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A Study on the Decline of Provincial Government Office of Jeollabuk-do in Modern Era (근대기 전라북도 지방관아의 쇠퇴에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Jun-young;Kim, Young-mo
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.24-43
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    • 2015
  • This study constitutes an inquiry into the decline of Government Office(官衙) facilities carried out intensively during modern era, focusing on provincial government offices of Jeollabuk-do. There have been several studies of changes in provincial government offices till now, but there have been few studies of government offices of the counties and prefectures(郡縣) during the period of the Japanese Resident-General of Korea and after the National Liberation, temporally and there have still been lacking studies on Jeollabuk-do, spatially. Thus, this study attempts to empirically prove the reasons and the time of the decline of provincial government offices in Jeollabuk-do and the characteristics in the process of decline focusing on modern era. As a result of the study, four factors: demolition, abolition, appropriation and disaster had the most decisive impacts on the decline of government office facilities. Demolition refers to the destruction of government office facilities, and abolition, to the decline and the discontinuation of the operation of the facilities. Appropriation refers to conversion to facilities to meet public functions, and disaster, damage from a typhoon or fire. These factors had already been started from the 1900s, and by the 1930s, most of the government office facilities came to lose their original looks and functions. In the meantime, there was an essential purpose in demolition, the most direct factor in the destruction of the government office facilities in terms of function: that is new construction of public facilities necessary for administration and rule. The existing government office facilities were appropriated, sometimes, but behind that, many cases of demolition of the government office facilities for the new construction of public facilities are found. The appropriation of the government office facilities is divided into educational, administrative, financial and security facilities, and generally, Gaeksa(客舍) and Dongheon(東軒) were used respectively as educational and administrative facilities while their attached facilities were used as financial and public order and security facilities in general. Especially, some government office facilities were utilized as distinctive facilities such as housing or hospital. In the process of appropriation, a lot of modification occurred inside and outside the government office facilities, due to which, the government office facilities gradually declined losing their traditional styles.

A Study on Historicity of 《Three Purities Album (三淸帖)》 in the Kansong Art Museum (간송미술관 소장 《삼청첩(三淸帖)》의 역사성에 대한 고찰)

  • Baik, In-san
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.186-205
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    • 2013
  • Three Purities Album in the Kansong Art Museum is an album of poems and pictures of apricot tree, orchids and bamboos drawn by Lee Jeong. Given that the poems and pictures in the album were drawn by Lee Jeong who has been recognized as a person who established the standards of ink bamboo drawings in the Joseon Dynasty, the album is highly valuable. Nevertheless, there are more values and meanings that Three Purities Album has. The production circumstances and transmission processes of Three Purities Album include the historical characteristics and meanings of the time so that it is also worthwhile as a historical material. During the Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592, Lee Jeong was stabbed with a sword by Japanese invaders and got injured. After he suffered, he tried to make his masterpiece in his lifework and finally created Three Purities Album. For the work, Lee Jeong received memorial writings from Choi Rip, Cha Cheon-ro and Han Ho, and asked them writings. They were the best literary men in the poem and calligraphy fields at that time. Yu Geun, Lee An-nul, and Yu Mong-in made writings and poems to praise his work. Likewise, Three Purities Album is the 'treasure of the time' created through the participation of the best literary men at that time. Given the aspects, it is fair to say that Three Purities Album is not simply a personal artwork of Lee Jeong, but is a comprehensive artwork and also a cultural monument created through the skills and capabilities of the literary artists in the middle of the Joseon Dynasty. After the death of Lee Jeong, Three Purities Album was handed over to Hong Ju-won. But, during the second Manchu Invasion into Korea in 1636, the album was in danger of disappearance by fire. As of now, there are still signs of fire in it, which vividly shows the urgent situation at that time. After the second Manchu Invasion into Korea in 1636, Hong Ju-won recovered some damaged writings with the help of Yoon Shin-ji. Since then, the album had been handed down as a family treasure over the next 7 generations. It can be found in the writings by Song Si-yeol and Uh Yu-bong. Unlike the literary men who praised Three Purities Album in terms of its work when Lee Joeng was alive, they focused on the transmission courses of the album and involved persons. That seems to be because the stories and characters appearing in Three Purities Album impressed the later literary men and were meaningful to them rather than the album itself. It strongly reflected the positions of Hong Jung-gi and Hung Sang-han who asked for writings as the descendants of Hong Ju-won. That is because the traces of the persons involved in Three Purities Album are the causes for admiring their ancestors and enhancing their political legitimacy and family dignity. Therefore, in this aspect, it is possible to witness the fundamental causes of the unique artistic awareness by East Asian people who consider their historical meanings as well as the aesthetic value of artworks significant. Unfortunately, during the Japanese invasion at the end of the Joseon Dynasty, Three Purities Album was handed over to Japanese Tzuboikouso. But, fortunately, Jeon Hyeong-pil who made an effort to regain our cultural assets by investing his entire property during the Japanese Imperialism regained the album, which is now preserved in the Kansong Art Museum. Three Purities Album truly includes the whole processes to overcome national crises that Korean people experienced during the Japanese Invasion in 1592, the second Manchu Invasion of Korea in 1636, and the Japanese Imperialism, and it shows the sufferings of our cultural assets and the history of preservation. Also, the album shows that one artwork is able to accumulate its historical meanings in the process of transmission and thus enhances its meanings and values. Three Purities Album features accumulative and constant historical meanings and it is a typical case showing that an artwork is plenty of aesthetic and historical values. It is expected that this work will contribute to promoting more studies on finding historical meanings and hysteresis of artworks.

