• Title/Summary/Keyword: Korean native goat

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Changes of plasma progesterone concentrations during the estrous cycle and its application to early pregnancy diagnosis in Korean native goats (한국재래산양(韓國在來山羊)의 발정주기중(發情週期中) 혈장(血漿) progesterone 농도변화(濃度變化)와 조기임신진단(早期姙娠診斷)에의 응용(應用))

  • Choi, Han-sun;Park, Young-jun;Kang, Byong-kyu;Park, Bum-jun;Son, Chang-ho
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.259-265
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    • 1992
  • A study was conducted to improve the reproductive performance of Korean native goats. The length of estrous cycle and plasma progesterone concentrations during each cycles were determined by both radioimmunoassay and estrus behaviours, and the results were used in the early pregnancy diagnosis. The estrous cycles were classified into the short(l8 days or shorter, average 16.7 days), normal(19 to 22 days, average 20.9 days) and long(23 days and longer, average 23.8 days)cycle. The average length of the 19 estrous cycles was 20.8 days. Plasma progesterone concentrations in 12 normal cycles were the lowest(0.10 ng/ml) at estrus, remained high from 6 to 16 days(range : 4.43~7.93 ng/ml) and drastically decreased thereafter to reach minimal concentrations at the next estrus. Plasma progesterone concentrations were measured for early pregnancy diagnosis at 0, 10 and 20 days after mating in the 12 Korean native goats. Plasma progesterone concentrations in the pregnant goats at 20 days after mating were significantly higher than in the non-pregnant goats(p<0.001). Of the 12 goats, 10 were confirmed pregnancy by both progesterone concentrations and kidding. The accuracy of the pregnancy diagnosis based on plasma progesterone concentrations was 100% for positive as well as for negative.

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Theage at puberty and the breeding season in Korean native goats (한국재래산양(韓國在來山羊)의 성성숙일령(性成熟日齡) 및 계절번식성(季節繁殖性))

  • Kang, Byong-kyu;Choi, Han-sun;Park, Young-jun;Park, Bum-jun;Son, Chang-ho
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.275-280
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    • 1992
  • To investigate the age at puberty and the seasonal breeding in Korean native goats, progesterone concentrations were measured in blood. Blood samples were collected from 8 goats at 10 day intervals from 2 months of age until the first estrus after birth, and then every 5 days for a further estrous cycle and the seasonal breeding. The mean age and weight at puberty were $195{\pm}57$ days($mean{\pm}S.D.$, range : 107~260 days) and $11.1{\pm}0.9kg$(range : 9.8~12.0kg), respectively. The mean age at first pregnancy after birth was $241{\pm}109$ days(range : 107~273 days). The estrus was observed 47.6% from October to December, and was highest in fall(38.1%) and lowest in spring and summer(14.3%). However, the estrus was observed every season. About 67% of total conception occurred form October to January. The parturition occurred 41.7% in spring, 25.0% in summer and winter, and 8.3% in fall, respectively. These results suggest that Korean native goats do not have a breeding season, but the reproductive activity is influenced by the season.

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Serum cortisol concentrations on the normal condition in Korean native goats by ELISA (ELISA에 의한 국내 재래종 산양의 정상상태에서의 혈중 cortisol 농도)

  • Cho, Kyu-woan;Hur, Ju-hyeong;Lee, Eun-sug;Kang, Chung-boo
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.711-717
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    • 1993
  • This study was performed to examine the charges of serum cortisol concentrations on the normal conditions in Korean native goats by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA). The Korean native goats were 4 to 30 months old and weighted 6.0 to 28kg. The goats were allowed ad libitum access to water and food. To minimize the stress with handing and blood sampling, animals were adapted for 2 weeks before the experiment. After adaptation, intravenouse catheter was inserted left intact a jugular vein of 6 goats and blood samples were done 2~3 days later. Experimental animals were divided into 2 groups which was non-catheterized and catheterized group in order to examine the effect for changes of serum concentration and circadian rhythm of cortisol. The results were obtained as follows ; The sensitivity of serum cortisol concentration was $20pg/m{\ell}$. The intra-assay and inter-assay coefficient of variation were below 2.5% and 5%, respectively. Serum concentration of cortisol was more higher in noo-catheterized group$(32.84{\pm}16.78ng/m{\ell})$ than catheterized group$(23.20{\pm}10.29ng/m{\ell})$. The difference according to months old in serum concentration of cortisol was the more higber on 4~6 than 7~12 and lowest over 12 months old. A circadian rhythm in the serum concentration of cortisol in Korean native goats was not found significantly with 2 hours sampling intervals.

