• 제목/요약/키워드: Knowledge Creation

검색결과 663건 처리시간 0.032초

집행관배훈안례연구(阐述工商业背景下的有限合理性):집행관배훈안례연구(执行官培训案例研究) (Interpreting Bounded Rationality in Business and Industrial Marketing Contexts: Executive Training Case Studies)

  • Woodside, Arch G.;Lai, Wen-Hsiang;Kim, Kyung-Hoon;Jung, Deuk-Keyo
    • 마케팅과학연구
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    • 제19권3호
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    • pp.49-61
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    • 2009
  • 本文为执行官提供了他们在处理日常业务问题和市场机会时如何阐述自己思考过程的培训. 本研究建立在Schank提出的教学基础上, 包括: (1)经验学习和最好的指导提供给学习者从诸如全球背景, 团队项目和专家经历等的互动的故事提炼知识和技能的机会. (2) 告诉不会导致学习, 因为在学习需要的行动训练环境中, 应强调积极使用故事, 案例和项目. 每个培训案例包括执行官解释自己的决策系统分析(DSA, 还需要执行官做DSA简报. 在训练时要求执行官写DSA简报. 在执行官学员写书面报告的说明中包括(1) DSA路线图的本质的细节(2) 警告和机会的陈述, 读者的行政地图及图内的DSA解释. 该报告的最大长度为500字, 其规则就是使行政人员培训课程行之有效. 引言之后是第二部分文献综述, 简要地总结了有关人们在对问题和机会的背景下的想法及文献. 第三部分通过使用对不同的贴牌生产客户定价相同的化学产品的培训练习来解释DSA的起源和过程, 第四部分展示一个炼油设备公司订价决策的培训练习. 第五部分提供一个商业客户办公家具采购的市场策略案例. 第六部分是结论和建议. 这些建议是关于使用培训课程和发展其他培训课程来磨练执行官制定决策的能力. 文章引导读者利用工具箱研究综合的报告, (DSA)路线图根据生态合理性理论将战略与环境相匹配. 这三个案例的研究让学习者在意愿层面征求建议来作出决策. Todd and Gigerenzer 提出人们使用简单启发式,因为他们在自然的决策环境中通过探索信息的结构使适应性行为有可能产生. "简单是一种美德, 而不是诅咒", 有限理性理论强调了西蒙的命题中心, "人类理性的行为仿佛一把剪刀, 其刀片则是任务环境的结构和执行者的计算能力". Gigerenzer的观点和西蒙的环境的危害相关, 也和本文中三个环境结构的案例相关. "环境这个词, 在这里, 并不是指总的物理和生理的环境, 而只是指被给予需要和目标的重要有机体 本文关注了结合任务环境的结构和使用适应的工具箱启发的报告. (DSA)路线图根据生态理性理论将战略与环境相匹配. 渴望适应理论是这一方针的核心. 渴望适应理论将决策制定作为一个没有把目标整合的多目标问题模拟成一个把所有决策选项进行完全的优先顺序化. 这三个案例研究让学习者在意愿层面征求建议来作出决策. 渴望适应用一系列的调整步骤的形式. 一个调整步骤通过仅一个目标变量的变化就可以改变在渴望网格上邻近点当前的渴望水平. 上调步骤是目标变量的提高, 下调步骤是目标变量的下降. 创造和使用渴望适应水平是对有限理性理论的整合. 文章通过提供学习者经验和实践环节增加了意愿采纳和有限合理性的理解和特点. 利用DSA图排列CTSs和撰写TOP可以清晰和深化Selten的观点 "清晰, 意愿采纳必须作为研究的解决方案整合到整个蓝图中". 这些有限理性的研究许可了在现实生活中为什么, 如何作决策的理论和在自然的环境中利用启发式的学习训练两方面的发展. 本文中的练习鼓励根据不同使用目的学习快速而简洁的启发式技巧和原则. 这也正回应了Schank的思想 "从本质上来看, 教育不是让学生们知道发生了什么, 而是让他们感受到所发生的事情. 这不容易做到. 在如今的学校教育是没有情感的, 这是一个很大的问题". 这三个案例和附加的练习问题遵守了Schank的观点. "这种教育过程最好是通过参与他们其中来实现, 也可以这样认为, 精神层面的积极讨论".

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근세조선의 왕목-사직수, 문화사회적 임업, 그리고 문화적 지속가능성 (The Royal and Sajik Tree of Joseon Dynasty, the Culturo-social Forestry, and Cultural Sustainability)

