• Title/Summary/Keyword: Large-Scale Basin

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Spatial Distribution and Geomorphological Characteristics of Headwater Stream (Dorang) Catchments in Geum River Basin (금강유역 내 도랑유역 분포 및 지형적 특성 분석)

  • Kim, Haejung;Cho, Hong-Lae;Koo, Bhon Kyoung
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.319-328
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    • 2014
  • Dorang - the Korean term for headwater streams - occupy a large portion of the total stream length in a basin, and contribute significantly towards the quantitative and qualitative characteristics, and the ecosystem, of the main river. The Ministry of Environment of South Korea has supported the investigation of the status of Dorang in the nation's four major basins, since 2007. Without a widely accepted academic or legal definition of Dorang, however, there are limits to understand the distribution of Dorang at the national scale and to systematically compile a Dorang database. This paper, through a review of the stream classification system and Korean legal system delineating streams, defines Dorang as 1st and 2nd order streams according to the Strahler ordering method, in a 1:25,000 geographical scale. Analysis of the Geum River basin, with this definition, reveals that the total length of Dorang is 20,622.4 km (73.6% of total stream length), and the number of Dorang catchments is 23,639 (71.3% of the basin area). Further analysis of the geomorphological characteristics of Dorang catchments shows that the average total stream length is 1.1 km, average catchment length is 1.2 km, average drainage area is $0.4km^2$, and average drainage density is 3.08/km.

Resampling for Roughness Coefficient of Surface Runoff Model Using Mosaic Scheme (모자이크기법을 이용한 지표유출모형의 조도계수 리샘플링)

  • Park, Sang-Sik;Kang, Boo-Sik
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.93-106
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    • 2011
  • Physically-based resampling scheme for roughness coefficient of surface runoff considering the spatial landuse distribution was suggested for the purpose of effective operational application of recent grid-based distributed rainfall runoff model. Generally grid scale(mother scale) of hydrologic modeling can be greater than the scale (child scale) of original GIS thematic digital map when the objective basin is wide or topographically simple, so the modeler uses large grid scale. The resampled roughness coefficient was estimated and compared using 3 different schemes of Predominant, Composite and Mosaic approaches and total runoff volume and peak streamflow were computed through distributed rainfall-runoff model. For quantitative assessment of biases between computational simulation and observation, runoff responses for the roughness estimated using the 3 different schemes were evaluated using MAPE(Mean Areal Percentage Error), RMSE(Root-Mean Squared Error), and COE(Coefficient of Efficiency). As a result, in the case of 500m scale Mosaic resampling for the natural and urban basin, the distribution of surface runoff roughness coefficient shows biggest difference from that of original scale but surface runoff simulation shows smallest, especially in peakflow rather than total runoff volume.

Types and Geomorphic Development of Large Landslides in the Kokomeren River Basin, Kyrgyzstan (키르기스스탄 코코메렌강 유역의 대규모 산사태 유형과 지형 발달)

  • Oh, Jeong-Sik
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2019
  • Large landslide is a type of mass movement that causes drastic landform changesin a short period, and it causes huge human and property damage over a large area. The purpose of this study is to categorize the types and characteristics of large landslides around the Kokomeren River basin, Kyrgyzstan and to discuss the geomorphic development after the large landslides. The topographic analysis about a total of 20 landslides documented collapsed volumes of 0.01 to 1.10 km3, height drops of 180 to 1,770 m, and runout distances of 1,200 to 5,400 m. Rock avalanche and rockslide are identified as major types of large-scale landslides in the study area. Rock avalanches can be divided into P-type, J-type, and S-type based on the features of slope failure and kinematic characteristics of rock debris. Landslide synchronistic landforms such as trimlines, transverse ridges, longitudinal ridges, levees, and hummocks are well developed in the rock avalanche. The pieces of evidence of landslide dam, landslide-dammed lake, and remnant outburst flood deposits are observed in the upstream and downstream where the rockslides occurred. The Ak-Kiol landslide dam is the best example of a geomorphic development due to lake spillover and the large landslides were likely to be triggered by huge paleo-seismic events.

