effective method to maintain the relationships in a franchise business. The key results of the data analysis regarding the moderating role of self-efficacy between leadership behavior style as proposed by path-goal and commitment theory were as follows. First, this study proposed that franchisor should apply the appropriate type of leadership behavior to strengthen the franchisees commitment because the results demonstrated that supportive and participative leadership styles by the franchisors have a positive influence on the franchisee's level of commitment. Second, it is desirable for franchisor to validate the franchisee's efforts, since the franchisee's characteristics such as self-efficacy had a substantial, positive effect on the franchisee's commitment as well as being a meaningful moderator between leadership and commitment. Third, the results as a whole imply that the government should provide institutional support, namely to put the franchisor in a position to clearly identify the characteristics of their franchisees and provide reasonable means to administer the franchisees to achieve the company's goal.

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Practical Strategies for Urban Regeneration through an Application of Landscape Urbanism (랜드스케이프 어바니즘 관점에서 본 도시재생 전략 연구)

  • Cho, Se-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.109-118
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    • 2010
  • This study aims to propose practical strategies for the new urban ideal of regeneration. A book review highlights the emergence of new trends of urbanization in knowledge-information industrial society beyond the new town Ideal of the industrial society. The meaning of ‘landscape’ in landscape urbanism represents not the visual and decorative pictures, but the dynamic process in the context of changes and evolutions. Also, knowledge-information industrial society and landscape have a meaning in the same context of flow and process with changes of velocity. Finally, these key words convey a meaning with the new urban trends of urbanization in knowledge-information industrial society in the context of value-oriented characteristics of dynamics and process. Urban regeneration is emerging as the new urban ideal in the knowledge-information industrial society, beyond the new town ideal of industrial society. It is in the same context as landscape urbanism with respect to green infrastructure buildings and designs for the transformation of urban surfaces covered with concrete and asphalt into the ecological surface, and of the ecological surfaces into the cultural surface that could be communicated with human beings. This research revealed the six strategies for urban regeneration as follows. The First, the strategies for the transformation of urban surfaces into ecological surfaces, the second, the strategies for the transformation of ecological surfaces into cultural surfaces, the third, the introduction of mixed and convergence land use, the forth, the transformation of former sites(e.g. military and factory) into urban parks, the fifth, the introduction of waterfront park zones that have the function of ecological and park-oriented mixed land use and, the sixth, the building and design of green infrastructure in the residential and commercial complex in CBD. These strategies call for the reforms of development laws and regulations to restrict building coverage ratio, building heights, and the introduction of park-oriented mixed zoning regulations. Another method for implementating the above listed strategies was the introduction of a strategic planning system instead of the traditional master plan system. This system uses a value planning approach and brand making by imagery. It is able to construct the meaning of an image and its creativeness directly.

An Analysis of the Quantitative Changes of Elements on Golf Courses - With Special Reference to the Membership Golf Courses in Capital Area, Korea - (한국 골프 코스 구성 요소의 정량적 변화 분석 - 수도권 회원제 골프장을 대상으로 -)

  • Rho, Joon-Taek;Cho, Se-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.112-126
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    • 2012
  • The theme is to analyze the time-series changes of design elements on golf courses and golf country club and its factors influencing to the changes with regard to 81-membership country club located in the Capital Area of Seoul, created in the periods from 1964 until 2011. The research methods is to analyze the time-series changes of environmental factors influencing to the changes of the elements on the golf course by book review, and to compare and speculate the results of the analysis on the environmental factors with the time-series changes on the golf course elements of statistical analysis as like regression analysis. The research results were as follows. The first, the environmental factors influencing to the change of golf course elements were analyzed as the five elements of the golf-related policies and regulations, the economy, the numbers of golfers, PGA and KPGA golf tournaments, the golf instruments. The second, the type and scale of the location of the golf course were showing trends of transformation from flat ground to mountainous one and from small scale to large one. The third, it was analyzed that he golf course elements as like the sizes, length, numbers of golf course elements as like fairway, green, bunker, teeing ground and pond were influenced by the law and regulation, the increase of amateur golfers, the promotion of techniques of golfers, the increase of the chance of foreign course designer's involvement to domestic market through the opening of PGA and KPGA tournaments etc. The fourth, the promotion of golf instruments and the flying distance were the factors influencing to the numbers of bunker, the lengths of holes. The fifth, it was revealed that the trends of increase of sizes of ponds influenced by enacting environmenal friendly laws and regulations, considering of landscaping, reflecting of design trends followed by the opening of PGA tournaments. Finally, it was proposed that the further research would be introduced with regard to the qualitative analysis onto the changes and influential factors of golf course design.

