• Title/Summary/Keyword: Laws and regulations

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Predicting tobacco risk factors by using social big data (소셜 빅데이터를 활용한 담배 위험 예측)

  • Song, Tae Min;Song, Juyoung;Cheon, Mi Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.1047-1059
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    • 2015
  • This study will predict risk factors associated with cigarettes in Korea by analyzing the social big data collected from the internet such as blogs, cafes, and SNSes in Korea, using data mining techniques. The key analysis results are as follows. First, when "raising cigarette price"is mentioned online, the negative group (i.e., the proportion of people holding negative views about smoking) increased from 58.6% to 74.8%, and when "lung cancer" is mentioned, it increased to 73.1%. Second, with regard to cigarettes in general, the positive group (i.e., the proportion of people holding positive views about smoking) decreased by 5.6% after the raising of cigarette prices, while the negative group increased by 6.1%. Third, when policies related to "FCTC, raising cigarette price, non-smoking laws, smoking regulations, non-smoking ads, and nonsmoking business" are more frequently mentioned online, the positive group tended to decrease. Finally, when "non-smoking drugs, non-smoking patches, and non-smoking gums" are more frequently mentioned online, the positive group tended to decrease. However, when "electronic cigarettes and supplements" are more frequently mentioned online, the positive group increased.

Chronological Studies on Residents' Appreciation of Outdoor Space in Apartment Complexes and It's Changes - Case Study of Apartment Complexes in the Daejeon Metropolis - (연대별 아파트 단지 옥외공간의 변화와 주민인식비교 - 대전광역시 아파트 단지를 대상으로 -)

  • Kim Dae-Hyun;Park Chang-Sug;Park Chun-Sug;Joo Shin-Ha;Shin Ji-Hoon;Byeon Jae-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.33 no.3 s.110
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    • pp.31-42
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    • 2005
  • Much has been made of the changes over time to apartment complexes during the era of rapid development in Korea. This study aimed at analyzing the chronological changes since the 1970s in the laws and regulations governing outdoor space and the residents' appreciation of outdoor space in Daejeon's apartment complexes. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: 1. Similar changes can be found throughout Daejeon's apartment complexes. As time has passed, the building-to-land ratio and the floor-to-land ratio have deceased. The high density trend of apartment complexes has continued until very recently. 2. Although residents' satisfaction with outdoor space around apartments has improved, land for athletic and commercial spaces still remains at its lowest level. Therefore, these kinds of spaces need improvement. 3. Comparing the characteristics of outdoor space in apartment complexes from the 1980s to present indicates that current apartment residents are much more satisfied with the outdoor space, but are conscious of the lack of adequate facilities for the elderly and the handicapped people, and of the hiか density of their apartment complexes. Therefore, these essential consciousness should also be further improved. 4. The residents are gradually becoming aware of changes to the outdoor space that have occurred over time in the apartment complexes, such as in the areas allowed to parking, pedestrians, and athletics. 5. These chronological changes relate to the residents' interest in the changes that have occurred to the outdoor space, especially the convenience of parking, the color of the buildings, the form of the buildings, and the shape of the roofs.

Field Application and Maintenance of sidewalk concrete block for PV Power Generation (태양광 발전을 위한 보도형 콘크리트 블록의 현장 적용과 유지관리)

  • Kim, Bong-Kyun;Kim, Yun-Yong
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.75-83
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    • 2019
  • In order to fulfill the obligation to voluntarily reduce greenhouse gas emissions under the Paris Climate Agreement, the proportion of coal and nuclear power generation is reduced worldwide and national efforts are being made to spread renewable energy including solar power generation. Korea also intends to increase the proportion of renewable energy generation to 30~35% by 2040 by introducing laws and regulations. In addition, while the country is trying to apply solar power generation to sidewalks and roads, there is no research related to it in Korea. Therefore, as a precedent study to develop solar power generation roads, solar power generation concrete blocks applicable to sidewalks and plazas were developed and the applicability was evaluated by constructing them on the site. As a result of indoor experiment, compressive strength was measured by 25.5~35.7MPa and flexural strength was measured by 5.1~10.5MPa, which showed that all domestic standards were satisfied. However, the higher the unit cement amount, the lower the strength was measured according to the mixing of the broken fine aggregate. The absorption rate was 5.7%, which satisfied the domestic standard of 7% or less. As a result of the freeze-thawing test, the reduction rate of the compressive strength after 100 cycles was up to 6.3%. As a result of measuring the settlement amount after construction, the maximum of 2.498mm was measured and irregular settlement occurred in the overall area, which is because the resolution of the sand layer was poor during construction. Maintenance techniques of sidewalk concrete block and solar panel need to be established more efficiently through long-term operation in the further.

