• Title/Summary/Keyword: Land uses

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Improvement of QUAL2E Model using Nonuniform Flow Analysis (부등류해석을 이용한 QUAL2E 모형의 개선)

  • Kim, Sang Ho;Choi, Hyun Sang
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.1144-1150
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    • 2006
  • Recently, as water pollution accidents in rivers have increased, there is an increased interest in water quality forecast with accurate simulation. QUAL2E model, widely used for water quality analysis, uses the same hydraulic characteristics, such as depth and velocity, in a reach. The flow of the river is changed by various hydraulic constructions or by topography in a real river channel. In this study, a hydraulic connection module is developed to consider flow variations of river channels in QUAL2E model. The module uses the simulations results of non-uniform flow of a 1-D hydraulic model such as DWOPER or HEC-RAS. The improved QUAL2E model with this module was applied to a downstream section of Paldang Dam on the Han River. The results show the variation of water quality very well in a reach where flowing vary abruptly, like the Jamsil submerged weir.

공간적 가격균형이론에 의한 교통수요모형과 해법

  • 노정현
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.7-20
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    • 1988
  • Recent developments in combining transportation planning models and input-output approaches, together with inclusion of intensity of land uses, have made it possible to construct realistic comprehensive urban and regional activity models. These modes form the basis for a rigorous approach to studying the interactions among urban activities. However, efficient computational solution methods for implementing such comprehensive models are still not available. In this paper an efficient solution method for the urban activity model is developed by combining Evans' partial linearization technique with Powell's hybrid method. The solution algorithm is applied to a small but realistic urban area with a detailed transportation network.

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Analysis for the Accessibility of Tourism Farm Using GIS (GIS를 이용한 관광농원의 접근성 분석)

  • Kim, Ki-Sung;Lee, Yong-Hee;Choi, Ye-Hwan
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.93-96
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    • 2002
  • This study was carried out to investigate the actual state of management for tourism farms of Chuncheon City. Also, it was evaluated whether the selection of suitable place was done for the existing tourism farms with GIS. Especially, it was analyzed for the distance and time used by visitors of tourism farms. The directions for the efficient agricultural land uses and selection of suitable places were suggested for the tourism farms being opened in the future with these analyses.

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The Effect of Land Uses on Pollutant Loads in Daegwallyong Area - An Application of USLE-series Models and CN Method (대관령 지역의 토지이용이 오염물 유출부하량에 미치는 영향 - USLE계열 모형 및 CN법의 적용)

  • 신영규;김종욱
    • Proceedings of the KGS Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.50-50
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    • 2004
  • 강원도 평창군 도암면에 위치한 송천 유역, 이른바 대관령 지역은 냉량습윤한 기후를 이용한 대규모 목축과 고랭지 농업이 성행하여 독특한 농촌 경관을 보이는 곳이다. 최근 이 지역에서는 고랭지농업의 확대에 따라 토양 유실과 그에 따른 수질 오염이 심각해졌으며, 하류에 위치한 도암호의 수질 악화로 인해 그 방류 문제를 둘러싸고 발전소와 하류지역 주민들의 갈등이 심화되어 왔다. (중략)

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Analysis of the Organic Matter Content for Soil Samples Taken at the New Points of Korea Soil Quality Monitoring Network (토양측정망 확대 지점의 토양 유기물 함량 연구)

  • Lee, Sojin;Kim, Jinjoo;Jeong, Seung-Woo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.38 no.12
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    • pp.641-646
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    • 2016
  • Soil organic matter (SOM) is an important soil component releasing nutrients to the plants and reducing risks of soil contamination to the human and ecosystem. Much attention has been recently paid to SOM investigation and management because SOM holds the most of carbon in the earth and sequestrate carbon as a sink tank. The first objective of the study was to investigate SOM of 495 soil samples taken at the Korea Soil Quality Monitoring Network. Soil samples were collected from 16 regions and 8 land use types. The second objective of the study was to find a relationship between the Tyurin method and loss-on-ignition (LOI) method for SOM. The means of SOM by Tyurin and LOI methods were 1.90 and 2.92 % (w/w), respectively. Land uses such as forest, religious area and park where organic matters continuously supply to normally showed higher SOMs than residential and school areas having sandy soils. A regression equation of the relationship between Tyurin and LOI methods was y(Tyurin) = 0.6257x(LOI) + 0.0602 (P-value < 0.001). The coefficient of determination was $R^2=0.749$, relatively linearly related. Although LOI may result in higher SOMs than the Tyurin method, LOI may be a preference for the SOM investigation if various kinds of land uses and many soil samples should be measured.

A Study of GIS-based Estimation of Pollutant Loads in Accordance with Spatial Landuse Variation - Focussing on Wangsook Watershed - (토지이용의 공간적 다양성에 따른 GIS 기반 오염부하 산정에 관한 연구 - 왕숙천 유역을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Kyoung-Soon;Kim, Kye-Hyun;Kwon, Oh-Jun
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.305-315
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    • 2005
  • The scheme to classify pollution sources in Korean TMDL planning has been pointed out too much complex to implement practically because of requiring a wide range of items to be collected from a field. Within a deficient situation to collect field data, the mathematical scheme that focuses only on counting an uniform area ratio of the different land uses to estimate of pollutant loads from individual sub-catchments has been used without taking into account of the spatial characteristics of major land uses as well as the locations of pollution sources in each sub-catchment. It would cause to significant level of errors to estimate the pollution loads. Therefore, this study proposes a renovated scheme that can be adopted more easily to classify pollution sources in the watershed and reduce the estimation errors in the spatial distribution of pollution sources by introducing a spatial analysis based on digital land cover maps. In order to estimate a unit area to calculate the uniform pollution load, the pollution response unit area that is locating spatially at the same place and having same land use is identified through the application of GIS overlay technique. Unlikely existing conventional method to calculate the pollution load based on equal distribution of pollutants for each administrative boundary, it is assumed that the pollution load from household and livestock sources are generated and washed off from only residential areas. While, pollution from business population comes from commercial area and industrial load from wastewater discharge facilities are from industrial areas. From comparison of the calculated results from the existing the method and the proposed one, it is found that although the estimation of pollution load from sub-catchment in the case of the existing conventional method application results in negligible difference in total pollution amounts from the whole area of Wangsook watershed as a study area, significant difference of pollution load among sub-catchment in which pollution response unit areas are diverse, however, appears in the case of the application of the renovated scheme.

