• 제목/요약/키워드: Korean Traditional Medicine

검색결과 5,938건 처리시간 0.028초

Effect of Traditional Korean Medicine Treatment Including Acupotomy on the Level of Pain and Quality of Life of Patients with Cervical Herniated Intervertebral Disc: A Retrospective Observational Study

  • Kim, Beom Seok;Sung, Ki Jung;Lee, Ye Ji;Jeon, Ju Hyun;Kim, Young Il
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • 제38권3호
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    • pp.227-232
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    • 2021
  • Background: The purpose of this study was to statistically analyze the treatment effect and patient satisfaction of traditional Korean medicine, including acupotomy treatment of cervical herniated intervertebral disc. Methods: This was a retrospective study of 22 patients who received traditional Korean medicine including acupotomy treatment amongst all patients diagnosed with cervical herniated intervertebral discs at the Korean Medicine hospital in Daejeon, Korean, from January 01, 2020 to April 30, 2021. The clinical data from patient medical records were statistically analyzed. Results: The Numeric Rating Scale, the European Quality of Life 5 Dimensions, and the European Quality of Life Visual Analogue Scale questionnaire scores were each compared before and after traditional Korean medicine treatment, including acupotomy, showed significantly improved scores after treatment (p < 0.001). Out of a total of 22 patients, 11 rated the treatment "very satisfactory" (50%), 5 "satisfactory" (22.7%), 5 "indifferent" (22.7%), 1 "unsatisfactory" (4.5%), and 0 "very unsatisfactory" (0%). Of the total 22 patients, 17 patients (77.3%) were willing to have further treatment, and 5 patients (22.7%) were not willing. Conclusion: Traditional Korean medicine treatment including acupotomy was an effective treatment for cervical herniated intervertebral discs. To determine the effect of an individual application (e.g., acupotomy) of traditional Korean medicine treatment for cervical herniated intervertebral disc, a prospective, controlled study is needed.

최근 일부 중국인(中國人)의 중의사(中醫師).중의학(中醫學) 관련 인식(認識).태도(態度) 및 의료행위(醫療行爲)에 관한 연구 (KAP Study on Chinese Traditinal Doctor, Hospital and Medicine in China)

  • 이선동;김명동
    • 대한한의학회지
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    • 제18권2호
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    • pp.187-198
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    • 1997
  • The degree of KAP study on Chinease traditional medicine and doctor was examined with some chinease living yenbian district(延邊) from July 1st to August 30th in 1996. The result of the study for predicting health and ill patterns runs as fellows. 1. It is understand to strength and variety about role of chinease traditional medicine doctors and the curable disease. 2. Although most patients go to chinease traditional medicine clinic for the purpose of medicine herbs in package, acupuncture and industry-made pharm, they think the medical fee a little high(70.6%). 3. The 66.7% of respondents recognize chinease traditional medicine doctors as a profession and others think them only abundant works ; therefore it is rather low to ink chinease traditional doctors a profession. 4. Most respondents think that chinease traditional medicine should improved in the inside ; such as scientific reinforcement of theory, lack of univerality, improvment and enlargement of insurance, unkindness, shortage of publicity, dropped equipment, system of medical specialist, lack of integration with westem medicine, exact diagnosis and confidence of remedy, and low efficacy, etc. 5. Chinease likes more experienced-traditional doctor than beginner(78.3%) 6. The policy of korean government against 100 herbal prescription right by western pharmacy has taken the negative recognition(74.6%), 7. The degree that acknowleges of chinease traditional medicine through thease basic contents is average 47.3 mark. To be brief, although the step of the recognition and attitude of oriental medicine is less or very affirmative aspect, actully considerable positive factors is in the last chosen step. In conclusion KAP study connected chinease traditional medicine and doctor has very much postive factors.

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교통사고 상해 증후군 환자들에 대한 한의치료 경험의 질적 연구 -근거이론 접근방법으로 - (A Qualitative Study on the Treatment Process Experiences of Patients with Whiplash Associated Disorder Treated with Traditional Korean Medicine - Based on the Grounded Theory Approach -)

  • 임세훈;이승훈;이승민;남동우;김용석
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • 제33권4호
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    • pp.73-92
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    • 2016
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study is to understand the treatment process experiences of patients with whiplash associated disorder treated with Traditional Korean Medicine. Methods : This study was based on grounded theory. We recruited a total of 10 participants between the ages of 19 and 65, who were hospitalized at Kyung Hee University Korean Medicine Hospital and received treatment after traffic accidents from January to October 2014. Data was collected from in-depth interviews and notes, and was analyzed using open coding, axial coding and selective coding. Results : The core category of the phenomenon: 'The experiences of the treatment process for patients with whiplash associated disorder treated with Traditional Korean Medicine', was elicited as 'The selection of Traditional Korean Medicine treatment over other treatments for holistic healing that supplement for the deficiencies of Western medical treatment'. Conclusion :' The experiences of treatment process for patients with whiplash associated disorder treated with Traditional Korean Medicine', was elicited as 'The selection of the Traditional Korean Medicine treatment over other treatments for holistic healing that complements deficiency of the Western medical treatment'.