  • 이정호;전영우
    • 한국산림과학회지
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    • 제98권1호
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    • pp.66-81
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    • 2009
  • '환경을 조성하고 보전하는 인간과 문화'의 새로운 시각에서 지속가능한 숲 관리는 '문화적 지속가능성' 개념으로 재구성할 수 있다. 문화적 지속가능성은 환경을 조성하고 보전하는 문화의 높은 기여도를 강조하는 것이다. 본 연구는 근세조선의 '문화사회적 임업'의 역사적 사례를 통해서 현대의 문화적 지속가능성에 필요한 함의들을 추출하는 데에 그 목적이 있다. 조선의 첫 번째 왕이었던 태조와 관련하여 소나무(Pinus densiflora)는 조선의 왕목이었고 왕도정치의 이념을 지지하는 성리학적 신앙과 예제 체제 속에서도 가장 상위에 속하는 사직제례와 관련 있는 사직수(社稷樹)였다. 사직 제례의 숭배대상은 토지신(社)과 곡식신(稷)인데 고대 사회의 수목신앙을 이으면서 유교적 신앙 및 예제에 편입된 것이 토지신이며 토지신의 구체적 모습이 사직수이다. 왕목과 사직수로서의 소나무는 조선 왕실 통치의 종교-정치적 정통성을 지지하는 중요한 역할을 담당하였다. 소나무의 종교-정치적 상징성은 여러 측면으로 표현되었다. 소나무는 조선 조정이 주관하는 예제가 봉행되는 신전과 사당을 위해서도 물적 기반으로도 쓰였다. 소나무의 이런 역할은 왕실 능원림, 왕실 관곽재를 위한 황장봉산의 소나무 숲, 왕의 거처 도성 내외사산 소나무 숲의 조성, 방제, 보전, 관료적 관리로 확대 표현되었다. 문화사회적 임업의 역사적 사례인 이러한 소나무 숲의 종교-정치적 관리 체계는 조선의 경제적인 숲 관리 체계인 송정이나 조선 전기의 의송처와 금산의 소나무 숲 및 조선 후기의 봉산 체계의 소나무 숲의 경영과도 비교가 가능하고 공통성과 고유성을 함께 보여준다. 왕실의 소나무 문화는 대중적 의식에도 영향을 끼쳐 백성들이 금표가 있는 능원림, 금산, 봉산에서 시행된 금양(禁養)된 토지 또는 숲과 바꾸어 쓸 수도 있는 '말림갓'이라는 순한국어 단어를 형성하게 만든 것으로 보인다. 근세조선은 사직단, 능원림, 황장금산 및 황장봉산, 도성내외 사산의 소나무숲을 대상으로 하는 문화사회적 임업을 실행하였다. 조선 시대 소나무 숲의 보전과 경영에는 풍수지리, 민속신앙, 불교적 요소가 통합된 조선의 성리학적 신앙과 예제가 경제적 목적보다도 더욱 중요한 역할을 담당하였다. 인간과 환경의 상호작용이 여러 세대를 걸쳐 장기적인 문화-자연적 평형이나 균형을 이루는 것이 문화적 지속가능성인데, 숲과 환경을 조성하고 보전하는 현대인이 문화-자연 유산을 발굴하고 여러 세대에 걸친 보전으로 변환하며, 문화적, 사회적, 정신적 필요를 충족하는 환경과 인간의 상호작용에 대한 초학제적 지식인 지속가능성 과학 지식을 생산하는 것이 중요하다는 것이 근세조선의 사례 연구의 함의로 추출되었다.

주자학과 대순사상의 수양론 비교 연구 (The Comparative Research on the Theory of Self-cultivation in Neo-Confucianism and Daesoon Thought)

  • 이광주
    • 대순사상논총
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    • 제24_2집
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    • pp.231-270
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    • 2015
  • This thesis examined Chu Hsi's self-cultivation theory as the representative theory of cultivation in Confucianism, while juxtaposing it to self-cultivation theory in Daesoon thought, concentrating on its similarity and difference. Neo-Confucianism is a scholarship which has wielded a tremendous influence upon East Asia, while functioning as an official scholarship for long period up to Yuan, Ming, and Ching period, after achieving its synthesis by Chu Hsi. After 13th century, Neo-Confucianism has been a representative academic system in Confucianism, and self-cultivation theory was in its center. It suggested various virtues that classical scholars have to equip to fulfill the sainthood and the politics of royal road. The self-cultivation theory of Chu Hsi was developed upon the basis of the theory 'Li-Qi' and the theory of mind. Here, the practice of Geokyung(morally awakened state with a reverent spirit in every moment) and Gyeokmul-tsiji(reaching into the utmost knowledge through investigation of things) formed a nucleus of Chu Hsi's self-cultivation theory. While Geokyung was to reveal one's true nature through cultivation of mind, Gyeokmul-tsiji was to demonstrate the complete use of mind's essence and function. Chu Hsi's self-cultivation theory attempted to realize the unity of heaven and man, and through cultivating self and governing people, it also tried to achieve its ideal of the society of Great Union(Daedong). Daesoon Thought is originated from Sangjenim who has descended to this world as a human being called Jeungsan. He went on his circuit to rectify the disorder of heaven and earth for 9 years to rectify the Three worlds of heaven, earth and human being which were faced with total annihilation due to its rule of mutual conflict, while creating an earthly paradise. Respecting the will of Sangjenim, Dojunim established the foundation of Do through launching 'Meukeukdo' and