• 제목/요약/키워드: Kitchen Plan

검색결과 199건 처리시간 0.023초

노인의 특성을 고려한 부엌 계획지침에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Design Guideline for Kitchen Plan of Korean Elderly)

  • 이승희;이현수
    • 한국주거학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국주거학회 2006년도 추계학술발표대회 논문집
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    • pp.155-158
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    • 2006
  • In the design guideline for the existing elderly house, the guideline related to kitchen is very important in the secure and functional aspect. In spite of importace, the present elderly house's Kitchen plan is being designed based on foreign universal design guideline or common housing form instead of considering physical social and psychological qualities of the korean elderly. Therefore, In this study based on the guideline of the previous studies related to domestic elderly house and kitchen plan for elderly house, we found physical social and psychological qualities of the korean elderly. Acooording to these characteristics we suggested guideline on kitchen plan for Elderly House. Those suggested here will be applied to design guidelines of elderly housing on kitchen plan in future.

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소비자 요구를 반영한 아파트 보조주방 모듈 개발에 고한 연구 (A Study on the planning of the Sub-kitchen Module Meeting Consumer Needs for the Apartment Unit Plan)

  • 방희조
    • 한국실내디자인학회논문집
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.170-176
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    • 2012
  • Korean living culture raised the users' needs for sub-kitchen. In the traditional Korean house, there was large space related to kitchen area for preparing food and stock big and bulky housing stuffs. As apartment housing became dominant as Korean dwelling, sub-kitchen has been planed in the balcony that is not included in the sales area. In this study, the case of the apartment housing in Esiapolis, Daegu was analyzed. To plan the user-oriented sub-kitchen, the consumer research was carried out. Consumers needed a pantry, more storage near the kitchen, and wanted to place washing machine and washing stand in a sub-kitchen. Sub-kitchens were planed to meet those consumers' needs. Through this case study and former studies analysis, sub-kitchen's function unit was derived: wash, storage, auxiliary work. By combining each function unit, sub-kitchen was classified into 3 types, wash & auxiliary work, wash & storage, and wash & storage & auxiliary work. For each sub-kitchen type, components of function units, available layouts, and minimum size were recommended.

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최근 분양된 공동주택의 전용면적 규모에 따른 가사작업공간 계획특성 (Characteristics of Kitchen and Utility Space Plan in Recently Supplied Apartment Housing)

  • 한정원
    • 대한가정학회지
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    • 제46권8호
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    • pp.135-147
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    • 2008
  • This study was to identify the spatial and functional characteristics of kitchen and utility space plan in apartment housing. For this purpose, spatial arrangement and function of kitchen and utility space were analyzed according to the size of apartment unit. The results of this study were as follows; 1) The level of spatial separation among living room, dining room, and bedroom is higher in large-sized apartment. And diverse plans were applied for the kitchen of large-sized apartment. 2) To find out functional characteristics of kitchen space, furniture arrangement was analyzed. The I-type kitchen furniture is dominant for small-sized and medium-small apartment, and L-type furniture for medium-large and large sized apartment. 3) For most of the unit plans utility space is located on the balcony outside the kitchen. 4) Sub-kitchen and laundry are major function of utility space, but in case of balcony extention, the function of utility space is minimized. Recent plans for apartment housing shows various spatial arrangement and functions for kitchen and utility space.

수도권 신도시 근교 농촌 아파트 주거의 내부 공간구조 변화 - 주부인 여성이 주로 사용하는 공간을 중심으로 - (The Implication of Changes on Unit Plans of Condominium Apartments in Rural Area depended on Women's Spaces)

  • 최병숙
    • 한국농촌건축학회논문집
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 2010
  • This study is to analyze women's power in family to be related to Anbang, kitchen, dining room, and utility room planning in a unit plan of condominium apartment housing in rural area Data were collected 194 unit plans from 9 eastern regions of Kungi-Do. The results are as followed: 1) Anbang reflects the women's power on changing its space character into mater bedroom, the highest hierarchy in private zone, and planning a dress room in it. 2) Dining room and kitchen is openly centered on the unit plan, but kitchen is still only women's working space for family and agriculture depended on literature review. Dining space is not activated family interaction, so it is not different from urban apartment housing. However, its location and character are changed, and its hierarchy is relatively higher with women. Dining room and kitchen tend to plan visually separated after 2001, so its trend seems to establish women's territory at home. 3) Whole family can't be easy to access utility and back balcony close to kitchen, and these spaces are functionally separated for women's house work. This design trend seems to establish for women's area. 4) Finally, women's power seems to be effective in house working area including kitchen space depended on results. Also, these results from rural condominium apartment are similar to urban ones in previous study.