Evaluation of Biodiversity Based on Changes of Spatial Scale -A Case Study of Baekdudaegan Area in Kangwondo- (공간스케일 변화에 따른 생물다양성 평가 -강원도 백두대간 보호구역을 대상으로-)

  • Sim, Woodam;Park, Jinwoo;Lee, Jungsoo
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.91-100
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    • 2014
  • This research was conducted on the conservation area of Baekdudaegan, Kangwondo under the purpose of evaluating bio-diversity according to the changes of spatial scale, using GIS data and spatial filtering method. The diversity index was calculated based on the information of species of The $5^{th}$ forest type map using Shannon-weaver index (H'), evenness index ($E_i$) and richness index ($R_i$). The diversity index was analyzed and compared according to the changes of 12 spatial scales from Kernel size $3{\times}3$ to $73{\times}73$ and basin unit. As for H' and $R_i$, spatial scale increased as diversity index decreased, while $E_i$ decreases gradually. H' and $R_i$ was highest; each 1.1 and 0.6, when the Kernel size was $73{\times}73$, while $E_i$ was 0.2, the lowest. When you look at according to the basin unit, for large basin unit, 'YeongDong' region shows higher diversity index than 'YeongSeo' region. For middle basin unit, 'Gangneung Namdaecheon' region, and for small basin unit, 'Gangneung Namdaecheon' and 'Gangneung Ohbongdaem' region shows high diversity index. When you look at the relationship between diversity index and Geographic factors, H' shows positive relation to curvature and sunshine factor while shows negative to elevation, slope, hillshade, and wetness index. Also $E_i$ was similar to the relationship between H' and Geographic factor. Meanwhile, $R_i$ shows positive relationship to curvature and sunshine factor, while negative to elevation, slope, hillshade, and wetness index. macro unit diversity index evaluation was possible through the GIS data and spatial filtering, and it can be a good source for local biosphere conservation policy making.

Soil Erosion Modeling in the 3S Basin of the Mekong River Basin

  • Thuy, Hoang Thu;Lee, Giha;Yu, Wansik;Shin, Yongchul
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.18 no.7
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    • pp.21-35
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    • 2017
  • The 3S Basin is described as an important contributor in terms of many aspects in the Mekong River Basin in Southeast Asia. However, the 3S Basin has been suffering adverse consequences of changing discharge and sediment, which are derived from farming, deforestation, hydropower dam construction, climate change, and soil erosion. Consequently, a large population and ecology system that live along the 3S Basin are seriously affected. Accordingly, the calculating and simulating discharge and sediment become ever more urgent. There are many methods to simulate discharge and sediment. However, most of them are designed only during a single rainfall event and they require many kinds of data. Therefore, this study applied a Catchment-scale Soil Erosion model (C-SEM) to simulate discharge and sediment in the 3S Basin. The simulated results were judged with others references's data and the observed discharge of Strung Treng station, which is located in the mainstream and near the outlet of the 3S Basin. The results revealed that the 3S Basin distributes 31% of the Mekong River Basin's total discharge. In addition, the simulated sediment results at the 3S Basin's outlet also substantiated the importance of the 3S Basin to the Mekong River Basin. Furthermore, the results are also useful for the sustainable management practices in the 3S Basin, where the sediment data is unavailable.

Regional Drought Frequency Analysis with Estimated Monthly Runoff Series in the Nakdong River Basin (낙동강 유역의 유역 유출량 산정에 따른 지역별 가뭄 빈도분석)

  • 김성원
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.53-67
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    • 1999
  • In this study, regional frequency analysis is used to determine each subbasin drought frequency with watershed runoff which is calculated with Tank Model in Nakdong river basin. L-Monments methd which is almost unbiased and nearly normal distribution is applied to estimate paramers of drought frequency analysis of monthly runoff time series. The duration of '76-77 was the most severe drought year than othe rwater years in this study. To decide drought frequency of each subbasin from the main basin, it is calculated by interpolaing runoff from the frequency-druoght runoff relationship. and the linear regression analysis is accomplished between drought frequency of main basin and that of each subbasin. With the results of linear regression analysis, the drought runoff of each subbasin is calculated corresponing to drought frequency 10,20 and 30 years of Nakdong river basin considering safety standards for the design of impounding facilities. As the results of this study, the proposed methodology and procedure of this study can be applied to water budget analysis considering safety standards for the design of impounding facilities in the large-scale river basin. For this purpose, above all, it is recommanded that expansion of reliable observed runoff data is necessary instead of calculated runoff by rainfall-runoff conceptual model.