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Characterization of Cellulolytic and Xylanolytic Enzymes of Bacillus licheniformis JK7 Isolated from the Rumen of a Native Korean Goat

  • Seo, J.K.;Park, T.S.;Kwon, I.H.;Piao, M.Y.;Lee, C.H.;Ha, Jong K.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.50-58
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    • 2013
  • A facultative bacterium producing cellulolytic and hemicellulolytic enzymes was isolated from the rumen of a native Korean goat. The bacterium was identified as a Bacillus licheniformis on the basis of biochemical and morphological characteristics and 16S rDNA sequences, and has been designated Bacillus licheniformis JK7. Endoglucanase activities were higher than those of ${\beta}$-glucosidase and xylanase at all temperatures. Xylanase had the lowest activity among the three enzymes examined. The optimum temperature for the enzymes of Bacillus licheniformis JK7 was $70^{\circ}C$ for endoglucanase (0.75 U/ml) and $50^{\circ}C$ for ${\beta}$-glucosidase and xylanase (0.63 U/ml, 0.44 U/ml, respectively). All three enzymes were stable at a temperature range of 20 to $50^{\circ}C$. At $50^{\circ}C$, endoglucanse, ${\beta}$-glucosidase, and xylanase had 90.29, 94.80, and 88.69% residual activity, respectively. The optimal pH for the three enzymes was 5.0, at which their activity was 1.46, 1.10, and 1.08 U/ml, respectively. The activity of all three enzymes was stable in the pH range of 3.0 to 6.0. Endoglucanase activity was increased 113% by $K^+$, while $K^+$, $Zn^+$, and tween 20 enhanced ${\beta}$-glucosidase activity. Xylanase showed considerable activity even in presence of selected chemical additives, with the exception of $Mn^{2+}$ and $Cu^{2+}$. The broad range of optimum temperatures (20 to $40^{\circ}C$) and the stability under acidic pH (4 to 6) suggest that the cellulolytic enzymes of Bacillus licheniformis JK7 may be good candidates for use in the biofuel industry.

Anatomical Studies on the Skeleton of Thoracic Limb of Korean Native Goat (한국재래산양의 전지골격에 관한 해부학적 연구)

  • Kim, Jin-sang;Lee, Heung-shik S.;Lee, In-se
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.167-183
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    • 1987
  • The anatomical structure of the Skeleton of thoracic limb of thirty-one adult Korean native goats(body weight: 14~17kg) was observed after skeletal preparation, and the osteometry was performed in each bone. The results were as follows; 1. The thoracic limb of the Korean native goat was composed of scapula, humerus, radius, ulna, carpal bones, metacarpal bones, phalanges and sesamoid bones. 2. The scapula was flat and triangular in shape. There were no distinct tuber of spine and acromion in the spine. The subscapular fossa was deep and triangular in shape and the vertebral border was sigmoid form. The coracoid bone was formed as the coracoid process at the medial aspect of the supraglenoid tubercle but the clavicle wa.s not observed. The left and right scapular indexes were 57.92 and 58.31 and the glenoid cavity indexes were 89.23 and 86.82, respectively. 3. The greater tubercle of the humerus was devided into cranial and caudal parts. The third tubercle was observed and the face for the infraspinatus muscle was rectangular form. The left and right humerus indexes were 32.44 and 32.63, the head indexes were 94.13, 96.62 and the trochlear-epidondyle indexes were 67.32 and 65.81, respectively. 4. The radius and ulna were fused entirely except at the broad proximal and narrow distal interosseous spaces. The ulna was longer than the radius, and its reduced body and distal end were fused at the caudomedial surface of the radius. 5. The carpal bones were six in number. There were radial, intermediate, ulnar, accessory, second-third and fourth carpal hones in carpal bones. 6. The metacarpal bone was composed of a large metacarpal bone resulted from the fusion of the third and fourth metacarpal bones, and there was a metacarpal tubercle at the dorsolateral part of the proximal end. There were no vestiges of the second and fifth metacarpal bones. 7. The digits were composed of third and fourth digits and each digit was composed of the proximal, middle and distal phalanges. 8. The sesamoid bones were six in number. There were two at the fetlock joint and one at the coffine joint palmarly in each digit. 9. The ratios of the lengths among the scapula, humerus, antebrachium and metacarpal bone were 1.42 : 1.47 : 1.77 : 1.00 in the left and 1.42 : 1.45 : 1.77 : 1.00 in the right, respectively.

