• Title/Summary/Keyword: Land Form

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Theme and Form in T. S. Elopt's "The Waste Land" (T. S. Eliot의 "The Waste Land"에 나타난 주제와 형식)

  • Yang, Hyun-Chul
    • English Language & Literature Teaching
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    • no.4
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    • pp.249-267
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    • 1998
  • "The Waste Land" is Eliot's best known poem. It was first published in 1922 and became a famous poem in modem poetry by the 1940's. The poem is a statement of his personal experience with spiritual crisis, this simple outline is complicated and universalized by being set within the structure of 'the Fisher King legend'. The fisher King legend was studied by Miss Weston in From Ritual to Romance and Sir James Frazer in The Goldon Bough which traced the vegetation myths. It explained the cycle of the seasons in relation to the death and rebirth of a god. The god died in the winter with the death of the vegetation and was reborn in the spring with the rebirth of the vegetation. Sir James Frazer reaced these ancient rituals within the Christian world. He indicated that the death and rebirth of Christ falls within the pattern of this ancient ritual. Also Miss Weston transformed that ancient ritual into Christian terms, and connected it with the Quest for the Holy Grail. Eliot used not only the title, but the plan and a good of the important symbolism of the poem from these two books. "The Waste Land" is a difficult one because of the numerous interruptions in the narrative. On the superficial level, the story covers a 12-hour period in a day. It is also in "the stream of consciousness." It might be called the internal monologue; that is, "the free association of ideas in the mind of the narrator," Eliot experiments with both the idea of time and with the stream of consciousness, He employs a number of quotations and allusion from the Classic literature. So, his technique in "The Waste Land" consists of the juxtaposition of the present with mythcism and religious symbolism derived from the past. The structure of the poem is built out of the contrasts in time. The poem illustrates his conception of the past as an active part of the present. "The Waste Land" has "a symphonic structure" composed of five parts, which are linked by the repeated themes. The theme is the death and salvation of the Waste Land. It is drawn from the Fisher King myths. Moreover, he has absorbed into the structure of this poem the language, phrases, and associations of other writers. It gave the poem the universality both of theme and of pattern. Also, his intricate and fine techniques added the universality to the poet's personal material. At last, the verse pattern of the poem follow the same basic structure as the thematic patterns. Again in symphonic style, the verse varies from section to section. The interruption of real time is associated with the flow of consciousness. Though the poem is a complex structure, there are the interweavings of a great deal of ideas into a simple, brief statement. By these poetic techniques the poem manages to have good harmony and unity between the thematic pattern and narrative structure. "The Waste Land" therefore, became the greatest poem in the 20th century modern world.

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The Effect on the Lower Limbs Joint as the Landing Height and Floor Pattern (착지 높이와 지면 형태가 하지 관절에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Eun-Kyong
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.437-447
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    • 2011
  • In this study, the lower limbs joints were analyzed for features based on the biomechanical characteristics of landing techniques according to height and landing on the ground type (flats and downhill). In order to achieve the objectives of the study, changes were analyzed in detail contents such as the height and form of the first landing on the ground at different angles of joints, torso and legs, torso and legs of the difference in the range of angular motion of the joint, the maximum angular difference between joints, the lower limbs joints difference between the maximum moment and the difference between COM changes. The subjects in this study do not last six months did not experience joint injuries 10 males in 20 aged were tested. Experimental tools to analyze were the recording and video equipment. Samsung's SCH-650A model camera was used six units, and the 2 GRF-based AMTI were used BP400800 model. 6-unit-camera synchronized with LED (photo cell) and Line Lock system were used. the output from the camera and the ground reaction force based on the data to synchronize A/D Syc. box was used. To calculate the coordinates of three-dimensional space, $1m{\times}3m{\times}2m$ (X, Y, Z axis) to the size of the control points attached to the framework of 36 markers were used, and 29 where the body was taken by attaching a marker to the surface. Two kinds of land condition, 40cm and 60cm in height, and ground conditions in the form of two kinds of flat and downhill slopes ($10^{\circ}$) of the landing operation was performed and each subject's 3 mean two-way RM ANOVA in SPSS 18.0 was used and this time, all the significant level was set at a=.05. Consequently, analyzing the landing technique as land form and land on the ground, the changes of external environmental factors, and the lower limbs joints' function in the evaluation were significantly different from the slopes. Landing of the slop plane were more load on the joints than landing of plane. Especially, knee extensor moment compared to the two kinds of landing, slopes plane were approximately two times higher than flat plane, and it was statistical significance. Most of all not so much range of motion and angular velocity of the shock to reduce stress was important. In the further research, front landing as well as various direction of motion of kinetic, kinetic factors and EMG variables on lower limbs joints of the study in terms of injury-prevention-approach is going to be needed.