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Stratigraphy of the Central Sub-basin of the Gunsan Basin, Offshore Western Korea (한국 서해 대륙붕 군산분지 중앙소분지의 층서)

  • Kim, Kyung-min;Ryu, In-chang
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.233-248
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    • 2018
  • Strata of the Central sub-basin in the Gunsan Basin, offshore, western Korea were analyzed by using integrated stratigraphy approach. As a result, five distinct unconformity-bounded units are recognized in the basin: Sequence I (Cretaceous or older(?)), Sequence II (Late Cretaceous), Sequence III (late Late Cretaceous or younger(?)), Sequence IV (Early Miocene or older(?)), Sequence V (Middle Miocene). Since the late Late Jurassic, along the Tan-Lu fault system wrench faults were developed and caused a series of small-scale strike-slip extensional basins. The sinistral movement of wrench faults continued until the Late Cretaceous forming a large-scale pull-apart basin. However, in the Early Tertiary, the orogenic event, called the Himalayan Orogeny, caused basin to be modified. From Late Eocene to Early Miocene, tectonic inversion accompanied by NW strike folds occurred in the East China. Therefore, the late Eocene to Oligocene was the main period of severe tectonic modification of the basin and Oligocene formation is hiatus. The rate of tectonic movements in Gunsan Basin slowed considerably. In that case, thermal subsidence up to the present has maintained with marine transgressions, which enable this area to change into the land part of the present basin.

Basin-Wide Multi-Reservoir Operation Using Reinforcement Learning (강화학습법을 이용한 유역통합 저수지군 운영)

  • Lee, Jin-Hee;Shim, Myung-Pil
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.354-359
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    • 2006
  • The analysis of large-scale water resources systems is often complicated by the presence of multiple reservoirs and diversions, the uncertainty of unregulated inflows and demands, and conflicting objectives. Reinforcement learning is presented herein as a new approach to solving the challenging problem of stochastic optimization of multi-reservoir systems. The Q-Learning method, one of the reinforcement learning algorithms, is used for generating integrated monthly operation rules for the Keum River basin in Korea. The Q-Learning model is evaluated by comparing with implicit stochastic dynamic programming and sampling stochastic dynamic programming approaches. Evaluation of the stochastic basin-wide operational models considered several options relating to the choice of hydrologic state and discount factors as well as various stochastic dynamic programming models. The performance of Q-Learning model outperforms the other models in handling of uncertainty of inflows.

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Application of transfer learning for streamflow prediction by using attention-based Informer algorithm

  • Fatemeh Ghobadi;Doosun Kang
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.165-165
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    • 2023
  • Streamflow prediction is a critical task in water resources management and essential for planning and decision-making purposes. However, the streamflow prediction is challenging due to the complexity and non-linear nature of hydrological processes. The transfer learning is a powerful technique that enables a model to transfer knowledge from a source domain to a target domain, improving model performance with limited data in the target domain. In this study, we apply the transfer learning using the Informer model, which is a state-of-the-art deep learning model for streamflow prediction. The model was trained on a large-scale hydrological dataset in the source basin and then fine-tuned using a smaller dataset available in the target basin to predict the streamflow in the target basin. The results demonstrate that transfer learning using the Informer model significantly outperforms the traditional machine learning models and even other deep learning models for streamflow prediction, especially when the target domain has limited data. Moreover, the results indicate the effectiveness of streamflow prediction when knowledge transfer is used to improve the generalizability of hydrologic models in data-sparse regions.

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