Liability of Air Carrier and its Legislative Problems in China : Some proposals for its Amendments (중국 항공운송법의 현황 및 주요내용과 앞으로의 전망 : 항공운송인의 책임을 중심으로)

  • Li, Hua
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.147-176
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    • 2011
  • China is experiencing rapid economic development and the volume of air passengers and cargo transportation has increased significantly in recent years. To the contray, the regulations on liability of air carrier in china fall behind and are not sufficiently applicable in disputes. Their lack of sufficient protection for air passenger's interests became obstructive factor for further developments of Chinese air transportation industry. The legal system of air carrier's liability mainly consists of the contents as followed. The liability period, the scope of liability, amount of compensation for damage, limitation of liability, liability exemption of air carrier, jurisdiction, limitation of action, applicable law etc. Laws and rules concerning these issues are regulated in Civil Aviation Law and regulations published by Civil Aviation Administration of China. This article described the main contents of air carrier's liability and examined the legislative problems in their applications in real cases. In order to solve the legal problems on the air carrier's liability and disputes between wrongdoers and survivors etc, it is necessary and desirable for china to amend revelvant provisions. One of my proposals is to raise the amount of compensation limitation for damage. And I also would like to suggest that Civil Aviation Law should treat international and domestic transportation equally on the limitation of compensation for air carrier's liability. China has also acceded to the Montreal Convention of 1999 on July 31, 2005. This is an effort to make the law of air carriage unified worldwide through various international conventions to achieve conformity between rules of international air carriage and that of Chinese domestic aircarriage. Furthermore, there should be additional detailed implementation rules for air carrier to assume liability for the losses to passengers, baggage or cargoes caused by delays in the air transport. Significant clarifications are also needed for provisions concerning whether and how air carrier assume liability for moral damage caused by accident.

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Demand for the Radiological Technologist Independent Act for the Performance of the Duties of a Radiological Technologist (방사선사 직무수행을 위한 방사선사 단독법 제정에 대한 요구도)

  • Kim, Eun-Hye;Lim, Cheong-Hwan;Lim, Woo-Taek;Joo, Young-Cheol;Hong, Dong-Hee;Jung, Hong-Ryang;Moon, Young-Ju;Kim, Hoon;Jung, Young-Jin;Choi, Ji-Won;Yoon, Yong-Su;Cho, Pyong-Kon;Park, Myeong-Hwan;Yang, Oh-Nam;Jeong, Bong-Jae
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.525-534
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    • 2021
  • In order to provide high-quality medical services to the public and contribute to the improvement of public health, it is necessary to enact an independent law according to the work of radiological technologists. Therefore, this study intends to review the regulations related to radiographers in the Medical Service Technologists, etc. Act. and to present opinions and directions for enactment of individual laws for radiological technologists. An online survey was conducted to 15,000 radiological technologists working in medical institutions and education sites in Korea; 1,027 people (6.85%) responded. The questionnaire consisted of 3 questions on demographic characteristics, 5 questions on the scope of work, and 12 questions on the revision of the Medical Service Technologists, etc. Act. and the establishment of the Radiological Technologist Independent Act. Reliability and factor analysis were performed on 9 questions measured on a Likert 5-point scale in "Revision of the Medical Service Technologists, etc. Act. and the establishment of the Radiological echnologist Independent Act" among the questionnaire items. Reliability for the total 9 questions was Chronbach α=0.728. There was a high perception that the regulations related to radiological technologists were insufficient in the current Medical Service Technologists, etc. Act., and the perception that examinations performed by radiological technologists at medical institutions were included in medical practice was high. If the Radiological Technologist Independent Act is enforced, a high percentage of respondents said that they could receive legal protection through the institutionalization of the scope of work, that the status of radiological technologists would be improved, and the scope of work would be expanded. The response that the scope of work of radiological technologists should be included was the highest at 96.6%. In the analysis according to demographic characteristics, it was found that 96.7% of the respondents were agreed regardless of the factors. Radiological technologists will have to work hard to secure the public health by coping with new radiology devices, procedures and treatment methods. Therefore, as the results of this study, it is expected that the enactment and implementation of the Radiological Technologist Independent Act will contribute to the improvement of the quality of treatment for patients and to the public health.