setting tenet, creed and object so that the cultivators (Doins) could believe and respect the truth of Sangje's great itineration (Daesoon). Among those, the two components of creed, which are four fundamental principles and the three fundamental attitudes are of great account as precept and cardinal point. Through this means, the cultivators of Daesoonjinrihoe aspire to guard against self-deception through transforming the human spirit, to realize earthly immortality through renewing human beings, and to create an earthly paradise through transforming the world. This thesis attempted to compare and analyze the theory of self-cultivation in Neo-Confucianism and Daesoon Thought in the aspect of ground, method, and object of cultivation. First, as for the ground of cultivation, the doctrines of Chu-tzu and Daesoon thought place the essence of cultivation on 'heaven'. Yet, whereas the former postulates Taekeuk (the Great Ultimate) as a principle as well as the heaven of a natural order, Daesoon thought postulates Sangenim as the heaven of superintendence as well as the heaven of a natural order, signified as its equation of Daesoon with circle, along with the unity of Meukeuk (Endlessness) and Taegeuk (the Great Ultimate). Further, the doctrine of Chu-zhu and Daesoon thought is identical in the point that both thoughts see mind as the subject of cultivation, while trying to restore a pure essence. Nevertheless, whereas Neo-Confucianism intends to give scope to ability of the complete use of mind's essence and function, Daesoon Thought sees mind as the essence which is used by spiritual beings and as an organ that heaven, earth and human being rely upon as the center of the universe. In the aspect of method of cultivation, the doctrine of Chuzhu lays emphasis on the rational factor in that it brightens its 'myung-deoki'(bright inner virtue),' while trying to correspond to the law of heaven on the basis of 'Geokyung' and 'Gyeokmul-tsiji.' On the contrary, Daesoon thought lays much emphasis on faith factor in that it aspires for human perfection based on the restoration of conscience by cultivating Daesoonjinri with sincerity, reverence and faith along with 'quieting the heart-mind', 'quieting the body', 'respecting the God of the Ninth Heaven', and 'observing ritual practice on the basis of the faith in Sangjenim. Yet, both thoughts have similarities in that cultivation of body forms the basis and that they attempt to realize their ideals through cultivation in daily life while taking 'Guarding against self-deception' as the key method of self-cultivation.' However, the principle of Chu-zhu can be said to be a voluntary and autonomous practice based on scripture of the saint as well as self-reflection. On the other hand, Daesoon thought reveals certain difference in that it combines faith factor with one's self-effort by concentrating on cultivation under the presence of Sangjenim as the object of belief and the spirits of heaven and earth. In the aspect of object of cultivation, both thoughts share similarities in that the saint and the perfected gentleman with a moral virtue as an ideal image of men in both thoughts attempt to realize each of their 'myung-deok' in human nature as a heavenly mandate while respecting morality. Further, they also share similarity in the point that the desirable characters in both thoughts want to participate in harmonious creation and nurturance. Yet, the perfected gentleman with a moral virtue is also characterized by its aim for a new heaven and earth where there is no mutual conflict but mutual beneficence, by promoting the moral influence and virtue of Sangjenim over one's own virtue, while practising the mutual beneficence of all life through harmonious union of divine beings and human beings.

