• Title/Summary/Keyword: Land information management

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Assessment of Urban Land Suitability Analysis for Public Park Planning

  • Sungmin Cho
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.259-266
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    • 2024
  • One of the most time consuming issues in a city development is the identification of suitable areas for urban infrastructures and proper land uses. Suitability analysis is the process and procedures to find the best available land in given area -that is, the ability of a system to select the needs of users in land use. This paper studied the usage of Geographic Information System technique and methods for the selection of the most appropriate sites for public park in the city of Gwangju. GIS was used as a standard technique to find the best available sites for development in urban areas. For this cause, digital elevation model and spatial data were used to produce different thematic layers by using software Idrisi. Criteria for finding the suitable site for park development were decided to evaluate the land and the followings 4 criteria were selected: on land with less than 3 degrees in slope, outside a 200m buffer around lakes, on land currently designated as forests, and 20ha or greater in size. To meet and measure each criterion, distance and context operators were applied to reclassify the importance of certain weight and Boolean images were generated to meet the criteria. These weights and maps has been combined using ArcGIS tools and the final map was prepared showing the most suitable sites. We may assist city planners and government officials in future development of public facilities including parks and related land use plans at urban level and act as to ensure proper land use planning and management of the urban areas.

Analysis of Land Cover Characteristics with Object-Based Classification Method - Focusing on the DMZ in Inje-gun, Gangwon-do - (객체기반 분류기법을 이용한 토지피복 특성분석 - 강원도 인제군의 DMZ지역 일원을 대상으로 -)

  • Na, Hyun-Sup;Lee, Jung-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.121-135
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    • 2014
  • Object-based classification methods provide a valid alternative to traditional pixel-based methods. This study reports the results of an object-based classification to examine land cover in the demilitarized zones(DMZs) of Inje-gun. We used land cover classes(7 classes for main category and 13 classes for sub-category) selected from the criteria by Korea Ministry of Environment. The average and standard deviation of the spectrum values, and homogeneity of GLCM were chosen to map land cover types in an hierarchical approach using the nearest neighborhood method. We then identified the distributional characteristics of land cover by considering 3 topographic characteristics (altitude, slope gradient, distance from the Southern Limited Line(SLL)) within the DMZs. The results showed that scale 72, shape 0.2, color 0.8, compactness 0.5 and smoothness 0.5 were the optimum weight values while scale, shape and color were most influenced parameters in image segmentation. The forests (92%) were main land cover type in the DMZs; the grassland(5%), the urban area (2%) and the forests (broadleaf forest: 44%, mixed forest: 42%, coniferous forest: 6%) also occupied mostly in land cover classes for sub-category. The results also showed that facilities and roads had higher density within 2 km from the SLL, while paddy, field and bare land were distributed largely outside 6 km from the SLL. In addition, there was apparent distinction in land cover by topographic characteristics. The forest had higher density at above altitude 600m and above slope gradient $30^{\circ}$ while agriculture, bare land and grass land were distributed mainly at below altitude 600m and below slope gradient $30^{\circ}$.

Potential Soil Loss Prediction for Land Resource Management in the Nakdong River Basin (토지자원관리를 위한 낙동강 유역의 잠재적 토양유실량 산정)

  • Oh, Jeong-Hak;Jung, Sung-Gwan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.11 no.2 s.27
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    • pp.9-19
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the potential soil loss and hazard zone by the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation(RUSLE) for preservation and management of land resources which is the base of ecosystem, and to grasp the relationship between RUSLE factors in the Nakdong River Basin. All thematic maps used in RUSLE are constructed through GIS and spatial analysis method derived from digital topographic maps, detailed soil maps, land-cover maps, and mean annual precipitation of 30 years collected respectively from National Geographic Information Institute, National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, and Ministry of Environment. The slope length of LS-factor that takes much times by the study area's wideness was calculated automatically through AML(Arc Macro Language) program developed by Van Remortel et al.(2001, 2003). The results are as follows; First, according to the soil loss estimation by the RUSLE, it shows that approximately 82% of the study area have relatively lower possibility of soil loss which is the 1 ton/ha in annual soil loss. While, 9.4% ($2,228km^2$) needed intensive and continuous management for soil loss. Because the amount of their annual soil loss was greater than 10 ton/ha that is optimum level suggested by Morgan(1995). For these areas, the author believe that a new approach which can minimize environmental impacts from soil loss through improvement of cultivation process and buffer forest zone should be applied. Second, according to the relationship between the RUSLE factors, topographical(LS-factor) and cover management(C-factor) conditions have a lot of influence on soil loss in case of the Nakdong River Basin. However, because of RUSLE factor's influence that affect to soil loss might be different based on the variety of spatial hierarchy and extent, it is necessary to analyze and evaluate factor's relationship in terms of spatial hierarchy and extent through field observations and further studies.