Application of SWAT for the Estimation of Soil Loss in the Daecheong Dam Basin (대청댐 유역 토양 침식량 산정을 위한 SWAT 모델의 적용)

  • Ye, Lyeong;Yoon, Sung-Wan;Chung, Se-Woong
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.149-162
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    • 2008
  • The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) developed by the USDA-Agricultural Research Service for the prediction of land management impact on water, sediment, and agricultural chemical yields in a large-scale basin was applied to Daecheong Reservoir basin to estimate the amount of soil losses from different land uses. The research outcomes provide important indications for reservoir managers and policy makers to search alternative watershed management practices for the mitigation of reservoir turbidity flow problems. After calibrations of key model parameters, SWAT showed fairly good performance by adequately simulating observed annual runoff components and replicating the monthly flow regimes in the basin. The specific soil losses from agricultural farm field, forest, urban area, and paddy field were 33.1, $2.3{\sim}5.4$ depending on the tree types, 1.0, and 0.1 tons/ha/yr, respectively in 2004. It was noticed that about 55.3% of the total annual soil loss is caused by agricultural activities although agricultural land occupies only 10% in the basin. Although the soil erosion assessment approach adopted in this study has some extent of uncertainties due to the lack of detailed information on crop types and management activities, the results at least imply that soil erosion control practices for the vulnerable agricultural farm lands can be one of the most effective alternatives to reduce the impact of turbidity flow in the river basin system.

A Study on Forecasting Trip Distribution of Land Development Project Using Middle Zone Size And Gravity Model (중죤단위와 중력모형을 이용한 택지개발사업의 통행분포 예측방법에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Chang-Yong;Son, Ui-Yeong;Kim, Do-Gyeong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2009
  • In case of land development projects constructed, to solve induced transportation volume needs analysis of traffic demand. Trip-generation of land development projects is exactly predicted by using traffic instigating-basic-unit in each facility of land developments. But in case of a phase of trip-distribution, because a range of destinations is very enormous and it needs enormous data to reflect all of its characters, whenever trip-distribution is predicted, the method which assumes the rate of trip-distribution is same both before completion of land development projects and after is often used. But because there is no exact criterion, the method suggested above is also affected by subjective opinion. Accordingly, this study look over using trip-distribution of specific areas's DB and suggests a size of zone to predict a distribution of land development projects exactly. Also production - constrained gravity model which uses the gap between a distribution of suggested ranges and induced land development project is suggested for more exact prediction of trip-distribution. Besides accuracy of prediction is scrutinized by using Mean Squared Error.

Spectral Mixture Analysis Using Hyperspectral Image for Hydrological Land Cover Classification in Urban Area (도시지역의 수문학적 토지피복 분류를 위한 초분광영상의 분광혼합분석)

  • Shin, Jung-Il;Kim, Sun-Hwa;Yoon, Jung-Suk;Kim, Tae-Geun;Lee, Kyu-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.565-574
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    • 2006
  • Satellite images have been used to obtain land cover information that is one of important factors for hydrological analysis over a large area. In urban area, more detailed land cover data are often required for hydrological analysis because of the relatively complex land cover types. The number of land cover classes that can be classified with traditional multispectral data is usually less than the ones required by most hydrological uses. In this study, we present the capabilities of hyperspectral data (Hyperion) for the classification of hydrological land cover types in urban area. To obtain 17 classes of urban land cover defined by the USDA SCS, spectral mixture analysis was applied using eight endmembers representing both impervious and pervious surfaces. Fractional values from the spectral mixture analysis were then reclassified into 17 cover types according to the ratio of impervious and pervious materials. The classification accuracy was then assessed by aerial photo interpretation over 10 sample plots.

Land Surface Temperatures of Industrial Complexes in Jeonnam Using Landsat 7 ETM+ Satellite Images (Landsat 7 ETM+ 위성영상을 이용한 전남산업단지의 지표온도)

  • Nguyen, Truong Linh;Tran, Quang Huy;Huh, Jungwon;Han, Dongyeob
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.99-112
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    • 2015
  • Observation of land surface temperature in industrial areas is problematic, as it is not possible to construct a network of weather stations with sufficiently high density and continuous operation in such zones. Multiphase remote sensing data that cover a wide area and take a short time to process can enable the user to precisely and continuously measure the current and changing land surface temperatures in a certain region. Jeollanam-Do in South Korea is undergoing rapid industrialization, with the establishment of a number of industrial complexes, such as the Gwangyang Steelworks, Yeosu Industrial Complex, Yulchon Industrial complex, and Daebul Industrial Complex. To look into the properties of industrial complex's temperature, this study uses the thermal band of Landsat 7 ETM+ images acquired under thermal infrared wavelengths in order to calculate and compare the surface temperatures of the four above-named industrial complexes. From this, it is possible to obtain the basic information about industrial complex for environmental and natural resource management, which will aid industrial complex planners in developing methods of addressing environmental problems.