Perceptional Change of a New Product, DMB Phone

  • Kim, Ju-Young;Ko, Deok-Im
    • 마케팅과학연구
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    • 제18권3호
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    • pp.59-88
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    • 2008
  • Digital Convergence means integration between industry, technology, and contents, and in marketing, it usually comes with creation of new types of product and service under the base of digital technology as digitalization progress in electro-communication industries including telecommunication, home appliance, and computer industries. One can see digital convergence not only in instruments such as PC, AV appliances, cellular phone, but also in contents, network, service that are required in production, modification, distribution, re-production of information. Convergence in contents started around 1990. Convergence in network and service begins as broadcasting and telecommunication integrates and DMB(digital multimedia broadcasting), born in May, 2005 is the symbolic icon in this trend. There are some positive and negative expectations about DMB. The reason why two opposite expectations exist is that DMB does not come out from customer's need but from technology development. Therefore, customers might have hard time to interpret the real meaning of DMB. Time is quite critical to a high tech product, like DMB because another product with same function from different technology can replace the existing product within short period of time. If DMB does not positioning well to customer's mind quickly, another products like Wibro, IPTV, or HSPDA could replace it before it even spreads out. Therefore, positioning strategy is critical for success of DMB product. To make correct positioning strategy, one needs to understand how consumer interprets DMB and how consumer's interpretation can be changed via communication strategy. In this study, we try to investigate how consumer perceives a new product, like DMB and how AD strategy change consumer's perception. More specifically, the paper segment consumers into sub-groups based on their DMB perceptions and compare their characteristics in order to understand how they perceive DMB. And, expose them different printed ADs that have messages guiding consumer think DMB in specific ways, either cellular phone or personal TV. Research Question 1: Segment consumers according to perceptions about DMB and compare characteristics of segmentations. Research Question 2: Compare perceptions about DMB after AD that induces categorization of DMB in direction for each segment. If one understand and predict a direction in which consumer perceive a new product, firm can select target customers easily. We segment consumers according to their perception and analyze characteristics in order to find some variables that can influence perceptions, like prior experience, usage, or habit. And then, marketing people can use this variables to identify target customers and predict their perceptions. If one knows how customer's perception is changed via AD message, communication strategy could be constructed properly. Specially, information from segmented customers helps to develop efficient AD strategy for segment who has prior perception. Research framework consists of two measurements and one treatment, O1 X O2. First observation is for collecting information about consumer's perception and their characteristics. Based on first observation, the paper segment consumers into two groups, one group perceives DMB similar to Cellular phone and the other group perceives DMB similar to TV. And compare characteristics of two segments in order to find reason why they perceive DMB differently. Next, we expose two kinds of AD to subjects. One AD describes DMB as Cellular phone and the other Ad describes DMB as personal TV. When two ADs are exposed to subjects, consumers don't know their prior perception of DMB, in other words, which subject belongs 'similar-to-Cellular phone' segment or 'similar-to-TV' segment? However, we analyze the AD's effect differently for each segment. In research design, final observation is for investigating AD effect. Perception before AD is compared with perception after AD. Comparisons are made for each segment and for each AD. For the segment who perceives DMB similar to TV, AD that describes DMB as cellular phone could change the prior perception. And AD that describes DMB as personal TV, could enforce the prior perception. For data collection, subjects are selected from undergraduate students because they have basic knowledge about most digital equipments and have open attitude about a new product and media. Total number of subjects is 240. In order to measure perception about DMB, we use indirect measurement, comparison with other similar digital products. To select similar digital products, we pre-survey students and then finally select PDA, Car-TV, Cellular Phone, MP3 player, TV, and PSP. Quasi experiment is done at several classes under instructor's allowance. After brief introduction, prior knowledge, awareness, and usage about DMB as well as other digital instruments is asked and their similarities and perceived characteristics are measured. And then, two kinds of manipulated color-printed AD are distributed and similarities and perceived characteristics for DMB are re-measured. Finally purchase intension, AD attitude, manipulation check, and demographic variables are asked. Subjects are given small gift for participation. Stimuli are color-printed advertising. Their actual size is A4 and made after several pre-test from AD professionals and students. As results, consumers are segmented into two subgroups based on their perceptions of DMB. Similarity measure between DMB and cellular phone and similarity measure between DMB and TV are used to classify consumers. If subject whose first measure is less than the second measure, she is classified into segment A and segment A is characterized as they perceive DMB like TV. Otherwise, they are classified as segment B, who perceives DMB like cellular phone. Discriminant analysis on these groups with their characteristics of usage and attitude shows that Segment A knows much about DMB and uses a lot of digital instrument. Segment B, who thinks DMB as cellular phone doesn't know well about DMB and not familiar with other digital instruments. So, consumers with higher knowledge perceive DMB similar to TV because launching DMB advertising lead consumer think DMB as TV. Consumers with less interest on digital products don't know well about DMB AD and then think DMB as cellular phone. In order to investigate perceptions of DMB as well as other digital instruments, we apply Proxscal analysis, Multidimensional Scaling technique at SPSS statistical package. At first step, subjects are presented 21 pairs of 7 digital instruments and evaluate similarity judgments on 7 point scale. And for each segment, their similarity judgments are averaged and similarity matrix is made. Secondly, Proxscal analysis of segment A and B are done. At third stage, get similarity judgment between DMB and other digital instruments after AD exposure. Lastly, similarity judgments of group A-1, A-2, B-1, and B-2 are named as 'after DMB' and put them into matrix made at the first stage. Then apply Proxscal analysis on these matrixes and check the positional difference of DMB and after DMB. The results show that map of segment A, who perceives DMB similar as TV, shows that DMB position closer to TV than to Cellular phone as expected. Map of segment B, who perceive DMB similar as cellular phone shows that DMB position closer to Cellular phone than to TV as expected. Stress value and R-square is acceptable. And, change results after stimuli, manipulated Advertising show that AD makes DMB perception bent toward Cellular phone when Cellular phone-like AD is exposed, and that DMB positioning move towards Car-TV which is more personalized one when TV-like AD is exposed. It is true for both segment, A and B, consistently. Furthermore, the paper apply correspondence analysis to the same data and find almost the same results. The paper answers two main research questions. The first one is that perception about a new product is made mainly from prior experience. And the second one is that AD is effective in changing and enforcing perception. In addition to above, we extend perception change to purchase intention. Purchase intention is high when AD enforces original perception. AD that shows DMB like TV makes worst intention. This paper has limitations and issues to be pursed in near future. Methodologically, current methodology can't provide statistical test on the perceptual change, since classical MDS models, like Proxscal and correspondence analysis are not probability models. So, a new probability MDS model for testing hypothesis about configuration needs to be developed. Next, advertising message needs to be developed more rigorously from theoretical and managerial perspective. Also experimental procedure could be improved for more realistic data collection. For example, web-based experiment and real product stimuli and multimedia presentation could be employed. Or, one can display products together in simulated shop. In addition, demand and social desirability threats of internal validity could influence on the results. In order to handle the threats, results of the model-intended advertising and other "pseudo" advertising could be compared. Furthermore, one can try various level of innovativeness in order to check whether it make any different results (cf. Moon 2006). In addition, if one can create hypothetical product that is really innovative and new for research, it helps to make a vacant impression status and then to study how to form impression in more rigorous way.

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현대패션디자인에 나타난 동양의 미의식 연구 (A Study about the Aesthetics of Oriental in Modern Fashion design)