한의원 환경 및 한의사의 진료 현황에 대한 연구 (A Survey of the Medical Treatment Environment in Traditional Korean Medicine Clinics)

  • 박요한;황대선;신현규
    • 대한한의학회지
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    • 제32권4호
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    • pp.25-36
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    • 2011
  • Objective: To check the status of traditional Korean medical doctors' medical services amid the continual increase in the number of traditional Korean medicine clinics. Methods: A survey of traditional Korean medicine clinics based on questionnaire sheets mailed to 4,200 out of 10,895 clinics, of which 465, or 11.0%, responded, in the June 1, 2008 to December 9, 2008 period. Results: 1. 65.6% of the traditional Korean responding clinics are doing business in a rented space; 92.1%of them are one-person institutions; 24.4% of them, i.e., the largest group of those surveyed, operate in a space sized 41 (123 $m^2$)~50 pyeong (150$m^2$). The number of sick beds installed in their facilities comes to 7.9 on average. 2. Concerning support staff, 190 of them (or 40.9%), i.e., the largest group of those surveyed, employ two people in this capacity. They generally comprise assistant nurses (48.7%) and others (47.6%). 3. The size of the space used by the clinics is showing a tendency to increase. The number of sick beds and support staff, including assistant nurses, reached a peak in 2006, and has been on the decrease since then. 4. The average number of on-days comes to six days a week among 92.6% of those surveyed. Their average daily service hours come to 9 hours and 33 minutes (from 9:17 am to 6:50 pm). 5. Per-patient service time: 14 minutes on average; per-patient acupuncture time: 18.8 minutes; per-patient moxa cautery time: 10.1 minutes per-patient; boil-cupping time: 5.7 minutes; per-patient physical treatment: 28 minutes. Conclusion: Periodical studies should be carried out concerning desirable ways of developing traditional Korean medicine clinics with the focus on the facilities, doctors' service hours, and types of service.

중국, 대만, 일본, 북한의 전통의학 질병분류 체계에 대한 연구 (The research on the disease classifications of the traditional medicine in China, Japan, Taiwan, and North Korea)

  • 최선미;신민규;신현규
    • 한국한의학연구원논문집
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.81-100
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    • 1999
  • The result from the research on the disease classifications of the traditional medicine in China, Japan, Taiwan, and North Korea are followings: 1. It is remarkable that China has two different classifications. One is of the diseases named by western medicine and the other is of the syndromes compounded with parts, characters, and pathology of the diseases. The Traditional Chinese Medicine has 615 codes for diseases in 7 departments, and 1684 codes for syndromes. It seems that they have tried to match each disease named by the traditional chinese medicine to each one named by western medicine. But, they have left the diseases impossible to be equivalent to the ones in western medicine themselves and used the same codes of western medicine when the diseases are the same ones in western medicine. 2. In Taiwan, they try to connect the diseases named by the traditional medicine to the ones named by western medicine based on ICD-9. But, they did not attempt to classify the diseases of the traditional medicine by its own ways. The names of diseases in Taiwan medicine include both diseases and syndromes. It is limited to name syndromes by the traditional medicine. And, Taiwan medicine follows ICD in naming injuries. 3. Japan has not got the disease classification for the causes of death, but only the Japanese disease classification for the causes of death, a translation 'The international disease classification for the causes of death. Therefore, The diseases named by traditional medicines are excluded in the public medicine by some Japanese medicines which diagnose through the western medicine and treat by Wa Kang medicine. 4. I can't find out the data over the disease classification for the causes of death by traditional medicine in North Korea. Instead, I can refer to case histories in which differentiation of symptoms and signs and points about them by traditional medicine and the final diagnoses and report about examination by the western medicine has been recorded. In conclusion, It is a distinctive feature that they connect the diseases and the syndromes by the traditional medicine to the ones by the western medicine, and don't tell the diseases from the syndromes.

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한의학교육에서 통합교육과정의 도입과 운영을 위한 고려 사항 (Considerations for the Introduction and Operation of an Integrated Curriculum in Traditional Korean Medicine Education)

  • 조학준;민성호
    • 한국의사학회지
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    • 제34권2호
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    • pp.45-63
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    • 2021
  • This study considers the stages of curriculum development for the integrated curriculum of Pusan National University Graduate School & Hospital of Korean Medicine, and specifically the KAS2021 (announced in 2019), improvement measures for the curriculum of the College of Traditional Korean Medicine, and the case of the College of Medicine. The introduction of integrated curriculum in the College of Traditional Korean Medicine starts from the members (doers)' agreement. In the process of development, the organization that represents the members, the organization that sets up a goal and designs the curriculum, and the organization that executes them should fulfill their own roles. The stage of development and operation should have the support system for manpower, institution, administration, and finance. The curriculum (draft) should be concrete enough to be operated in reality. For the smooth operation of integrated education, it is necessary to secure more full-time teachers than before, and it is also necessary to have an organization fully in charge of monitoring and improving the operation. For the introduction and operation of integrated curriculum in Traditional Korean Medicine education, the members' agreement, institutional change, support system, and the cultivation of manpower for the operation/evaluation/development of curriculum should be considered.

