• Title/Summary/Keyword: Korean medicine student

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Comparison of the lipids levels, C-reactive protein and adiponectin in adolescent male by fat intake (청년기 남성의 지방 섭취 수준에 따른 혈중지질 함량, C-반응성 단백질 및 아디포넥틴 비교)

  • Lee, Sung-Hye;Park, Mi-Young;Kim, Soon-Kyung;Min, Young-Ki
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.303-314
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between dietary fat intake, anthropometric data, blood lipids, C-reactive protein, and adiponectin in Korean male college students. Forty-eight subjects were divided into 2 groups based on dietary fat intake: UERF (under 30% of energy ratio for fat source), AERF (above 30% of energy ratio for fat souce). We collected dietary intake data using 24-hour dietary recall for 3 days. Anthropometric and biochemical parameters were measured by using standard methods. Segmental body composition analysis was carried out using an 8-electrode multifrequency bioelectrical impedance method of body fat estimation. There was no significant difference in anthropometric data and serum lipid profile between UERF and AERF group. Serum C-reactive protein level was significantly higher in the AERF group compared to the UERF group. Although there was no significant difference in serum adiponectin level between UERF and AERF groups, subjects had lower adiponectin levels. Correlation data show that serum adiponectin level was positively correlated with vegetable intake (p < 0.05). In addition, dietary fat intake had a positive correlation with meat (p < 0.01), whereas a negative correlation with grain (p < 0.01), vegetables (p < 0.05), and fish (p < 0.05). These results suggest that the increased fat intake of non-obese Korean male college students is associated with their increased serum C-reactive protein concentration. Therefore, proper guidelines on fat intake and nutrition education are necessary for the prevention and management of metabolic syndromes.

A Study on Health-related Lifestyles and Intention Toward Breast-Feeding in Korean University Students (대학생의 건강관련 생활태도와 모유수유의지에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jo Yoon;Hyun, Wha Jin;Lee, Kang Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.125-134
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    • 2013
  • This study investigated the effect of a health-related lifestyle on knowledge, attitude, control belief and behavior intention toward breast-feeding of male and female university students in order to develop a breast-feeding education program for students of childbearing age. The subjects were 445 university students (125 male and 325 female) residing in eight provinces in Korea. The overall percentage of subjects intending to breast-feed their baby was 80.7% (73.6% of males and 84.2% of females). Overall, 84.2% of the subjects had high concerns about their health status. Scores reflecting a positive attitude, knowledge, and control beliefs toward breast-feeding were significantly higher (p<0.05~p<0.001) in female students, students majoring in medicine, and higher grades. The students who scored high at attitude, knowledge, and control beliefs also had a significantly higher (p<0.001) intention to breast-feed. When we investigated the sub factors of attitudes toward breast-feeding, significantly more students taking nutrient supplements scored high for physiological factors (p<0.05) and health-related factors (p<0.01). Significantly more non-smoking and non-drinking students scored high for health-related factors (p<0.001) and physiological factors (p<0.001), respectively. The intention to breast-feed was found to be significantly higher (p<0.01) in students who did not smoke, but not with other health-related lifestyles. In summary, these results indicate that the majority of university students intend to breast-feed, with students having a positive attitude, higher knowledge, and stronger control beliefs having a higher intention to breast-feed. Although a student's health-related lifestyle affects their attitudes on the physiological and health-related aspects of breast-feeding, only smoking status had an observable connection on the intention to breast-feed. Thus, when developing breast-feeding education programs for students, we recommend efforts to enhance a favorable attitude, knowledge, and control beliefs toward breast-feeding.