A Study on Categorizing Subway Station Areas in Seoul by Rail Use Pattern (서울시 역세권의 유형화에 관한 연구 (요일별 시간대별 지하철 이용인구를 중심으로))

  • Sung, Hyun-Gon;Kim, Tae-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.23 no.8 s.86
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    • pp.19-29
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to categorize subway station areas in Seoul by rail use characteristic. Most studies have categorized rail-oriented areas, based on land use patterns or/and urban spatial structure in Korea as well as the United States. However, the land use pattern of a subway station area tends to form by the real use of subway users since the latter plays an important role in forming the former. Therefore, the study is expected to contribute to the planning and policy of subway station areas in Seoul by analyzing characteristics of rail use. To achieve the purpose, the study uses a factor analysis for rail use, in terms of time of the day and day of the week. and then conducted a multidimensional scaling method to identify a relation of the real pattern to land use pattern. The results find that the Seoul subway station areas are categorized into residential, commercial and recreational, and office-centered ones. Furthermore, unlike the results of previous studies, the study identifies that many station areas have the mixed characteristics of economic activities. That is, they form more than a centered function such as residential and commercial, residential and office, commercial and office, residential, commercial and office. In addition, the study identifies that there is a close connection between rail use and land one. In short, identification of these mixed characteristics for subway station areas is expected to contribute to developing the planning and development method of TOD in Korea.

An Objective Procedure to Decide the Scale Factors for Applying Land-form Classification Methodology Using TPI (TPI 응용에 의한 산악지형 분류기법의 적용을 위한 scale factor 선정방법 개발)

  • Jang, Kwangmin;Song, Jungeun;Park, Kyeung;Chung, Joosang
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.98 no.6
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    • pp.639-645
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    • 2009
  • The objective of this research was to introduce the TPI approach for interpreting land-forms of mountain forests in South Korea. We develop an objective procedure to decide the scale factor as a basic analytical unit in land-form classification of rugged mountain areas using TPI. In order to determine the scale factor associated with the pattern of slope profiles, the gradient variance curve was derived from a revised hypsometric curve developed using the relief energy of topographic profiles. Using the gradient variance curve, found was the grid size with which the change in relief energy got the peak point. The grid size at the peak point was determined as the scale factor for the study area. In order to investigate the performance of the procedure based on the gradient variance curve, it was applied to determination of the site-specific scale factors of 3 different terrain conditions; highly-rugged, moderately-rugged and relatively less-rugged. The TPI associated with the corresponding scale factors by study site was, then, determined and used in classifying the land-forms. According to the results of this study, the scale factor gets shorter with more rugged terrain conditions. It was also found that the numbers of valleys and ridges estimated with TPI show almost the same trends as those of the observed and the scale factors tends to approach to the mean distance of ridges.

