• Title/Summary/Keyword: Land Topography

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Status of Riparian Vegetation and Implication for Restoration in the Seunggi Stream, Incheon (인천 승기천에서 하안식생의 현황과 복원 방안)

  • Cho, Kang-Hyun;Kim, Jaai;Lee, Hyo Hye Mi;Kwon, Oh Byung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.62-73
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    • 2001
  • The riparian environments of urban streams in Korea have been disturbed through the channelization for flood control and artificial land use as well as water pollution and flow decrease due to industrialization and urbanization. The flora and vegetation structure were investigated and an implication of stream restoration was discussed for the conservation of biodiversity in the riparian area of the Seunggi stream in Incheon. Naturalized plants and ruderal plants were widely distributed in the riparian area which was disturbed from cultivating, trampling, dumping etc. Submerged and floating hydrophytes were not found in the stream due to channelization and water pollution. Some halophytes were remained in downstream and reservoir after reclamation and embankment. The communities of Humulus japonicus, Panicum dichotomiflorum, Digitaria sanguinalis, Artemisia montana, Amaranthus retroflexus, and Aster pilosus were distributed in the disturbed area of bank slope and floodplain in the stream. As a natural potential vegetation, Phragmites australis in the wet meadow, Typha latifolia, Typha angustifolia, Oenanthe javanica, Persicaria thunbergii, and Penthorum chinense in the marsh, and Salix babylonica and Salix matsudana for. tortuosa in the woodland appeared in the floodplain. The topography in the stream played an important role on the distribution of riparian vegetation in the Seunggi stream. Appropriate methods for conservation and restoration of the riparian ecosystems must be planned on the basis of the actual vegetation in the disturbed urban stream.

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A study on Watershed Model for Predicting the Runoff Characteristics of Urban Area (도시 지역의 유출량 변화 예측을 위한 유역 모델 연구)

  • Lee, Hye-Won
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.31 no.12
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    • pp.1089-1094
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    • 2009
  • The SWMM (Storm Water Management Model) was applied to Princeton University campus, USA to predict the change of the runoff characteristics. Topography and infra structure of urban area are used in detail and watershed is made as form of regular square to improve the efficiency of data. Princeton campus was divided into 131 sub-basins and model input parameters were obtained from DEM (Digital Elevation Model), land use type, and campus management map, etc.. The model was validated based on the measured meteorological data. The validated model was used to analyze the change of the runoff characteristics according to urbanization, which are two different scenarios: 50% and 100% increase of impervious area. The increase of impervious area causes the increase of runoff, especially in the first-flush.

Ecological Characteristics and Planting Plan by Location Enviornment of Vegetation for Construction of Environmentally Friendly Golf Course - Focused on Cheongdo-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do - (환경친화적 골프장 조성을 위한 식생입지환경별 생태적 특성과 식재방안 - 경상북도 청도군을 중심으로 -)

  • You, Ju-Han
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.75-90
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    • 2008
  • The golf course has many problems that are a pollution of river, a extinction of habitat by destructing a forest and a simplication of species composition. Therefore, this study was carried out to examine the ecological characteristics of vascular plants in construct-reserved site of golf course. The results were as follow. The vascular plants were summarized as 342 taxa; 86 families, 231 genera, 295 species, 42 varieties and 5 forma. In the results by the location environments of vegetation, Salix caprea community and wetland species like Persicaria thunbergii were appeared in the swamp. Especially, S. caprea will be made use of promoting a landscape. In the stream, Stephanandra incisa community has a functions like an ecological axis and a corridor of wild animals. The planting technique will be applied to using Atractylodes japonica and Ainsliaea acerifolia in the lower part of Pinus densiflora and Quercus mongolica. Because Rhododendron schlippenbachii and Convallaria keiskei grew by layer in Q. variabilis community, this will be made use of natural vegetation model. The rare plants were 2 taxa; Aristolochia contorta and Iris ensata var. spontanea. To preserve their community, we will prohibit a development and remove a threatening factor. The endemic plants were 4 taxa; Salix caprea, Clematis trichotma, Spiraea prunifolia for. simpliciflora and Weigela subsessilis. The naturalized plants were 19 taxa; Rumex crispus, Bildedykia dumetora and so on. To establish the quantitative management plan, we will obtain a ecological information about a naturalized plants in accumulating by season, community and land use pattern.

