• Title/Summary/Keyword: Korean Input

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Development of an image processing algorithm for korean document recognition (인식률을 향상한 한글문서 인식 알고리즘 개발)

  • 김희식;김영재;이평원
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1997.10a
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    • pp.1391-1394
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    • 1997
  • This paper proposes a new image processing algorithm to recognize korean documents. It take out the region of text area form input image, then it makes esgmentation of lines, words and characters in the text. A precision segmentation is very important to recognize the input document. The input image has 8-bit gray scaled resolution. Not only the histogram but also brightness dispersion graph are used for segmentation. The result shows a higher accuracy of document recognition.

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End-to-end Korean Document Summarization using Copy Mechanism and Input-feeding (복사 방법론과 입력 추가 구조를 이용한 End-to-End 한국어 문서요약)

  • Choi, Kyoung-Ho;Lee, Changki
    • Journal of KIISE
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.503-509
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, the copy mechanism and input feeding are applied to recurrent neural network(RNN)-search model in a Korean-document summarization in an end-to-end manner. In addition, the performances of the document summarizations are compared according to the model and the tokenization format; accordingly, the syllable-unit, morpheme-unit, and hybrid-unit tokenization formats are compared. For the experiments, Internet newspaper articles were collected to construct a Korean-document summary data set (train set: 30291 documents; development set: 3786 documents; test set: 3705 documents). When the format was tokenized as the morpheme-unit, the models with the input feeding and the copy mechanism showed the highest performances of ROUGE-1 35.92, ROUGE-2 15.37, and ROUGE-L 29.45.

An Application of the Genetic Algorithm for the Input Shaper on the High Order System (입력 성형기의 고차 시스템 적용을 위한 GA활용)

  • Jeong, Hwang Hun;Yun, So Nam;Lee, Sang Hun
    • Journal of Drive and Control
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2020
  • Recently, industrial systems are becoming quicker and lighter to enable the reduction of energy consumption and increase productivity. So the latest systems are more flexible and rapid than the previous systems. But, with this improvement, another problem has emerged, such as the increase in residual vibration when a system is started or stopped. The input shaper is a command generation method that can remove residual vibration. It can provide a solution to the problem of residual vibration in industrial systems. However, it is difficult to generate the input shaper in high order systems, such as a typical industrial system because the input shaper is induced from the system's vibration characteristics. This study focused on the extra insensitivity shaper that can compensate for the system's modeling error such as input dynamics, and the high order's system affection. A genetic algorithm was deployed to adjust a vibration limitation for the extra insensitivity of the input shaper. A plant is a low damping system that includes one zero and a pole. The fitness functions are an error signal of the system's response with normalized frequency variations. Verification of the suggested system is satisfied by comparison between the zero vibration derivative input shaper's response and the suggested one.

Input-Series-Output-Parallel Connected DC/DC Converter for a Photovoltaic PCS with High Efficiency under a Wide Load Range

  • Lee, Jong-Pil;Min, Byung-Duk;Kim, Tae-Jin;Yoo, Dong-Wook;Yoo, Ji-Yoon
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.9-13
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    • 2010
  • This paper proposes an input-series-output-parallel connected ZVS full bridge converter with interleaved control for photovoltaic power conditioning systems (PV PCS). The input-series connection enables a fully modular power-system architecture, where low voltage and standard power modules can be connected in any combination at the input and/or at the output, to realize any given specifications. Further, the input-series connection enables the use of low-voltage MOSFETs that are optimized for a very low RDSON, thus, resulting in lower conduction losses. The system costs decrease due to the reduced current, and the volumes of the output filters due to the interleaving technique. A topology for a photovoltaic (PV) dc/dc converter that can dramatically reduce the power rating and increase the efficiency of a PV system by analyzing the PV module characteristics is proposed. The control scheme, consisting of an output voltage loop, a current loop and input voltage balancing loops, is proposed to achieve input voltage sharing and output current sharing. The total PV system is implemented for a 10-kW PV power conditioning system (PCS). This system has a dc/dc converter with a 3.6-kW power rating. It is only one-third of the total PV PCS power. A 3.6-kW prototype PV dc/dc converter is introduced to experimentally verify the proposed topology. In addition, experimental results show that the proposed topology exhibits good performance.

A Study on Composition of VSNR Circuit by Operational Amplifier (확산증폭기에 의한 전압안정 부저항회로의 구성에 대하여)

  • 박의열
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.7-11
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    • 1976
  • A voltage-stable negative resistance circuit with operational amplifier is proposed, and circuit analysis is given all the input voltage range. The behavior of the v-i characteristics in the nogative resistance region is devided into two causes, and top points in the input v-i characteristics of the circuit is analyzed with them. Experimental results of the v-i characteristics of the proposed circuit has a good linearity in the negative region with negative resistance, -86$\Omega$~-833$\Omega$ for the input voltage, $\pm$ 1~$\pm$ 5 colts. The v-i characteristics of the circuit in all the input voltage range is discussed.