한국 노인의 부엌 및 욕실 설비에 대한 적정 치수 조사 (Survey on The Dimension of The Equipment Focus on Korean Elderly of Kitchen and Bathroom)

  • 주서령;이지예;김민경
    • 한국실내디자인학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국실내디자인학회 2005년도 추계학술발표대회 논문집
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    • pp.231-232
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    • 2005
  • In the design guideline about the existing elderly house, the equipment related to kitchen and bathroom are the most important in the secure and functional aspect. On the other hand, the present elderly house is being designed according to foreign design guideline or common housing form instead of reflecting living and physical qualities of the korean elderly. Therefore, in this study based on the guideline of the existing literature, we made kitchen and bathroom equipments and conducted an experiment in finding proper position and height for korean elderly enough to use the kitchen and bathroom conveniently and independently. Based on the guideline of the existing literature related to foreign and domestic elderly house, we made Mock-up furnished with the equipments of kitchen and bathroom. The equipments of kitchen consist of sink and shelves to be capable of changing height. The equipments of bathroom consist of different height wash bowls, toilet stools, grab bars, and a bathtub. The study was accomplished by observing and measuring the use of the elderly.

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주방 환기에 대한 조리사들의 인식도 연구 - 서울 지역을 대상으로 - (A Study on the Recognition of Cooks about the Kitchen Ventilation)

  • 반주원;허준
    • 한국조리학회지
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    • 제11권4호
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    • pp.228-244
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    • 2005
  • The objective of the study is to observe cooks first from the kitchen and those who care health and to grasp the impression regarding the kitchen environment. Also, it grasped the recognition degree of cooks against the elements of kitchen ventilation and kitchen ventilation equipments. We surveyed against 385 cooks who work in the kitchen of special grade hotels and family restaurants, used 5 scales for the object, and executed the analysis. The results of this study are as follows: (1) Health condition of the cooks appeared most highly pain in the shoulder and the neck. (2) for the impression regarding the kitchen environment, temperature was high and the insufficiency of ventilation is answered highly. (3) The importance of kitchen ventilation of cooks was recognized very high. (4) The combustion gas was recognized as very high percentage and the most effective element of the kitchen on the human body to remove first inside the kitchen. (5) Most cooks were recognized that the improvement of ventilation equipments is necessary. (6) The object of ventilation equipments is appeared to maintain comfortable kitchen environment. (7) The optimum operation method of ventilation equipment uses the automatic system of ventilation equipment from the kitchen and it is necessary to maintain the optimum. This research is based on preceding studies, investigating special grade hotels and family restaurants in Seoul. The ventilation plan of the kitchen should be accomplished to improve the health of cooks and productivity.

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소양 문화마을 주택의 평면적 특성을 통해 본 농촌 주거공간의 현시대적 패턴 (Contemporary Planning Trends of Rural Houses in So-yang Munhwa Village- Analysis of Floor Plan Shapes and Space Relations & Elements -)

  • 최병숙;박선희
    • 한국주거학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국주거학회 2005년도 추계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.103-106
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    • 2005
  • This study was to find out contemporary planning trends of rural houses in So-yang Munhwa village by analyzing their floor plan shapes and space relations & elements. There were built 71 houses in that village, but it were possible to collect housing data, floor plans & general building records of 45 houses, from house register. By analyzing those data, findings were as follows : 1) Floor plan shapes of rural houses had a tendency to various type than simple types. 2) Room-Living-Room, 3 bay arrangement were very strong trends in those plans. 2) Public spaces, L.D.K(living dining kitchen) spaces, were centered in the floor plan of them. 3) Living space had an openness from entrance and DK(dining kitchen)spaces were separated from L.D.K. 4) Anbang(master bedroom) and living space were important, so two spaces were set to the south of floor plan and Anbang with a bathroom were often showed. 5) Utility and balcony/veranda spaces as a support space of kitchen were planned in rural houses.

