• Title/Summary/Keyword: Korean senior

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Moving Motivation of Senior Cohousing Inhabitants in Scandinavian Countries (스탄디나비아 노인용 코하우징 주민의 이주동기)

  • Choi, Jung-Shin
    • Proceeding of Spring/Autumn Annual Conference of KHA
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.307-312
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to find out the moving motivation of senior cohousing inhabitants in Scandinavian countries, which experienced change of typical nuclear family structure and higher vocational activity rates of women, earlier than East Asian countries. Cohousing schemes were evolved as an alternative housing to reduce housework for working women, and to reduce loneliness of elderly people by promoting active mutual relationship among inhabitants in the community. This paper described why the elderly moved to senior cohousing in Sweden and Denmark. The project was carried out by social survey. 935 postal questionnaires were sent from April to May 2002 to 28 senior cohousing communities throughout Denmark and Sweden. Of those, 536 replies (57.3%) were collected and analyzed by SPSS program. 19 moving motivations were discussed connected with the variables such as characteristics of residents, community-initiative, and dwelling size. As a result ideology of senior cohousing, wanting to be free from housing management and physical attraction of the building could be interpreted as main reasons to make inhabitants move to senior cohousing community. The important variables affecting moving motivation were found out as living situation and community-initiative. This findings could be used for some information to architects, designers and decision makers who intend to develope senior cohousing projects in the near future in Korea as well as Scandinavian countries.

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A Study on the Daily Sports Activities of Senior and Leisurely Satisfaction of Statistical Analysis Technique through (통계분석기법을 통한 노인의 생활체육활동과 여가만족도에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Woo-Hong
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.295-300
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    • 2008
  • This study identifies the effect of community sports activities of senior on leisurely satisfaction to present basic information for active participation of senior in daily sports activities for enhanced satisfaction of senior and heir families. As a result, this study found that there is a significant difference between senior who participated in the activities and those who did not, and participation in daily sports activities has partial effect on leisurely satisfaction. Based on the conclusion above, this study suggests that degree of participation as well as participation in daily sports activities enhances leisure satisfaction of senior and their families. Therefore, to enhance the living quality of senior people, we need a discussion on development of a model based on effective daily sports activation plan.

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The Study on the China Advance Plan of Senior Products Industrial (고령친화산업 대중국진출방안 연구)

  • Park, Keun-Soo;Kim, So-Jin
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.5-25
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    • 2012
  • This study is to explore the advance plan of senior products industrial into China. For this purpose, we examine the current status of the senior products industrial in Korea and investigate the demand of senior products industrial in China. Based on the results of these analyses, we discussed the concrete plans to advance into China. At result, the senior products industrial markets needed to develop in China are the elderly tourism industry, the elderly medical equipment and pension. And Korean companies intending to advance into China market might should capture the change of social security system, the trait of senior products industrial, and the regional characteristics in China.

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A Study on the Trend of Yoga Research for the Elderly (노인에 대한 요가 연구의 동향 분석)

  • Son, Bo Myeong;Beag, Ji You;Lee, Jae Heung
    • Journal of Korean Medical Ki-Gong Academy
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.116-138
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    • 2019
  • Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the study on yoga for senior in Korea. Methods: As for the data collection through RISS, analysis data were collected by searching for keywords such "yoga", "senior" "elder". The analysis was classified by 1) types of thesis 2) types of study 3) number of study participants and study period 4) types of yoga 5) list of academic journals and publishers. Results: 1. A total of studies were 133, the first study on yoga for senior published 2001. Average 7 studies were published each year. The number of studies has increased since 2006 and decreased since 2010. 2. About half of the researchers related to art and physical education and sports (51.8%). And researchers related to social science published remarkable number of studies (23.3%). 3. Most of researches were experimental study. Conclusions: 1. Hatha yoga could be recommended as a suitable yoga for senior. 2. There is a growing need to develop yoga for senior in preparation for aging society. Grafting yoga on traditional Gigong practice could be a proper exercise for senior.