Chronological Changes of Soil Organic Carbon from 2003 to 2010 in Korea

  • Kim, Yoo Hak;Kang, Seong Soo;Kong, Myung Suk;Kim, Myung Sook;Sonn, Yeon Kyu;Chae, Mi Jin;Lee, Chang Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.205-212
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    • 2014
  • Chronological changes of soil organic carbon (SOC) must be prepared by IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories. IPCC suggested default reference SOC stocks for mineral soils and relative stock factors for different management activities where country own factors were not prepared. 3.4 million data were downloaded from agricultural soil information system and analyzed to get chronological changes of SOC for some counties and for land use in Korea. SOC content of orchard soil was higher than the other soils but chronological SOC changes of all land use had no tendency in differences with high standard deviation. SOC contents of counties depended on their own management activities and chronological SOC changes of districts also had no tendency in differences. Thus, Korea should survey the official records and relative stock factors on management activities such as land use, tillage and input of organic matter to calculate SOC stocks correctly. Otherwise, Korea should establish a model for predicting SOC by analyzing selected representative fields and by calculating SOC differences from comparing management activities of lands with those of representative fields.

Calculation of Land Category Area and Pollution Loads according to Real Land Usage using High Resolution Satellite Image (고해상도 영상자료를 이용한 실제토지이용에 따른 지목면적 및 부하량 산정)

  • Park, Jae Hong;Lee, Su Woong;Park, Ju Hyun;Rhew, Doug Hee;Jung, Dong Il;Choi, Hye Mi;Jeon, Woo Song
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.193-204
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    • 2009
  • The study was conducted investigation on land of D-dong in N city which is an urban area and D myeon of N city which is a suburban area, based on high resolution satellite image, to find out actual land usage. As for D-dong in N city, different rate between actual usage and official land information was 0.5~4.8% in terms of 5 major land types (paddy field, farm, ground, forest, and others). D myeon in N city posted 1.4~8.4%, which is higher than that of its counterpart. As for unit load, "land" which is large in terms of load presented a big difference between official information and actual usage. On the other hand, the levels of paddy, field, forest and others posted only small changes in load. In case of T-P, in particular, unit of each land type is lower than BOD and T-N, showing almost no changes in pollution loads.

Improvement of Land Cover Classification Accuracy by Optimal Fusion of Aerial Multi-Sensor Data

  • Choi, Byoung Gil;Na, Young Woo;Kwon, Oh Seob;Kim, Se Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.135-152
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to propose an optimal fusion method of aerial multi - sensor data to improve the accuracy of land cover classification. Recently, in the fields of environmental impact assessment and land monitoring, high-resolution image data has been acquired for many regions for quantitative land management using aerial multi-sensor, but most of them are used only for the purpose of the project. Hyperspectral sensor data, which is mainly used for land cover classification, has the advantage of high classification accuracy, but it is difficult to classify the accurate land cover state because only the visible and near infrared wavelengths are acquired and of low spatial resolution. Therefore, there is a need for research that can improve the accuracy of land cover classification by fusing hyperspectral sensor data with multispectral sensor and aerial laser sensor data. As a fusion method of aerial multisensor, we proposed a pixel ratio adjustment method, a band accumulation method, and a spectral graph adjustment method. Fusion parameters such as fusion rate, band accumulation, spectral graph expansion ratio were selected according to the fusion method, and the fusion data generation and degree of land cover classification accuracy were calculated by applying incremental changes to the fusion variables. Optimal fusion variables for hyperspectral data, multispectral data and aerial laser data were derived by considering the correlation between land cover classification accuracy and fusion variables.

