• Title/Summary/Keyword: Korean Bell

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Comparison of conservative therapy and steroid therapy for Bell's palsy in children

  • Yoo, Hye Won;Yoon, Lira;Kim, Hye Young;Kwak, Min Jung;Park, Kyung Hee;Bae, Mi Hye;Lee, Yunjin;Nam, Sang Ook;Kim, Young Mi
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.61 no.10
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    • pp.332-337
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: Bell's palsy is characterized by sudden onset of unilateral facial weakness. The use of corticosteroids for childhood Bell's palsy is controversial. This study aimed to identify clinical characteristics, etiology, and laboratory findings in childhood Bell's palsy, and to evaluate the efficacy of corticosteroid treatment. Methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis of children under 19 years of age treated for Bell's palsy between January 2009 and June 2017, and followed up for over 1 month. Clinical characteristics, neuroimaging data, laboratory findings, treatments, and outcomes were reviewed. Patients with Bell's palsy were divided into groups with (group 1) and without (group 2) corticosteroid treatment. Differences in onset age, sex, laterality, infection and vaccination history, degree of facial nerve palsy, and prognosis after treatment between the groups were analyzed. Results: One hundred patients were included. Mean age at presentation was $7.4{\pm}5.62years$. A total of 73 patients (73%) received corticosteroids with or without intravenous antiviral agents, and 27 (27%) received only supportive treatment. There was no significant difference in the severity, laboratory findings, or neuroimaging findings between the groups. Significant improvement was observed in 68 (93.2%) and 26 patients (96.3%) in groups 1 and 2, respectively; this rate was not significantly different between the groups (P=0.48). Conclusion: Childhood Bell's palsy showed good prognosis with or without corticosteroid treatment; there was no difference in prognosis between treated and untreated groups. Steroid therapy in childhood Bell's palsy may not significantly improve outcomes.

The study on relation between ocular function and accommodative facility (시기능과 조절 용이성과의 관계 연구)

  • Park, Hyun-Ju
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.375-380
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    • 2005
  • To assess convergence and accommodation at a short distance, 92 selected subjects without any ocular diseases by apperatuses of visual chart(Shinnippon CT30) and phoropter(Shinnippon VT 10) at a short distance(40 cm) were tested upon MEM retinoscopy(Welch Allyn, USA). BELL retinoscopy(Welch Allyn, USA), binocular accommodative facility (${\pm}2.00$ D flipper. Bernell Co., USA), vergence facility(prism flipper, Bernell Co., USA). There were such test results as MEM retinoscopy(R/L)($+1.05{\pm}0.87/1.02{\pm}0.80$ D). BELL retinoscopy ($17.89{\pm}12.12/17.94{\pm}11.72cm$), binocular accommodative facility (R/G)($7.69{\pm}6.48cpm$). binocular accommodative facility(polaroid)($11.76{\pm}5.22cpm$), monocular accommodative facility(R/L) ($13.9{\pm}6.27/13.8{\pm}5.96cpm$), vergence facility($13.5{\pm}6.40cpm$).

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Analysis of Correlation of Visual Function Findings (시기능 검사값의 상관관계 분석)

  • Park, Hyun-Ju
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.381-389
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    • 2005
  • To Analysis of Correlation of Visual Function Findings, by assessing convergence and accommodation, 92 selected objects without any ocular diseases by apperatuses of visual chart(Shinnippon CT30) and phoropter(Shinnippon VT10) at a shan distance(40 cm) were tested upon MEM retinoscopy(Welch Allyn, USA), BELL retinoscopy(Welch Allyn, USA), binocular accommodative facility (${\pm}2.00$ D nipper, Bernell Co., USA), vergence facility(prism nipper, Bernell Co., USA). The results showed as follows. MEM retinoscopy(accommodative lag) showed the same result of a right eye and left eye. Bell retinoscopy(accommodative lag) showed higher correlations between right and left eye than MEM. The lower accommodative lag meant the higher accommodative facility. The binocular accommodative facility(polaroid) was higher than binocular accommodative facility(red-green). Correlations of accommodative facility between right and left eye were higher, and as the higher monocular accommodative facility also meant the higher binocular accommodative facility, monocular and binocular accommodative facilities were relative to vergence facility, These findings can be used as a clinical guide by curing patients' visual function.