A Direction for Nurse-Midwife's Expanded Roles for Women's Health in the New Millenium (새천년의 여성건강을 위한 조산사의 역할 확대 방향)

  • Yoo, Eun-Kwang;Kim, Young-Hee;Lee, Chang-Eun;Kim, Yong-Bun;Lee, Mee-Young
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.65-79
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study was to figure out a direction for midwifes' expanded roles for integrative woman's health care focused on health promotion & maintenance and primary prevention of women's health disorders including family health in the new millenium as a primary women's health practitioner. Data sources used for analysis were the book published from International Confederation of Midwives including role, code, situation and others from the international aspects : the empirical data from direct contact by participation in the ICM held in Manila, Philipine, May 22-26, 1999 : and documentation of Korean Midwives Association. Historical and current changing perspectives toward woman's health & nurse-midwifery and the reality women's health & nurse-midwifery and the reality of expand role that should be acquired toward the new millenium are discussed. In conclusion, Nurse-midwives are the very primary women's health care providers who can provide not only the exact needs of women who have health related problems, which are developed in the unique socio-cultural context women are belonged to, but also reproductive affairs including labor and delivery as it was midwive's traditional role, not just as practitioner, educator, counselor but conscious raiser for women's right. Futhermore, for this, thorough preparation through various kind of active and contemplated approach such as remodeling roles and education and continuing education system, training for high skilled & technical action, making laws and policy, and others is absolutely required.

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Serum immunoglobulin E (IgE) levels and dietary intake of Korean infants and young children with atopic dermatitis

  • Lee, Sangeun;Ahn, Kangmo;Paik, Hee Young;Chung, Sang-Jin
    • Nutrition Research and Practice
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    • v.6 no.5
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    • pp.429-435
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    • 2012
  • Atopic dermatitis (AD) has become a serious epidemic in Korean children. We aimed to investigate the association between vitamin C, E and other nutrients, and serum total IgE/specific IgE levels in children with AD. A total of 119 children (0-24 mo) diagnosed with AD were recruited for this cross-sectional study from a medical center in Seoul. A 24 h recall was used to assess dietary intakes. Serum total and six food-allergen specific IgE levels were measured by CAP-FEIA. Serum vitamin E was also measured but only in 25 out of the total 119 participants. Multiple linear regression analysis was performed to estimate the coefficients between serum IgE levels and dietary intake as well as serum vitamin E. Serum vitamin E levels showed a significantly inverse association with serum total IgE and all specific IgE levels (P < 0.05). Fat intake was inversely related with specific-IgEs for egg whites, milk, buck wheat, soy, and peanuts (P < 0.05). Positive associations were found between carbohydrate (CHO) intake and total IgE and specific IgEs to egg whites, milk, soy, and peanuts (P < 0.05). Vitamin C, E and n-3/n-6 fatty acids were not related with serum total IgE and specific IgE levels except for the association between buck wheat and vitamin E. In addition, there were no significant differences between males and females in dietary intake and serum IgE levels by student's t-test. Although dietary vitamin E showed no association with serum IgE levels, serum vitamin E drew a significant inverse relationship with serum IgE levels. The evidence seems to suggest that vitamin E may possibly lower total and specific-IgEs in children with AD, and that it is important to maintain a relatively high serum vitamin E level in children with AD.

Organic Acidopathies as Etiologic Diseases of Developmental Delay in Korean Childhood and Adolescent Age Group (한국인 소아청소년기 발달지연의 원인질환으로서의 유기산대사이상질환)

  • Lee, Jong Yoon;Lee, Ye Seung;Choi, Joong Wan;Bae, Eun Joo;Park, Won Il;Oh, Phil Soo;Lee, Hong Jin
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Inherited Metabolic disease
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.85-93
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: Developmental delay is caused by very diverse etiologic diseases. Most chronic disorders has some influence on development. Chronic or acute disorders of CNS are main etiologic diseases of developmental delay. Up to now, over 60 diseases are included in organic acidopathies and most of them causes acute or chronic recurrent CNS damage and developmental delay. We have done this study to find out the importance of organic acidopathies causing developmental delay in Korean childhood and adolescent patients. Method: Retrograde analysis for 738 patients with developmental delay whose clinical informations are available and have done urine organic acid analysis for 5 years period, between Jan. 1st 2007 to Dec. 31th 2011. Statistical analysis was done with Student's t test using SPSS. Result: Out of 738 patients, 340 patients (46.1%) showed abnormalities on urine organic acid analysis. The most frequent disease was mitochondrial respiratory chain disorders (MRCD) (253, 34.3%), followed by ketolytic defects(39, 5.3%), 3-hydroxyisobutyric aciduria (26, 3.5%), glutaric aciduria type II (8, 1.1%), pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency (3, 0.4%), 3-methylglutaric aciduria (2, 0.3%), glutaric aciduria type I (2, 0.3%), ethylmalonic aciduria (1, 0.15%), methylmalonic aciduria (1, 0.15%), HMG-CoA lyase deficiency (1, 0.15%), 3-methylcrotonylglycinuria (1, 0.15%), fatty acid oxidation disorders(1, 0.15%) and FAOD (1, 0.15%). Conclusion: Mitochondrial disorders are most frequent etiologic disease on all age group, followed by ketolytic defects and various organic acidopathies. The number and diversities of organic acidopathies emphasize meticulous evaluation of basic routine laboratory examinations and organic acid analysis with initial sample on every developmental patient.