A Study on the Problem Analysis of Designation and Management of the Zone of Urban Nature Park (도시자연공원구역 지정 및 관리상의 문제점 분석)

  • Lee, Jeoung-Suk;Cho, Se-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.98-106
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    • 2011
  • This study was performed with the purpose of providing basic data for the improvement of zoning regulations of urban nature park by analyzing the present problem which occurred during last 6 years from the year of 2005 when the program was introduced for the first time. The study was processed first by the analysis of the cases of problems evoked by citizens, second the other problems was delineated by interviews of officials, at last the validity of all of the problems was verified by a group of professionals through delphi method. The results can be summarized as follows. 1. In relation to the designation and management of urban national park areas, designation criteria, designation process, maintenance, laws and regulations and 20 other items were found to be problematic. After Delphi method, 5 items were removed and 2 added. The results showed that there were 17 problematic items in total. 2. Regarding the problem of criteria for designation, which are, lack of priority(weights), lack of objectivity due to the difficulty to use quantitative evaluation method, incompatibility for contaminated land environmental impact assessment, incompatibility of land suitability assessment, lack of detailed field survey standards, lack of national park area standards, and 6 other items. 3. Regarding the problem of designation process, which are, the occurrence of civil appeals for designating a new national park, the needs of feasibility study on the urban national park areas constructed before urban national park guidelines came out, lack of a comprehensive review of the boundaries set when determining national park area management plan, poor temporal and financial conditions for an accurate field survey, and 4 other items. 4. Regarding the problem of maintenance management, which are, lack of management system in each space, lack of effectiveness of Urban Nature Park Area Management Plan among master plans for park and green areas, the occurrence of dual managers due to dual natures such as purpose area and city park, lack of professional manpower to manage park areas, and 4 other items. 5. Regarding the problems of regulation guidelines, which are, lack of separate urban park area management plan, incompatibility of the permitted facilities in the park to the park area standards, lack of feasibility study on urban park areas, and 3 other items.

Definition and Division in Intelligent Service Facility for Integrating Management (지능화시설의 통합운영관리를 위한 정의 및 구분에 관한 연구)

  • PARK, Jeong-Woo;YIM, Du-Hyun;NAM, Kwang-Woo;KIM, Jin-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.52-62
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    • 2016
  • Smart City is urban development for complex problem solving that provides convenience and safety for citizens, and it is a blueprint for future cities. In 2008, the Korean government defined the construction, management, and government support of U-Cities in the legislation, Act on the Construction, Etc. of Ubiquitous Cities (Ubiquitous City Act), which included definitions of terms used in the act. In addition, the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport has established a "ubiquitous city master plan" considering this legislation. The concept of U-Cities is complex, due to the mix of informatization and urban planning. Because of this complexity, the foundation of relevant regulations is inadequate, which is impeding the establishment and implementation of practical plans. Smart City intelligent service facilities are not easy to define and classify, because technology is rapidly changing and includes various devices for gathering and expressing information. The purpose of this study is to complement the legal definition of the intelligent service facility, which is necessary for integrated management and operation. The related laws and regulations on U-City were analyzed using text-mining techniques to identify insufficient legal definitions of intelligent service facilities. Using data gathered from interviews with officials responsible for constructing U-Cities, this study identified problems generated by implementing intelligent service facilities at the field level. This strategy should contribute to improved efficiency management, the foundation for building integrated utilization between departments. Efficiencies include providing a clear concept for establishing five-year renewable plans for U-Cities.

