• Title/Summary/Keyword: Landscape Types

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The Relationship between the observation distance, scale of buildings and the landscape preference by the landscape types in a suburban rural area (근교농촌의 경관유형에 따른 고층건물의 관찰거리 및 규모와 경관선호도와의 관계)

  • 심준영;김유일
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.112-123
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    • 1997
  • This study investigated the effect of high-rise buildings on the preference for rural landscapes. The study site was a Seoul suburban, Yong-in, which showed typical scenes of rural development. Slides used in the study were taken in Young-in along the national road 45(north-south) and national road 42(east-west). Forty slides reflecting typical characters of Young-in were selected. Among them, ten slides which were selected through factor analysis based on “ruralits”score were used as original slides. They represent ten landscape types. The simulation of original slides was based on the following aspects: a observation distance. number of buildings and landscape types. The preferences for the landscapes were tested by 200 respondents on 40 slides: Distance(2) ${\times}$ Landscape type(10) = 20 slides, Number of buildings(2) ${\times}$ Landscape type(10) = 20 slides. The following results are found: 1) When high-rise buildings are introduced into rural scenes, there are some vulnerable landscape types: the landscape with high “rurality”, the landscape with background skyline and the focal landscape. 2) The observation distance affects landscape preference. The hypothesis that the nearer the distance the lower the preferences, is accepted. However, there are some exceptions in 3 landscape types. 3) The hypothesis that the more the number of buildings, the lower the preferences, is rejected. The result is quite unexpected one. When a single building is introduced in natural scene, it draws more attention as a focal point than a group of buildings, and subsequently the visual impact is stronger.

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Landscape Assessment and Landscape Planning based on Landscapetope Classification (경관단위분류를 통한 경관가치평가 및 경관계획적 활용)

  • Kwon, Oh-Sung;Lee, Hyun-Taek;Ra, Jung-Hwa;Cho, Hyun-Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.65-79
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    • 2014
  • This study selected Nakdong River basin zone in Daegu as an example area to conduct landscapetope classification and aesthetic value assessment of landscape according to the classified landscapetope. The main result of this research can be summed up as following. First, the result of landscapetope type classification showed 28 types of landscapetope including complex residential area (AA), natural stream type with copious vegetation (BA), forest type centered on mixed forest of soft and hardwood (EB) along with 129 types of imputed specific landscapetope. The result of the total first assessment using B-VAT showed the first grade 10 types, II grade 4 types, III grade6 types, IV grade 3 types, 5 types for V grade with the lowest value. The second assessment conducted toward the landscapetope types with the grade higher than the average (including III grade) in the result of the first assessment showed that there are 66 spaces for the sites (1a, 1b) with special meaning for aesthetic landscape evaluation. And also, there were 69 spaces for those (2a, 2b, 2c) with meaning for aesthetic landscape evaluation. The design model of this research is largely divided into improvement goal and specific execution plan. First, the improvement goal is divided into 6 categories including conservation area, complementary area, and restoration area, and the specific execution plan is divided into 14 categories including special landscape management area, general landscape management area, conservation of hill areas with optically good condition. A comprehensive master plan was suggested by directly applying the set landscape planning model to the subject place of this research.

Classifying Rural Landscape Types and Developing Rural Landscape Evaluation Indicators Using Expert Delphi Survey Method (전문가 델파이 설문 조사를 통한 농촌경관 유형분류 및 평가지표 개발)

  • Ban, Yong-Un;Baek, Jong-In;Kim, Min-Ah;Yoon, Jin-Ok
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.53-61
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    • 2008
  • This study has intended to elicit the definition of rural landscape, to classify rural landscape type, and to develop the evaluation indicators of rural landscape, meeting the definition through delphi expert survey method. The survey was performed five times for 80 days by 20 experts. The delphi expert survey asked experts as follows: 1) to fill out open-ended questions regarding the definition of rural landscape, and classification of rural landscape types, and evaluation indicators; 2) to provide their own feasibility evaluation regarding the results of the previous answer; and 3) to reevaluate the feasibility of the definition, types, and indicators. Based on the survey results, this study has found the appropriate definition of rural landscape like the comprehensive complex of physical (objective) and nonphysical (subjective) factors characterizing natural and/or artificial scenary of rural village itself Also, this study has developed the evaluation indicators of rural landscape in accordance with space types and landscape units classified. The developed indicators included areal ratio, the degree of green naturality, the building coverage ratio for physical landscape field, and skyline, landscape adjectives, color landscape, semantic scale.