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영유아 보육시설의 조리실 시설 현황 조사 및 조리실 시설 설계 기준안 개발 (Assessment of the Child Care Centers' Foodservice Facility and Development of the Kitchen Facility Model based on the General Sanitation Standards and Guidelines)

  • 박영주;곽동경;강영재;정홍관
    • 대한영양사협회학술지
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    • 제9권3호
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    • pp.219-232
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    • 2003
  • The purposes of this study were to assess the child care centers' foodservice facility, and to develop the kitchen facility model based on the general sanitation standards and guidelines in order to provide basic information for a plan review to build or renovate child care centers' foodservice facility. The scopes of the study include : 1) field assessment of the foodservice management practices and facilities in 8 public child care centers, and 2 private child care centers which they are subsidized from the government as public child care centers, 2) development of child care centers' kitchen facility model based on the General Sanitation Standards and Guidelines. The results of this study can be summarized as follows : 1. Field Assessment of the Child Care Centers' Foodservice Facility Average number of children in child care centers was 78.0$\pm$24.20, the average space of kitchen was 15.13$\pm$4.25($m^2$). Especially, the average space of kitchen was 18.49$\pm$4.35($m^2$) with enrollment capacity of 90~120 children in child care centers. The inventory level of most foods was relatively low except rice and kimchi. Kitchen facilities and equipments were similar to those of home kitchen and did not meet the standards of institutional practice. Therefore, the director in child care centers should recognize the importance of the sanitation management and pay more attention to the renovation of foodservice facilities as well as sanitation management practices. 2. Development of the Kitchen Facility Model based on the General Sanitation Standards and Guidelines The kitchen facility plan model with enrollment capacity of 100 children was developed based on the results of field assessment and literature review. Suggested kitchen space was 34.16$m^2$(6,100mm×5,600mm). This space was bigger than the results of field survey or precedent study, considered appropriate to implement the general sanitation standards. The main feature of the developed kitchen facility plan and model was product flow in one direction from the arrival of the raw material to the finished product in order to prevent cross contamination and to improve working efficiency.

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아파트 거주자의 가사작업공간 사용행태와 의식 (Behavioral Patterns Perception in the Kitchen and Utility Space among Apartment Resident's)

  • 김진영;강순주
    • 대한가정학회지
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    • 제43권4호
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    • pp.17-30
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    • 2005
  • The Purpose of this study was firstly to identify the living characteristics of apartment residents in relation to the behavioral patterns in the kitchen and utility space and secondly to present the basic material necessary for planning the kitchen and utility space of future desirable apartments with consideration for resident usage. The findings are summarized as follows : 1) Behavioral patterns in the kitchen and utility space were classified as personal life, family with harmony, talking with visitors, caring for children, cleaning, cooking, and keeping and connecting. 2) Behavioral patterns in He kitchen and utility space showed patterns on personal life, family with harmony, and talking with visitors and were used in the kitchen including the dining room. 3) As the required kitchen size and sink arrangement varied according to the kinds of furniture appliance, plan for the kitchen wok is very necessary.

농촌 부엌공간에 대한 거주자 평가 및 요구 (The Users' Needs and Evaluation on the Rural Kitchen Space)

  • 유옥순;최병숙
    • 대한가정학회지
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    • 제38권10호
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    • pp.215-225
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    • 2000
  • The objectives of this study were to prove that the rural kitchen style followed the urban's style and to find the different needs of rural western kitchen style from urban's through the evaluation of users. Interview data were collected by 100 residents in Chonbuk rural area and were analyzed qualitatively and Quantitatively. The results showed that the westernization of rural kitchen, as predicted about 12 years ago, ran after the urban's. In addition to the urban kitchen style, the users of the rural western kitchen desired 'the second kitchen' near to their Ma-dangs and main kitchens. The safety, convenience and comfort of it were satisfactorily evaluated, especially the convenience factor was very important in the rural kitchen design. They also wanted to arrange the refrigerator for Kim-chi or the larger refrigerator in it and to plan the L-DK type.

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