• Title/Summary/Keyword: Korean and Chinese Markets

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Study on Factors Affecting Intention of Switching China's Mobile Telecommunication Service - Focusing on PPM Theory (중국 이동통신시장에서 서비스 전환의도에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구 - PPM 이론을 중심으로)

  • Jang, Hae-won;Kwak, Na-yeon;Lee, Choong C.
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.15 no.7
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    • pp.169-180
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    • 2017
  • China's mobile communication market has been growing quantitatively and qualitatively since 2000. Currently, it has secured 1.27 billion mobile subscribers and many of the Korean companies try to enter the Chinese market and cooperation with companies in China is being held. Thus understanding of the Chinese markets is the key to better prepare for future international competition. This study is to identify factors affecting switching intentions and behaviors for Chinese mobile subscribers to other mobile service providers by the PPM and it is to derive correlations between strategies of mobile service providers and users' switching intention by the groups classified by ARPU. We conducted a survey targeting 270 Chinese mobile users and analyze it by using Smart PLS 2.0. In conclusion, push effects have positive influence on intention to switching and relational switching cost among mooring effect have significantly negative influence on intention to switching In particular, intention to switching depending on the groups classified by a level of their ARPU have been shown as significantly different. This study will extend theoretical range of PPM theory in explaining users' switching behaviors and contribute to establish strategies to enter the chinese market.

Effects of Franchise Restaurant Selection Attributes on Perceived Value, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty (프랜차이즈 레스토랑의 선택속성이 지각된 가치와 고객만족 및 고객충성도에 미치는 영향)

  • Wang, Shuo;Lee, Yong-Ki;Kim, Sung-Hwan
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.7-19
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    • 2018
  • Purpose - Recently, global management in Korea franchise industry is becoming an important keyword. As an important branch market, Chinese market plays a major role not only by making experience of the competitiveness among global brands which offers a foothold to become a top global brand, but also by actualizing an economies of scale in production, sales, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to identify key successful factor influencing customer evaluation and responses of Korean franchise restaurant targeting Chinese consumers in China context. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects for Korean franchise restaurant selection attributes on perceived value, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in Chinese context with SmartPLS 3 and Artifical Neural Network(ANN). Research design, data, and methodology - For these purposes, the authors developed several hypotheses. A questionnaire survey was conducted on the panel of online survey companies for Chinese consumers who have visited Korean franchise restaurants. A total of 404 data were analyzed using structural equation modeling(SEM) and artifical neural network(ANN) with SPSS 22.0 and SmartPLS 3.0. Result - The findings of this study are as follows: First, the alternative model findings show that facilities & atmosphere, employee service, and menu influenced on utilitarian value, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty directly. Second, employee service influenced on customer satisfaction. Third, menu influenced on hedonic value. Fourth, brand reputation influenced on utilitarian value. Fifth, hedonic value increase customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. Sixth, hedonic value increase customer loyalty. Seventh, customer increase customer loyalty. And, the ANN analysis shows that utilitarian value is the first most important factor influencing customer satisfaction, followed by hedonic value, facilities & atmosphere, menu and employee service. However, the ANN analysis shows that customer satisfaction is the first most important factor influencing customer loyalty, followed by utilitarian value, hedonic value, brand reputation, menu, and employee service. Conclusions - This study provides practical implications for enhancing customer satisfaction and customer loyalty by applying the ANN technique that complements the limitations of the linear structural relationship analysis using the proposed model and the alternative model. In other words, the SEM-ANN model provides guidelines on how Korean franchise restaurants should formulate facilities & atmosphere, employee service, and menu mix strategies in China. In addition, ANN 's analysis shows that restaurant brand reputation plays a pivotal role in increasing customer loyalty. The fact suggests that Korean franchise companies should establish their domestic brand reputation prior to their entry into overseas markets such as China.