A Application Method of Plotting Original Data (도화원도의 활용방안)

  • Lee, Yong-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.441-448
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    • 2011
  • Lately, digital restitution was became common using digital aerial photos. Therefore, we can obtain three-dimensional data. As a plotting-maker is checked by naked eye, plotting original data is very useful for making reliable three-dimensional data including contour and elevation point layers. In this study, we want to make precise and accurate digital elevation model using plotting original data. Contour and elevation point layers was extracted in digital map and break line was extracted in plotting original data. And then, compared both of results. For comparison, we selected slight slope and complex topography area like a residence area, mountain and agricultural land. We extracted break line deleting layer until obtaining ideal digital elevation model. As the results, We could extract contour, elevation points, eight road and two boundary layers using break lines. And We could obtain precise elevation model. Editing break lines, the distortion of digital elevation model could be minimized in the complex and sharp slope area.

Study on the effects of crop-yields under subsurface drainage system in the water-logging paddy fields (저수지에 있어서 암거배수 방법이 작물수량에 미치는 효과에 관한 시험연구)

  • 서승덕;김조웅
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.4449-4461
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    • 1977
  • Subsurface Drinage Problems arise from many causes. Flatland tends to be poorly drained, particularly where the subsoil permeability is low. There are many wet areas, however, where there is no evident connection between the area of seepage, or a high water table, and the topography of the site. High water tables may occur where the soil is either slowly or rapidly permeable, where the climate is either humid or arid, and where the land is either sloping or flat. This study is to bring light on subjects relating to increasing yield of crop and possibility of double crops a year in water logging paddy fields. Obtained results are briefly summarized as follows: 1. Effect of crop-yield in the plot A resulted 20.2 percent higher than the ordinary plot with yield of brown rice. 2. Possibility of double-crops a year is investigated. Effect of the barley production of the test plot resulted 168.2 percent higher than the other uplands near test plot with the yield of 1977 production and it is 3.8 percent higher compare with the yearly yields. 3. Decreasing depth of water level was measured 23.9mm per day and 14.3mm per day at the test plot and ordinary plot respectively and the amounts of subsurface drainage measured 30mm to 35mm per day. It is required that the relief well should be controled carefully and adequately. 4. Mean depth of ground water levl was measured 0.4∼0.5m regardless the width of corrugated pipe. It is significantly lowere than the ordinary plot(0.15∼0.20m) 5. The ground temperature of the test plot is higher 1 degree of centigarade or more than the ordinary plot and soil moisture content of the ordinary plot is higher 12.4∼27.8 percent than the plot reversely. There should be a relationship between rising of ground temperature and soil moisture.

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A Study on Geoid Height of Provinces in South Korea by Terrain correction of Earth Gravitational Models (EGMs의 지형보정에 따른 국내 지역별 지오이드고 연구)

  • Lee, yong-chang
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.942-946
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    • 2007
  • The new gravity field combination models are expected to improve the knowledge of the Earth's global gravity field. This study evaluates six global gravity field models derived from gravimetry and altimetry surface data in a comparison with ground truth in South Korea. For calculating a more accurate estimate of the geoid heights from the height anomalies, the terrain corrections due to the terrain masses over geoid have considered, the model for the topographic correction is a spherical harmonic expansion of the ETOPO2 DTM model. Geoid heights obtained from GPS and levelling in land area of South Korea are compared with those from the EGMs. The results show that EIGEN-CG03C EGM and EIGEN-GL04C EGM displayed the nearest results to GPS/leveling, and also confirmed the importance of terrain correction for geoid height in case of the uneven topography.

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Bridge Park International Design Competition and Its Implications on Contemporary Landscape Design (브리지 파크 국제설계경기에 나타난 현대 조경설계의 경향)

  • Kim Ah-Yeon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.33 no.5 s.112
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    • pp.15-30
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    • 2005
  • A deserted town once vibrant with active commercial activities around a railroad station now tries to find a way to escape from depression and revive its life with a renewed civic pride. An open space adjacent to the Main Street, the commercial district of Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts, is waiting to be transformed and reconfigured to be a new ecological park to boost the economy of the community. Bridge Park is 26-acre land abutting the Cape Cod Canal with a railroad bridge as a backdrop. The existing condition of the site with a small salt marsh, woodland, lawn, and the vestige of old railroad easement along with the proximity to the commercial district poses an interesting question of how to make a medium scaled ecological park within an urban context. This paper examines the winning design proposals for the Bridge Park submitted to the International Design Competition held in April, 2005. Six winning proposals were introduced and discussed in terms of categories related to the trend of contemporary landscape design such as; 1) ecological ordinariness and geometric figures, 2) topography and spatial imagination, 3) minimal programs and open put 4) time and process oriented design, 5) park and economic effects and 6) diagrammatic plan and photo montage. Bridge Park Design Competition confirms the complex characteristics representing the contemporary landscape design overcoming the dichotomy between nature and culture and the 'pastoral ecological design' and 'landscape as an art'. The Park becomes the activating agent for the community rejecting the conventional and passive role as a romantic picturesque landscape. Bridge Park International Design Competition is a meaningful event to test the idea of new ecological urban park, and to fine-tune the trend of the contemporary urban park design.