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A Case Study of Postauricular Pain of 6 Bell's Palsy Patients Using Calculus Bovis.Fel Ursi.Moschus Pharmacopuncture (우황(牛黃).웅담(熊膽).사향(麝香) 약침을 이용한 Bell's palsy 환자의 이후통(耳後痛) 치험 6례)

  • Yun, Kyung-Jin;Choi, You-Jin;Yeo, In-Ho;Kim, Jung-Hyun;Lee, Cham-Kyul;Roh, Jeong-Du;Lee, Eun-Yong
    • The Journal of Churna Manual Medicine for Spine and Nerves
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.139-149
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    • 2012
  • Objectives : The aim of this study was to report Bell's palsy patients with postauricular pain treated by Calculus Bovis Fel Ursi Moschus(BUM) Pharmacopuncture. Methods : The 6 patients were treated by the Korean medica treatment including herbal medication, dry needle acupuncture and physical therapy. We performed BUM Pharmacopuncture in Yepung for the treatment of postauricular pain once or twice. We have evaluated the effect of BUM Pharmacopuncture by Visual Analog Scale(VAS). Results : After BUM Pharmacopuncture for the treatment of postauricular pain, VAS were decreased in all cases. Conclusions : It was suggested that BUM Pharmacopuncture might have effect on control of auricular pain in Bell's palsy. Further, systemic studies will be needed to evaluate obvious effect of BUM pharmacopuncture on postauricular pain of Bell's palsy.

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Preliminary CFD Results of a Dual Bell Nozzle based on the KSLV-II (한국형발사체를 기반으로 한 듀얼 벨 노즐의 전산수치해석 기초 결과)

  • Kim, Jeonghoon;Choi, Junsub;Huh, Hwanil
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.18-28
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    • 2016
  • Numerical analysis was conducted as a preliminary study for evaluating the dual bell nozzle. For future parametric studies, a dual bell nozzle was designed, and thereafter inlet condition, turbulence model, and the number of optimum grids were determined. Dual bell nozzle was designed based on the KSLV-II first stage nozzle. Inlet condition was determined to frozen flow model of non-reacting eight species by comparing with the design values. SST $k-{\omega}$ model turned out to be suitable as turbulence model. About 150 thousand of the grids were selected after grid sensitivity tests. Based on the results determined in this study, we plan to investigate performance gain of the KSLV-II by adopting a proposed dual bell nozzle.

Effect of Acupressure Massage on Temperatures of Acupoints, Severity of Facial Paralysis, Subjective Symptoms, and Depression in Bell's Palsy Patients

  • Lee, Jeongsoon;Chung, Younghae
    • Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.140-149
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: Bell's palsy is a nerve paralysis disease that causes functional impairments and affects psychological and aesthetical parts. This study aimed to examine whether acupressure massage had positive effects on facial paralysis, subjective symptoms, and depression in Bell's palsy patients. Methods: This study was conducted by a nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design. Participants were 60 patients with Bell's palsy. 30 patients were assigned to the experimental group and the remaining 30 patients were assigned to the control group. The period of the study was from October 1, 2008 to July 30, 2009. Acupressure massage was offered to the experimental group for 20 minutes per day for two weeks (a total of six times). A SPSS/Win 12.0 program was used for data analysis. Results: A difference in Digital Infrared Thermographic Imaging (DITI) between affected and unaffected sides was less in the experimental group having acupressure massage than in the control group and the score of the recovery of facial paralysis was also increased in the experimental group. The Facial Nerve Grade Systems by Brackmann score that is a more objective index showed a significant difference between two groups (F=26.81, p<.001). Subjective symptom and depression scores were more decreased in the acupressure massage group than in the control group. Conclusion: Based on the results, it is considered that acupressure massage can be applied to Bell's palsy patients as an alternative therapy. It can be used as an evidence-based East-West nursing intervention to improve patients' physical and mental functions.