A Study on the Effects of Meterological Factors on the Distribution of Agricultural Products: Focused on the Distribution of Chinese Cabbages (기상요인이 농산물 유통에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 배추 유통 사례를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Hyunjoung;Hong, Jinhwan
    • Journal of Distribution Research
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.59-83
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    • 2012
  • Agriculture is a primary industry that influenced by the weather or meterological factors more than other industry. Global warming and worldwide climate changes, and unusual weather phenomena are fatal in agricultural industry and human life. Therefore, many previous studies have been made to find the relationship between weather and the productivity of agriculture. Meterological factors also influence on the distribution of agricultural product. For example, price of agricultural product is determined in the market, and also influenced by the weather of the market. However, there is only a few study was made to find this link. The objective of this study is to investigate the effects of meterological factors on the distribution of agricultural products, focusing on the distribution of chinese cabbages. Chinese cabbage is a main ingredient of Kimchi, and basic essential vegetable in Korean dinner table. However, the production of chinese cabbages is influenced by weather and very fluctuating so that the variation of its price is so unstable. Therefore, both consumers and farmers do not feel comfortable at the unstable price of chinese cabbages. In this study, we analyze the real transaction data of chinese cabbage in wholesale markets and meterological factors depending on the variety and geography. We collect and analyze data of meterological factors such as temperatures, humidity, cloudiness, rainfall, snowfall, wind speed, insolation, sunshine duration in producing and consuming region of chinese cabbages. The result of this study shows that the meterological factors such as temperature and humidity significantly influence on the volume and price of chinese cabbage transaction in wholesale market. Especially, the weather of consuming region has greater correlation effects on transaction than that of producing region in all types of chinese cabbages. Among the whole agricultural lifecycle of chinese cabbages, 'seeding - harvest - shipment - wholesale', meterological factors such as temperature and rainfall in shipment and wholesale period are significantly correlated with transaction volume and price of crops. Based on the result of correlation analysis, we make a regression analysis to verify the meterological factors' effects on the volume and price of chines cabbage transaction in wholesale market. The results of stepwise regression analysis are shown in

    . The type of chinese cabbages are categorized by 5 types, i.e. alpine, gimjang for winter, spring, summer, and winter crop, and all of the regression models are shown significant relationship. In addition, meterological factors in shipment and wholesale period are entered more in regression model than those in seeding and harvest period. This result implies that weather in consuming region is also important in the distribution of chinese cabbages. Based on the result of this study, we find several implications and recommendations for policy makers of agricultural product distribution. The goal of agricultural product distribution policy is to insure proper price and production cost for farmers and provide proper price and quality, and stable supply for consumers. Therefore, coping with the uncertainty of weather is very essential to make a fruitful effect of the policy. In reality, very big part of consumer price of chinese cabbage is made up of the margin of intermediaries, because they take the risk. In addition, policy makers make efforts for farmers to utilize AWIS (Agricultural Weather Information System). In order to do that, it should integrate the relevant information including distribution and marketing as well as production. Offering a consulting service to farmers about weather management is also expected to be a good option in agriculture and weather industry. Reflecting on the result of this study, the distribution authorities can offer the guideline for the timing and volume of harvest, and it is expected to contribute to the stable equilibrium of supply and demand of agricultural products.

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  • An Entry Strategies on the Western China of Korean Logistics Corporations (한국물류기업의 중국서부지역 진출 전략)

    • Choi, Hyuk-Jun
      • International Commerce and Information Review
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      • v.18 no.3
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      • pp.131-151
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      • 2016
    • The Korea-China FTA and China's huge development policy for its western regions could create a strategic opportunity for Korean Companies. This study suggests a strategy for expanding the domestic activities of Korean logistics Corporations and supporting the activities of Korean Companies operating in China. Using surveys of 32 Korean Logistics Corporations, important factors to consider when expanding into western China were analyzed. The results identified factors in the order of government, local markets, strategy, infrastructure, and finance and budget. The "development of Chinese Logistics specialists," "economic cooperation with the local governments of western China," and "holding investment Fairs and exhibitions" were important government-related factors. "Understanding entry permits and procedures for logistics corporations in China" and "understanding the logistics system of western China" were also shown to be important factors. Furthermore, governmental factors were suggested to be significant by large, medium-sized, and small businesses alike, while the factor of local markets was suggested to be significant by small-scale businesses.