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Anatomical Studies on the Skeleton of Pelvic Limb of Korean Native Goat (한국재래산양의 후지골격에 관한 해부학적 연구)

  • Kim, Jin-sang;Lee, Heung-shik S.;Lee, In-se;Yoon, Yeo-sung
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 1988
  • The anatomical structure of pelvic limb, of thirty-one adult Korean native goats (Body weight: 14~17kg) was observed after skeletal preparation, and the osteometry was performed in each bone. The results were as follows: 1. The pelvic limb of the Korean native goat was composed of the hip bone, femur, patella, tibia, fibula, tarsal bones, metatarsal bone, phalanges and sesamoid bones. 2. The hip bone consisted of the ilium, ischium and pubis which fused each other, The gluteal surface of the ilium was directed dorsolaterally. The tuber sacrale and tuber coxae were formed at the dorsal apex and ventrolateral part of the iliac wing, respectively. The lesser ischiatic notch was deeper than the greater one. The ischiatic tubercles were triangular form and consisted of the dorsal, lateral and caudal ischiatic tubercles. The left and right hip bone indexes were 67.08, 66.20, the acetabular indexes were 93.78 and 92.10 and the obturator foramen. indexes were 53.84 and 54.77, respectively. 3. In femur, both of the greater and lesser trochanter were well developed but the third trochanter was not observed. The left and right femur indexes were 26.55 and 26.14, head indexes were 81.66 and 81.49 and the trochlear-epicondyle indexes were 42.47 and 41.63, respectively. 4. The patella was observed as an isosceles triangle with base lying proximal and the cranial surface was more convex. 5. The tibial shaft was sigmoid form and the popliteal notch was deep. There was a large nutrient foramen at the cranial aspect of the cranial intercondylar area. The tibial indexes were 22.09 in left and 21.10 in right. 6. The proximal extremity of the fibula was fused with the lateral condyle of the tibia but the distal one was observed independently as the malleolar bone. 7. The tarsal bones were five in number; the talus, calcaneus, centroquartal tarsal bone, first tarsal bone, and second-third tarsal bone. 8. The metatarsal bone was composed of a large metatarsal bone. resulted from the fusion of the third and fourth metatarsal bones, The structure of metatarsal bone was similar to the metacarpal bone but longer about 7mm. 9. The phalanges and sesamoid bones were similar to these of the thoratic limb. 10. The ratios of the lengths among the hip bone, femur, tibia and metafarsal bone were 1.71 : 1.54 : 1.73 : 1.00 in left and 1.68 : 1.53 : 1.72 : 1.00 in right, respectively.

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Effects of Hydrocortisone Administrations on Expressions of Casein and Prolactin Receptor mRNAs in Mammary Glands of Mid-Lactation of Korean Goats (Hydrocortisone 투여가 비유중기 재래산양의 유단백질과 유선세포 Prolactin Receptor mRNA 발현에 미치는 영향)

