• Title/Summary/Keyword: Landscape aesthetics

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Interpretation of Landscape Based on the Pavilions' Hanging Couplets of the Ongnyucheon Region in the Changdeokgung Palace's Rear Garden (주련(柱聯)을 통해 본 창덕궁 옥류천 일원의 경관 해석)

  • Zhang, Lin;So, Hyun-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to interpret the landscape of Soyojeong, Taegeojeong, Chungeuijeong and Chwihanjeong in the Ongnyucheon region of the Changdeokgung Palace by analyzing the landscape elements using the pavilion's hanging couplets. Next, the landscape elements would be classified and interpreted by the Tang dynasty poet named Wang Changnyeong(王昌齡, 698-757) who put forward the range of aesthetics. According to the three kinds of classified boundaries, the results were as follows. First, the characteristics of the 'Wujing(物境)' described at spring dawn or in the moonlit night when the rain stopped, dew condensed, blooming flowers were in the quiet garden, fishes were drawn from the pond, and golden ogres sung in a dense pine forest. Second, the characteristics of 'Qingjing(情境)' described the emperor who held a grand ceremony: he sat in the jade throne, red curtains and gorgeous fans are propped up etc. All of these were used to praise the reign of a stable and peaceful nation. Third, the characteristics of 'Yijing(意境)' mainly described the Ongnyucheon region's scenery as an immortal world where people can experience and reach a high spiritual realm such as the 'integrated as one(物我一體)'.

Deconstructing the Dichotomy between Ecology and Art in Contemporary Landscape Architecture (현대 조경설계에서 생태-예술 이원론의 해체)

  • Pae, Jeong-Hann
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.48-56
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    • 2003
  • 20세기 후반을 거치며 환경 관련 이슈는 조경 이론과 설계에서도 중심 주제로 자리잡아 왔다. 환경에 대한 고려를 중심에 둔 이른바 생태적 조경계획 설계는 조경의 패러다임에 일대 전환을 가져오고 조경의 대사회적 역할을 교정했다는 평가를 받고 있다. 그러나 이러한 흐름은 동시대 조경 이론과 설계의 가장 첨예한 쟁점 중의 하나인 생태학과 예술 사이의 이분법을 심화시켰다는 비판에 직면하고 있는 것 또한 사실이다. 즉 생태적 조경은 환경적 가치 대형태 구축, 부지의 생태적 분석 대 창조적 표현이라는 이원론적 갈등 관계를 형성해 온 것이다. 이 논문은 이러한 양상의 생태-예술 이원론을 해체하고 대안적 조경의 지평을 구축하는 일이 현대 조경설계가 풀어야 할 최우선의 과제라고 파악한다. 이 논문은 특히 최근의 조경설계에서 실험되고 있는 경험의 구축, 변화와 프로세스의 고려, 일시성과 불확정성을 존중하는 태도 등을 통해 생태-예술 이원론을 해체할 수 있는 실천적 전략을 모색한다. 뿐만 아니라 그러한 전략에서 드러나는 대안적 조경미학이 최근의 환경미학과 공유하고 있는 이론적 지형을 검토함으로써 생태학과 예술의 접점을 가로지르는 조경설계의 새로운 좌표를 탐색한다.

An Evaluation of Design Factors with Sidewalk Cafes for Street Revitalization (가로 활성화를 위한 가로변 노천카페의 유형별 설계요소 평가)

  • Kim, Dong-Chan;Choi, Woo-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.47-58
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to categorize the types of sidewalk cafes, and to evaluate design factors with types of sidewalk cafes for street revitalization. Consequently, it may suggest efficient and systemic policies for the guidelines of sidewalk cafes. To ensure this end, the types of sidewalk cafes were categorized from the street relationship perspective by site investigation. A literature review and importance analysis were used to select the evaluation criteria, and the data were analyzed by statistic methods such as descriptive analysis and factor analysis. As a result, five main factors of the evaluation criteria were contracted: accessibility, aesthetics, identity, environmental, culturedness. Cumulative factor loading of these five factors was 68.731%, which was quite high. And the evaluation using the Likert scale was performed by 4 experts. Types of sidewalk cafes were categorized into 5 types: protruding, gating, blending stereoscopic, elevation angle, and sign provision from the street relationship perspective. On the evaluation by type, aesthetics and culturedness were the worst evaluated in the protruding type and the gating type, culturedness was the worst in the blending stereoscopic type, accessibility, aesthetics, culturedness were the worst in the elevation angle type, and accessibility, identity, culturedness were the worst in the sign provision type. On the evaluation by the indicators, culturedness was the worst evaluated, and on the evaluation by criteria, 'safety for impaired persons', 'interest of programs', 'openness of entrance' were the worst. It is recommended that a survey of importance-performance analysis focused on users be conducted.