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    Monitoring of Pesticide Residues in Leafy Vegetables Collected from Wholesale and Traditional Markets in Cheongju (청주지역 도매 및 재래시장 유통 엽채류 중 잔류농약 모니터링)

    • Noh, Hyun-Ho;Park, Young-Soon;Kang, Kyung-Won;Paik, Hyo-Kyung;Lee, Kwang-Hun;Lee, Jae-Yun;Yeop, Kyung-Won;Choi, Song-Rim;Kyung, Kee-Sung
      • The Korean Journal of Pesticide Science
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      • v.14 no.4
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      • pp.381-393
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      • 2010
    • In order to monitor the residual characteristics of the pesticides in leafy vegetables selling at wholesale markets and traditional markets in Cheongju, a total of 180 samples of 15 leafy vegetables, such as broccoli, celery, chard, chicory, Chinese vegetable, Chwinamul, crown daisy, Korean cabbage, leek, lettuce, perilla leaves, Shinsuncho, spinach, welsh onion and young radish, were purchased from the wholesale markets and traditional markets in June and August in 2010 and the pesticide residues in them were analyzed by multiresidue analysis method using GLC, HPLC and GC-MSD. Seven pesticides were detected from 12 samples out of total 180 samples collected, representing detection rate was 6.7%. In case of the samples collected from markets in June, four pesticides including tefluthrin were detected from six samples and in case of the samples collected from markets in August, three pesticides including pendimethalin were detected from three samples. The MRL-exceeding rate of pesticides detected from leafy vegetables was 0.6%. The pesticide exceeded its MRL was azoxystrobin detected from crown daisy and many pesticides were not registered to the crops, excepting that azoxystrobin detected from Chwinamul and tefluthrin from leek. Estimated daily intakes (EDIs) of the pesticides detected from leafy vegetables were less than 7% of their acceptable daily intakes (ADIs), representing that residue levels of the pesticides detected were evaluated as safe.

    Determination of the Adulteration of Sesame Oils Sold in Markets by Gas Chromatography (시중 참기름에 혼입된 이종기름에 관하여)

    • 유영찬;박유신;정희선;정진일
      • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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      • v.7 no.1
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      • pp.29-36
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      • 1992
    • This study primarily attempted to establish the method for the determination of the adulteration in the sesame oil. First of all, extensive experiment was conducted to determine the composition of genuine sesame oil prepared from Korean, Japanese, Taiwanese and Chinese sesame seed. Sesamin and sterols in unsaponfiable matter were examined along with fatty acid in saponifiable fraction by Gc. There was no significant difference in the composition of sesamin and sterols in sesame oils prepared from Korean and foreign seeds. The ranges of sesamin and ${\beta}-sitosterol$ against campesterol were 3.32~5.46 and 2.39~2.99 respectively in all samples. Similiar composition of fatty acids was showed in all pure sesame oils, in which the contents were 8.37~lO.09% palmitic acid, 4.61~5.50% stearic acid, 35.24~39.97% oleic acid, 43.04~49.76% linoleic acid, O.21~O.31% linolenic acid and 0.40~O.69% arachidic acid. Among the commercial sesame oils sold in Markets, three sesame oils from Japan revealed low sesamin, high linoleic acid and linolenic acid, and low oleic acid and stearic acid, suggesting the adulteration with soybean oil.

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    A Study on the Restructuring of Seaweed Processing Industry (완도지역 미역가공업의 구조재편에 관한 사례 연구)

    • Baek, Eun-Young;Yutaka, Nakai
      • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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      • v.38 no.1 s.73
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      • pp.47-70
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      • 2007
    • The seaweed processing industry in Korea has developed since the late of 1970s, motivated by exports of salted seaweed to the Japan market. However, due to the keen competition of Korean salted and dried seaweed with chinese products in the japan market, exports of Korean seaweed have been in the decreasing. It also has promoted the restructuring of the seaweed processing industry itself as follows: first, the processing type has been changed from the slated seaweed processing to the dried seaweed processing. Second, domestic markets for seaweed have been significantly expanded. This study is aimed to investigate some problems that the seaweed processing industry currently faces and to provide responding strategies for its development by analyzing a background, characteristics, and business types in the Wando region of Jeollanamdo that is a primary region of the seaweed processing industry in Korea. The background that the seaweed processing industry in Wando region could be started and developed is that first, small and mid-size salted seaweed processing companies have grown fast due to the exports to the japan market. Second, various business conditions, including seaweed materials, labors that are very important factors for the seaweed processing were more suitable compared to other regions. As characteristics of the seaweed processing industry, it shows that small-scale companies have a larger decreasing rate in sales and over 85% companies process seaweed together with other materials such as kelp, etc. The biggest problem that the seaweed processing industry has is that it has not timely responded to changes in domestic and international markets. Therefore, it is very important to cope with market changes by both introducing an aquaculture outlook service for seaweed and promoting higher value-added products and demands through publicities.