자외선으로 유도된 피부손상에 대한 한의학계의 연구동향 (Analysis of Research Trend on Ultraviolet Induced Skin Damage in the Korean Traditional Medicine Field)

  • 김태연;성현경
    • 대한예방한의학회지
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.83-101
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    • 2015
  • Objective : In order to establish the scientific research methods to prove the effects of korean traditional medicine about ultraviolet induced skin damage, we investigated the research on ultraviolet induced skin damage in the korean traditional medicine field. Method : We searched the papers about ultraviolet induced skin damage published in the journals of korean traditional medicine. The searching end date was on June 29, 2015. Results : Thirty papers about ultraviolet induced skin damage were found. Twenty nine papers were experimental research, and one paper was clinical research. Sixty-three percent of papers were written the years after 2011. Fifty-seven percent of papers were published in the korean journal of oriental physiology & pathology and the journal of korean oriental medical ophthalmology & otolaryngology & dermatology. Main outcome measures of experimental research were anti-wrinkle effects, anti-oxidant capacity, anti-apoptosis effects, whitening effects and anti-inflammatory effects. Conclusion : We need more systematic research in order to prove the effects of korean traditional medicine, and use extensively.

곽향정기산에 얽힌 허준 설화 (Heo jun' s traditional tales connected with Gwakhyangjeonggisan)

  • 박수진;안상우;이선아
    • 한국한의학연구원논문집
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    • 제13권1호통권19호
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    • pp.69-75
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    • 2007
  • There are various treatment methods in traditional tales concerning Heo jun. Among these tales We will introduce cases connected with Gwakhyangjeonggisan. In this treatise We will not lay great emphasis on significance in oriental medicine but on significance of traditional tale. This study will provide some research material on traditional medicine.

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통합 의학 치료로 5년 생존 및 완전 관해에 도달한 췌장암 증례 보고 1례 (Case Report on the Five-year Survival and Complete Response of a Patient with Pancreatic Cancer Treated with Integrative Medicine)

  • 정유진;김지수;박경덕;오유나;정범진;방선휘
    • 대한한방내과학회지
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    • 제44권3호
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    • pp.562-577
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    • 2023
  • Objectives: This is a five-year survival and complete response (CR) report on pancreatic cancer treated with western medicine and Korean traditional medicine. Method: A 59-year-old woman diagnosed with pancreatic cancer visited ○○ Korean traditional medicine hospital after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and pylorus-preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy. She was treated with Korean traditional medicine, including acupuncture, abdominal moxibustion, wild ginseng pharmacopuncture, and herbal medicine, which was based on integrated medicine therapy (IMT), from March 2018 to September 2022. The tumor size was measured by scanning with computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging, and positron-emission tomography/CT. Adverse events were evaluated using laboratory conclusion and National Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events version 5.0. Result: During four years and three months of treatment, IMT maintained safety. The patient finally reached five-year survival without any recurrence or complication (CR) on October 26, 2022. Conclusion: We suggest that an integrative approach including Korean traditional medicine can be a meaningful treatment option for pancreatic cancer. Further studies should be performed to establish the proper treatment protocol of integrative medicine for pancreatic cancer.

알러젠 제거 옻나무 추출물 위주의 한방치료로 관리한 저등급 자궁내막 간질육종 증례 보고 (A Case of Metastatic Low-grade Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma Patient Managed with Allergen-removed Rhus Verniciflua Stokes Based on Traditional Korean Medicine)

  • 권은미;이수경;이상헌;김경석;윤성우;최원철;한종현;정현식
    • 대한암한의학회지
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2011
  • Background : Approximately 50% of patients with low-grade endometrial stromal sarcoma (LGESS) develops recurrent disease, mainly in lung or pelvis. Peritoneal metastasis of LGESS is an extremely rare phenomenon. Optimal treatment for metsatatic LGESS has not been established. Case : A 43-year-old woman had been diagnosed with LGESS with aortocaval lymphadenopathy. Despite of surgical resection, adjuvant radiation, chemotherapy and hormonal therapy, multiple lung and peritoneal metastasis developed after 15 months from initial treatment. Additional chemotherapy was done, but disease progressed. She had treatment with the allergen-removed Rhus verniciflua Stokes (aRVS) from November 2010 to May 2011. About 5 months to progression was observed. Conclusion : We suggests that aRVS could be an alternative treatment option for the metastatic LGESS patients. Further clinical studies on the efficacy of aRVS against metastatic LGESS are needed.