  • 임영자
    • 복식
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    • 제30권
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    • pp.261-274
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    • 1996
  • In the present age dominate by both cer-taingty of 1% and uncertainty of 99% 'Fuzzy thinking' of Bart Kosko that is the way to solve the problems by the scientific way through a worldview of Buddhism or Taoism greatly prevails around the world over 'Lateral greatly prevails around the world over 'Lateral thinking' and the authenticity or the right and-wrong of the uncertainty which is the thinking way to find the answer of the problems of illogical way of Edward de Beno against the western vertical thinking were Concurrently fashion designers over the world also adopt the oriental elements. But there exist differences of thoughts between the orient and the occident. And they have dif-ferent thinking way of aestheticism and references of the value on the beauty. Not only beauty but the view through the mind as intuitional thought in which not only the rec-ognition of sense but also the rationalism and the naturalness play key role. The aesthetic sense in the orient contains both the truth and virtue. 2) The beauty of the mean It's from the thought of neutralization of Confucius. The mean or moderation state which in harmony with ethical virtue and aes-thetic beauty is the ideal and is the ultimate. Therefore the thought of Confucian is the creativity in which the balance and the har-mony is most important. Fashion design is also one of the representation of the mean because the spirit of the designer is harmonized for-mlessly with the object of the model of the fashion design. 2) The beauty of skillfulness It indicates the Taoism of Lao-tzu and Chuangtzu. It takes a super-artistic declar-ation that human can feel and recognize the color of colorlessness the sound of sound-lessness and the taste of tastelessness. The thought of arts affected by Taoism is 'ad-vanced age' called the beauty of skillfulness. The view of arts of lao-tzu takes the beauty of cosmos and the nature as a standard. Es-pecially the beauty of inactivity is recognized by the linkage between the beauty and the ugliness. And these things appear in fashion design as a design element such as humor or exaggeration. 3) The beauty of non-dualism It is thought of Buddhism that all evil passions of worry occur form the opposition in dualism. Finally this thought leads to that everything is consistent and truth is only one from the point of view that virtue and vice has on linkage that is 'no virtues no vices' and 'one with two, two, with one, one is not two' A big tendency like this became the root forma-tion of the thought of the oriental arts. 3. Characteristics of the oriental aesthetic sense on the present fashion design 1) The formation of the fashion design on the oriental elements In the picture-incantation which was a representation of an era when the thought of 'cosmic dual forces' dominated the basic polygons of 'a circle square triangle' means both 'one two three' and 'the negative positive mean' of cosmic elements. From this point of view the was of planner cutting in the Orient is dif-ferent from that of the Occidental which is in three-dimensional. The planner polygon type of the cut-pieces comes to have the meaning of the three-dimension when they consist of a suit that has the combination of each cut-piece. This shows the consistency with the principle of cosmos creation of Taoism that one is two two is three and three is every-thing. 2) The coloring and the symbolic represen-tation of the fashion design on the orien-tal elements The sense on the colors in the Orient from the thought of 'the cosmic dual forces and the five elements' is not the experi-enced from the knowledge but contains the consideration of philosophy Five-primary-color representing compass directions Blue(East) Red(South) Yellow(Center) White (West) and Black (North) is called ' the posi-tive' for this five-primary-color secondary-color which comes from the compound of the primary colors is called 'the negative' The thought of 'the cosmic dual forces and the five elements' is also an theory containing the natural order of the cos-mos and this shows the perceptional differ-ence that they are not conceptual but to be recognized and fell directly. A thought of Buddhism which is 'Colors are colorlessness and Clolorlessness are color's proves that. 3) The pattern and symbolic representation of the fashion design on the oriental elements The pattern as a visual style is a figure of symbolic representation which adopt the mental and physical world of human and are the compo-sition of artistic revelation of the human nature and the religous thought of incantation. Es-pecially the symbolic representation of the oriental thought of Confusion. Buddhism and Taoism There are patterns such as plants aminals the oriental four gods and geometry. From the above it's the time toward the 21'th century when the world is constructing one global area and one historical zone. And the exotic mood of the Orient represented in the fashion which doesn't make the common feeling in general does not cease to develop only to express the visual modeling but also adopts the thought religion and the art which are the root of the Orientail and contains inherent willing of modeling.

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기업가정신과 창업준비가 사업성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 창업인프라 활용 매개효과 중심으로 (A Study on the Influence of Young Entrepreneurs' Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial preparation upon the Entrepreneurial Performance: Centered on Mediated Effect of Entrepreneurial infra system using)

  • 박재환;안태욱
    • 벤처창업연구
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    • 제11권1호
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 2016
  • 청년들에게 올바른 창업을 위한 준비와 기업가정신을 발휘할 수 있는 잠재적 창의적인재 육성과 배출은 국가의 성장과 더불어 다양한 부가가치 창출뿐만 아니라 선진국으로 진입하기 위한 경제발전에 중요한 요소이다. 그렇기 때문에 최근 창업에 많은 관심과 지원이 집중되고 있는 실정이다. 하지만 사업성과를 창출하기 위해서는 단순히 창업증가율보다 적극적인 투자와 정책지원으로 창업생태계가 조성될 수 있도록 창업인프라 구축과 활용이 전제가 되어야 성공적 창업을 육성해야 할 것이다. 그래서 본 연구는 국가적 경제발전과 다양한 부가가치 창출이 가능한 기술, 지식서비스 분야 창조형, 기회형 창업가 203명 청년 CEO를 대상으로 실증 분석을 하였다. 연구결과, 기업가정신과 창업준비는 사업성과에 정(+)의 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 기업가정신은 창업인프라 활용에 직접적인 영향이 없는 것으로 나타났다. 창업준비는 창업인프라 활용에 정(+)의 유의한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나왔다. 창업인프라 활용은 사업성과에 영향이 없는 것으로 나타나 인프라 활용만으로 사업 성과로 이어지기는 힘들다는 결과를 도출했다. 마지막으로 매개효과 검증에서는 기업가정신이 사업성과에 미치는 영향에서 창업인프라 활용 매개효과가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 기업가정신을 갖춘 청년CEO는 창업인프라를 활용하지 않아도 성과를 창출하는 것으로 나타났고 반면 창업준비가 사업성과에 미치는 영향에서 창업인프라 활용의 매개효과 역할 검증한 결과 유의한 정(+)의 관계로 나타났다. 즉 창업준비 단계에서는 창업인프라를 적극적으로 활용하는 것이 보다 성과를 높일 수 있다는 의미 있는 결론을 도출했다. 본 연구를 통하여 사업성과를 높이기 위해서는 청년 CEO를 대상으로 기업가정신 교육과 창업가 역량 함양을 위한 노력이 필요하며, 창업준비 단계에서 체계적으로 접근하고 다양한 창업인프라 활용을 적극적으로 활용하는 것이 사업성과를 높이는데 중요한 요인이 된다는 결과를 도출했다.