A Study on the Minimum Standards of Housing Repair for Older People Living in the Community (지역사회 노인을 위한 주택수리 및 개조 최저기준에 관한 연구)

  • Hong, Hyung-Ock
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.23 no.2 s.74
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    • pp.11-22
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is 1) to clarify that the house is no long the safe place through the cases of the senior safety accidents and to argue the need for housing repair and 2) to present the minimum standards for housing repair by comparing the cases here as well as the abroad and to back up the standards with the current senior housing environment 300 people at least 60 years old living in Seoul$\cdot$Metropolitan area were interviewed using the structured questionnaire. As the result, the following conclusions were made: 1. There was high accident rates of the senior residents due to physical deficits within the house, causing excessive medical cost and decreased housing satisfaction. This problem can be sufficiently prevented by housing repair which can not only solve the safety problem but also support self sufficient living for the senior residents. 2. Proper housing repair required the architectural know how as well as the expertise knowledge of the physical characteristics of the senior people. Therefore, it is essential to secure the professional (i.e., occupational therapist) who can analyze the needs of the senior residents and evaluate and/or predict the obstacles during repair. Furthermore, development and distribution of the standardized manual are also needed. 3. The minimum standard for housing repair could be approached in view of 'barrier-free' concept. First, the bumps should be removed, slippery prevented, and safety grab-bar installed for safety. Second, the entrance should be widened and the bathroom and kitchen restructured to support for the senior residents' self sufficiency. To make housing repair policy more efficient, the legal basis is required. It can be incorporated into the existing senior citizens 'Welfare Act' or the 'Senior Residents Medical Insurance' which will be effective starting in 2007.

Middle-aged People's Attitudes about Housing in Their Later Life and Their Intention to Move into Senior Congregate Housing (중년층의 노후의 주거문제에 대한 태도와 노인공동생활주택에의 입주 의사 분석)

  • Seo Eun Mee;Hong Hyung Ock
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.22 no.6 s.72
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    • pp.121-131
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was 1) to analyze the attitudes of people in their 50s about housing problems, and, 2) to study their intention to move into senior congregate housing. The survey was conducted from October to November, 2003 in the Seoul Metropolitan area.'rho data L4·Pre collected from m people using a questionnaire. The results were as follows: First, respondents listed 'friends' as the most important element of their later life. Next, in general, they preferred to live in mainstream family housing. Respondents thought 'family and government' had a responsibility to solve senior citizens 'housing problem. Second, a majority of the participants showed an intention to eventually move into a senior congregate housing. However, the group who did not Intend to live in senior congregate housing had a higher income and greater property assets. The appropriate time for the move to senior congregate housing was keyed to a desire to avoid loneliness. On the other hand, a high degree of satisfaction with current housing was the primary reason given for not wanting to move to senior congregate housing. In conclusion, senior congregate housing should be developed as a model for the middle class and might be successful when combined with a high quality social and health program.

Evaluation on the Specialized Quality Programs of the Senior Welfare Centers in Gyeonggi-do: Focusing on the Perspectives of the Service Users (경기도 노인복지관 특화 프로그램 평가: 서비스 이용자 관점을 중심으로)

  • Ji, Eric Seung-Hoon
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.847-867
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to observe whether the specialized quality programs of senior welfare centers actually help service users and meet their needs. In order to find out, we have utilized three different research methods. First, an in-depth interview was generated among the service users of senior welfare centers. Second, the specialized quality program in senior welfare centers was analyzed. Third, a focused group interview among the senior welfare experts was conducted. Based on the results of this study, they suggest four practical proposals. First is to enhancing programs of senior welfare centers based on the service users' rights. Second is to providing high-class services by developing and transforming the 'elderly culture.' Third is to converting the existing programs to make associations with their local communities. Last is to building a network as a hub to communicate and sharing outstanding programs within senior welfare centers.

