• Title/Summary/Keyword: KOMPSAT- 3

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A Test Result on the Positional Accuracy of Kompsat-3A Beta Test Images

  • Oh, Jae Hong;Seo, Doo Chun;Lee, Chang No
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.133-142
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    • 2016
  • KOMPSAT-3A (KOrea Multi-Purpose SATellite-3A) was launched in March 25 2015 with specification of 0.5 meters resolution panchromatic and four 2.2 meters resolution multi spectral sensors in 12km swath width at nadir. To better understand KOMPSAT-3A positional accuracy, this paper reports a test result on the accuracy of recently released KOMPSAT-3A beta test images. A number of ground points were acquired from 1:1,000 digital topographic maps over the target area for the accuracy validation. First, the original RPCs (Rational Polynomial Coefficients) were validated without any GCPs (Ground Control Points). Then we continued the test by modeling the errors in the image space using shift-only, shift and drift, and the affine model. Ground restitution accuracy was also analyzed even though the across track image pairs do not have optimal convergence angle. The experimental results showed that the shift and drift-based RPCs correction was optimal showing comparable accuracy of less than 1.5 pixels with less GCPs compared to the affine model.

Monitoring of the Drought in the Upstream Area of Soyang River, Inje-Gun, Kangwon-do Using KOMPSAT-2/3 Satellite (KOMPSAT-2/3 위성을 활용한 강원도 인제군 소양강 상류지역의 가뭄 모니터링)

  • Park, Sung-Jae;Lee, Chang-Wook
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.6_3
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    • pp.1319-1327
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    • 2018
  • Korea has a terrain vulnerable to drought due to the concentration of precipitation in summer and the large amount of groundwater discharge. Quantified drought indices are used to determine these droughts. Among these, drought index is mainly used for analysis of precipitation, and recently, researches have been conducted to monitor drought using satellite images. In this study, we used the KOMPSAT-2/3 image to calculate the water surface area and compare with the drought index in order to monitor the drought in the Upper Soyang River. As a result, it was confirmed that the tendency of the water surface area change and the trend of the drought index were similar in the satellite images. Future research could be used as a basis for judging drought.

The comparative analysis of KOMPSAT-3 based surface normalized difference vegetation index: Application of GeoEye data (다목적실용위성 3호의 지표 정규식생지수 산출 및 비교 분석: GeoEye 자료 활용)

  • Yeom, Jong-Min
    • Aerospace Engineering and Technology
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.80-86
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    • 2014
  • In this study, we the estimated surface normalized difference vegetation index by using the KOrea Multi-Purpose SATellite-3 (KOMPSAT-3) multi-spectral images for comparative analysis. The estimated NDVI from KOMPSAT-3 is used as for comparison with the high resolution GeoEye products. The geometry conditions for atmospheric effects are selected from meta files of KOMPSAT-3 bundle data. The used geometry conditions are consist of solar zenith angle, solar azimuth angle, viewing zenith angle, viewing azimuth angle, and date. And, Atmospheric effects such as attenuation, scattering and absorption were physically simulated from water vapor, ozone and aerosol information. Generally, although ground measurements are important for accurate information, in this study, MODIS atmospheric products are used as atmospheric constituents. The surface reflectance from radiative transfer model is utilized for estimating vegetation index. The present study, to reduce atmospheric and geometry conditions between KOMPSAT-3 and GeoEye having difference observation characteristics, data acquisition time is carefully determined for reliable vegetation spectral characteristics.

Definition and Monitoring of Image data Quality for KOMPSAT-3 from users (사용자 측면에서의 아리랑위성 3호 영상자료의 품질 정의 및 관리)

  • Lee, DongHan;Kim, Mina;Seo, DooChun;Jeong, JaeHeon;Jeon, KyeongMi
    • Aerospace Engineering and Technology
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.87-98
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    • 2014
  • Generally there is a technical gap for the image data quality between from the satellite requirement values and from the users. After Cal/Val for KOMPSAT-3 had been done by Dec. 31, 2012, all requirements for KOMPSAT-3 image data quality have been validated, and then the normal operation of it started from Jan. 2013. In the normal period, the image data quality for the users has been defined and managed, and according to the result of it, the additional Cal/Val items have been doing. Cal/Val team and Processing team in KARI made the quality report (QR) for KOMPSAT-3 image data quality for the users, and have determined the quality level of KOMPSAT-3 product generated by Processing system (PMS; Product Management System) and managed the quality report for it. According to the result of the quality report, Cal/Val team defined six additional Cal/Val items, and has done five items of them and has been implementing the result of them into the Processing system.

Research Trends in KOMPSAT Series (다목적실용위성 시리즈 연구 동향)

  • Lee, Kwang-Jae;Oh, Kwan-Young;Chae, Tae-Byeong;Lee, Won-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.35 no.6_4
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    • pp.1313-1318
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    • 2019
  • The Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) has developed and operated a total of three KOMPSAT series(K-3, 3A and 5). The main purpose of satellite development is to utilize data obtained from satellites. In other words, continuous efforts should be made to improve the accuracy of data processing and expand the application areas. This special issue introduces pre-processing and application technologies based on optic and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) sensors of KOMPSAT series. It is believed that more systematic research and development will be needed as follow-up KOMPSAT series and small satellites are under development.