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병원서비스코디네이터 교육과정이 교육만족과 의료서비스 품질에 미치는 영향 (The Effect of Hospital Service Coordinator Education Curriculum on the Education Satisfaction and the Quality of Medical Service)

  • 최은경;박창식;서종범
    • 보건의료산업학회지
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.137-154
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    • 2008
  • The increase of the supply of medical service and the increase of hospitals have intensified the competition of hospitals, and the advancement towards internationalization in the opening of medical industry has triggered the infinite competition of medical profession. In addition, the high expectation of customers and quality improvement in the medical care in accordance with the improvement of overall income, and the change of active role of medical consumers according to the popularization and the improvement of rights awareness reflect the customer needs and choice in the medical service. Customers wanted to receive the kind and pleasant service under the up-to-date medical service. Therefore, as a solution, hospital coordinators were emerged for the purpose of smooth treatment and customer satisfaction by generalizing all service of hospital. Accordingly, this thesis attempted to investigate the effect of hospital coordinator education curriculum on the education satisfaction and the quality of medical service. In order to solve the purpose of this study, I, author reviewed the existing literatures, established hypothesis, and verified hypothesis by using the variety of statistics techniques such as reliability, validity, frequency analysis, and regression analysis. The verification of hypothesis is as followings: First, among education training factors of hospital coordinators, the quality of instructor significantly affects the satisfaction of hospital coordinator education training. Second, among training factors of hospital coordinator, the attitude of trainee significantly affects the training satisfaction of hospital coordinator. Third, among education training factors of hospital coordinator, education course significantly affects the training satisfaction of hospital coordinator education. As the qualities of instructor are better equipped, the satisfaction of education becomes higher. It indicates that the education method of instructors is important as an index to represent the qualities of instructor such as the appropriateness of education method, preparation, passion, visual materials, the adequacy of education procession, and specialized knowledge, and it has important effect on the satisfaction of education. In order to enhance the satisfaction of hospital coordinator education, the creation of education environment, making trainee concentrate on the education, is required by appropriately allocating programs, arousing interest in education, based on the attitude of trainee, discussion, and preliminary programs, preparation, ahead of enforcement of education. Fourth, the satisfaction of hospital coordinator education training significantly affects the reliability among the qualities of medical service. Fifth, satisfaction of hospital coordinator education training significantly affects hospitality I kindness among the qualities of medical service. If the education satisfaction of trainee is high, it is effective in the practical application such as dealing with complaints, the duty performance for the patients, and so on in offering the medical service, related to reliability and furthermore, we can find the positive change in the attitude change of medical professions related to the reliability of hospital coordinator. In addition, in the process of offering medical services such as the kind explanation on the duty, rapid response to the customers inquiry, and tidy uniform, practical effect was verified. Sixth, the education training factor of hospital coordinator significantly affects the reliability among the quality of medical service. Seventh, the education training factors of hospital coordinator significantly affect hospitality/kindness. In the education of hospital coordinator, the methods to attract the interest of trainee by emphasizing reliability should be sought and for gaining the practical effect of hospital coordinator education, the sufficient preparation and investigation on the education curriculum should be prerequisite and under this condition, intensified discussion on the instructor and education course is needed. In the design of education course, more education hours and subjects should be allocated in the part of hospitality in order to improve the practical application of hospitality. Therefore, it is meaningful in a sense that this study newly approached the components of hospital coordinator education and the need to modify the quality components of medical service in accordance with the study subjects was raised. This study also finds its meaning in that it provides basic materials for the study of future hospital coordinator education by suggesting the system development model of hospital coordinator education through preliminary study of education training. In addition, this study is meaningful in the aspect that it suggested the direction of education training by showing how the hospital coordinator education training would applied to the hospital coordinator course of the Continuing Education Center at Pusan and Kyungnam National University to some extent. Since all investigation of this study was approached from the side of hospital coordinator, the thoughts of patients who are beneficiaries of medical service, and care givers cannot be identified. Therefore, the satisfaction of patients and care givers through the experience of medical service, which is the essential prerequisite of medical service, should be importantly considered and investigated. Accordingly, The study of comparing and analyzing the views of both patients and care givers should be carried out in the future.

