• 제목/요약/키워드: Land Management Information System

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The National Grid Systems for Digital Mapping and GIS/LIS (GIS/LIS와 수치지도용 국가평면좌표계에 관한 연구)

  • 이영진
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.299-309
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    • 1998
  • The national coordinate system is an essential component for a geographic/land information system, since it provides the spatial reference for expressing position information. The national mapping of Korea has been based on 3-different meridians on the Gauss-Schreiber projection in year 1910s, later this was changed to the Gauss-Kruger projection. Existing map coordinate systems maintaining the national land survey project on 1910s, have some structural shortcomings of unknown computational procedures and projection methods. In this paper, the problems of the map coordinates usage and of longitudes origin shift(10.405") and their solutions are investigated. Also, this study discusses the issues involved in choosing coordinate system for digital mapping and their applications as a basis for spatial data management. The foreign country's coordinate systems are reviewed and the elements to realize a new unified grid coordinate system is proposed. The Transverse Mercator projection with a central meridian of $127^\circ\;30'$, scale factor 0.9996, and GRS80 ellipsoid, is selected in Korean peninsula.sula.

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A Study on Development of Village Wetlands Inventory Using GIS and Establishment of Management Methods in Asan City, Korea (GIS를 이용한 아산시 마을습지 인벤토리 구축 및 관리 방안 연구)

  • Park, Mi Ok;Yang, Seung Bin;Koo, Bon Hak
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.167-177
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted to establish an inventory and propose conservation strategies for 'village wetlands' in Asan city, Korea, using GIS. As results, the village wetlands are defined as such places as 'palustrine' wetland, village embankment, agricultural reservoir or small reservoirs located in or near the village and related to everyday life or farming. Firstly 807 provisional village wetlands(draft) were identified in Asan by using Arc-GIS 10.1, then 196 wetlands(final) were defined finally as village wetlands and listed the inventory of Asan Village Wetlands after being validated through office works and field survey. The office works analyzed minimum area(greater than $625m^2$), satellite images, the Korea Land Information System, land use map and land coverage map. To evaluate the function and conservation values, the 37 wetlands were selected for detailed surveying and function assessment based on the following criteria : 1) doubled code both wetland and reservoir at digital map, 2) located less than 100m from village and 3) ecologically connected to such ecological resources as seaside mudflats, mountains and green area and ecological passages for small size wildlifes. As the result of the wetland function assessments by the RAM method, 7 wetlands were found to have 'high' wetland function (conservation) 18 wetlands were 'medium' (enhancement) and 12 wetlands were 'low' (restoration or enhancement). Enhancing biodiversity and ecosystem services through ecological management of wetlands in Asan and connecting with the Ecological Natural Degree were proposed.

A Study on Green Algae Monitoring in Watershed Using Fixed Wing UAV (고정익 무인비행기를 이용한 수계 내 녹조 모니터링 연구)

  • Park, Jung-Il;Choi, Seung-Young;Park, Min-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.164-169
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    • 2017
  • The primary purpose of this study is to determine NDVI analysis methodologies for green algae monitoring system. A fixed wing UAV integrated with multi-spectral sensor has been adopted to capture the images along the watershed in Gumgang River. The study area was near the Baekje water reservoir and the images was captured on July 2016. Pix4D Mapper Pro was used to process the captured images. Through the comparison actual chlorophyll measurement values with NDVI output image, empirical formula was suggested and geo-locational conversion was carried out. As a result of this study chlorophyll image set applied to actual measurement values was able to extracted. For the efficient management of green algae, its monitoring and prevention in terms of disaster management, gathering chlorophyll information using UAV is very beneficial.

Research on the Application of GIS-based Measures in the Advancement of the Construction Project Information System (건설사업정보시스템의 고도화를 위한 공간정보(GIS) 적용방안에 관한 연구)

  • Ok, Hyun;Kim, Seong-Jin
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.70-79
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    • 2015
  • The Construction Project Information System(CPIS), an information system constructed as part of the Construction Continuous Acquisition & Life-cycle Support(CALS) of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport(MOLIT), is designed to digitize construction projects across all stages, and enable sharing of information so as to enhance the productivity and efficiency of construction projects and secure their transparent administration. One of MOLIT's internal work systems, CPIS focuses on work-handling and data management. However, now over 10 years old after its construction, it focuses on text and document-based construction project information, but it cannot be interfaced with the visualization-based GIS, which limits the sharing and dissemination of information and the determination of the overall construction project status. To resolve the existing CPIS limitations and problems and to upgrade the system, this study examined domestic and overseas GIS technology trends and relevant information systems, and analyzed the CPIS status and problems. It thus proposed total GIS application measures to upgrade CPIS. Also, it identified detailed CPIS utilization measures and GIS application measures by unit system, and analyzed considerations for GIS application.

Construction and Utilization Plan of Steep Slope and Underground Spatial Information DB for Steep Slope Disaster Prevention (급경사지방재를 위한 급경사지정보 및 지하공간정보 DB 구축과 활용 방안 연구)

  • Lee, Kyungchul;Jang, Yonggu;Song, Jihye;Kang, Injoon
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.15 no.7
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 2014
  • Recently, a great number of natural disasters have more frequently happened than the past. The National Emergency Management Agency of Korea has made preparation for the integrated management system of steep slope lands. There is information based on the steep slope inspection sheets and the underground spatial information related to the prevention against steep slope disasters. Nevertheless, building a complete DB System to prevent the hazards and secure the safeties should be urgently dealt with. It is mainly because the information of the National Disaster Management System is restricted to the text-based brief data. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to suggest the method as to building steep slope DB system for disaster prevention and maximizing the availabilities. This study shows the way of building a web-based DB system having its root in the steep slope inspection sheets. The method of establishing the ideal DB system that has liaisons between the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport and the National Emergency Management Agency is discussed in this study. Furthermore the optimization of DB utilization will assist the various integrated steep slope management systems based on U-IT which are ongoing projects.