Critical Analysis about Environmental Ethics and Moral Position of Landscape Architecture - Focusing on Eugen C. Hargrove's 'Weak Anthropocentrism' - (조경의 환경윤리에 대한 비판적 해석과 도덕적 위치 - 유진 하그로브의 '약한 인간중심주의'를 중심으로 -)

  • Oh, Chang-Song
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.105-113
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    • 2015
  • The theory of landscape architecture applies environmental ethics in order to secure an ecological status. However, environmental ethics that focus on nature conservation excludes landscape architecture as artifacts. In the process, it is hard to identify what landscape architecture insists on as the middle position between humans and nature. Rather, landscape architecture pretends to be an 'agent of nature' and pushes the traditional moral values 'for people.' Therefore, the purpose of this study is to reestablish the anthropocentrism moral position of landscape architecture through critical analysis. Hargrove's weak anthropocentrism' of several environmental ethics branches accepts natural aesthetics(such as landscape architecture) as an ethical virtue. But environmental ethics makes landscape architecture a critical target. For that reason, this study looked into critical contents and objects that in a position to moral, aesthetic and landscape architecture. Critical details are as follows: First, nature is an absolute as an aesthetic and moral value, but landscape architecture is an imitation and takes a relaxed attitude about nature. Second, nature is full of aesthetic substance because it is self-creative, but landscape architecture is designed nature covered human flaws through imagination. Third, environmental management granting techniques in nature generate a moral nihilism. As an argument, environmental ethics overlooked the moral practices of landscape architecture beyond nature another moral aspect of creation and the imagination-and moral aspects of environmental management as 'care' because they rule out 'moral autonomy' and simplify what is considered 'good.' As a result, conservation cannot be the only virtue why the problem of nature in reality cannot be separated from human life. The moral position of landscape architecture based on a 'good life' is more appropriate under anthropocentrism than as a middle position.

A Study on the Simmulation Image Evaluation for the Landscape Improvement of Horticultural Complex in Rural Area (시설원예단지 경관개선 시뮬레이션 이미지 평가 연구)

  • Son, Jin Kwan;Park, Min Jung;Lee, Tae Suck;Kang, Tae Gyoung;Jin, Yu Jung;Kang, Dong Hyeon;Kong, Min Jae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2020
  • This study was aimed at improving the landscape agricultural facilities. Agricultural production spaces such as rice paddies and fields are a representative landscape of rural areas. These landscapes should be aesthetically presentable and as such, they require proper landscape planning and management. However, the construction of infrastructure in these landscapes presents environmental and ecological problems. As a result, the unique aesthetics in landscapes such as rice paddies is disrupted by infrastructure development. The construction of infrastructural complexes takes away the pleasantness of the natural landscape. Photographic slides were variable elements were systematically removed in the landscape were used. The original plan and its alternatives (1, 2, 3, 4) in the BV, JV, JG, and GG regions were evaluated using the Likert scale and AHP methods. Statistical analysis was conducted using ANOVA. The results indicate that the removal of variable elements, expansion of separation distance, and the planting of green plants had a positive effect on all parameters. Improvement of landscapes containing infrastructural complexes can be achieved by the use of image simulation.

A Comparative Study of Landscape Characteristics on Bridges in Palaces of Korea and China - Focusing on the Chosun Dynasty and Ming and Qing Dynasties - (한국과 중국의 궁궐 내 교량에 관한 경관특성 비교 연구 - 조선시대와 명·청시대를 중심으로 -)

  • Zhang, Fu-Chen;Lee, Ai-Ran
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2019
  • A bridge is a structure constructed on water or in the air for convenient passage. Compared to other buildings, the building materials and structures of bridge required unique functions to cross the space. It depends on the productivity of the building, the level of science and technology, and the ecological environment of the building site. Also, it has important relationship with functions such as politics, military, economy, and life. Most of the academic research on bridges is focused on research in the field of bridge-building technology, so the study on the landscape aesthetics and history of bridges is lacking. Against this backdrop, the study will be valuable as a accumulation of both countries' understanding of bridge types, history and culture, as well as technical and aesthetic data, by analyzing the bridges located within the palaces of Korea and China. The research method is to analyze the bridge through field survey and literature analysis.. First, the bridges of royal palace of Korea and China are to be classified quantitatively as physical shapes, landscapes, and decorations by comparing the materials, forms, landscapes, and decorative culture of bridges. Second, characteristics, common points, and differences are extracted by classifying bridges of both countries. Also, the results are discussed based on the physical environment or cultural background. This would be worth cross-referencing in the building technology and aesthetics of the two countries. For the first important characteristics of result, main materials of Korean and Chinese palaces are stone. However, the bridge in China's royal palaces is also focused on wood. Second, in terms of form, the bridges in the royal gardens of Korea and China are all based on the beam bridge. However, the specific form, ratio, style of the beam bridge, and airspace of arched bridge are very different. Third, most of the connection methods are focused on the over bridge. It values the convergence with the surrounding landscape. Due to the difference in the area and location of water, the bridge in the Korean palace is more focused on the convergence of the surrounding buildings and plants, while the bridge in the Chinese palace is more concerned about the harmony of hydration. Fourth, the decoration places importance on the artistry and aesthetics of both the bridges in Korea and China. There is a difference in style in the same type of decoration due to culture.