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Multivariate Analysis of Predictive Factors for the Severity in Stable Patients with Severe Injury Mechanism (중증 손상 기전의 안정된 환자에서 중증도 예측 인자들에 대한 다변량 분석)

  • Lee, Jae Young;Lee, Chang Jae;Lee, Hyoung Ju;Chung, Tae Nyoung;Kim, Eui Chung;Choi, Sung Wook;Kim, Ok Jun;Cho, Yun Kyung
    • Journal of Trauma and Injury
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: For determining the prognosis of critically injured patients, transporting patients to medical facilities capable of providing proper assessment and management, running rapid assessment and making rapid decisions, and providing aggressive resuscitation is vital. Considering the high mortality and morbidity rates in critically injured patients, various studies have been conducted in efforts to reduce those rates. However, studies related to diagnostic factors for predicting severity in critically injured patients are still lacking. Furthermore, patients showing stable vital signs and alert mental status, who are injured via a severe trauma mechanism, may be at a risk of not receiving rapid assessment and management. Thus, this study investigates diagnostic factors, including physical examination and laboratory results, that may help predict severity in trauma patients injured via a severe trauma mechanism, but showing stable vital signs. Methods: From March 2010 to December 2011, all trauma patients who fit into a diagnostic category that activated a major trauma team in CHA Bundang Medical Center were analyzed retrospectively. The retrospective analysis was based on prospective medical records completed at the time of arrival in the emergency department and on sequential laboratory test results. PASW statistics 18(SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA) was used for the statistical analysis. Patients with relatively stable vital signs and alert mental status were selected based on a revised trauma score of more than 7 points. The final diagnosis of major trauma was made based on an injury severity score of greater than 16 points. Diagnostic variables include systolic blood pressure and respiratory rate, glasgow coma scale, initial result from focused abdominal sonography for trauma, and laboratory results from blood tests and urine analyses. To confirm the true significance of the measured values, we applied the Kolmogorov-Smirnov one sample test and the Shapiro-Wilk test. When significance was confirmed, the Student's t-test was used for comparison; when significance was not confirmed, the Mann-Whitney u-test was used. The results of focused abdominal sonography for trauma (FAST) and factors of urine analysis were analyzed using the Chi-square test or Fisher's exact test. Variables with statistical significance were selected as prognostics factors, and they were analyzed using a multivariate logistics regression model. Results: A total of 269 patients activated the major trauma team. Excluding 91 patients who scored a revised trauma score of less than 7 points, 178 patients were subdivided by injury severity score to determine the final major trauma patients. Twenty-one(21) patients from 106 major trauma patients and 9 patients from 72 minor trauma patients were also excluded due to missing medical records or untested blood and urine analysis. The investigated variables with p-values less than 0.05 include the glasgow coma scale, respiratory rate, white blood cell count (WBC), serum AST and ALT, serum creatinine, blood in spot urine, and protein in spot urine. These variables could, thus, be prognostic factors in major trauma patients. A multivariate logistics regression analysis on those 8 variables showed the respiratory rate (p=0.034), WBC (p=0.005) and blood in spot urine (p=0.041) to be independent prognostic factors for predicting the clinical course of major trauma patients. Conclusion: In trauma patients injured via a severe trauma mechanism, but showing stable vital signs and alert mental status, the respiratory rate, WBC count and blood in the urine can be used as predictable factors for severity. Using those laboratory results, rapid assessment of major trauma patients may shorten the time to diagnosis and the time for management.