Research of Specific Domestic De-identification Technique for Protection of Personal Health Medical Information in Review & Analysis of Overseas and Domestic De-Identification Technique (국내외 비식별화 기술에 관한 검토 분석에 따른 개인건강의료정보 보호를 위한 국내 특화 비식별화 기술 제안에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Pilwoo;In, Hanjin;Kim, Cheoljung;Yeo, Kwangsoo;Song, Kyoungtaek;Yu, Khigeun;Baek, Jongil;Kim, Soonseok
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.6 no.7
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2016
  • As life in a rapidly changing Internet age at home and abroad, large amounts of information are being used medical, financial, services, etc. Accordingly, especially hospitals, is an invasion of privacy caused by leakage and intrusion of personal information in the system in medical institutions, including clinics institutions. To protect the privacy & information protection of personal health medical information in medical institutions at home and abroad presented by national policies and de-identification processing technology standards in accordance with the legislation. By comparative analysis in existing domestic and foreign institutional privacy and de-identification technique, derive a advanced one of pseudonymization and anonymization techniques for destination data items that fell short in comparison to the domestic laws and regulations, etc. De-identification processing technology for personal health information is compared to a foreign country pharmaceutical situations. We propose a new de-identification techniques by reducing the risk of re-identification processing to enable the secondary use of domestic medical privacy.

Legal Research about the Public Offering of Director Compensation (이사보수의 공개에 관한 법적 연구)

  • Kwon, Sang-Ro
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.10
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    • pp.169-177
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    • 2012
  • Due to the influences of global financial crisis, countries are putting their efforts on the enhancement of appropriateness and transparency of director compensation. In several countries including Germany, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Italy, listed companies and financial institutions in certain levels make public announcement for compensations of individual directors, not the averages. Recently, even Asian countries including China, Hong Kong, and Singapore are introducing individual director compensation public announcement policies. On the other hand, in cases of companies, which must submit annual reports, under current Korean capital market laws and enforcement ordinances, they are obligated to mention 'total wage paid to all executives in that business year' on the annual report, but does not have to mention individual wages of each executive. About this, at the 17th national assembly, revised bill for the Securities and Exchange Act for companies to mention wages of each executive. The financial world is opposing to open individual director compensation to the public as they concern about the shrinking of outstanding human resources recruitment, breach of corporate confidence, privacy invasion, deterioration of labor-management relations, and downfall of the executive's management will as director compensation will be standardized downward; however, if public opening of individual director compensation is forced, domestic companies will prepare more objective and rational standards when they calculate director compensations, and moreover, it will prevent arbitrary intervention of dominant shareholders. Therefore, to clearly and efficiently control director compensation, we need regulations for obligating public opening of individual director compensation.

A Study on the CISG Cases of Korean Firms (우리나라 기업의 CISG 적용사례에 관한 고찰)

  • HA, Kang-Hun
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    • v.69
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    • pp.107-126
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    • 2016
  • The parties in International Sale of Goods including Korean Firms Should note ; The buyer must pay the price for the goods and take delivery of them as required by the contract and CISG. The obligations mentioned in Article 53 are primary obligations which are to be fulfilled in the normal performance of the contract. The buyer has to take delivery at the respective place within a reasonable period after this communication since he cannot be required to take delivery immediately. Refusing to take delivery in case of delay not constituting a ground for avoiding the contract makes no sense, since this would lead to even later delivery. The buyer's obligation to pay the price includes taking such steps and complying with such formalities as may be required under the contract or any laws and regulations to enable payment to be made. International sales contracts frequently prescribe that the buyer has to act in advance, that is before the seller starts the process of delivery. Such acts may be either advance payments or the procurement of securities for payment as letters of credit guarantees. On the other hand, The seller deliver the goods hand over any documents relating to them and transfer the property in the goods, as required by the contract and CISG. The seller must deliver goods which are of the quantity, quality and description required by the contract and which are contained or packaged in the manner required by the contract. Except where the parties have agreed otherwise, the goods do not conform with the contract unless they are fit for the purposes for which goods of the same description would ordinarily be used are fit for any particular purpose expressly or impliedly made known to the seller at the time of the conclusion of the contract, except where the circumstances show that the buyer did not rely, or that it was unreasonable for him to rely, on the seller's skill and judgement. The buyer may declare the contract avoided if the failure by the seller to perform any of his obligations under the contract or CISG amounts to a fundamental breach of contract. The seller may declare the contract avoided if the failure by the buyer to perform any of his obligations under the contract or CISG amounts to a fundamental breach of contract.