  • 전기준;김재영;최재관;정영훈;박정준;이용준;우제석;서동석;홍승국
    • Journal of Embryo Transfer
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.171-177
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    • 2002
  • Glucocorticoid is activating mammary gland cells for lactating animals, resulting in increasing abilities of the milk synthesis. Expression of the prolactin receptor(PRL-R) in mammary gland cells was closely associated with milk production. To increase lactation ability for the Korean Native Goats at mid-lactation period. 0.05, 0.1. and 0.2 g of hydrocortisone was administrated with 5 $m\ell$ of saline. and injected into vein. For the control, 5 $m\ell$ of saline was administrated in to vein. After 24 H, the mammary gland tissue was collected, and mRNA expression rates were investigated for the alpha-casein and PRL-R using competitive PCR(polymerase chain reaction). There was no significant differences between treatment and control groups for the mRNA expression rate of PRL-R in mammary gland cells after 24 h of administration of hydrocortisone. The rate of mRNA expression for the alpha-casein was increased 37%, 630%, and 380% at 0.05, 0.1, and 0.2 g of hydrocortisone administration groups, respectively, comparing with control group. The results suggested that PR L-R mRNA expression of mammary gland cell by administration of hydrocortison was not significant, but increase of the alpha-casein mRNA expression my be differences of expression of functional proteins in the cell and expression patterns of protein secretion time to out of the cell. This study showed increase of alpha-casein mRNA expression by administration of hydrocortisone at mid-lactation period of Korean native goat.

Course and Distribution of Facial Nerve of the Korean Native Goat (한국재래산양 두부의 안면신경 분포에 관한 해부학적 연구)

  • Lee, Heung-shik;Lee, In-se;Kim, Dae-joong
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 1986
  • This study was carried out to investigate the branch and distribution of Nervus facialis of the Korean native goat. The observation was made by dissection of embalmed cadavers of ten Korean native goats. The results were as follows; 1. N. facialis arose from the ventrolateral surface of the medulla oblongata. 2. In the facial canal, N. facialis gave off N. petrosus major, N. stapedius and Chorda tympani. 1) N. petrosus major arose from Ganglion geniculi, passed through the pterygoid canal and terminated in Ganglion pterygopalatinum. 2) Chorda tympani joined N. lingualis at the lateral surface of the internal pterygoid muscle. 3. At the exit of the stylomastoid foramen, N. facialis gave off N. caudalis auricularis, Ramus auricularis internus, Ramus stylohyoideus and Ramus digastricus. 1) N. caudalis auricularis arose by two branches in 6 cases and by a single branch in 4 cases. N. caudalis auricularis gave off branches to the caudoauricuIar muscles and the internal surface of the conchal cavity. 2) Ramus auricularis internus arose by a single branch except in 2 cases in which it arose in common with N. caudalis auricularis. It penetrated the caudolateral surface of the tragus and distributed in the skin of the scapha. 3) Ramus stylohyoideus and Ramus digastricus arose separately from N. facialis. 4. In the deep surface of the parotid gland, N. facialis divided into N. auriculopalpebralis, Ramus buccalis dorsalis and Ramus buccalis ventralis. In 6 cases, N. facialis gave off Ramus buccalis ventralis and then divided into N. auriculopalpebralis and Ramus buccalis dorsalis. In 3 cases, N. facialis trifurcated into Ramus buccalis ventralis, Ramus buccalis dorsalis and N. auriculopalpebralis. In one case, N. facialis gave off N. auriculopalpebralis and then divided into Ramus buccalis dorsalis and Ramus buccalis ventralis. 1) Ramus buccalis ventralis ran along the ventral border of the masseter muscle and distributed to the buccinator and depressor labii inferioris muscles. Ramus buccalis ventralis communicated with a branch of Ramus buccalis dorsalis and N. buccalis. In 2 cases, it also communicated with N. mylohyoideus. 2) Ramus buccalis dorsalis communicated with Ramus transverses faciei, N. buccalis, N. infraorbitalis and a branch of Ramus buccalis ventralis. Ramus buccalis dorsalis distributed to the orbicularis oris, caninus, depressor labii inferioris, levator labii superioris, buccinator, malaris, nasolabialis and zygomaticus muscles. 3) N. auriculopalpebralis gave off Rami auriculares rostrales, which supplied the zygomaticoauricularis muscle, the frontoscutularis muscle and the skin of the base of the ear. N. auriculopalpebralis then continued as Ramus zygomaticus, which innervated the frontal muscle, the lateral surface of the base of the horn, the orbicularis oculi muscle and the adjacent skin of the orbit. N. auriculopalpebralis communicated with Nn. auriculares rostrales and Ramus zygomaticotemporalis. In 7 cases, it also communicated with N. infratrochlearis.