Characteristics and Status of Roof Tile Buildings of Pungnaptoseong Fortress (풍납토성 기와건물지의 성격과 위상)

  • SO Jaeyun
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.46-59
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    • 2023
  • Various Baekje ground-level building sites have been identified, in Pungnaptoseong Fortress, including Mirae Village's site E-1. However, building site E-1 is the only one with excavated roof tiles that are directly connected to the building site. As for building sites E-2, D-1, and D-2, which are comparable to site E-1, it is very possible that they had tiles on the roof based on their jeoksim (blocking facilities for roof slopes) and building structures. Also, although they are semi-underground pit structures, pit building sites A-30 and modern apartment site A-5, as well as the No.44 remains of Gyeongdang District, which is closer to a ground-level type, the buildings with tiles may have been constructed in the form of partial tile roofs rather than full-face tile roofs. Therefore, there may be several reasons behind the use of tiles on roofs in the early days, but the primary background of the building's authoritative function would have been considered first. Considering that China and Japan started using tiles on nationally important buildings such as palaces, temples, and ritual buildings, it may be presumed that Baekje began using tiles from the time it centralized power. It is believed that Baekje's early roof tile buildings evolved from rudimentary residential architecture to advanced public architecture, taking into consideration fire prevention and structural stability in large buildings. It is difficult to find similar cases in Korea with structural features such as the elevated foundations or underground stone foundations that can be found in Mirae Village building site E-1. Rather, similar architectural techniques can be found in China and Japan. In China, similar construction techniques were discovered in buildings of worship that were primarily built in the palace surroundings, such as Jangan Castle. Based on this, it appears that roof tile building sites, such as site E-1, that have been discovered have a strong correlation with the characteristics of buildings of worship, and ground type buildings, such as sites D-1 and D-2, are important facilities that are related to important public facilities such as state-run warehouses. This provides many implications regarding the early Baekje city structure.