A Study to Evaluate Impervious Area Ratio by Geographic Information Data (지리정보자료에 따른 불투수면적률 산정 결과에 대한 연구)

  • Min Suh Chae;Kyoung Jae Lim;Joong-Hyuk Min;Minji Park;Jichul Ryu;Mijin Lee;Sohyeon Park;Youn Shik Park
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.142-152
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    • 2023
  • Infiltration is a process by which precipitation infuses into subsurface soils. The process determines the surface flow and baseflow volume, and it is one of most important hydrological processes regarding nonpoint source pollution management. Therefore, the Ministry of Environment has developed a guideline to determine the impervious area ratio to understand the hydrological process in administrative districts and watersheds. The impervious area ratio can be determined using land use or land cover maps. Three approaches were explored to determine the impervious area ratio in 25 districts in Seoul. The impervious area ratio was determined by employing the Land registration map and Land property data in the first approach, Land property map in the second approach, and Land cover map in the third approach. The ratio ranged from 38.96% to 83.01% in the first approach, 38.98% to 83.02% in the second approach, and 37.62% to 76.63% in the third approach. Although the ranges did not provide any significant differences in the approaches, some districts displayed differences up to 9.48% by the approach. These differences resulted from the fact that the data were land use or land cover, especially in the area of airport, residential complex area, and school sites. In other words, division of the pervious and impervious areas in an individual plot was not allowed in the Land registration map, while it was allowed in the Land cover map. Therefore, it was concluded that there is a need to revise the guideline so that a reasonable impervious area ratio can be determined in the districts.


  • Han, Eun, Young;Chae, Gee-Ju
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.286-289
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    • 2005
  • Recently, in Korea, recognizing the importance of satellite imagery and a national project, the development of satellite providing satellite imagery information of 1m high resolution has been carried out. As the application of satellite. imagery information is expanded to the national land, the environment and geographical information, etc, the necessity of integrated management of satellite imagery information increases. Unfortunately, in case of Korea, currently, the results that institutes for satellite imagery processing produce with satellite imagery have been individually managed. Integrated Management of Satellite Imagery Information project which is being promoted by ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute) in Korea will provide the solutions for the above mentioned problems. In this research work, we designed standard metadata for integrated management of satellite imagery information in consideration of international and national standard.

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A Study on Construction of Management System for Efficient Management and Application of Regional Development Project (지역개발사업의 효율적 관리 및 활용을 위한 관리체계 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Nam-Jung
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2016
  • This research has its objective in searching for a management plan that is stronger than existing plan for the regional development project in time for the execution of "Regulations on Regional Development and Support". Accordingly, the following plans for improvement are suggested to make improvements in lack of regional development projects management awareness; absence of integrated management system; and lack of reliability in project management information. Firstly, the management of regional development project needs to be operated as a system for project evaluation management based on related legislations. Secondly, various information of regional development project should construct a database, which becomes an information system that can be utilized by the central government and regional governing organizations. Third, to promote efficiency in regional development project management and expertise, it is necessary to prepare a project management system utilizing professional outsourcing organizations and such. Lastly, it is necessary to improve the work environment to enhance the expertise and the responsibilities of those government officials in charge of the project.

Developing methodology of 3D Cadaster Feature Model using Cadastre Process Analysis (지적 업무 분석을 기반으로 한 3차원 지적 항목 모델 개발 방법)

  • You, Hee Min;Jeong, Dong Hoon;Lee, Ji Yeong
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.55-69
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    • 2013
  • In the modern society, as the city grows and constructive technology gradually develops, land usage has been sophisticated and three-dimensionalized. Consequently, issues such as property ownership and legal claim over ground and underground space have been triggered, which disclose the problems of using two-dimensional cadastral management system. Numerous researches on building three-dimensional cadastral are ongoing such as defining the right relationship of land space and providing the registration and management scheme so as to solve the imminent matter. It is the chief aim of this study to increase efficiency by analyzing the vocational practices through adding on necessary sections and properties for current registration to original research work. If three-dimensional cadastral management system is once constructed, highly qualified services for citizens will be available by providing accurate land related information swiftly, which can result in inevitable improvement of efficiency at work. Hence, this thesis will suggest the internationally suitable feature model development method in terms of standardization by probing into the factual profession to derive each attributes and properties that are related to three-dimensional cadastral and affix them to the classified item requisites of initial research studies.