Current status and prospects of approval of the new technology-based food additives (신기술이용 식품첨가물 국내·외 심사 현황 및 전망)

  • Rhee, Jin-Kyu
    • Food Science and Industry
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.188-201
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    • 2019
  • In the past, food additives were classified and managed as chemical synthetic and natural additives according to the manufacturing process, but it was difficult to confirm the purpose or function of food additives.CODEX, an internationalstandard, classifies food additives according to their practical use, based on scientific evidence on the technical effects of food additives, instead of classifying them as synthetic or natural. Therefore, very recently, the food additive standards in Korea have been completely revised in accordance with these global trends. Currently, the classification system of food additives is divided into 31 uses to specify their functions and purposes instead of manufacturing methods. Newer revision of the legislative framework for defining and expanding the scope of the Act as an enlarged area is required. Competition for preempting new food products based on bio-based technology is very fierce in order to enhance the safety of domestic people and maximize the economic profit of their own countries. In this age of infinite competition, it is very urgent to revise or supplement the current regulations in order to revitalize the domestic food industry and enhance national competitiveness through the development of food additives using new biotechnology. In this report, current laws on domestic food ingredients, food additives and manufacturing methods, and a comparison of domestic and foreign advanced countries' regulations and countermeasures strategies were reviewed to improve national competitiveness of domestic advanced biotechnology-based food additives industry.

Calculation of Horizontal Shear Strength in Reinforced Concrete Composite Beams (철근콘크리트 합성보의 수평전단강도 산정)

  • Kim, Min-Joong;Lee, Gi-Yeol
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.12
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    • pp.772-781
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    • 2020
  • A direct shear member resists external forces through the shear transfer of reinforcing bars placed at the concrete interface. The current concrete structural design code uses empirical formulas based on the shear friction analogy, which is applied to the horizontal shear of concrete composite beams. However, in the case of a member with a large amount of reinforcing bars, the shear strength obtained through the empirical formula is lower than the measured value. In this paper, the limit state of newly constructed composite beams on an existing concrete girder is defined using stress field theory, and material constitutive laws are applied to gain horizontal shear strength while considering the tension-stiffening and softening effects of concrete struts. A simplified method of calculating the shear strength is proposed, which was validated by comparing it with the related design code provisions. As a result, it was confirmed that the method generally shows a similar tendency to the experimental results when the shear reinforcing bar yields, unlike the regulations of the design code, where differences in the predicted value of shear strength occur according to the shear reinforcement ratio.

An Effectiveness Analysis of Landscape Management for the Historic and Cultural Environment Preservation Area of the Pungnammun Gate, Jeonju, by Applying 3D Visual Exposure (3차원 시각노출도를 이용한 전주 풍남문 역사문화환경보존지역의 경관 관리 효과 분석)

  • Lee, Jae-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.30-37
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    • 2018
  • The uniformed regulations for control of the height of buildings owned by individuals to protect landscape of cultural properties are causing serious social conflicts by limiting the development of landowners. It is urgent need of introducing indicators that can resolve such conflicts and evaluate the regulations of buildings, which can satisfy urban development as well as landscape management of cultural properties. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to simulate landscape changes according to the Cultural Heritage Protection Act and National Land Planning and Utilization Act by using Unity3D in the Pungnammun Gate(Treasure No. 308) of Jeonju and its surroundings, where architectural cultural property forms the symbolic landscape of the city. Then some items such as view points, target points were introduced and the quantitative evaluation of landscapes was attempted by applying the indicator of 3D Visual Exposure. As a result, the viewing opportunity and viewing area of Pungnammun Gate were not significantly influenced by changes in landscape according to the two laws. However, the change of the height of buildings by the National Land Planning and Utilization Act, which has the greatest development capacity, confirmed the possibility of weakening the identification of the Pungnammun Gate by increasing 3D Visual Exposure of the background buildings more than two times. Finally, it was confirmed that the skyline of Pungnammun Gate was clearly infringed upon development under the National Land Planning and Utilization Act, but the skyline was maintained similar to the current situation in the regulation by the Cultural Heritage Protection Act. Thus, this study is meaningful in that the application of 3D Visual Exposure showed the possibility of utilization as an indicator for quantitatively evaluating the protection of view on cultural property and skyline according to the changes of building heights.