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Uncertainty Analysis on Vertical Wind Profile Measurement of LIDAR for Wind Resource Assessment (풍력자원평가를 위한 라이다 관측 시 풍속연직분포 불확도 분석)

  • Kim, Hyun-Goo;Choi, Ji-Hwee;Jang, Moon-Seok;Jeon, Wan-Ho
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2010.06a
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    • pp.185.1-185.1
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    • 2010
  • 원격탐사(remote sensing)란 관측 대상과의 접촉 없이 멀리서 정보를 얻어내는 기술을 말한다. 기상관측분야에는 이미 소다(SODAR) 장비가 폭넓게 사용되거 왔으나 최근 풍력자원평가(wind resource assessment)를 위한 풍황측정에 SODAR와 더불어 라이다(LIDAR)가 적극적으로 활용되기 시작하고 있다. 참고로 SODAR(SOnic Detection And Ranging)는 수직 및 동서 남북 방향으로 음파를 발생시키고 대기유동에 의해 산란 반사된 에코를 수신하여 진동수 변화와 반사에코 강도를 측정하여 각 방향의 에코자료를 벡터 합성함으로써 풍향 및 풍속을 산출하는 원리이다. 반면 LIDAR(Light Detection And Ranging)는 비교적 최근에 풍황측정 용도로 개발된 레이저 탐지에 바탕을 둔 원거리 센서로, 공기입자(먼지, 수증기, 구름, 안개, 오염물질 등)에 의해 산란된 레이저 발산의 도플러 쉬프트(Doppler shift)를 이용하여 풍향 및 풍속을 측정하는 원격탐사 장비이다. 풍력자원평가 측면에서 라이다는 그 정확도가 IEC61400-12에 의거한 풍황탑(met-mast) 측정자료 다수와의 비교검증 실측평가(Albers et al., 2009)를 통하여 입증된 바 있다. 한편 한국에너지기술연구원에서 운용 중인 라이다 시스템은 그림 1의 우측 그림과 같이 1초에 $360^{\circ}$를 스캔하여 50지점에서 반사되는 레이저를 스펙트럼으로 측정하되 설정된 관측높이에서 풍속은 샘플링 부피(sampling volume)의 평균값으로 정의된다. 그런데 샘플링 부피는 설정된 관측높이로부터 상하 12.5m, 총 25m의 높이구간에서 관측한 스펙트럼의 평균값을 그 중앙지점에서의 풍속으로 환산하는 알고리듬(algorithm)을 채택하고 있다. 따라서 비선형적으로 변화하는 풍속연직분포 관측 시 풍속환산 알고리듬에 의한 측정오차가 개입될 가능성이 존재하는 것이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 라이다에 의한 풍속연직분포 측정 시 샘플링 부피의 구간 평균화 과정에서 발생하는 불확도(uncertainty)를 정량적으로 분석함으로써 라이다에 의한 풍속연직분포 관측의 불확도를 정량평가하고자 한다.

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Estimate and Analysis of Planetary Boundary Layer Height (PBLH) using a Mobile Lidar Vehicle system (이동형 차량탑재 라이다 시스템을 활용한 경계층고도 산출 및 분석)

  • Nam, Hyoung-Gu;Choi, Won;Kim, Yoo-Jun;Shim, Jae-Kwan;Choi, Byoung-Choel;Kim, Byung-Gon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.307-321
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    • 2016
  • Planetary Boundary Layer Height (PBLH) is a major input parameter for weather forecasting and atmosphere diffusion models. In order to estimate the sub-grid scale variability of PBLH, we need to monitor PBLH data with high spatio-temporal resolution. Accordingly, we introduce a LIdar observation VEhicle (LIVE), and analyze PBLH derived from the lidar loaded in LIVE. PBLH estimated from LIVE shows high correlations with those estimated from both WRF model ($R^2=0.68$) and radiosonde ($R^2=0.72$). However, PBLH from lidar tend to be overestimated in comparison with those from both WRF and radiosonde because lidar appears to detect height of Residual Layer (RL) as PBLH which is overall below near the overlap height (< 300 m). PBLH from lidar with 10 min time resolution shows typical diurnal variation since it grows up after sunrise and reaches the maximum after 2 hours of sun culmination. The average growth rate of PBLH during the analysis period (2014/06/26 ~ 30) is 1.79 (-2.9 ~ 5.7) m $min^{-1}$. In addition, the lidar signal measured from moving LIVE shows that there is very low noise in comparison with that from the stationary observation. The PBLH from LIVE is 1065 m, similar to the value (1150 m) derived from the radiosonde launched at Sokcho. This study suggests that LIVE can observe continuous and reliable PBLH with high resolution in both stationary and mobile systems.