Incidence and Clinical Manifestations of Rotaviral Infections in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (신생아중환자실 내 로타바이러스 감염의 발생 및 임상 양상)

  • Baek, Jae-Moon;Kim, Hee-Young;Lee, Jang-Hoon;Choi, Byung-Min;Lee, Jung-Hwa;Lee, Kwang-Chul;Hong, Young-Sook
    • Neonatal Medicine
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.55-63
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to investigate the incidence and clinical manifestations of rotaviral infections in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). We also investigated whether neonates referred from other hospitals cause outbreaks of rotaviral infections in the NICU. Methods: Neonates diagnosed wit rotaviral infections in the NICU at Korea University Ansan Hospital between January 2002 and December 2006 were evaluated retrospectively. Results: Of 1,501 neonates admitted to the NICU, the number of rotaviral infections was 94 (6.3%) and the prevalence was 4.9 cases per 1,000-hospital days. Of 223 neonates referred from other hospitals to our NICU, 24 (10.8%) were confirmed to have rotaviral infections at the time of referral. Common symptoms of rotaviral infections were jaundice diarrhea or loose stools, vomiting, fever, apnea, irritability, seizures, and moaning sounds. Necrotizing enterocolitis of stage II or more was diagnosed in 3 premature neonates, accounting for 3.2% of total infected neonates and 6.8% of premature infected patients. There were no statistically significant differences in the prevalence of symptoms between term and preterm neonates, except for jaundice that is more frequent in premature infants. In time series analysis, the admission of neonates who were born at other hospitals and diagnosed with rotaviral infections were associated 1 month later by increased cases of neonates with rotaviral infections who were born at our hospital, whereas new cases of rotaviral infections among inborn neonates were decreased 2 and 4 months later (P<0.05). Conclusion: Rotaviral infections in NICU were not rare and showed vague symptoms. Three cases (3.2%) were diagnosed with stage II or more necrotizing enterocolitis. The referred neonates with rotaviral infections may induce outbreaks in the NICU, therefore awareness and strict surveillance for rotaviral infections should be performed at the time of referral.

Performance effectiveness of pediatric index of mortality 2 (PIM2) and pediatricrisk of mortality III (PRISM III) in pediatric patients with intensive care in single institution: Retrospective study (단일 병원에서 소아 중환자의 예후인자 예측을 위한 PIM2 (pediatric index of mortality 2)와 PRIMS III (pediatric risk of mortality)의 유효성 평가 - 후향적 조사 -)

  • Hwang, Hui Seung;Lee, Na Young;Han, Seung Beom;Kwak, Ga Young;Lee, Soo Young;Chung, Seung Yun;Kang, Jin Han;Jeong, Dae Chul
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.51 no.11
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    • pp.1158-1164
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    • 2008
  • Purpose : To investigate the discriminative ability of pediatric index of mortality 2 (PIM2) and pediatric risk of mortality III (PRISM III) in predicting mortality in children admitted into the intensive care unit (ICU). Methods : We retrospectively analyzed variables of PIM2 and PRISM III based on medical records with children cared for in a single hospital ICU from January 2003 to December 2007. Exclusions were children who died within 2 h of admission into ICU or hopeless discharge. We used Students t test and ANOVA for general characteristics and for correlation between survivors and non-survivors for variables of PIM2 and PRISM III. In addition, we performed multiple logistic regression analysis for Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit, receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) for discrimination, and calculated standardized mortality ratio (SMR) for estimation of prediction. Results : We collected 193 medical records but analyzed 190 events because three children died within 2 h of ICU admission. The variables of PIM2 correlated with survival, except for the presence of post-procedure and low risk. In PRISM III, there was a significant correlation for cardiovascular/neurologic signs, arterial blood gas analysis but not for biochemical and hematologic data. Discriminatory performance by ROC showed an area under the curve 0.858 (95% confidence interval; 0.779-0.938) for PIM2, 0.798 (95% CI; 0.686-0.891) for PRISM III, respectively. Further, SMR was calculated approximately as 1 for the 2 systems, and multiple logistic regression analysis showed ${\chi}^2(13)=14.986$, P=0.308 for PIM2, ${\chi}^2(13)=12.899$, P=0.456 for PRISM III in Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit. However, PIM2 was significant for PRISM III in the likelihood ratio test (${\chi}^2(4)=55.3$, P<0.01). Conclusion : We identified two acceptable scoring systems (PRISM III, PIM2) for the prediction of mortality in children admitted into the ICU. PIM2 was more accurate and had a better fit than PRISM III on the model tested.

