• 제목/요약/키워드: Large-Displacement Actuator

검색결과 93건 처리시간 0.027초

멤스 기술을 이용한 대변형 바이모프 구동기 (Large Displacement Bimorph Actuator Using MEMS Technology)

  • 정원규;최석문;김용준
    • 한국정밀공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국정밀공학회 2004년도 추계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.1286-1289
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    • 2004
  • A new thermal bimorph actuator for large out-of-plane displacement is designed, fabricated and tested. The deflecting beam is composed of polyimide, heater, and polyvinyl difluorides with tetrafluoroethylene(PVDF-TrFE). The large difference of coefficient of thermal expansion(CTE) of two polymer layers (polyimide and PVDF-TrFE) can generate a large deflection with relatively small temperature rising. Compared to the most conventional micro actuators based on MEMS(micro-electro mechanical system) technology, a large displacement, over 1 mm at 20 mW, could be achieved. The proposed actuator can find applications where a large vertical displacement is needed while keeping compact overall device size, such as a micro zooming lens.

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Large Displacement Polymer Bimorph Actuator for Out-of-Plane Motion

  • Jeung Won-Kyu;Choi Seog-Moon;Kim Yong-Jun
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • 제1권2호
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    • pp.263-267
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    • 2006
  • A new thermal bimorph actuator for large out-of-plane displacement is designed, fabricated and tested. The deflecting beam is composed of polyimide, heater, and polyvinyl difluorides with tetrafluoroethylene (PVDF-TrFE). The large difference of coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of two polymer layers (polyimide and PVDF-TrFE) can generate a significant deflection with relatively small temperature rise. Compared to the most conventional micro actuators based on MEMS (micro-electro mechanical system) technology, a large displacement, over 1 mm at 20 mW, could be achieved. Additionally, we can achieve response time of 14.6 ms, resonance frequency of 12 Hz, and reliability ability of $10^5$ cycles. The proposed actuator can find applications where a large vertical displacement is needed while maintaining compact overall device size, such as a micro zooming lens, micro mirror, micro valve and optical application.

부분적으로 자기장에 노출된 굴곡형 스프링을 이용한 대변위 전자기력 구동기 (Large-Displacement Electromagnetic Actuators with the Meander Springs Partially Exposed to Magnetic Field)

  • 서대건;한원;조영호
    • 대한기계학회논문집A
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    • 제36권5호
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    • pp.481-486
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    • 2012
  • 본 논문에서는 대변위 구동이 가능한 구동기의 설계를 위해 기존의 전자기력 구동기에 비해 낮은 스프링 상수를 갖는 굴곡형 스프링을 적용하고, 변위가 발생하는 방향으로만 로렌츠힘이 생기도록 굴곡형 스프링의 일부분만 자기장에 노출시키는 구동기를 제안한다. 굴곡형 스프링의 양쪽 부재가 자기장에 노출된 구조(prototype F)와 굴곡형 스프링의 한쪽 부재만을 자기장에 노출시킨 구조(prototype P)를 설계하고, 제작하여 실험한 결과 prototype P 가 굴곡형 스프링의 양쪽 부재를 자기장에 노출시킨 prototype F의 구동성능에 비해 $16.9{\pm}1.2%$의 진폭 증가를 보임을 실험적으로 검증하였다. 제안된 구동기는 제한된 면적 내에서 작은 전류(<50mA)와 작은 자기장(<0.3T)으로 대변위 구동을 가능케 하여 광 스위치 또는 광 단속기 등에 응용이 가능하다.

유한 요소법을 이용한 대변위 압전 Bimorph 설계 (Design of Large Displacement Piezoelectric Bimorphs with Finite Element Method)

  • 임종인;노용래;김선욱
    • 한국세라믹학회지
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    • 제34권4호
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    • pp.337-342
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    • 1997
  • This paper describes the design and evaluation of new type piezoelectric bimorph actuator that shows much large mechanical response than those conventional types. The bimorph actuator has modified structure combined with the multilayer actuator(MLA) and the composite multilayer actuator called "Moonie". The design and performancean alysis of bimorph actuator are carried out with Finite Element Method (FEM). Theoretical calculation results show that the generating force and displacement of Moonie-modified bimorph actuator can be improved by about 130% and 150%, respectively. The overshooting and ringing phenomena of the bimorph can be effectively restrained by the pseudo step electric field having a rising time coincied with a period of the fundamental vibration mode of the bimorph.e bimorph.