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    Neo-Han Ryu Market Segmentation based on Psychographic profile among Chinese and Japanese visitors (신한류에 대한 Psychographics에 따른 시장세분화 -중국인 및 일본인 관광객을 대상으로-)

    • Jung, Hee-Jin;Back, Yong-Chang;Lee, Gye-Hee
      • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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      • v.12 no.7
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      • pp.3006-3015
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      • 2011
    • Psychological involvement, belief, and attitude as important variables in explaining tourism behavior have been widely examined in the tourism context for its usefulness in differentiating markets. This study investigated foreign tourists' Neo-Han Ryu related trip behaviors based on their psychological involvement, belief, and attitude toward Neo-Han Ryu. A self-administered on-site survey was conducted in January 2010. Three distinctive clusters were identified from cluster analysis. These three segment show sharp contrast in terms of their psychological involvement, attitude and belief about Neo-Han Ryu and thus differ from each other with respect to their behaviors, including satisfaction, intention to revisit, recommendation, and trip expenditure. The results clearly indicate that the segment with a high Neo-Han Ryu involvement reported stronger intention to revisit and recommendation to others compared to the less involved segments. The findings provides important implications to the marketers regarding how to utilize Neo-Han Ryu to expand Korean inbound market and how to select target markets.

    An Analysis of Core Competence of Pre-construction Service of the Making Inroads into Oversea Construction Market (*for the Entry in the International Construction Business) (해외건설시장 진출을 위한 건설사의 Pre-construction Service 핵심역량 분석)

    • Byun, Il-Woo;Kim, Ye-Sang
      • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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      • v.13 no.2
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      • pp.80-90
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      • 2012
    • In 2011, the overall construction markets in KOREA are highly depressed due to decreases in orders of domestic construction markets in both private and public field. Also, we are losing competitive advantages over Chinese and Indian companies owing to the market shares on plant construction projects excessively. It is recognizable, under the circumstances that we are in interior position on high value technique to other advanced countries, that the orders of mega building and plant construction projects tend to be placed through the" Pre-construction Service", the importance of which has been emphasized domestically and internationally in recent time. However, current domestic construction companies show scarcity in understanding the general idea of the Pre-construction Service and fail in building proper structure of it. It is obvious that they cannot have any competent strategy to deal with Pre-construction Service. The Purpose of this paper is to analyze the core competence throughout preconstruction phase and, and make up for the weakness in the current pre-construction service process.

    A Comparative Analysis of Logistics Policy and Corporate Strategy for China in Korea and Japan (한국과 일본의 대(對)중국 물류정책 및 기업전략 비교분석)

    • Jeong, Seung-Yeon;Kim, Woong-Hee
      • Journal of International Area Studies (JIAS)
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      • v.13 no.4
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      • pp.467-490
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      • 2010
    • This paper compared the cases of Korea and Japan on the basis of three research goals as follows. Above all, this paper tries to illuminate differences in logistics policies for China in Korea and Japan at governmental levels after understanding their distinct features. Then, after investigating investments of Korean and Japanese firms in China and their specific cases at corporate levels, this paper tries to illuminate similarities and differences of corporate strategies in Korean and Japanese logistics firms. Finally, this paper attempts to derive implications for Korean governments and firms through the comparative study. Main results of this study are as follows. First, even though logistics policies of Korean and Japanese government are similar in admitting the significance of China, Japanese policies are broader by admitting the significance of cooperating with ASEAN nations. Second, Japanese firms provide more diverse entire logistics services and also retained wider logistics networks than Korean counterparts in Chinese logistics markets. Thus, Korean logistics firms need to pursue to establish strategic cooperation with other foreign firms in China.

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