Study on the Classification of Rural Landscape which Needs to be Conserved in Daegu

  • Lee, Sook-Hyang;Kaneko, Tadakazu;Kumagai, Yoichi
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture Conference
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    • 2007.10b
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    • pp.191-196
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    • 2007
  • The Korean rural landscape has changed significantly due to nationwide modernization and industrialization in recent years. Moreover, as urbanization progresses due to population and economic growth, rural areas surrounding the suburbs of cities are feeling the pressure of encroaching urban sprawl. Use of land for human-made structures such as road and housing development is also increasing, resulting in the destruction of nature in rural areas. Adopting a concept of conserving rural landscape in future development projects is therefore highly desirable.The main focus of this study is to look into the traditional concept of the village and to classify some elements of the traditional rural landscape. Daegu Metropolitan City, the third metropolitan city in Korea, is chosen as the subject of the study. The existing 227 villages have been studied on the basis of their principles and types of village locations in relation to the traditional concepts of 'Feng-shui' and 'Tackriji'. The characteristics of the village location are divided into two aspects: the natural landscape, such as topography, hydrosphere, and azimuth, and the historical and cultural landscape, such as customs(Only the natural landscape aspect is included in this study). The natural landscape, a condition of the village location, is divided into three areas: topography, hydrosphere, and azimuth. There are two types of topography: flatland type and mountain type. There are two sub-types in the mountain type: ridge and valley, which depend on the village location in relation to the shapes of the mountains. There are four types of hydrosphere which include waterways and three directions of mountain depending on the shape: front, behind and side. The direction of the village is analyzed from the direction which the houses in the village face. Therefore, the natural landscape element as a condition of the village location is closely related to the traditional concepts of the village.

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The Influence of Street Planting Types to the Evaluation of Sidewalk Landscape (가로식재유형이 보행경관평가에 미치는 영향분석)

  • Kim, Dong-Chan;Park, Kung-Mo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.34 no.5 s.118
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    • pp.14-23
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    • 2006
  • Recently there have been great interest in the street landscapes, and numerous studies have been investigating shaping processes of urban landscapes, legal systems for scenery management, landscape preference and evaluation techniques. However, there are only few studies investigating how planting types influence on street landscape evaluation and how the relationships among street landscapes are. This study aims to make a guidelines which can be used for securing afforestation in urban settings and improving urban environment. In specific, the results of this study can provide guidelines for urban street design and the base knowledge for identifying appropriate requirements for better street landscapes. We identify factors which make shape certain images of street landscape, and draw physical factors influencing on visual appropriateness through visual landscapes evaluation process. To evaluate landscapes according to planting types, on-the-spot survey at 14 streets in Gang-Nam district were made. The district is under executing street improving projects and shows the most satisfying planting types. To evaluate street landscapes which people experience during their walking, 100m of continuous streets are chosen. The survey sites exclude streets with irregular pattern, are adjacent to large urban parks or are used as parking spaces in part. We evaluated 9 street landscapes classified into 1-line-planting, 2-line-planting and 3-line-planting on the basis of the location of planting and the planting methods.

A Study on the Landscape Adjectives for Urban Landscape Analysis (도시경관분석을 위한 경관형용사 목록 작성)

  • 주신하;임승빈
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to categorize a landscape adjective list for urban landscape analysis. For this purpose, four methods are used. The first method is to survey the foreign landscape adjective lists such as Feimer's EACL & LACL, VRM suggested vocabulary, and IEA and LI's aesthetic factors, which are commonly used in domestic research. The second method is to analyze vocabulary in Korean linguistic textbook the third is to investigate Korean adjective lists from 36 domestic research. The last is to survey adjectives used to express the urban landscapes. 24 landscapes from BunDdang, GwaCheon, YakSoo and ApGuJeong were presented to 40 subjects, whose responses were collected and categorized. The frequency analysis of the adjectives and landscape factors were processed by SJTOOL, which was programmed for Korean vocabulary analysis. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: Foreign adjective lists were mainly focused on the physical features of landscapes and they also had linguistic problems caused by the translations. Therefore, it is undesirable to use the foreign adjective list directly to analyze Korean urban landscapes. The vocabulary from the linguistic textbook has more variety, but it includes many adjectives irrelevant to the urban landscape. More types of adjectives were used in the researches(890 adjectives/295 types), compared with the result of response survey(1,406 adjectives/270 types). Because some adjectives were partly confusing, it is desirable to categorize the adjectives. The categorized adjectives could therefore be more useful and practical for urban landscape analysis.

A Study on forest landscape improvement in rural area (농촌의 산림경관 유지를 위한 개선방안 연구)

  • Jeong, Wook-Ju
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to find a way to improve damaged forest in rural area in terms of both landscape . quality and regulation. Mountain and forest cover 65% of total land in Korea, and the shortage of areas for developing housing, road and facilities made us to use forest area for above purposes. This led various types of damages on the sensitive rural landscape visually and ecologically. There are rules and regulations for decreasing damaging effect by constructions on forest area, but it was not so effective because theses rules focused on quantitative issues only. This study will consist of three phases, 1. analyse landscape damage types by development tendencies in forest area 2. find diminution plan on each damage types 3. set improvement on rules and regulations both qualitatively and quantitatively. This study will meet the goal of improving and managing rural and forest landscape by providing objective standards, rational procedure and amelioration plan.