Development of Stochastic Model and Simulation for Spatial Process Using Remotely Sensed Data : Fire Arrival Process (원격탐사자료를 이용한 공간적 현상의 모형화 및 시뮬레이션 : 자연화재발생의 경우)

  • 정명희
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.77-90
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    • 1998
  • The complex interactions of climate, topography, geology, biota and hwnan activities result in the land cover patterns, which are impacted by natural disturbances such as fire, earthquake and flood. Natural disturbances disrupt ecosystem communities and change the physical environment, thereby generating a new landscape. Community ecologists believe that disturbance is critical in determining how diverse ecological systems function. Fires were once a major agent of disturbance in the North American tall grass prairies, African savannas, and Australian bush. The major focus of this research was to develop stochastic model of spatial process of disturbance or spatial events and simulate the process based on the developed model and it was applied to the fire arrival process in the Great Victoria Desert of Australia, where wildfires generate a mosaic of patches of habitat at various stages of post-fire succession. For this research, Landsat Multi-Spectral Scanner(MSS) data covering the period from 1972 to 1994 were utilized. Fire arrival process is characterized as a spatial point pattern irregularly distributed within a region of space. Here, nonhomogeneous planar Poisson process is proposed as a model for the fire arrival process and rejection sampling thinning the homogeneous Poisson process is used for its simulation.

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A Study on the Naturalism presented in Korean Fashion Design-Focused on the Design Since 1990- (한국적 의상디자인에 표현된 자연주의에 관한 연구-1990년 이후의 디자인을 중심으로-)

  • 강희경
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.38
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    • pp.213-231
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study is to find a root from naturalism to contribute the identity of Korean fashion design in the world which has universality and particularity. The beauty of nature has accumulated in our unconscious-ness, influenced to our unconsciousness, and contributed to make the formative sense. Our consciousness influenced by climate, for example, the sense of softness from soft curve which can feel from the sight of Korean mountain, land the sense of comfort and security from round rock formed by weathering, the sense of thick-ness from cotton to endure cold winter etc. has a tendency to thick and act by nature's law. This tendency made naturalism by Korean climate and linked to the sense of natural-istic beauty and became a important part forming the Korean fashion design. In this study, the researcher found Korean climate is a important factor acting in our consciousness, and influenced the formative sense. The concept of climate which is made our formative sense include topography, climate, soil, plant and so on. This influenced a lot to set up a foundation of Korean fashion design. And the naturalism by Korean climate newly created and developed shape, color, material and design. It is our duty to develope design based on naturalism to secure the competitive power against the world in this period of information and this design is getting important as a high value added method put into Korean culture. Therefore, developing Korean design which shapes the beauty of Korean nature and traditional culture will have a important competitive power in the world. Moreover, it will make a new tradition of Korean fashion culture stagnated by internationally universalized western fashion after the modernization. Also, it will be needed to develop a common design which can be agreed not only us but all the world for the request of these days of international. Therefore, this study contributed to find definite ours and found centripetal point to find the direction of Korean's philosophy and ideology. But this approach, we could secure the competitive power in this period of international and information and determine and develope the Korean fashion as a culture base, leading the world.

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Landscape Information Acquisition and Visualization Technique for Rural Landscape Planning (농촌마을 경관계획을 위한 경관자료의 수집과 가시화기법)

  • Han, Seung-Ho;Cho, Tong-Buhm
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.10 no.2 s.23
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2004
  • This study aimed at establishing the multi-ranged approach on data acquisition technique for rural landscape planning, which tried categorization, grading and transferring of landscape elements in the more detailed level. For the systematic management of database for the topographic informations in the village level, a kind of the aerial photographing techniques with UAV(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) was used and its resultant data for the landscape simulation of the rural village, which in turn helped the convenient approach to understanding of its comprehensive spatial structure. The image data from aerial photography was systematically processed through; First, after revision of the distorted one, the image map was adjusted with the topographical and cadastral maps. Second, the farm houses and buildings, and other facilities difficult to find out in the topographical map was digitally read from the adjusted image. The topographical landscape view of rural village was simulated on the base of DEM(Digital Elevation Model) and the 3-dimensional shapes of farm houses and buildings were automatically modelled using the input system developed by the author. In conclusion, the aerial image information adjusted with the edited maps could give more intuitive and detailed villagescape than the ordinary one and through landscape simulation of the rural village, its topography, features of houses/buildings and spatial distribution of land uses were effectively reproduced. And, by the linkage between field survey and photographed/simulated results of the typical landscape elements using hyper-link method, it would be expected to develop as an effective visualization technique of rural landscape.