• 제목/요약/키워드: Korean medium & low priced cosmetics

검색결과 3건 처리시간 0.017초

화장품의 양면적 소비태도 (A Study on Ambivalent Consumption of Cosmetics)

  • 이정우;김미영
    • 복식
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    • 제60권8호
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    • pp.118-131
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the differences in cosmetics brand selection by product type, and the differences in ambivalent cosmetics consumption attitude by ambivalent clothing consumption attitude. The subjects of the study were females aged 20 plus, living in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province between January and February 2008, and 427 questionnaires were used for analysis. For data analysis SPSS 17.0 statistical program was used, and principal component analysis, paired t-test and t-test were conducted. The results and conclusions of this study are as follows: firstly, the differences in cosmetics brand selection by product type were investigated. The results showed that domestic high-priced brands of skincare products were selected most often, that foreign high-priced brands of base products and color products were selected most frequently, that domestic low-and medium-priced brands of hair products were selected most often, and that foreign low-and medium-priced brands of body products were selected most frequently. In particular, foreign high-priced brands of color products were most favored, followed by domestic low-and medium-priced brands. The subjects selected foreign high-priced brands, which are the most expensive, and domestic low-and medium-priced brands, which are the least expensive, at the same time. They displayed ambivalent consumption patterns. Secondly, the differences in cosmetics consumption attitude by ambivalent clothing consumption attitude were examined. Groups high on ambivalent clothing consumption attitude had a higher cosmetics consumption attitude than groups low on ambivalent clothing consumption attitude.

화장품소비가치에 따른 화장품유형 및 가격별 국내.외상표선택 (Type and Price of Cosmetics Brand Selection by Cosmetics Consumption Value)

  • 이정우;김미영
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제34권7호
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    • pp.1149-1161
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    • 2010
  • This study identifies the dimensions of cosmetics consumption values and the differences in cosmetics brand selection through a cosmetics consumption value group and by product type. The subjects of the study were females over age 20 living in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province between January and February 2008; 427 questionnaires were used for analysis. For data analysis the SPSS 17.0 statistical program was used, and principal component analysis, factor analysis using Varimax rotation, Cronbach's ${\alpha}$ reliability testing, cluster analysis, ANOVA test, and Duncan test were conducted. The results and conclusions of this study are as follows. The dimensions of cosmetics consumption values were found to be the pleasure value, the fashion value, the function value, the brand ostentation value, and the appearance ostentation value. Five types of groups by factor were identified: the group seeking function, the group seeking fashion and brand ostentation, the group seeking pleasure, the group seeking appearance and brand ostentation, and the indifferent group. Second, The group attaching importance to functionality was more likely to select high-priced brands while the group attaching importance to brand awareness were more likely to seek foreign brands, irrespective of product type. As far as base and color cosmetics are concerned, the group attaching importance to pleasure was more likely to select low, medium, and high priced foreign brands, as well as low and medium priced domestic brands. As for body products, the group attaching importance to fashion and brand awareness tended to select low, medium, and high priced domestic brands, as well as high priced foreign brands. By simultaneously purchasing high, medium, and low priced brands, these groups display an ambivalent consumption pattern. This study identified the differing dimensions around cosmetics consumption values and cosmetic brand selection. The research findings helps cosmetic companies set product prices and contributes to cosmetic marketing strategies.

중국 소비자 라이프스타일이 한국 중·저가 화장품의 지각된 가치, 구매의도, 만족도에 미치는 영향 (Effects of Chinese Consumer lifestyles on perceived value, purchase intention, and satisfaction of Korean medium & low price cosmetics)

  • 김민정;이형재
    • 서비스연구
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    • 제10권3호
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    • pp.103-118
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    • 2020
  • 중국의 경제성장은 많은 것을 변화하게 했으며 특히 외국문화 수용 후 소비자들의 소비패턴과 생활양식을 크게 변화시켰다. 급변화한 중국 소비자들을 이해하기 위해 이들의 라이프 스타일과 소비행동에 미치는 요인과 영향을 알아보고자 한다. 먼저, 라이프스타일을 브랜드지향형, 가격민감형, 합리적소비형, 충동구매형으로 구분하고 화장품유형(기초 vs. 색조)에 따른 지각된 가치, 구매의도, 만족도에 따른 각각의 차이를 확인하였다. 그 결과, 기초화장품에서 브랜드지향형과 가격민감형에서 지각된 가치에 대한 차이만 통계적으로 유의했다. 브랜드지향형과 합리적소비형 그리고 가격민감형과 합리적소비형, 합리적소비형과 충동구매형 집단에서만 지각된가치, 구매의도, 만족도에 유의한 차이를 보였으나 브랜드지향형과 충동구매, 가격민감형과 충동구매에 대한 차이는 유의하지 않았다. 색조화장품에서는 브랜드지향형과 가격민감형 그리고 브랜드지향형과 합리적소비형, 가격민감형과 합리적소비형, 합리적소비형과 충동구매형에서의 차이는 통계적으로 유의하게 나타났으나, 충동구매형과 브랜드지향형, 충동구매형과 가격민감형에서는 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 분석결과에 기반하여 유통 서비스에 관한 관리적 함의도 제시하였다.