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Serum Chemical Values of Korean Native Goats from Birth to Maturity (한국재래산양(韓國在來山羊)의 성장(成長)에 따르는 혈청화학치(血淸化學値)의 변동(變動))

  • Mum, Hi Cheol
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.187-198
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    • 1975
  • Although considerable research has been done on the blood chemistry of domestic animals, little work has been made of the changes associated with age. Moreover, the records about physiology of the goat were not much available in Korea, and a comprehensive survey of the blood values of the Korean native goat has not been made. The object of the present investigation was to make good this deficiency and to suggest standards for the blood chemical values of Korean native goats from birth to maturity. The goats were kept under average farming conditions in Korea. Blood samples were collected from the jugular vein at birth, at one and four days, at one, two, three and four weeks, and at two, three, six, nine and twelve months of age. The results obtained in this work were summarized as follows: 1. The highest concentration of serum glucose was observed at birth and it decreased gradually until three months of age, showing a steady state thereafter. 2. The concentration of total serum protein was a little higher at one day of age than at birth and showed a steady state until seven days of age; then it decreased slightly at two weeks of age and recovered at three weeks of age and showed a steady state until twelve months of age. The concentration of serum albumin was increased a little at one day of age and revealed a steady state thereafter. The concentration of serum globulin showed three phases - a fall during the first two weeks to reach minimum, a rise to the fourth week, and a fall at two months of age, showing a steady state thereafter. The lowest value of albumin fraction was observed at birth, then the value increased gradually until three months of age and revealed a stealer state thereafter. The highest value of globulin fraction was observed at birth, then the gradual decrease of the value was seen until three months of age; thereafter the value showed a steady state. 3. Albumin/globulin ratio was the minimum at birth, then it increased to reach a maximum at two weeks of age and decreased a little thereafter. 4. The concentration of total serum cholesterol showed a gradual increase during the first three months and fell to reach adult revel at six months of age. 5. Urea nitrogen in serum decreased during the first week to reach a minimum, then it increased at three months of age, and showed a fell to mature level at six mouths of age. 6. The concentration of serum creatinine was not affected by age. 7. The concentration of total serum calcium was a little higher during the first two weeks than the other period during the first year of life. 8. The concentration of serum inorganic phosphorus showed a gradual rise to reach a maximum and a gradual fall to reach adult level at nine months of age. 9. No significant sex differences of serum chemical values were recognized.

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Comparison of enzyme cytochemical activities between rosetted cells in peripheral blood of Korean native cattle (한우(韓牛) 말초혈액내(末梢血液內) rosette 형성세포(形成細胞)의 효소화학적(酵素化學的) 염색성(染色性) 비교(比較))

  • Kim, Nyeun-su;Song, Hee-jong;Kim, Sun-jae;Seo, Ye-won
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.129-135
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    • 1997
  • Peripheral blood mononuclear cells(PBMNC) of Korean native cattle rosetted with Korean goat erythrocytes(KGRBC) and blood monocytes were evaluated for four cytochemical reactions such as acid phosphatase(ACP), alkaline phosphatase-anti-boby(ALP-Ab), ${\alpha}$-naphthyl butyrate esterase(${\alpha}$-NBE) and peroxidase. The results obtained were as follows; In rosetted cells, the positivities of ACP in E AET-DeX, EA and EAC were 70.3%, 22.4% and 25.2%, those of ${\alpha}$-NB were 27.4%, 44.2% and 79.8%, and those of ALP-Ab were 9.5%, 88.3% and 91.5%, respectively. Whereas, the positivity for Peroxidase in monocytes was 100%. In non-rosetted (remained) cells, the positivities of ACP in E AET+DeX. EA and EAC were 41.4%, 57.2% and 61.9%, those of ${\alpha}$-NB were 38.6%, 16.5% and 18.9% and those of ALP-Ab were 98.2%, 5.3% and 6.3%, in order.

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