A Clinical Study of Bell's Palsy (口眼와斜(特發性 顔面神經痲痺)에 關한 臨床的 考察)

  • Jung, Jae-ho;Kwon, Kang;Seo, Hyung-sik
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology and Dermatology
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.130-140
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    • 2003
  • Objectives : Lately the oriental medical treatment of Bell's palsy is various. In various treatments. this study reports the effect of our clinical treatment using aqua-acupuncture with hominis placenta and electroacupuncture treatment for Bell's palsy, The other purpose of this study is to compare the outcome of inpatient group with that of outpatient group. Materials and Methods : From March 1, 2003 to June 30, 2003, we observe 25 patients who visited to the department of oriental medical surgery, ophthalmology & otolaryngology, in oriental medicine hospital Sang-ji university with Bell's palsy. limited to patients who receive treatment more than 5th times and 4 weeks poured aqua-acupunture with homonis placenta both inpatient group and outpatient group, Inpatient group used electroacupunture treatment after 1 week after onset and outpatient group used electroacupunture treatment after 4 weeks after onset. Results and Conclusions : 40$\%$ were male and 60$\%$ female. Of 25 cases. 30's and 50's were 24$\%$ respectively, 40's, 60's and over 70 were 16$\%$ respectively, 20's were 4$\%$. 50$\%$ of male and 60$\%$ of female had the affected side at left side and right occured at 50$\%$ of male and 40$\%$ of female. The most common cause of Bell's palsy was nonspecific 36$\%$, followed by labor 28$\%$, stress 20$\%$, In 48$\%$ of all cases, 2~3 days were spent before a patient visited the hospital after onset, followed by 4~7 days (24$\%$), 44$\%$ were treated 11~20 times followed by those who received 21~30 times (28$\%$). The results of treatment with aqua-acupunture wth hominis placenta and electroacupunture treatment showed that 21 of 25(84$\%$) patients achived fair or more recovery. the overall therapeutic rate of inpatient group was 90.9$\%$, which was higher than that of outpatient group(78.6$\%$).

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Characteristics of Lotus and Lance Asia bell as Ingredients of Kimchi (김치원료로서 연근과 더덕의 절임특성 연구)

  • Cho, Jung-Eun;Yoo, Ga-Young;Lee, Mi-Ai;Chung, Young-Bae;Yang, Ji-Hee;Han, Eung-Soo;Seo, Hye-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.41 no.8
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    • pp.1144-1150
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    • 2012
  • The study of quality and salting characteristics of root vegetables other than Chinese cabbage was done to develop different kinds of Kimchi. The root vegetables lotus (Nelumbo nucifera) and lance Asia bell (Codonopsis lanceolata) were evaluated as main ingredients for Kimchi by measuring their physico-chemical and microbial properties. Salinity, pH, titratable acidity, reducing sugar, firmness, color change, moisture content, total viable counts, and lactic acid bacteria were investigated to identify adaptability for Kimchi. The initial pH of lotus and lance Asia bell showed 5.7 to 6.3 during the salting period, and the pH decreased with increasing salting periods. The reducing sugar contents of lance Asia bell showed 34.1 to 35.6 mg/g, which were significantly higher compared to lotus 3.2 to 3.4 mg/g. Titratable acidity also showed higher in salted lance Asia bell at 0.36 to 0.4%, while lotus showed 0.17 to 0.27%. Lactic acid producing bacteria increased in lance Asia bell during salting periods and reached $2.1{\times}10^4CFU/g$ after 48 hr of salting. However, no lactic acid bacteria were detected in lotus. As a result of this physico-chemical and microbial analysis, lance Asia bell was more suitable as an ingredient of Kimchi than lotus.

Five Clinical Cases of Facial Chuna Manual Therapy with Korean Medicine Treatment for Acute Bell's Palsy

  • Jung Min Son;Hye Soo Youn;Eun Chang Lee;Choong Hyun Park;Sun Woo Kwon;Ji Yoon Lee;Da Young Han;Haeni Seo
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.67-77
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    • 2023
  • This study individually analyzed the effects of Korean Facial Chuna Manual Treatment (K-FCMT) combined with Korean medicine (KM) treatment (acupuncture, electroacupuncture, pharmacopuncture, and herbal medicine) on five patients with acute Bell's palsy who visited Dongsuwon Korean Medicine Hospital between August 1 and 31, 2022. During inpatient treatment, two of the five patients received K-FCMT 5-6 times a week, and the other three received the same frequency during outpatient treatment for approximately 2 weeks. Patients with a House-Brackmann grading scale (HBGS) score of ≤4 and Yanagihara unweighted grading system (Y-score) ≥7-8 began to recover after the 2nd-3rd sessions of K-FCMT, which entered the recovery phase quickly. As patients entered the recovery phase (7-9th sessions of K-FCMT), symptoms improved to HBGS scores of 1-2 and Y-scores of 35-40 points. This study suggests the possibility of applying K-FCMT combined with KM treatment to patients in the acute stage of Bell's palsy.