A Study on the Manual Skills of Experimental Apparatuses of Preservice Elementary School Teachers (초등 예비교사의 실험 기구 조작 능력에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, So-Ree;Choi, Hyun-Dong;Lim, Jae-Keun;Shin, Se-Young;Yang, Il-Ho
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.80-90
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate manual skills of experimental apparatuses of pre-service elementary school teachers by examining and analyzing the process of experiments conducted by pre-teachers. For this study, 24 pre-service elementary school teachers were selected as the subjects and 4 experimental apparatuses were chosen through analyzing science textbooks from 3rd grade to 6th grade in elementary school. The selected experimental apparatuses were alcohol burner, dropper, microscope, instruments for making a prepared specimen. In addition, a task was carefully chosen to conduct an investigation in real settings and a series of evaluation standards was developed. While 3 subjects conducted experiments in separated and independent space at the same time, 3 collaborators observed the experiment process and recorded whether the subject met the evaluation standards or not, using O, X. The study suggests that pre-service elementary school teachers' manual skills of experimental apparatuses were under far below our projections. Particularly, in case of alcohol burner, the subjects showed lower ability to properly light the burners - which is to brush through the lampwick with fire - and to adjust the height of tripods according to the flame. Also, when it comes to dropper, they were not held the way they were supposed to be. In addition, when designing prepared specimen, the subjects used their hands instead of tweezers and often skipped the process of dripping water drop and wiping water with an oilpaper. Moreover, they did not know how to use a microscope properly so there were many times that they could not focus a microscope, failing to observe the objects. Educational implications are discussed.

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Impact Assessment of Flame Retardant on Wooden Building with Dancheong (목조문화재 단청에 방염제가 미치는 영향평가)

  • Kim, Hwan-Ju;Lee, Han-Hyoung;Lee, Hwa-Soo;Chung, Yong-Jae;Han, Kyu-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.56-69
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    • 2016
  • Flame resistant treatment has been applied since 1973 for fire prevention in historical wooden buildings, but several problems, such as whitening and discoloration are constantly occurring in some Dancheong, in spite of evaluation criteria. It is supposed that these phenomena are caused by the stability issue of flame retardant, Dancheong production methods, the residue of chemicals, which were applied in the past, building location environments, etc., but no evaluation and cause inspection has been performed. Therefore, this study aims to verify the effect of flame retardant on Dancheong by producing Pseudo-samples and setting spatial and temporal environment conditions. Pseudo-samples of Dancheong were produced using three methods; the method specified in the Standard Specification of Properties; the method, which is generally used in the site and the traditional method. For different environment conditions of pseudo-samples, the areas were classified into a coastal area and an inland area and the places were classified into a sunny place and a wetland. After applying a flame retardant, annual variations were inspected for 12 months and change aspects were observed through scan and regular observation. In annual variation inspection, various variations like whitening, decolorization, dissolution and exfoliation were found and especially, whitening was most dominant. When the effect of flame retardant depending on the production methods was analyzed, whitening occurred in all the three production methods. It is supposed that this is because calcium(Ca) was contained in the coloring material of each production method and it reacted with phosphorous(P) of flame retardant. When the effect of flame retardant depending on the environment conditions was analyzed, whitening occurred more in the coastal area than in the inland area and it reduced in the building in a sunny place, which was constructed using the traditional method. It is supposed that this results from the humidity change and the difference of glue used in each production method. In conclusion, for using a flame retardant containing phosphorous(P), there is a need to check if calcium components including Oyster Shell White were used in Dancheong in advance and to conduct various preliminary studies on place conditions and Dancheong construction conditions.

Analysis of Soil Changes in Vegetable LID Facilities (식생형 LID 시설의 내부 토양 변화 분석)

  • Lee, Seungjae;Yoon, Yeo-jin
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.204-212
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    • 2022
  • The LID technique began to be applied in Korea after 2009, and LID facilities are installed and operated for rainwater management in business districts such as the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, and LH Corporation, public institutions, commercial land, housing, parks, and schools. However, looking at domestic cases, the application cases and operation periods are insufficient compared to those outside the country, so appropriate design standards and measures for operation and maintenance are insufficient. In particular, LID facilities constructed using LID techniques need to maintain the environment inside LID facilities because hydrological and environmental effects are expressed by material circulation and energy flow. The LID facility is designed with the treatment capacity planned for the water circulation target, and the proper maintenance, vegetation, and soil conditions are periodically identified, and the efficiency is maintained as much as possible. In other words, the soil created in LID is a very important design element because LID facilities are expected to have effects such as water pollution reduction, flood reduction, water resource acquisition, and temperature reduction while increasing water storage and penetration capacity through water circulation construction. In order to maintain and manage the functions of LID facilities accurately, the current state of the facilities and the cycle of replacement and maintenance should be accurately known through various quantitative data such as soil contamination, snow removal effects, and vegetation criteria. This study was conducted to investigate the current status of LID facilities installed in Korea from 2009 to 2020, and analyze soil changes through the continuity and current status of LID facilities applied over the past 10 years after collecting soil samples from the soil layer. Through analysis of Saturn, organic matter, hardness, water contents, pH, electrical conductivity, and salt, some vegetation-type LID facilities more than 5 to 7 years after construction showed results corresponding to the lower grade of landscape design. Facilities below the lower level can be recognized as a point of time when maintenance is necessary in a state that may cause problems in soil permeability and vegetation growth. Accordingly, it was found that LID facilities should be managed through soil replacement and replacement.