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굽힘 압전 복합재료 작동기의 하중 특성 (Load Capability in a Bending Piezoelectric Composite Actuator with a Thin Sandwiched PZT Plate)

  • 우성충;구남서
    • 대한기계학회논문집A
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    • 제31권8호
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    • pp.880-888
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    • 2007
  • This article describes the load capability of bending piezoelectric actuators with a thin sandwiched PZT plate in association with the stored elastic energy induced by an increased dome height after a curing process. The stored elastic energy within the actuators is obtained via a flexural mechanical bending test. The load capability is evaluated indirectly in terms of an actuating displacement with a load of mass at simply supported and fixed-free boundary conditions. Additionally, a free displacement under no load of mass is measured for a comparison with an actuating displacement. The results reveal that an actuator with a top layer having a high elastic modulus and a low coefficient of thermal expansion exhibits a better performance than the rest of actuators in terms of free displacement as well as actuating displacement due to the formation of the large stored elastic energy within the actuator system. When actuators are excited at AC voltage, the actuating displacement is rather higher than the free displacement for the same actuating conditions. In addition, the effect of PZT ceramic softening results in a slight reduction in the resonance frequency of each actuator as the applied electric field increases. It is thus suggested that the static and dynamic actuating characteristics of bending piezoelectric composite actuators with a thin sandwiched PZT plate should be simultaneously considered in controlling the performance.

Electro-Active-Paper Actuator Made with LiCl/Cellulose Films: Effect of LiCl Content

  • Wang, Nian-Gui;Kim, Jae-Hwan;Chen, Yi;Yun, Sung-Ryul;Lee, Sun-Kon
    • Macromolecular Research
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    • 제14권6호
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    • pp.624-629
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    • 2006
  • The cellulose-based, Electroactive Paper (EAPap) has recently been reported as a smart material with the advantages of lightweight, dry condition, biodegradability, sustainability, large displacement output and low actuation voltage. However, it requires high humidity.. This paper introduces an EAPap made with a cellulose solution and lithium chloride (LiCl), which can be actuated in room humidity condition. The fabrication process, performance test and effect of LiCl content of the EAPap actuator are illustrated. The bending displacement of the EAPap actuators was evaluated with actuation voltage, frequency, humidity and LiCl content changes. At a LiCl/ cellulose content of 3:10, the displacement output was maximized at a room humidity condition. Even though the displacement output was less than that of a high humidity EAPap actuator, the mechanical power output was not reduced due to the increased resonance frequency, which is promising for developing EAPap actuators that are less sensitive to humidity.

적층 복합재료를 사용한 곡면형 작동기의 성능 예측을 위한 대규모 수치해석 연구 (Large Scale Numerical Analysis for the Performance Prediction of Multilayered Composite Curved Actuator)

  • 정순완;황인성;김승조
    • 한국복합재료학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국복합재료학회 2003년도 추계학술발표대회 논문집
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    • pp.167-170
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, the electromechanical displacements of curved actuators using laminated composites are calculated by finite element method to design the optimal configuration of curved actuators. To predict the pre-stress in the device due to the mismatch in coefficients of thermal expansion, the carbon-epoxy and glass- epoxy as well as PZT ceramic is also numerically modeled by using hexahedral solid elements. Because the modeling of these thin layers causes the numbers of degree of freedom to increase, large-scale structural analyses are performed in a cluster system in this study. The curved shape and pre-stress in the actuator are obtained by the cured curvature analysis. The displacement under the piezoelectric force by an applied voltage is also calculated to compare the performance of curved actuator. The thickness of composite is chosen as design factor.

