• Title/Summary/Keyword: Korean cow

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Effects of gender and slaughter age on physicochemical and quality traits of Korean Hanwoo striploin

  • Md. Altaf Hossain;Shine Htet Aung;Ji-Young Park;Seon-Ho Kim;Sang-Suk Lee;Ki-Chang Nam
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.66 no.3
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    • pp.614-629
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    • 2024
  • Hanwoo beef is in high demand because of its unique flavor, freshness, and high-fat content. However, the longer rearing period required to enhance marbling in Hanwoo cattle has adverse environmental consequences, such as greenhouse gas emissions and overall rearing costs. To address consumer preferences for leaner and healthier meat, the Korean meat industry has recently introduced Hanwoo heifer meat as an alternative source, but its quality traits are still unclear. Nevertheless, there is a limited body of research exploring the impact of Hanwoo gender (steer, heifer, and cow) and their corresponding slaughter ages on meat quality traits. This study looked into how gender affected the physicochemical and qualitative features of Hanwoo striploin at their respective slaughter ages. Results revealed that cow striploin has higher levels of moisture (66.81%) and protein (20.76%), whereas it contains lower levels of fat (10.66%) and cholesterol (34.66 mg/100 g). Regarding the physicochemical properties, cow striploin exhibited significantly lower shear force, color indexes, and soluble collagen (p < 0.05). However, chondroitin (1.19%) and muscle fiber area (1,545.23 ㎛2) were significantly higher in steer striploin than in heifer and cow (p < 0.05). Cow striploin exhibited significantly higher levels of oleic acid, unsaturated fatty acids (UFAs), and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) while having lower levels of eicosadienoic acid and atherogenic index compared to the other two groups. Cows and heifers had higher concentrations of amino acid metabolites than striploin from steers. Furthermore, bioactive metabolites such as carnitine and carnosine content were found higher in cow and heifer respectively. Overall, Hanwoo cattle gender influences the qualitative attributes of striploin; nevertheless, compared to steer and heifer striploin, cow striploin is a relatively good source of protein, fatty acid content, and metabolites conducive to a healthy diet.

Production of Korean Native Cow from Mongolian Cow following Transfer of Vitrified Blastocyst (Mongolian 수란우에 한우 동결수정란의 이식 후 산자 생산)

  • Kong, I.K.;Sanjjav, G.;Yang, C.J.;Cho, S.G.;Bae, I.H.;Oh, D.H.
    • Journal of Embryo Transfer
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.129-136
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the comparison of viability of bovine blastocysts following glass micropipette (GMP) vitrification and the possibility of production of Korean Native Cow ("Hanwoo,"Bos taurus coreanae) following embryo transfer into Mongolia cows (Bos taurus mongolian). The embryos of Korean Native Cow were produced by IVMFC or superovulation methods in Korea, cryopreserved by GMP vitrification, and subsequently trans-ported to Mongolia. The recipient cows were synchronized using a CIDR plus and prostaglandin $F_2\alpha$($PGF_2\alpha$) treatment. To produce in vivo embryos, seven cows were superovulated using FSH and PGF$_2$/sub $\alpha$/ treatment. A total of 64 blastocysts ( $9.1\pm2.94$ per cow) were collected. In vitro embryos were produced using a defined culture system which cleaved in 80.1% ova (174/217), and developed to blastocyst stage embryos of 40.8% (71/174). The post-thaw survival rate of in vivo blastocysts (93.7%; 45/48) was significantly higher than that of in vitro blastocysts (82.5%; 52/63, P<0.05). Embryo transfer was carried out using 8 Mongolian recipient cows and 2 post-thaw blastocysts per recipient. Five of 8 recipients were found pregnant at Day 60 but one abortion occurred by Day 240. Two of offspring were produced from the Mongolian cows at 275 days after embryo transfer. These results indicated that a GMP vitrification method could be used as a cryopreservation technique for in vivo or in vitro bovine blastocysts and produced effectively a Korean Native Cow following embryo transfer into a Mongolian recipient cow.

Application of DNA marker related with marbling score in Hanwoo cow (한우 암소에서 근내지방도 관련 DNA 마커의 활용)

  • Lee, Yoonseok
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.733-739
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    • 2016
  • The aim of this study was to evaluate combination of each of g.15532 C>A, g.17924 G>A SNP of FASN gene and beef quality grade of progeny in Hanwoo cow. In order to analyze the SNPs, genomic DNA was obtained from 270 Hanwoo cow and their progeny steer and g.15532 C>A and g.17924 G>A SNP was genotyped using single-based extension. Employing GLM as a statistical model. g.15532 C>A and g.17924 G>A SNP have a significant effect in Hanwoo steer but no significant effect in Hanwoo cow. Combination of each of g.15532 C>A, g.17924 G>A SNP and beef quality grade of progeny have a significant effect on marbling score in Hanwoo cow. Therefore, we suggest that g.15532 C>A and g.17924 G>A SNP contribute to genetic improvement on marbling score in Hanwoo cow.