The KALION Automated Aerosol Type Classification and Mass Concentration Calculation Algorithm (한반도 에어로졸 라이다 네트워크(KALION)의 에어로졸 유형 구분 및 질량 농도 산출 알고리즘)

  • Yeo, Huidong;Kim, Sang-Woo;Lee, Chulkyu;Kim, Dukhyeon;Kim, Byung-Gon;Kim, Sewon;Nam, Hyoung-Gu;Noh, Young Min;Park, Soojin;Park, Chan Bong;Seo, Kwangsuk;Choi, Jin-Young;Lee, Myong-In;Lee, Eun hye
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.119-131
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    • 2016
  • Descriptions are provided of the automated aerosol-type classification and mass concentration calculation algorithm for real-time data processing and aerosol products in Korea Aerosol Lidar Observation Network (KALION, http://www.kalion.kr). The KALION algorithm provides aerosol-cloud classification and three aerosol types (clean continental, dust, and polluted continental/urban pollution aerosols). It also generates vertically resolved distributions of aerosol extinction coefficient and mass concentration. An extinction-to-backscatter ratio (lidar ratio) of 63.31 sr and aerosol mass extinction efficiency of $3.36m^2g^{-1}$ ($1.39m^2g^{-1}$ for dust), determined from co-located sky radiometer and $PM_{10}$ mass concentration measurements in Seoul from June 2006 to December 2015, are deployed in the algorithm. To assess the robustness of the algorithm, we investigate the pollution and dust events in Seoul on 28-30 March, 2015. The aerosol-type identification, especially for dust particles, is agreed with the official Asian dust report by Korean Meteorological Administration. The lidar-derived mass concentrations also well match with $PM_{10}$ mass concentrations. Mean bias difference between $PM_{10}$ and lidar-derived mass concentrations estimated from June 2006 to December 2015 in Seoul is about $3{\mu}g\;m^{-3}$. Lidar ratio and aerosol mass extinction efficiency for each aerosol types will be developed and implemented into the KALION algorithm. More products, such as ice and water-droplet cloud discrimination, cloud base height, and boundary layer height will be produced by the KALION algorithm.

Precise Topographic Change Study Using Multi-Platform Remote Sensing at Gomso Bay Tidal Flat (다중 원격탐사 플랫폼 기반 곰소만 갯벌 정밀 지형변화 연구)

  • Hwang, Deuk Jae;Kim, Bum-Jun;Choi, Jong-Kuk;Ryu, Joo Hyung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.2_2
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    • pp.263-275
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    • 2020
  • In this study, DEMs (Digital elevation model) based on LIDAR, TanDEM-X and UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) are used to analyze topographic change of Gomso tidal flat during a few years. DEM from LIDAR data was observed at 2011 by KHOA (Korean hydrographic and oceanographic agency) and DEM based on TanDEM-X data was generated at Lee and Ryu (2017). UAV data was observed at KM and KH area of Gomso tidal flat. KM area was surveyed at MAY and AUG 2019, and KH area was surveyed at APR 2018 and MAY 2019. During research period, 2011 to AUG 2019, elevation of KM area is decreased 0.24 m in average, and Chenier is retreat to landward about 130 m. In KH area, elevation is increased 0.16 m in average during research period, 2011 to MAY 2019. It is expected that multi-platform remotely sensed data can help to study accurate topographic change of tidal flat.

Retrieval of Depolarization ratio using Sunphotometer data and Comparison with LIDAR Depolarization ratio (선포토미터 데이터를 이용한 편광소멸도 산출과 라이다 편광소멸도와의 비교)

  • Kim, Kwanchul;Choi, Sungchul;Noh, Youngmin
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.97-104
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    • 2016
  • We present linear particle depolarization ratio at 440, 675, 870, and 1020 nm retrieved from measurements with an AERONET sun/sky radiometer at Osaka, Japan. The retrieved data were compared with lidar derived linear particle depolarization ratio at 532 nm at the same site. We find good agreement between linear particle depolarization ratios derived with Sun photometer and measured by lidar except for those at 440 nm. The coefficients of determination between lidar derived data and sun/sky radiometer derived data were 0.28, 0.81, 0.88, and 0.89 at 440, 675, 870, and 1020 nm, respectively. We find that the linear particle depolarization ratio derived with sun/sky radiometer varies by the mixing between Asian dust and pollution particles. As the mixing ratio of Asian dust and pollution particles is increased, the linear particle depolarization ratio values are lower than the values of pure Asian dust. It was confirmed by the value of single-scattering albedo and particle size distribution.

The short-term morphological changes of the beach and dune using by terrestrial LIDAR (지상 라이다를 이용한 단기간 해빈과 해안사구의 지형변화 연구)

  • Shin, Dae Seob;Seo, Jong Cheol
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.283-296
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    • 2011
  • The aim of this study is to analyze the short-term changes of beach and dune morphology at Hwajin beach, Korea using by terrestrial LIDAR. Based on ArcInfo as point cloud obtained through precise analyzing studying area twice (1st : Sep 1. 2010, 2nd : Oct 2nd. 2010) by terrestrial LIDAR, alteration of beach and dune was analyzed at DEM, of which cell size is about 10cm. Consequently, during the studying period, coastlines at studying area moved backward and reduced the area of coastal zone. In a section change, the north beach moved backward with more eroded beach face and the middle section of south beach moved forward with more deposited beach face. Considering all the section changes of beach at studying area, beach section during the 1st measurement period can be defined as a summer profile, and it can be explained that the temporary storm profile was formed by the strong wave created during studying period. As a result of analyzing the alteration of beach area by terrestrial LIDAR, alteration of narrow area was able to be analyzed in detail by class of 'centimeter' and the time was able to be shortened.