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강성제어 구조물을 이용한 수평구동형 박막 PZT 엑츄에이터의 설계, 제작 및 특성평가 (Design, Fabrication and Characterization of Lateral PZT actuator using Stiffness Control)

  • 서영호;최두선;이준형;이택민;제태진;황경현
    • 한국정밀공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국정밀공학회 2004년도 추계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.756-759
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    • 2004
  • We present a piezoelectric actuator using stiffness control and stroke amplification mechanism in order to make large lateral displacement. In this work, we suggest stiffness control approach that generates lateral displacement by increasing the vertical stiffness and reducing the lateral stiffness using additional structure. In addition, an additional structure of a serpentine spring amplifies the lateral displacement like leverage structure. The suggested lateral PZT actuator (bellows actuator) consists of serpentine spring and PZT/electrode layer which is located at the edge of the serpentine spring. The edge of the serpentine spring prevents the vertical motion of PZT layer, while the other edge of the serpentine spring makes stroke amplification like leverage structure. We have determined dimensions of the bellows actuator using ANSYS simulation. Length, width and thickness of PZT layer are 135$\mu$m, 20$\mu$m and 0.4$\mu$m, respectively. Dimensions of the silicon serpentine spring are thickness of 25$\mu$m, length of 300$\mu$m, and width of 5$\mu$m. The bellows actuator has been fabricated by SOI wafer with 25$\mu$m-top silicon and 1$\mu$m-buried oxide layer. The bellows actuator shows the maximum 3.93$\pm$0.2$\mu$m lateral displacement at 16V with 1Hz sinusoidal voltage input. In the frequency response test, the fabricated bellows actuator showed consistent displacement from 1Hz to 1kHz at 10V. From experimental study, we found the bellows actuator using thin film PZT and silicon serpentine spring generated mainly laterally displacement not vertical displacement at 16V, and serpentine spring played role of stroke amplification.

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마이크로 프레스용 고하중/대변위 액츄에이터 개발 (Development of High Load/Large Displacement Actuator for Micro-press)

  • 김병희;남권선;최종필;김헌영;이낙규
    • 한국공작기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국공작기계학회 2005년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.458-461
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, a new type of inchworm motion actuator is developed in fabrication of actuators for micro-press machine. This is consisted of three piezoelectric actuators, one is for moving the tool guide and the other are for clamping the guide. The inchworm motor provides both high load and large displacement in small size actuator. PZT has compressive strength and often fails under tensile stress and pulling. Thus, in order to prevent failure, we have designed pre-load housing and accomplished FEM analysis. The pre-load housing was used for determining the optimal design condition by comparing the von-mises stresses with the change of hinge stiffness. Also, in order to predict the performance of the motor under certain conditions, the system model was simulated using MATLAB. This is open loop control actuator and driven by the period of input voltage.

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자기 변형 작동기를 이용한 진동 절연 시스템 (The vibration isolating system using a magnetostrictive actuator)

  • 정학근;박기환
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 제어로봇시스템학회 1997년도 한국자동제어학술회의논문집; 한국전력공사 서울연수원; 17-18 Oct. 1997
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    • pp.276-279
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    • 1997
  • When a magnetostrictive material is exposed to a magnetic field, its geometry changes due to a magnetostrictive effect. The magnetostriction is analogous to the piezoeletricity. The displacement of the magnetostrictive material is proportional to the applied current while that of the piezoelectric material is proportional to the voltage. A magnetostrictive material generates large displacement and higher compressive force compared with a piezoeletric material. These advantages provide a good performance of a vibration isolation of a platform. In this work, it is applied to a driving actuator for vibration isolation of a platform. The properties of a magnetostrictive material are investigated in terms of hysteresis and displacement vs. applied current for a various preload. Modeling of the displacement of the vibration isolating actuator is performed as it behaves as a flow source. A sliding mode controller is designed to demonstrate the ability of the magnetostrictive actuator to reduce the vibration at the platform. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme is demonstrated through experimental works. The experimental results of the vibration of the platform axe presented in terms of time response and frequency response.

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