The Effectiveness of Standardized Patient Managed Instruction for a Fundamental Nursing Course (기본간호학 실습교육에 있어 표준화 환자를 이용한 학습방법의 효과)

  • Yoo, Moon-Sook
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.94-112
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    • 2001
  • The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of a standardized patients managed instruction program for a fundamentals of nursing. The standardized patients managed instruction was evaluated by using a quasi-experimental, nonequivalent control group posttest design with two separate classes of sophomore students attending fundamentals of nursing classes at one baccaleureate nursing school in Korea. Control group was taught by traditional lecture/model instruction and experimental group was taught by standardized patient managed instruction. Data were collected from December, 1999 to July, 2000 using checklist developed by researcher on following areas; clinical nursing performance, communication skills, and learning motivation. There were 36 students in the experimental group and 40 students in the control group. Data analysis was done using SPSS WINDOW. The results were summarized as follows ; 1. Clinical nursing performances were evaluated by change position, back care and hot bag apply. The total score was statistically significant higher in the experimental group than the control group(t=3.325, p=.000). Thus hypothesis 1 was supported. 2. Communication skill was evaluated by professional attitude and ability to explain to patients. There was a statistically significant difference between the experimental group and the control group (t=4.232, p=.000). Thus hypothesis 2 was supported. 3. Learning motivation was evaluated by self-reported questionnaires. There was statistically a significant difference between the experimental group and the control group(t=3.024, p=.004). Thus hypothesis 3 was supported. In conclusion, this study suggests that standardized patients managed instruction is an effective learning method to nursing students. By utilizing a standardized patient managed instruction, learning can proceed in a more relaxed environment and reduce the risks to patients because student inexperience are avoided. It is recommended to develop more standardized patients cases for wider areas of nursing educational and evaluate the program with more students using logitudinal method.

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Study on Sleep Pattern and Utilization of Charcoal Eyepatch in High School Students (고등학생의 수면 양상과 숯 안대 사용에 관한 연구)

  • Yoo Kyung-Hee;Song Whang-Soon;Park Geum-Hwa;Kim Keum-Soon
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.214-222
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: This study was done to investigate sleep patterns and utilization of the charcoal eyepatch In high school students through a survey research. Method: The participants in this study were 80 students in a high school in Seoul. The period of data collection was from July 1, 2002 to 15, 2002. The research instruments used in this study were the measures of sleep and SPSSWIN 10.0 Program was used for data analysis. Result: The students went to bed after 12 p.m., but many of them easily fell asleep within 5 minutes. They woke up quite early at around 4 to 6 o'clock in the morning but remained in bed 1 hour. Satisfaction with their sleep was the response for 38.8% of the students. While 77% napped, they generally did so in the afternoon and 38.8% napped for half an hour. As for quality of sleep, 2.5% of the students could not sleep deeply, and 21.7% woke frequently during sleep. Their sleep environments were calm and comfortable, and they turned off the light when sleeping. The utilization of the charcoal eyepatch was effective for sleep, fatigue and powerlessness in high school students. Conclusion: Utilization of the charcoal eyepatch was effective for sleep in high school students and while the utilization of charcoal is recommended in life, the effect of charcoal must be testified through research.

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