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  • Jeong, Gab-Joong;Lee, Bhum-Cheol
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.373-376
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    • 2003
  • This paper presents a new, three-dimensional round-robin scheduler that provides high throughput and fair across in an advanced input-queued packet switch using shared input buffers. We consider an architecture in which each input port group shares a common buffer and maintains a separate queue for each output, which is ratted the distributed common input buffer switch. In an NxN switch, our scheduler determines which queue in the total MxN input queues is served during each time slot where M is the number of common buffers. We suppose that each common buffer has K input ports and K output ports, and manages N output queues. The 3DRR scheduler determines MxK queues in every K(M) cycle when $K\geq$M (K$\leq$M), and provides massively parallel processing for the applications of high-speed switches with a large number of ports. The 3-DRR scheduler can be implemented using duplicated simple logic components allowing very high-speed implementation.

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Handwriting and Voice Input using Transparent Input Overlay (투명한 입력오버레이를 이용한 필기 및 음성 입력)

  • Kim, Dae-Hyun;Kim, Myoung-Jun;Lee, Zin-O
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.245-254
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    • 2008
  • This paper proposes a unified multi-modal input framework to interface the recognition engines such as IBM ViaVoice and Microsoft handwriting-recognition system with general window applications, particularly, for pen-input displays. As soon as user pushes a hardware button attached to the pin-input display with one hand, the current window of focus such as a internet search window and a word processor is overlaid with a transparent window covering the whole desktop; upon which user inputs handwriting with the other hand, without losing the focus of attention on working context. As well as freeform handwriting on this transparent input overlay as a sketch pad, the user can dictate some words and draw diagrams to communicate with the system.

Changes in Phytoplankton Community Structure by Freshwater Input in the Cheonsu Bay, Korea (담수 유입에 따른 천수만 해역의 식물플랑크톤 군집 변화)

  • Lee, Seung-Min;Chang, Soo-Jung;Heo, Seung
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.28 no.11
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    • pp.1005-1017
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    • 2019
  • Environmental factors and changes in phytoplankton community structure before (August 5, 2017), during (August 18 and 25) and after (August 30 and September 15) freshwater input were analyzed to investigate the effects of freshwater input from Ganwol and Bunam lakes located in the upper part of Cheonsu Bay. Due to the large amount of freshwater input in the Cheonsu Bay, the surface salinity of the bay decreased by more than 8 psu, and the thermocline existing in the bay during August weakened. In addition, hypoxic phenomena occurred temporarily in the bay as the low oxygen water mass from the freshwater lakes flowed into the bay, and chemical oxygen demand, nutrients, and N/P increased with freshwater inflow. The density of phytoplankton during the freshwater inflow increased owing to their input from the freshwater lakes. Diatom species (Eucampia zodiacus) dominated the phytoplankton community in the bay before freshwater input; nanoflagellates, chlorophyta, cyanobacteria, and diatoms (Pseudonitzschia delicatissima, Chateocceros spp.) entered during freshwater input; and after freshwater inflow ended, diatoms (Chateocceros spp.) again became predominant indicating a return to previous conditions. The amount of phytoplankton standing crops increased sharply due to the inflow of freshwater species into the bay on the second day of discharge compared to before freshwater input; pre-discharge conditions were restored at most stations except at some sites close to the Bunam Lake three days after discharge. Therefore, the large amount of freshwater flowing into the bay affects not only the geochemical circulation in the bay but also the phytoplankton community structure. In particular, the high concentration of nutrients in the freshwater lake affect the marine ecosystem of the bay during August.

Usability Evaluation between Pen and Touch Method in SmartPhone (스마트폰에서 펜 방식과 터치 방식의 사용성 평가)

  • Han, Sang-geun;Song, Seung-keun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2014.05a
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    • pp.518-519
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    • 2014
  • The smartphone of pen input device makes a stage appearance by the development of the latest technology. Such smartphone chooses both touch method using hand and pen input device simultaneously. This research try to conduct usability evaluation in order to find the user's preference between pen input and touch input method. We recruit five novices and five expert for it. We presented all participants the task of touch input and pen input in series. This research conducts the unstructured interview after doing tasks as a pilot study. As a result, we found that it was influenced according to the feature of the task. However, most of the participants prefer to do touch method overall. Specially the result of this research reveals that the novice group prefers the pen input method. We expect to suggest the design guideline for product development to extend pen input method in smartphone.

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Evaluating LIMU System Quality with Interval Evidence and Input Uncertainty

  • Xiangyi Zhou;Zhijie Zhou;Xiaoxia Han;Zhichao Ming;Yanshan Bian
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.17 no.11
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    • pp.2945-2965
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    • 2023
  • The laser inertial measurement unit is a precision device widely used in rocket navigation system and other equipment, and its quality is directly related to navigation accuracy. In the quality evaluation of laser inertial measurement unit, there is inevitably uncertainty in the index input information. First, the input numerical information is in interval form. Second, the index input grade and the quality evaluation result grade are given according to different national standards. So, it is a key step to transform the interval information input by the index into the data form consistent with the evaluation result grade. In the case of uncertain input, this paper puts forward a method based on probability distribution to solve the problem of asymmetry between the reference grade given by the index and the evaluation result grade when evaluating the quality of laser inertial measurement unit. By mapping the numerical relationship between the designated reference level and the evaluation reference level of the index information under different distributions, the index evidence symmetrical with the evaluation reference level is given. After the uncertain input information is transformed into evidence of interval degree distribution by this method, the information fusion of interval degree distribution evidence is carried out by interval evidential reasoning algorithm, and the evaluation result is obtained by projection covariance matrix adaptive evolution strategy optimization. Taking a five-meter redundant laser inertial measurement unit as an example, the applicability and effectiveness of this method are verified.