Experimental Comparative Analysis of Terrestrial Lidar Data and Cadastral Data for the Calculation of the Slope Area of Highland Agriculture Region (고랭지 농업지역의 경지면적 산출을 위한 지상라이다 데이터와 지적성과의 실험적 비교 분석)

  • Lee, Ho-Hyun;Lee, Jung-Il;Oh, Min-Kyun;Lee, Kyung-Do
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.137-153
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    • 2016
  • The price of agricultural products has changed from year to year, the m ajor c ause o f price fluctuation is the imbalance of supply and demand. Materials which are mainly used in korean cabbage production volume is the forecast model, using the cadastral result, slope calculation is impossible to achieved. For this reason, this implies the drastic decrease of prices and the prediction of supply and demand of field crops that is cultivated in a highland slope area, this situation is being repeated. Therefore, the target area of this research is the slopes of high land, by using 2D and 3D Lidar data for the analysis of the cultivated area. Experiment was carried out in the same area to compare the data differences. The rate of change in the area of slope is quantitatively increasing presented by the regression model. An alternative methodology that can improve the reliability of the calculated slope area using 2D is through cadastral map.

Comprehensive Comparisons among LIDAR Fitering Algorithms for the Classification of Ground and Non-ground Points (지면.비지면점 분류를 위한 라이다 필터링 알고리즘의 종합적인 비교)

  • Kim, Eui-Myoung;Cho, Du-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2012
  • Filtering process that separates ground and non-ground points from LIDAR data is important in order to create the digital elevation model (DEM) or extract objects on the ground. The purpose of this research is to select the most effective filtering algorithm through qualitative and quantitative analysis for the existing filtering method used to extract ground points from LIDAR data. For this, four filtering methods including Adaptive TIN(ATIN), Perspective Center-based filtering method(PC), Elevation Threshold with Expand Window(ETEW) and Progressive Morphology(PM) were applied to mountain area, urban area and the area where building and mountains exist together. Then the characteristics for each method were analyzed. For the qualitative comparison of four filtering methods used for the research, visual method was applied after creating shaded relief image. For the quantitative comparison, an absolute comparison was conducted by using control points observed by GPS and a relative comparison was conducted by the digital elevation model of the National Geographic Information Institute. Through the filtering experiment of the LIDAR data, the Adaptive TIN algorithm extracted the ground points in mountain area and urban area most effectively. In the area where buildings and mountains coexist, progressive morphology algorithm generated the best result. In addition, as a result of qualitative and quantitative comparisons, the applicable filtering algorithm regardless of topographic characteristics appeared to be ATIN algorithm.

Automatic Extraction of Building Height Using Aerial Imagery and 2D Digital Map (항공사진과 2차원 수치지형도를 이용한 건물 고도의 자동 추출)

  • Jin, Kyeong-Hyeok;Hong, Jae-Min;Yoo, Hwan-Hee;Yeu, Bock-Mo
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.13 no.2 s.32
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    • pp.65-69
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    • 2005
  • Efficient 3D generation of cultural features, such as buildings in urban area is becoming increasingly important for a number of GIS applications. For reconstruction or 3D building in urban area aerial images, satellite images, LIDAR data have been used mainly. In case of automatically extracting and reconstructing of building height using single aerial images or single satellite images, there are a lot of problems, such as mismatching that result from a geometric distortion of optical images. Therefore, researches or integrating optical images and existing 2D GIS data(e.g. digital map) has been in progress. In this paper, we focused on extracting of building height by means or interest points and vortical line locus for reducing matching points. Also we used digital plotter in order to validate for the results in this study using aerial images(1/5,000) and existing digital map(1/1,000).

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Retrieval of Depolarization ratio using Sunphotometer data and Comparison with LIDAR Depolarization ratio (대기 에어로졸 고도 분포와 선포토미터 편광소멸도와의 연관성 연구)

  • Lee, Kyunghwa;Kim, Kwanchul;Noh, Youngmin
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.133-139
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    • 2016
  • Particle depolarization ratios (DPRs) at 440, 675, 870 and 1020 nm are retrieved from AERONET sun/sky radiometer observations at Gosan and Kongju in South Korea. The retrieved results show good agreement with DPRs measured by lidar at 532 nm. High DPRs are found when Asian dust passes through at the upper atmosphere over 2 km above the Earth's surface. In case of lower atmosphere less than 2 km from the ground, DPRs are relatively low due to the small amount of dust particles and mixing of dust with air pollutants.