A Study on the Estimation Method of the Repair Rates in Finishing Materials of Domestic Office Buildings (국내 업무시설 건축 마감재의 수선율 산정 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sun-Nam;Yoo, Hyun-Seok;Kim, Young-Suk
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.52-63
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    • 2015
  • Business facilities among domestic architectures have rapidly been constructed along with domestic economic development. It is an important facility taking the second largest proportion next to apartment buildings among current 31 building types of fire department classification of 2012 year for urban architectures. The expected service life of business facilities is 15 years, but 70% of those in urban areas have surpassed the 15 year service life as of the present 2014. Thus, the demand for urgent rehabilitation of such facilities is constantly increasing due to the aging and performance deterioration of the facilities'main finishing materials. Especially, the business facilities are being used for the lease of company office or private office, and such problems as aging and performance deterioration of the facilities could cause less competitive edge for leasing and real estate value depreciation for the O&M (Operation & Management) agent and the owner, respectively. Therefore, an effective planned rehabilitation as a preventive measure according to the standardized repair rate by the number of years after the construction is in need in order to prevent the aging and performance deterioration of the facilities(La et al. 2001). Nonetheless, domestic repair/rehabilitation standards based on the repair rate are mainly limited to apartment buildings and pubic institutions, resulting in impractical application of such standards to business facilities. It has been investigated and analyzed that annual repair rate data for each finishing material are required for examination of the applicability of the repair rate standard for the purpose of establishment of a repair plan. Hence, this study aimed at developing a repair rate computation model for finishing materials of the facilities and verifying the appropriateness of the annual repair rate for each finishing material through a case study after collecting and analyzing the repair history data of six business facilities. The results of this study are expected to contribute to the planning and implementation of more efficient repair/rehabilitation budget by preventing the waste of unpredicted repair cost and opportunity cost for the sake of the business facilities' owners and O&M agents.

The Ecological Values of the Korean Demilitarized Zone(DMZ) and International Natural Protected Areas (비무장지대(DMZ)의 생태적 가치와 국제자연보호지역)