Comparative studies on Tenderness and Characteristics of Protein Obtained from Various Carcass grade in Korean native Cow (도체등급별 한우육의 연도와 단백질특성에 대한 비교연구)

  • 문윤희;강세주
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.336-341
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    • 1997
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effects of carcass grade on the hardness, myofibrillar fragmentations index, protein extractability and Mg-ATPase activity of myofibril and actomyosin obtained from 1, 2, 3 and D carcass grade)subgrade) in Korean native cow. Proximate component, hardness, chewiness, myofibril fragmentation index, protein extractability and Mg-ATPase activity if myofibril or actomyosin were not significantly different between 1st and 2nd carcass grade loin. The hardness and chewiness of 2nd carcass grade loin's were significantly lower than 3th grade loin's, but the myofibril fragmentation index, sarcoplasmic protein extractability and Mg-ATPase activity of myofibril were higher. The myofibrillar protein extractability and Mg-ATPase activity of actomyosin obtained from 3th carcase grade loin's were significantly higher than D grade loin's, but the hardness, chewiness and stroma protein extractability were lower. In conclusion, the degree of toughness in Korean native cow's loin was not significantly different between 1st and 2nd grade, but 3rd and D carcass grade were significantly higher, regardless of before and after aging.

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Effect of supplementing phosphorus to Korean cow manure on the growth and cast production of earthworm (Eisenia foetida) (한우분내에 인의 첨가가 지렁이의 생육과 분립생산량에 미치는 영향)

  • 이주삼;이필원
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2001
  • This experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of supplementing phosphorus to Korean cow manure on the growth and cast production of earthworm(Eisenia Foetida), and to estimate the optimal phosphorus level for the growth and cast production of earthworm and ratios of available phosphorus and calcium content of cast in optimal phosphorus levels. Phosphorus supplementing ratios to Korean native cow were 0, 1%, 2%, 4% and 8A%, respectively. The volume of raising box was 3375cm$^3$(15$\times$15$\times$15cm), and 500g of cow manure filled up to 10cm layer. Raising density was 90㎤ per worm during the experimental period(60 days). The maximum fresh weight and cast production of earthworm were obtained at 2~4% and 1% levels of phosphorus supplementation to Korea native cow manure. The total phosphorus and available phosphorus contents of earthworm tissues were not significant among in all treatments. There was a positive significantly differences between total phosphorus and available phosphorus of cast and residual matters. Available phosphorus content of cast were ranged from 9.3mg/g to 17.3mg/g at 1~4% levels of phosphorus supplementation. Ratios of available phosphorus and calcium contents of cast were 1.94~3.15:1 and 0.87~1.33:1 at 2~4% and 0~1% levels of phosphorus supplementation.

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Effects of FDA Treatment after Vitrified Freezing on In Vitro Fertilization and Development of Follicular Oocytes(Bovine, Porcine) I. Survival of Mammal Follicular Oocytes after Vitrification by FDA-test (소, 돼지 미성숙 난포란의 유리화 동결 . 융해후 FDA 처리가 체외수정과 배 발육에 미치는 영향)

  • 김종계;양병철;강민수;고경래;고혁진;장덕지
    • Journal of Embryo Transfer
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.183-191
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    • 1995
  • This experiment was carried out to study the determination of survival of vitrified and thawed mammal follicular oocytes by FDA-test. Oocytes were divided into 3 groups according to attachment of cumulus cell. Group A oocytes were tightly surrounded by cumulus cell, group B oocytes were partially surrounded by cumulus cell, and group C oocytes were poorly surrounded by cumulus cell. Vitrification solution developed by our previous study (Kim et al, 1992) which consisted of permeable agent (20 % glycerol + 10 % ethylene glycol) and nonpermeable agent (30 % Ficoll + 10 % sucrose). Oocytes (7~10) loaded into 0.25 ml straw after 10 min equilibration were plunged into liquid nitrogen (- 196$^{\circ}C$) directly. The FDA-score of vitrified and thawed group A oocytes was higher in rat (4.2) than in rabbit (3.9), cow (3.8), mouse (3.4) and porcine (2.4), however that of cumulus cell was higher in rabbit (4.7) than in rat (4.1), cow (2.9), porcine (2.6) and mouse (1.4). The FDA-score of vitrified and thawed group B oocytes were 3.1 (cow), 2.9 (rabbit), 2.9 (mouse), 2.6 (rat) and 2.5 (porcine), respectively. However that of cumulus cell was higher in rabbit (3.7) than in porcine (2.6), rat (2.3), cow (1.7) and mouse (0.3). The FDA-score of vitrified and thawed group C oocytes was higher in mouse (4.1) than in cow (2.9), rabbit (2.6), rat (1.3) and porcine (1.1). As shown in the above results, The survival rates of oocytes were higher in group A than in group B and C except in mouse and cow. These results suggest that the survival of cumulus cell as well as follicular oocytes can be reliably judged by their fluorescence with FDA-test.