Model Development and Appraisal by Visual Simulation about Soundproof Grove Types of Street Side (도로변 방음 수림대 유형별 시뮬레이션 모형개발 및 평가)

  • Kim, Sung-Kyun;Jeong, Tae-Young
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.11 no.2 s.27
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    • pp.59-69
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    • 2005
  • Because of increasing numbers of cars many highways are being constructed lively, and the noise of passing cars has influenced surrounding areas. In consideration of this, some alternatives and researches for soundproof facilities are proceeding, but aesthetic approach hasn't been considered. Therefore, this research is focused on soundproof effects for each types, effectual simulation methods, visual assessment and estimation between the landscape before simulation and the landscape after. Soundproof facilities are divided largely by the soundproof barrier, the soundproof mounding, the soundproof grove. The soundproof grove has three main function. First, leaves and branches absorbs sound vibrations. Second, leaves absorbs sound, and branches obstruct sounds. Third, by means of sounds of shaking leaves, forest can offset noises. This research was proceeded by means of classification of soundproof grove types and investigation of visual simulation methods. We made visual simulation for each types, and estimated the landscape for each types.

An Evaluation on Citizens' Satisfaction with the Outdoor Landscape Lighting in Gyeongju Historic Areas - The Case of Wolseong District -

  • Park, So-Yeong;Heo, Sang-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.5_2
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    • pp.186-193
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to survey the citizens for their satisfaction with the outdoor landscape lighting in Gyeongju Historic Areas registered as UNESCO World Cultural Heritage in November 2000 and thereupon, provide for some basic data useful to the design of the outdoor landscape lighting for the cultural properties. As a result of examining the conditions of the outdoor landscape lighting in Wolseong Zone of Anapji, Banwolseong, Dongbu Sajeokji, Cheomseongdae and Gyerim, there were found 391 lighting fixtures of 12 types in Anapji, 138 lightings of 4 types in Banwolseong, 38 lightings of 6 types in Cheomseongdae, 28 lightings of 3 types in Dongbu Sajeokji and 54 lightings of 5 types in Gyerim. As a result of analyzing citizens' satisfaction with the outdoor landscape lighting, it was found that citizens were satisfied more or less with the nightscape image changed by the outdoor landscape lighting; their satisfaction scored 3.836 on average for Anapji on a 5-point Likert type scale, 3.516 for Banwolseong, 3.446 for Dongbu Sajeokji, 3.650 for Cheomseongdae and 3.479 for Gyerim. However, citizens' satisfaction with the originality of the nightscape was generally low: 3.055 for Anapji, 2.914 for Cheomseongdae, 2.877 for Banwolseong, 2.847 for Gyerim and 2.665 for Dongbu Sajeokji. On the other hand, since most of the lighting fixtures were installed as inserted lights or floodlights, the color tones of light source were relatively highly distinctive, but the peripheral spaces around the cultural properties were rather dark, which means that citizens were feeling inconvenient more or less for using the amenities such as bench or waste box. All in all, their satisfaction with the outdoor landscape at the sample zone at night scored 2.981, lower than the normal level.

An Evaluation of Rural Landscape and Comparative Analysis in Accordance with Space Types : Focused on Residents and Visitors of Seondong Region, Gochang-Gun, Jeollabuk-Do, Korea (공간유형별 농촌경관 평가 및 비교 분석 - 전북 고창 선동권역의 주민과 방문객을 대상으로 -)

  • Baek, Jong-In;Ban, Yong-Un;Woo, Hye-Mi;Choi, Na-Rae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2010
  • This study has intended to evaluate rural subjective landscape through participation of residents and visitors according to space types, and to perform comparative analysis of evaluation results between residents and visitors. This study has employed a survey method for which 58 residents of 8 villages within Seondong region at Gochang-gun and 70 visitors to Green Barley Field Festival in the target region have participated. 42 landscape view points were selected according to landscape scopes and space types, and then the preference was evaluated using landscape adjectives after showing pictures already taken for each landscape view point. This study has found the following results. First, whereas residents gave high points to natural landscape and artificial one at the historical culture areas in comparison with other landscape scopes, visitors gave them low points on the other hand. Second, visitors evaluated the cultivated area among space types of mixed landscapes with high value. Third, based on t-test for comparative analysis, the statistically significant differences of evaluation results appeared at 6 places among 8 natural landscapes, 3 places among 12 artificial landscapes, and 3 places among mixed landscapes.