Analysis of Informatization Level for Construction CALS (건설CALS의 정보화수준 조사 분석)

  • Jung, In-Su
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.285-290
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    • 2008
  • Ministry of Land, Transportation and Marine Affairs has implemented Construction CALS project for improving informatization level of construction industry and for making construction production system efficient. Construction CALS project has been implemented since 1998, however, there has been no attempt to measure how high the informatization level of Construction CALS is. This study measured the informatization level of Construction CALS by using the evaluation index proposed in the former studies. For measuring the level, this study made questions and selected samples, did survey, and analyzed the survey results. According to the results, Construction CALS is excellent for the fast rehabilitation of system errors, the web-base environment of system, the application of standard classification system, and the development of information strategic plan. This study will contribute to find out the informatization level of Construction CALS precisely.

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History Management for Land Information System (지적관리시스템을 위한 객체이력관리기법)

  • 배종철;이화종;류근호
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 1999.10a
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    • pp.373-375
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    • 1999
  • 지적 객체는 지적소유변경, 토지 분할/합병, 토지 영역경계 변경 등의 사건이 발생함으로써 비공간 또는 공간 속성이 변경된다. 이러한 변경에 대한 정보는 지적 객체의 이력으로써 지적 관리 시스템에 저장된다. 사용자는 단일 지적 객체가 가지는 전체 이력 또는 특정 시점이나 기간 동안의 지적 객체 상태에 대한 질의를 수행할 수 있고, 과거 지적 객체가 가졌던 속성 및 형태를 확인하거나 현재의 속성 및 상태와 비교하여 지적 객체의 소유변경 내용, 행정구역상 지번/지목의 변경 과정, 영역 경게 변경 과정 등과 같은 정보를 얻을 수 있다. 이 논문은 시간 지원 지적 관리 시스템에 사건 지향 시공간 데이터 모델인 이력 그래프 데이터모델을 적용하고 객체 단위 이력 질의를 위한 시공간 연산자를 제안함으로써 시간 지원 지적 관리 시스템을 위한 객체 이력 관리 기법에 대해 설명한다.

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Implementation of a Weather Hazard Warning System at a Catchment Scale (시스템 구성요소 통합 및 현업서비스 구축)

  • Shin, Yong Soon
    • Proceedings of The Korean Society of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology Conference
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    • 2014.10a
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    • pp.74-85
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    • 2014
  • This study is a part of "Early Warning Service for Weather Risk Management in Climate-smart Agriculture", describes the delivery techniques from 840 catchment scale weather warning information using 150 counties unit special weather report(alarm, warning) released from KMA(Korea Meteorological Administration) and chronic weather warning information based on daily weather data from 76 synoptic stations. Catchment weather hazard warning service express a sequential risk index map generated by countries report occurs and report grade(alarm, warning) convert to catchment scale using zonal summarizing method. Additional services were chronic weather warning service at crop growth and accumulated more than 4 weeks, based on an unsuitable weather conditions, representing a relative risk compared to its catchment climatological normal conditions (normal distribution ) in addition to special weather report. Service provided by a real-time catchment scale map overlaid with VWORLD open platform operated by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. Also provide a foundation for weather risk information to inform individual farmers to farm located within the catchment zone warning occur.

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The Performance Evaluation on Unique Business of Public Enterprise using the DEA Model (DEA를 이용한 공기업 고유사업의 성과평가)

  • Lee, Sang-Chul;Suh, Yeung-Ho;Park, Sang-Chan;Moon, Jae-Young
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.65-73
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    • 2009
  • This research analyzes results and efficiency to promote a government enterprise of A Korean public enterprise to use DEA. Especially, we were used analysis efficiency which are one is year-on-year, another is integrated, and the other is vertical analysis. As a results of integrated analysis show that Gyeonggi_2003 Gyeonggi_2004, Gangwon_2004, Chungcheon-Bukdo_2003, Chungcheon-Bukdo_2004, Cholla-Namdo_2005, and Kyongsang-Bukdo_2003 need to improve upon. Year-on-year analysis result that Gyeonggi, Gangwon, and Kyongsang-Bukdo need urgent improvement. Today, many advanced countries approach not only agricultural investment but also synthetic investment because they believe that agriculture contains living space including food control. Therefore, when the government make a strategic plan for the land and water development in the field of agriculture, they should prepare it well including the proper measures to cope with the internal and external environments.

A Study on Effective financial management plan of public institutions (공기업의 효율적 재정 운영관리 방안 연구)

  • Jeon, Kwang-Seob;Jeong, Seong-Hoon
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.193-207
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is the issue of public institutions and the financial metrics improve enforcement, public institutions through an integrated management plan for the research is to increase the efficiency of public finances is the purpose of this study. In this paper, the financial operations of public institutions in the five issues (evaluation index system, financial management control framework, Private/Public Sector management, public finance law/institutions, government budget support management) is presented. Issues and a variety of public agencies on how to improve this, this paper proposes the following. the participation of Congress Control Tower(Public Finance Policy Committee )is installed.