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A Study on the Improvement of Legal System for the Prevention of Damage due to Ash (화산재해로 인한 항공교통분야 피해예방을 위한 법규체계 개선방안에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Young-Sub;Lee, Young-Kune;Park, Miri
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.277-283
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    • 2017
  • In recent years, earthquakes and volcanic activity have been occurring actively in Japan, China, and Southeast Asia in the central Pacific Rim, and the cycle interval is shortening. In addition, there is Baekdu mountain, which is a large active volcano in Korea. On the other hand, the legal system and guidelines related to volcanic ash are very limited to counteract volcanic disasters. The volcano manual does not present specific countermeasures against volcanic disasters. The preparation of systematic disaster prevention measures against an eruption of Mt. Baekdu and the volcanic activity in Japan and China, which are occurring continuously, is necessary. Therefore, this study suggests an improvement to the relevant laws and regulations against volcanic disasters to analyze the aviation safety manual and relevant legal system. The problems with the current legal system are improved by modifying the legal system related to the air traffic sector when volcanic disaster occurs, and it is expected that more efficient manuals and guidelines will form the basis for the smooth operation of the manual at a disaster site.

A Study of Policy Direction on O2O industry developing (O2O산업 발전을 위한 정책방향 연구)

  • Kim, Hee Yeong;Song, Seongryong
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.13-25
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest the direction of O2O industry policy for solving the conflict problems with the traditional industry stakeholder and for enhancing the regulations as new industry development is inevitable. We make use of TAIDA that is one of scenario methods to accomplish the purpose and suggest the direction of policy. First, it is needed to prepare directly by government the environment that new business models are able to emerge easily with various consulting services and information supports like public system servers and IT infra, it is practical support policy. Second, positive legal application for new business and making the law for new business are needed in legal issues situation as soon as possible. Third, the conflicts with old and new industry would be managed to the direction of "predictable" progressively. Incongruity among laws, safety and security problems, and the conflict of stakeholder are urgent. Because of the limit in this study, it is expected that O2O industry is categorized in detail aligned to the characteristics and that new policies along to the separate industry areas are developed by the following study.

Legal Problems and Improvement Measures Concerning the Monopoly of Housing Construction Sales Guarantee Business by Housing and Urban Guarantee Corporation (주택도시보증공사의 주택건설 분양보증업무 독점에 관한 법적문제점과 개선방안)

  • Jo, I-Un
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.78-84
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    • 2021
  • Issues have arisen over the monopoly of housing sales guarantees by the Housing and Urban Guarantee Corporation. If the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport appoints an additional guarantee institution, there is concern that the property protection between the two parties is insufficient due to excessive competition and the weakening of urban regeneration resources. It argues that housing supply policies for stabilization of the housing market can be smoothly implemented through monopoly projects. This is judged to be an abuse of market dominant position under the Fair Trade Act, and excessive restrictions on pre-sale guarantee requirements may cause delays in business and infringement of property rights of members. First, the establishment of a designation system for market dominant operators of the Fair Trade Commission enables new entry of private guarantee institutions. Second, it is necessary to improve regulations under Article 63 of the Fair Trade Act (consultation on the establishment of laws restricting competition, etc.). Third, through the establishment of the 「Rules on Housing Supply」 under Article 15 (2), the Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport can additionally designate a guarantee institution, thereby guaranteeing the right to select a pre-sale guarantee for the business entity. In addition, it is expected that at least one of a number of guarantee insurance companies can be designated to improve the efficiency of the distribution of social benefits, thereby lowering the volatility of housing prices. Listen and suggest.

A Study on the Improvement of Local Education Autonomy System

  • Park, Jong-Ryeol;Noe, Sang-Ouk
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.141-150
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    • 2021
  • Article 117, Paragraph 1 of the 「Constitution」 states that "Local governments may enact provisions relating to local autonomy, within the limit of Acts and subordinate statutes". It restricts the enactment of effective self-government laws. The fundamental problem-solving is securing the right to self-governing legislation through constitutional amendment. Therefore, it must be revised to "Local governments can make regulations on self-government to the extent that they handle resident welfare affairs in accordance with the subsidiarity and do not violate the law." In the long-term perspective, the current education council problem, which is contrary to the constitution, has to be revived as a constitutional independent education committee system, and the voting agency and the executive agency must go together and education councilors must have about 10 years of experience in education and education administration. The current superintendent's election system is of great significance in establishing democratic legitimacy by ensuring residents' right to vote and securing a superintendent's representation of residents. It hasn't been long since the system was implemented, but there are some side effects and it is argued that the election system should be replaced by the appointment by the head of the local government, the running mate system or the joint registration system. However it is thought that it is necessary to minimize and supplement the side effects rather than fixing the system as it violates the Constitution of the local education autonomy system.