A Study on the Road Network of Jeju-Eupseong in Daehan Empire Period (구한말(舊韓末) 제주읍성(濟州邑城)의 도로체계(道路體系)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Yang, Sang-Ho
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.169-184
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    • 2011
  • The following research of the road network of Jeju-Eupseong during Daehan Empire period has a twofold purpose: to study some characteristics of the road network at that time; and, to restore it to the original form of that period before a newly constructed road, called Shinjakro, has been established. As an attempt to trace the old shape of Jeju-Eupseong, this study analyzed some historical factors based on the first land cadastral map which was made in 1914, including outskirts of Jeju-Eupseong; such as castle itself, castle gate, road, bridge, lots of land, etc. Then this study also tried to restore the old road network of Jeju-Eupseong, through finding the original land-lot shape in the land cadastral map. There was five Shinjakro made between 1914 and 1917. The road network before then was composed of the double east-west axes and the single north-south axis. These axes was connected to some important place of the inside of Jeju-Eupseong; such as castle gates, fountains, Gaek-sa, etc. There were many branch lines between these main axes at about 80-120m intervals. Also there was an outer road along the outer wall of castle, connected with each castle gates. Especially, the north-west axis was the baseline which divided into two large parts, a government office area and non-government area (housing and commercial street for the people). Finally, this paper examines that the road network of Jeju-Eupseong was the true result for the efficient function of the city, especially considering natural geographical conditions and environment of living of that time.

GIS Technology for Environmental Gelolgic Mapping (환경 지질도 작성을 위한 GIS 응용연구)

  • 김윤종;유일현;김원영;신은선
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.321-331
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    • 1994
  • Environmental geologic maps were produced on the cheong-Ju area using GIS technique. They are GIS maps on land management and regional land use planning. In the last year, the model of environmental geologic map was established, and the digital database was constructed by environmental and geotechnical data collected form various sources. The special maps for environmental geologic study were also pnoduced ; landslide hazard and risk map, cut & fill map, actual run-off map and engineering geological map. The maps are secondary models (sub-model) in order to create final environmental geologic map. Finally, Environmental Geologic Unit(EGU) was evaluated for regional land use planning and land management by EGIS(Environmental Geologic Inforafion System). This unit is very important in order to assess environmental geologic impact on large construction works and detailed road design etc.

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Discussion on Sustaining "Olle" without Losing Integrity of Local Identity - Focused on downtown area called Mu-geun-sung at Jeju city - (올래의 지속가능한 재생방식에 관한 연구 - 제주시 무근성 지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Yi, Yong Kyu;Yi, Yun Kyu;Jing, Li-Yuan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2018
  • There are still a number of "olles" existing with traditional alley characteristics in the inner city of Jeju. As a matter of fact, the renovation of old buildings and the protection of alley space are facing a dilemma due to the existence of less than 4m-width-roads in the area of "Mu-geun-sung". This study examines the current status of alley space in "Mu-geun-sung" area; and puts forward to the potential possibility and limitation of alley space regeneration via exploring the applicable scheme of building agreement. In the field survey, a number of regions in inner city of Jeju witnesses the existing majority of invaluable, conventional olles. So as to grasp the feasibility in "Mu-geun-sung" area, we designs a simulating experiment to carry out the Building Agreement; and compares with the current development model in this area. Building Agreement implies to establish gradually a separation of land ownership under the existing unified development of landowners and users, thus to explore a variety of land exploitation systems by separating land ownership and right to use land. As a result, the deterioration of the street landscape results from the increase of building storey numbers. The damages to the surrounding environment brought by the newly built buildings will be minimized as well as keeping the maximum building volume rate. Obviously, these measures will alleviate infringement to the traditional residential sunlight and privacy space effectively, and reduce the pressure from high-rise buildings to the alley space, so that the landscape of the alley will enhance to form a more comfortable alley environment.