Radio and Senior Generation: Focused on Radio Program for Senior (라디오와 노인: 라디오 노인 대상 프로그램을 중심으로)

  • Hong, Myungshin
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.1329-1344
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    • 2010
  • This study is intended to find out how production people have been creating senior radio program. For this purpose, the study set up the three research questions and employed in-depth interviews with ten production people: First, production people find out senior radio listeners who have been very royal attendance of the program for a long time. And they examined senior listeners prefer to listen about health care, information about elderly life and singing contest. They have been made para-social interaction with master of ceremonies (MC). Second, unlike other radio program, the senior radio program has concentrated on the radio station's image and public interest rather than financial profit and viewing rate. Normally, it was known that radio program for senior used carried on break of the day. But some program has been broadcasted on prime time in the afternoon. Target audience of senior radio program has been expanded over the forties and the fifties from sixties. Thirdly, in general the role of producer is critically important to produce program. However, MC and scriptwriter are far more experienced and specialized on the field than producer in radio program for senior.

A study on the Spatial Arrangement and Area of Senior Sharehouses in Japan (일본의 시니어 쉐어하우스 공간배치 및 면적 연구)

  • Ju, Hyun-Jin;Moon, Jeong-Min
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.13-20
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    • 2015
  • Single household is expected to be the typical form of future Korean elderly household from reduction of household size and rapid growth of the elderly. As Japanese solve the same problem with Senior Sharehouse, a case study on Senior Sharehouse in japan focused on the Spatial Arrangement and Spatial Composition could suggest an potential applications in Korea. In conclusion, compare to Korea, the Senior Sharehouse in Japan supplies additional $7.5{\sim}9.3m^2$ more space to support the physical movement of the elderly and to help the elderly to solve various functions at one space. The independence and privacy of residents are also assured by supplying single occupancy. Space analysis shows that public space is as spacious (47.3~55%) as personal space. The result of the Space analysis suggests that the sharehouse provides rational ratio of space to assure residents' independence. It was supposed that the center type would be the main stream of the Spatial Arrangement for sharehouse considering its characteristic of sharing space. But, the Senior Sharehouse in Japan prefers corner type. The guarantee of personal space is being considered as a important characteristic. As a result of case analysis, Senior Sharehouse can be a proper type of house for single elderly household and present study can be used for the baseline data to solve the residence problem for single elderly household in Korea.

Ability for chewing a social activity and connection with the life function of a senior citizen (고령자들의 저작능력 및 잔존치수와 사회적 활동과의 관계)

  • Back, Jong-Uk;Park, Myoung-Ho
    • Journal of Technologic Dentistry
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.87-103
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to widen the subject of research to the whole social activity, which is divided into the following four categories in the previous study on "Reality of social activity of senior citizen": 1. work 2. social participation and volunteer activity 3. learning activity 4. individual activity, and to clarify which category is most related to the masticatory ability. There were 57korean subjects in the survey: aged 65 through 85 (73.8$\pm$5.5), 81 women: aged 65 through 85 (74.3$\pm$5.3), a total of 138: aged 65 through 85 (74.1$\pm$5.4), in College for senior citizen of A city, Buddhist College for senior citizen of A city and senior citizen's welfare facility of A city who gave consent to the research The Japanese subject were 38 men: aged 65 through 85(75.3$\pm$5.4), 54 women: aged 65 through 85(75.5$\pm$5.2), a total of 92: aged 65 through 85(75.4$\pm$5.2) in women's division of F city Federation of Senior Citizens' Club, Otsuka division of B ward Federation of Senior Citizens' Club and S ward Federation of Senior Citizens' Club who gave consent to the research. The major findings were as follows: A social activity, individual activity were active in a social activity domain on a day so that people of Japanese advanced age had you, and writing ability was high, and, as for freezing, learning activity was active for people of Korean advanced age in a social activity domain so that writing ability was high.

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