Pedestrian Crosswalk Design based on the Assessment of Driver Recognition (운전자 인지특성 분석을 통한 횡단보도 디자인 연구)

  • Lee, Juyoung
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.361-369
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    • 2020
  • With the increasing role of environmental design in promoting urban safety, new design attempts have been made to improve pedestrian safety in crosswalks. This study proposes an evidence-based design solution for improving crosswalk function by conducting simulations and field experiments. Drivers with more than one-year driving experience participated in this study. Four different crosswalk design patterns were prepared: (1) a zebra pattern, (2) zebra pattern with colored triangles, (3) 3D pattern, and (4) art pattern with unique colors and design. The results supported that the zebra pattern with colored triangles could be the most effective solution for crosswalk design by increasing visibility, attention, deceleration, and landscape aesthetics. This study provided objective data to support the performance of various crosswalk patterns and suggested the need to reevaluate the present crosswalk design guidelines.

A Study on the Visual Preference of Pergolas and Shelters (옥외휴게시설의 시각적 선호에 관한 연구 -차양시설을 중심으로-)

  • 김광래;안봉원;김동찬;서주환
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.199-209
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is to find major factors which are influential in visual preferences of pergolas and shelters. 33 pergolas and shelters were selected for the study by slides test method. Major findings of this study are summarized as follows. 1. In the degree of visual preferences, pergolas and shelters which are traditional Korean ones in harmony with surrounding environment, and provide sculptural effects, unique images and shade, obtain relatively high scores. 2. The result of factor analysis showed that [dimensions] of visual preferences factors for pergolas and shelters were composition and use and place. 3. The result of regression analysis indicated that the best predictors of visual preferences for pergolas and shelters were atmosphere, aesthetics of form, harmony with surroundings, unique image etc.

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The Origin and Development of Hybrid Environmental Design (혼성적 환경설계의 기원과 전개)

  • Kim, Han-Bai
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2008
  • Since the late 20th century, post-modern society has needed new styles in environmental design. The land art begun during that time supplied the momentum for the birth of the hybrid environmental design. The new design approach, focusing on land form and landscaping begun with land-form architecture, raised a powerful current of hybridization in the environmental design genres. The new picturesque landscape design distinguished by manipulated land forms and sublimated aesthetics appeared under the influence of land art and land-form architecture. Similarly, landscape urbanism was formed by the fusion of landscape architecture and urbanism. Therefore, the representative hybrid styles in environmental design appear as new picturesque landscape design, land-form architecture and landscape urbanism. With the new, strong interest in land and landscape, this same new interest was given to 'time' on account of the dynamics and indeterminacy of urban society. This new interest in land and time gave rise to new hybrid methodologies for environmental design such as mapping, diagramming and folding. These three tools have been applied most comprehensively in landscape urbanism. The 'fold' is the most popular design tool for most of the hybrid genres. The 'diagram' is the second-most popular design tool mostly for landscape urbanism and land-form architecture. Mapping is being actively applied to landscape urbanism and passively applied in new picturesque landscape design. In general, landscape urbanism seems to be a timely and suitable alternative for contemporary urban society. It displays very high potentials in the regeneration of the locality through the comprehensive hybrid methodology. It is necessary to actively engage in and develop landscape urbanism fit the local needs.

Management of Aesthetic intentions in Urban Design -Artworks in Urban Public Space-

  • Takeda, Naoki;Yagi, Kentaro
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture International Edition
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    • no.1
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    • pp.167-175
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    • 2001
  • After World War II, Japan experienced a great political and social shift, which brought a concern of emerging public landscape in urban development. This paper analyses the management of the aesthetic intentions in urban design effort. We reviewed the development of various public installation of artworks concerning urban landscape aesthetics through its administrative process in chronological order. The monuments during the first decade marked a shift in emphasis from the militarism of the pre-war and wartime period to one of peace. However, some of the monuments and sculptures are not immune to controversy. This became an issue that could no be ignored by public officials whose responsibility was to place the sculptures while maintaining sensitivity to public opinion. As public administrators began to consider the possibility that sculptures may contribute to improving public amenities, the contextual concepts were basically ignored. Some of the programs in 1970s began to show more respect to the context, while other programs in this period expressed more interest in educational aspects of sculptures in the public spaces. Urban development projects also seek to introduce artworks integrated to their urban design concepts in 1990s. Generally, the administrators responsible for these programs were rarely trained in any relative field study other than public administration. Installing sculptures tended to be considered as part of public works projects on the level of urban planning and construction. The general public is basically removed from participating in the critical decisions that actually impact their lives in relation to the artworks. In conclusion, public art in japan has unique social and historic background both in its advantages and disadvantages. Issues pertaining to art in public spaces have evolved over the decades as the term "sculpture pollution" began to appear by the mid 1990s. most of the problems originated in either the lack of monumentality, contextual consideration, quality, or public participation. From another point of view, these programs played great roll in the development of modern Japanese sculpture and patronizing process, and the creation of new urban landscape with aesthetic value. In this sense, they must be considered as successful and noteworthy examples of cultural administration and urban design policy.

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