Functioning of the Geoecosystem for the West Side of Admiralty Bay (King George Island, Antarctica): Outline of Research at Arctowski Station

  • Rakusa-Suszczewski, Stanislaw
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.653-662
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    • 2003
  • Changes in the area of geo-ecosystem $(62^{\circ}09'S,\;58^{\circ}31'w)$ reflect climatic changes in the South Shetland Islands. Air temperature and deglaciation will increase. The ice-free space area at the SSSS 8- (ASPA 121) site has enlarged threefold during the last 21 years, thus creating conditions for inhabitation and succession. Wind, water and snow play important roles in transportation of geochemical components. They distribute nutrients, mineral substances, seeds, fragments of plants and animals, etc. Plant and animal colonization is patchy and it happens at random in an 'island' - like manner. The colonization pattern is dependant, to a high degree on physical factors. The newly uncovered ice-free areas are at first inhabited by a vascular plant known as the Deschampsia antarctica. The border of the land-oasis with Admiralty Bay is the place where the processes related to animal feeding at the sea and reproduction on the land take place. Bird colonies and pinniped lairs form centers of fertilization surrounded by high chemical gradients dependent on the direction of the flow of nutrients $(e.g.\;NH_4)$. During the last 25 years, the numbers of penguins in this region have decreased, and thus the amount of materials excreted on land has diminished. The numbers of fur seals change in multi-annual cycles, and their migration into this area is related to the E1 $Ni\~{n}o$ phenomenon. The numbers of elephant seals in the area did not change. Organic matter deposited by the sea onto the shore are a source of nutrients and deficient chemical elements on land. Mineral matter is washed out into the waters of Admiralty Bay. These processes change seasonally, and multi annually. Negative effects on the environment at Arctowski Station induced by man are slight, but noticeable nevertheless. Physical processes have the largest influence on the living conditions and distribution of plants and animals, and as a consequence, on the functioning of the geo-ecosystem in the coastal-shore zone of the Maritime Antarctic.

Topography of the Yeongsan River Basin and its Locals' Life (영산강유역의 지형과 주민생활)

  • Beom, Seon-Gyu
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.451-467
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    • 2002
  • The Yeongsan River is one of major rivers in South Korea, and its basin is one of core areas that produce foods for the nation. The Yeongsan River Basin has flood plain and hill areas well developed, and areas surrounding the Yeongsan Lake has a tidal mud-plat widely dispersed. The flood plains are called 'Deul'. In particular, at the upstream of 'Mulmok' with a narrow valley are widely spread flood plain. The flood plains were developed into rice paddies until the end of Joseon Dynasty. Local core cities were created against these agricultural lands. Hills are called 'Deung', 'Kkageum' and 'Yasan' and in particular, are widely distributed in Naju City and Yeongam County. Forest land on hill began to be seriously developed into agricultural land from the 1960s, and this development is being pursued even today. Much fanning are conducted in the form of leased fanning by outside people. Tidal mud-plats were widely distributed along the downstream of the Yeongsan River, Namhae Bay. Tidal mud-plat is called 'BBeolbat' and tidal channel is called 'Gaeong.' After the estuary dyke of the Yeongsan River was built in 1981, the tidal mud-plat was developed into agricultural land in large-scale reclamation projects, and changed into 'Yeongsan Plains,' With the appearance of new plains, locals' life fundamentally changed, turning all villages into pure farm villages.

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Analysis of Changes in Spatial Structure of Seoul by Analyzing the Land Price Changes of Station Influence Areas (역세권 지가 변동 분석을 통한 서울시 공간 구조 변화 분석)

  • Koo, Hyunchol;Lee, Byoungkil;Lee, Chang Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 2016
  • From 1990, Seoul Metropolitan Government has established an urban master plan for the efficient city management by introducing the central place structure with a multi-tiered hierarchy. In the plan, Seoul City uses the strategy of developing the station influence area around the urban railway, in order to form the central place structure, effectively. . Therefore, reviewing impacts of urban railway is the most fundamental study for understanding changes in the spatial structures of Seoul. In the study, we have analyzed the changes in the central place structure of Seoul City with the public land price changes in station influence area around the urban railway at each year of 2000, 2005, and 2010. As a result, we could easily recognize the changes in the hierarchical central place structure by analyzing the time-series changes of public land price in station influence area.