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Injection-Acupuncture with Dexamethasone and Modified Moxibustion Treatment of a Downer Cow (기립 불능 우에 있어서 덱사메타손 수침 및 간이 뜸 치료)

  • Kim Duck-Hwan;Liu Jian-Zhu;MacManus Philip;Jennings Padraic;Darcy Karl;Burke Fiona;Slattery Gerry;Rogers Phil A.M.
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.69-71
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    • 2006
  • An 11-year-old, Shorthorn cow, reared near Gort Co. Galway, Ireland, needed assistance to calve. The cow became a downer on that day postpartum (pp). Injection-acupuncture with dexamethasone was used at lumbo-sacral space, GB30, ST36, GB31, BL40, ST40 and ST41. In addition, modified moxibustion was received at session 1. At session 2, the cow could not stand. At session 3, the cow tried to stand twice by herself but fell down again each time. However, she stood up with slight help on 10 days pp. The present patient was a case with downer cow syndrome which showed improvement of clinical symptoms by injection-acupuncture with dexamethasone plus modified moxibustion.

Cow Residual Feed Intake(RFI) monitoring and metabolic abnormality prediction system using wearable device for Milk cow and Beef

  • Chang, Jin-Wook;Kwak, Ho-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.26 no.10
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    • pp.139-145
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, by using the cattle feed intake, rumination, and in heat monitoring technology, RFI (Residual Feed Intake) monitoring and wearable devices and PCs for predicting abnormalities in budding target web and smart A monitoring system using a phone application was designed and implemented. With the development of this system, the farmer is expected to increase economic efficiency. By analyzing the feed intake, it is possible to identify the difference between the recommended feed amount based on the cow's weight and the feed amount consumed by the cow, and it is expected that early detection of metabolic disorders (abnormality of metabolism) is possible. Farmers using the results of this thesis can distinguish the cows with the most efficient performance, and the 6-axis motion sensor signals input from the wearable device attached to the cow's skin (neck) and the microphone attached to the wearable device. It is possible to measure the cow's rumination and feed intake through the sound of the cow's throat. In the future, improvements will be made to measure additional vital signs such as heart rate and respiration.

Comparative Studies on the Composition of Korean Human and Cow's Milk (II) -Studies on the Fatty Acid Composition of Human and Cow's Milk fats of Korea- (한국인(韓國人) 모유(母乳)의 우유(牛乳)와 성분조성(成分組成)에 관(關)한 비교연구(比較硏究) (II) -한국인(韓國人) 모유(母乳)와 우유지방중(牛乳脂肪中)의 지방산(脂肪酸) 조성(組成)의 비교(比較) 연구(硏究)-)

  • Ko, Young-Su;Yim, Won-Myung;Lee, Kyung-Ja
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.137-140
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    • 1970
  • The fatty acid compositions of cow's and human milk fats of Korea were compared by Gas-Liquid Chromatography(GLC) and general chemical compositions of their milks were also analyzed. Some similarities between human and cow's milk fatty acids were found. Human milk contained little butyric, caproic and caprylic acid were rich in linoleic acid. Cow's milk contained short chain fatty acids. Methylesters of the fatty acids were prepared by methanolysis.

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Effect of Farm, Cow Parity, AI Year and Sire on Gestation Duration in Hanwoo (한우 빈우의 임신기간에 대한 사육농가, 빈우산차, 수정년도 및 종모우의 효과)

  • 이덕희;이원봉;김정상;임진규;여영근;박영식
    • Korean Journal of Animal Reproduction
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.231-235
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    • 2001
  • Gestation duration of cow is an important economical trait. Shortening the gestation duration decreases the production cost and increases the competitiveness of Hanwoo industry. Thus, this study was carried out to analyse the effect of expected factors on gestation duration and make an alternative idea for reduced gestation duration. Gestation duration was not affected by cow-parity, but significantly affected by farm, Al year and sire. Therefore, reducing the gestation duration of Hanwoo may require both providing optimum feeding environment and nutrition management for cow and selecting optimum sire for AI.

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