  • Cho, Do-soon
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.272-287
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    • 2019
  • The Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) was established in 1953 by the Korean War Armistice Agreement. It extends from the estuary of the Imjin River, in the west, to the coast of the East Sea. It is 4 km in width and 148 km in length. However, the ecosystems of the civilian control zone (CCZ) located between the southern border of the DMZ and the civilian control line (CCL) and the CCZ in the estuary of the Han River and the Yellow Sea are similar to those in the DMZ, and, therefore, the ecosystems of the DMZ and the CCZ are collectively known as the "ecosystems of the DMZ and its vicinities." The flora in the DMZ and its vicinities is composed of 1,864 species, which accounts for about 42% of all the vascular plant species on the Korean Peninsula and its affiliated islands. Conducting a detailed survey on the vegetation, flora, and fauna in the DMZ is almost impossible due to the presence of landmines and limitations on the time allowed to be spent in the DMZ. However, to assess the environmental impact of the Munsan-Gaesong railroad reconstruction project, it was possible to undertake a limited vegetation survey within the DMZ in 2001. The vegetation in Jangdan-myeon, in Paju City within the DMZ, was very simple. It was mostly secondary forests dominated by oaks such as Quercus mongolica, Q. acutissima, and Q. variabilis. The other half of the DMZ in Jangdan-myeon was occupied by grassland composed of tall grasses such as Miscanthus sinensis, M. sacchariflorus, and Phragmites japonica. Contrary to the expectation that the DMZ may be covered with pristine mature forests due to more than 60 years of no human interference, the vegetation in the DMZ was composed of simple secondary forests and grasslands formed on former rice paddies and agricultural fields. At present, the only legal protection system planned for the DMZ is the Natural Environment Conservation Act, which ensures that the DMZ would be managed as a nature reserve for only two years following Korean reunification. Therefore, firstly, the DMZ should be designated as a site of domestic legally protected areas such as nature reserve (natural monument), scenic site, national park, etc. In addition, we need to try to designate the DMZ as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve or as a World Heritage site, or as a Ramsar international wetland for international cooperation. For nomination as a world heritage site, we can emphasize the ecological and landscape value of the wetlands converted from the former rice paddies and the secondary forests maintained by frequent fires initiated by military activities. If the two Koreas unexpectedly reunite without any measures in place for the protection of nature in the DMZ, the conditions prior to the Korean War, such as rice paddies and villages, will return. In order to maintain the current condition of the ecosystems in the DMZ, we have to discuss and prepare for measures including the retention of mines and barbed-wire fences, the construction of roads and railroads in the form of tunnels or bridges, and the maintenance of the current fire regime in the DMZ.

Remodeling and Damage of the Garden According to the Park Project in Deoksugung Palace During the Japanese Colonial Period (일제강점기 덕수궁(德壽宮) 공원화에 따른 정원의 개조와 훼손)

  • OH Junyoung
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.234-252
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    • 2023
  • This study looked at the modification of major gardens while making Deoksugung Palace (德壽宮) a park in the Japanese colonial era. This is because landscaping work was carried out in various places from 1932 to 1933 to open Deoksugung Palace, which used to be an imperial palace, as a public recreation space. In particular, major gardens such as the front yard of Seokjojeon Hall (石造殿), the back yard of Hamnyeongjeon Hall (咸寧殿), and the back yard of Jeukjodang Hall (卽阼堂) were greatly transformed into different shapes from the original. During the first phase of construction in 1932, a water tank was installed in Seokjojeon Hall Garden, creating the first water space. This water tank was originally a structure installed in the front yard of Injeongjeon Hall (仁政殿) of Changdeokgung Palace (昌德宮). Around 1909, a water tank installed in the front yard of Injeongjeon Hall was relocated to Seokjojeon Garden in the process of turning Deoksugung Palace into a park. The water tank moved from the front yard of Injeongjeon Hall was a factor that transformed the central area of Seokjojeon Garden into a water space, and a fountain installed to replace the water tank remains to this day. The backyard of Hamnyeongjeon Hall was also renovated into a new shape during the first phase of construction. Originally, there was a terraced flowerbed called Hwagye (花階) in the backyard of Hamyujae Hall (咸有齋) and Hamnyeongjeon Hall, and it was restored from the construction that took place after the Great Fire of Deoksugung Palace. In the process of turning Deoksugung Palace into a park, a three-stage stonework was built in the front yard of Jeonggwanheon Pavilion (靜觀軒) which renovated the Hwagye in the backyard of Hamyujae Hall and Hamnyeongjeon Halll. The stonework built at that time was used as a peony garden to provide visitors with attractions after the opening of Deoksugung Palace, and it remains today with the name Jeonggwanheon's Hwagye. The backyard of the Jeukjodang Hall area is a case of damage in the second phase of construction in 1933. Like the backyard of Hamnyeongjeon Hall, the backyard of Jeukjodang Hall, where the Hwagye was originally built, was converted into a Japanese-style garden in the process of turning Deoksugung Palace into a park. The site where the Hwagye was demolished was decorated with a Japanese-style garden centered on mounding, small roads, and landscaping stones, as well as topographic control and planting work. Although there have been minor changes since liberation, the backyard of the Jeukjodang Hall area is still based on a Japanese-style garden created by turning Deoksugung Palace into a park.