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동양회화의 경영위치(經營位置)에 의한 여백(餘白)의 미(美) 연구(硏究) (A study on the beauty of space by overall arrangement and composition of a picture in Oriental painting)

  • 이승숙
    • 조형예술학연구
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    • 제11권
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    • pp.201-220
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    • 2007
  • 본 논문은 동양회화(東洋繪畵)에 있어서 경영위치(經營位置)에 의한 여백(餘白)의 미(美)를 두 가지 관점(觀點)에서 고찰하였다. 첫째, 화면구성(畵面構成)의 일환인 경영위치(經營位置)로 드러나는 여백(餘白)의 처리 방법에 대한 기존의 방법론을 사료(史料)를 통하여 분석(分析)하여 체계적으로 정리하였으며, 둘째, 여백(餘白)의 미(美)에 대한 전통적(傳統的) 관점과 본인의 관점을 비교하여 그 차이점을 파악(把握)하였다. 대부분의 선행연구(先行硏究)와 자료(資料)는 여백(餘白)의 운영(運營)과 표현방법이 거의 수묵(水墨), 산수화(山水畵)에 집중되어 있었기 때문에 본인은 채색(彩色)위주의 작업을 하면서 여러 조형요소 가운데 사물간의 구성 및 색채(色彩)간의 조화(調和)를 통한 화면공간의 운용문제에 대해 연구하였으며, 동양회화의 회면구성을 담당하는 경영위치(經營位置) 요소 가운데 여백(餘白)의 미(美)를 새롭게 평가하고 인식(認識)하는 계기를 마련하고자 하였다. 수묵화(水墨畵)와 달리 채색화(彩色畵) 분야에서 제대로 인식(認識)되지 못했던 여백(餘白)의 운용에 대한 표현성의 확대와 그 의미를 살펴보았으며 이를 통해 표현기법이나 표현 언어 측면에서 공통점을 갖는 다른 예술분야(藝術分野)와 연계(連繫)하여 연구 분석함으로써 여백(餘白)의 표현과 그 감상의 경계가 결코 회화(繪畵) 한 분야에만 국한되지 않음을 연구하였다. 여백(餘白)의 개념(槪念) 및 표현방법에서는 여백(餘白)과 공간(空間)의 기본개념을 탐구하고 분석하면서 동양사상(東洋思想) 속에 나타나는 여백개념(餘白槪念)을 정리하였고 경영위치(京營位置)의 형성과 변천을 정리하고 원개념(遠槪念)을 정리하였다. 본인은 작품창작에 있어서 사물의 본질(本質)을 파악하여 표현하기 위한 방법으로 형사적인 측면과 신사적(神似的)인 측면을 함께 고려하였다. 형사적(形似的)인 측면에 해당하는 드러난 형상의 표현은 대체로 격물치지적(格物致知的) 측면을 고려하였으며, 사의적(寫意的) 측면에 해당하는 무형(無形)의 형(形)은 창작 주체의 정신과 합일되는 '물화(物化)'의 경지에 이르고자 노력하였다. 그 안에 내재된 정신성을 표출하기 위하여 장자(莊子)가 제시한 '심제(心齊)'와 '좌망(坐忘)'의 경계를 추구하면서 정신적 수양의 경지에 이르고자 하였다. 정신적 수양이 작품 속에 투영될 때 화면에 외형적인 형태와 더불어 내재된 본질도 함께 전달될 수 있으며 화면 속에 표현된 형상(形象)의 이미지는 현실에서 체득(體得)한 심미적 경험(經驗)을 바탕으로 하는 것이라 보았다. 본 논문은 역대(歷代) 화가(畵家)들과 이론가들이 남긴 역사적(歷史的) 유산(遺産)들을 근거(根據)로 전통(傳統)을 계승(繼承)하고 변호시켜 재창조(再創造)함으로써 본인 작품의 정체성(整體性)을 확립해야 한다는 사실을 알게 되었다. 본인이 추구하고 지향(指向)하는 작품세계의 정체성(整體性)을 확립하기 위해서 전통(傳統)과 현대(現代)를 창조적(創造的)인 방법으로 융화(融和)시켜 향후 작품의 방향성(方向成)을 찾고자 하였다.

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무대조명을 통한 무용 예술의 무대공간 시각화 방안 연구 (A Study on Methods for the Visualization of Stage Space through Stage Lighting)

  • 이장원;이진우
    • 조명전기설비학회논문지
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    • 제23권4호
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    • pp.16-28
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    • 2009
  • 무대 예술은 근본적으로 '본다'는 본질을 바탕으로 삼는 동시에, 보여주고 보는 행위의 상대성을 지니고 있다. 무대 조명을 인공적인 빛을 이용하여 무대 예술의 근본인 '본다'는 본질을 해결하고 현대에 이르러서는 전기의 발명과 함께 급속도로 발전된 조명기재들과 광학의 발달에 힘입어 무대 예술의 중요한 시각적 표현매체로 역할이 증대되었다. 그러므로 조명은 하나의 무대예술 분야에서 빛이라는 매개체를 이용하여 무대공간을 아름답게 표현할 뿐만 아니라 관객에게 지적, 정서적 감동을 주는, 시간과 공간을 미학적으로 표현하는 시각예술이라 할 수 있다. 즉 무대 조명이란 조명 공학(기술, 과학) + 미의식(감각, 예술)의 복합적인 기능이라 할 수 있다. 무용은 움직임의 예술이며 선의 예술이다. 신체의 움직임은 무용의 재료이며, 움직임을 만들어 내는 무용수의 몸은 표현의 매체이다. 무용 예술은 인간의 신체를 도구로 움직임을 선정하고, 의식적으로 형상화된 동작의 표현 또는 내면의 정서적 반영을 관객들에게 극대화된 미적체험을 전달하며 감동을 전이시키는 예술이며, 시각적인 미를 보다 확대시키고 강조하기 위하여 무대 공연에 있어 조명, 장치, 의상, 음악, 소품 등의 보조적 도구들을 활용하는 종합예술이다. 그 중에서도 무용 조명은 그 표현의 미를 극대화 시키는 시각예술로서 순수한 신체언어의 조형적 시각화 작업이 필요하다. 이를 위해 본 연구자는 무대 조명의 기초와 타 분야와의 관계, 조명의 기능과 특징을 연구하여 무용 예술의 시각화를 극대화 시킬 수 있는 조명의 활용방안을 마련하고, 조명의 예술적 발전과 무용의 미적 표현 능력을 극대화 시키는데 그 목적이 있으며 다음과 같은 결론에 도달하였다. 첫째, 조명은 다양한 기재가 갖고 있는 빛의 형태와 방향성 등을 이용하여 무대 공간을 시각화 할 수 있으며, 작품이 추구하는 이미지 극대화를 표현할 수 있다. 둘째, 무용 작품에 있어 무용이 갖고 있는 공간의 형태를 빛의 움직임을 통한 시각적 연출로서의 조명이 가능하다. 셋째, 빛으로 창출하는 시각적, 공간적 표현을 통하여 작품의 극적 카타르시스를 관객에게 지적, 정서적 감동을 일으키게 한다. 넷째, 조명이 보조자로서의 역할이 아니라 독창적인 하나의 시각 디자인으로 자리매김 할 수 있다. 끝으로 대다수 사람들이 상식적으로 생각하고 있는 "무대를 밝게 비추는" 조명의 단순한 기능에서 벗어나 예술의 한 영역으로 발전하기 위해서는 조명 디자이너는 창조성과 예술성을 가지고 안무가의 의도나 작품을 이해하여 빛과 색채를 미적인 언어로 파악하여 작품의 효과를 높여주고 작품 구성의 한 요소로 참여하여 조명이 하나의 예술로 다뤄질 수 있도록 노력해야 한다. 특히 이번 연구를 통해 빛의 움직임을 통한 공간의 구성을 미학적으로 표현하기 위해서는 기본적으로 예술적 감각을 키우고, 생명력을 불어 넣는 빛의 예술뿐 아니라 저변에 걸쳐있는 제반예술에 대해 심미안을 키워야 할 것이다.

광복 후부터 1950년대까지 한국에서 활동한 외국인이 본 한국미술 (Korean Art from the view of foreigners in Korea from the period of independence to 1950s)

  • 조은정
    • 미술이론과 현장
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    • 제4호
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    • pp.123-144
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    • 2006
  • Foreigners who arrived in Korea after the age of enlightenment were Japanese, Chinese and 'Westerners' who were Europeans and Americans. The westerners were diplomats who visited Korea for colonization or for increasing their economical profits by trading after the spread of imperialism, and tourists curious of back countries, artists, explores and missionaries to perform their roles for their religious beliefs. They contacted with Korean cultural and educational people as missionaries and instructors during Japanese colonial period. In 1945, the allied forces occupied Korea under the name of takeover of Japanese colony after Japan's surrender and the relation between foreigners and Korean cultured men enter upon a new phase. For 3 years, American soldiers enforced lots of systems in Korea and many pro-American people were educated. This relationship lasted even after the establishment of the government of Korean Republic and especially, diplomats called as pro-Korean group came again after Korean War. Among them, there were lots of foreigners interested in cultures and arts. In particular, government officials under American Forces who were influential on political circles or diplomats widened their insights toward Korean cultural assets and collected them a lot. Those who were in Korea from the period of independence to 1950s wrote their impressions about Korean cultural assets on newspapers or journals after visiting contemporary Korean exhibitions. Among them, A. J. McTaggart, Richard Hertz and the Hendersons were dominant. They thought the artists had great interests in compromising and uniting the Orient and the West based on their knowledge of Korean cultural assets and they advised. However, it was different from Korean artist's point of view that the foreigners thought Korean art adhered oriental features and contained western contents. From foreigners' point of view, it is hard to understand the attitude Korean artists chose to keep their self-respect through experiencing the Korean war. It is difficult to distinguish their thought about Korean art based on their exotic taste from the Korean artists' local and peninsular features under Japanese imperialism. We can see their thought about Korean art and their viewpoint toward the third world, after staying in Korea for a short period and being a member of the first world. The basic thing was that they could see the potentialities through the worldwide, beautiful Korean cultural assets and they thought it was important to start with traditions. It is an evidence showing Korean artists' pride in regard to the art culture through experiencing the infringement of their country. By writing about illuminating Korean art from the third party's view, foreigners represented their thoughts through it that their economical, military superiority goes with their cultural superiority. The Korean artist's thought of emphasizing Korean history and traditions, reexamining and using it as an original creation may have been inspired by westerners' writings. 'The establishment of national art' that Korean artists gave emphasis then, didn't only affect one of the reactions toward external impact, 'the adhesion of tradition'. In the process of introducing Korean contemporary art and national treasure in America, different view caused by role differences-foreigner as selector and Korean as assistant-showed the fact evidently that the standard of beauty differed between them. By emphasizing that the basis to classify Korean cultural assets is different from the neighborhood China and Japan, they tried to reflect their understanding that the feature of Korean art is on speciality other than universality. And this make us understand that even when Korean artists profess modernism, they stress that the roots are on Korean and oriental tradition. It was obviously a different thought from foreigners' view on Korean art that Korean artists' conception of modernism and traditional roots are inherent in Korean history. In 1950s, after the independence, Korea had different ideas from foreigners that abstract was to be learned from the west. Korea was enduring tough times with their artists' self-respect which made them think that they can learn the method, but the spirit of abstract is in the orient.

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