Derivation of Radiometric Calibration Coefficients for KOMPSAT-3A Mid-wave Infrared Data Using a Radiative Transfer Model: An Exploratory Example (복사전달모델을 이용한 KOMPSAT-3A 중적외선 데이터의 복사보정계수 산출: 탐구적 사례)

  • Kim, Yongseung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.6_2
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    • pp.1629-1634
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    • 2020
  • It is essential to convert the Digital Number (DN) measured from Earth observing satellites into the physical parameter of radiance when deriving the geophysical parameter such as surface temperature in the satellite data processing. The purpose of this study is to update the DN·Radiance equation established from lab measurements, using the KOMPSAT-3A mid-wave infrared data and the MODTRAN radiative transfer model. Results of this study show that the improved DN·Radiance equation allows us to produce the realistic values of radiance. We expect in the forthcoming study that the radiances calculated as such should be more quantitatively validated with the use of relevant in-situ measurements and a radiative transfer model.

Comparison of High Resolution Image by Ortho Rectification Accuracy and Correlation Each Band (고해상도 영상의 정사보정 정확도 검증 및 밴드별 상관성 비교연구)

  • Jin, Cheong-Gil;Park, So-Young;Kim, Hyung-Seok;Chun, Yong-Sik;Choi, Chul-Uong
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.35-45
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    • 2010
  • The objective of this study is to verify the positional accuracy by performing the orthometric corrections on the high resolution satellite images and to analyze the band correlation between the high resolution images corrected with orthometric correction. The objectives also included an analysis on the correlation of NDVI. For the orthometric correction of images from KOMPSAT2 and IKONOS, systematic errors were removed in use of RPC data, and non-planar distortions were corrected with GPS surveying data. Also, by preempting the image points at the same positions within ortho images, a comparison was performed on positional accuracies between image points of each image and GPS surveying points. The comparison was also made on the positional accuracies of image points. between the images. For correlation of band and correlation of NDVI, the descriptive statistics of DN values were acquired for respective bands by adding the Quickbird images and Aerial Photographs undergone through orthometric correction at the time of purchase. As result, from a comparison on positional accuracies of Orthoimages from KOMPSAT2 and Ortho Images of IKONOS was made. From the comparison the distance between the image points within each image and GPS surveying points was identified as 3.41m for KOMPSAT2 and as 1.45m for IKONOS, presenting a difference of 1.96m. Whereas, RMSE between image points was identified as 1.88m. The level of correlation was measured by using Quickbird, KOMPSAT2, IKONOS and Aerial Photographs between inter-image bands and NDVI, showing that there were high levels of correlation between Quickbird and IKONOS identified from all bands as well as from NDVI, except a high level of correlation that was identified between the Aerial Photographs and KOMPSAT2 from Band 2. Low levels of correlation were also identified between Quickbird and Aerial Photographs from Band 1. and between KOMPSAT2 and IKONOS from Band 2 and Band 4, whereas, KOMPSAT2 showed low correlations with Aerial Photographs from Band 3. For NDVI, KOMPSAT2 showed low level of correlations with both of QuickBird and IKONOS.

RPC-based epipolar image resampling of Kompsat-2 across-track stereos (RPC를 기반으로 한 아리랑 2호 에피폴라 영상제작)

  • Oh, Jae-Hong;Lee, Hyo-Seong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.157-164
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    • 2011
  • As high-resolution satellite images have enabled large scale topographic mapping and monitoring on global scale with short revisit time, agile sensor orientation, and large swath width, many countries make effort to secure the satellite image information. In Korea, KOMPSAT-2 (KOrea Multi-Purpose SATellite-2) was launched in July 28 2006 with high specification. These satellites have stereo image acquisition capability for 3D mapping and monitoring. To efficiently handle stereo images such as stereo display and monitoring, the accurate epipolar image generation process is prerequisite. However, the process was highly limited due to complexity in epipolar geometry of pushbroom sensor. Recently, the piecewise approach to generate epipolar images using RPC was developed and tested for in-track IKONOS stereo images. In this paper, the piecewise approach was tested for KOMPSAT-2 across-track stereo images to see how accurately KOMPSAT-2 epipolar images can be generated for 3D geospatial applications. In the experiment, two across-track stereo sets from three KOMPSAT-2 images of different dates were tested using RPC as the sensor model. The test results showed that one-pixel level of y-parallax was achieved for manually measured tie points.


  • Lee, Hyun-Jik;Ru, Ji-Ho;Yu, Young-Geol;Lee, Kyu-Man
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.14-17
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    • 2008
  • KOMPSAT-2 is the seventh high-resolution satellite in the world that provides both 1m panchromatic images and 4m multispectral images of the GSD. It is expected to be used across many different fields including digital mapping, territorial and environmental monitoring. However, due to the complexity and security concern involved with the use of the MSC, the use of KOMPSAT-2 images are limited in terms of geometric data, such as satellite orbits and detailed mapping information. This study aims to generate the DEM and orthoimage by using the stereo images of KOMPSAT-2 and to explore the applicability of geo-spatial information with KOMPSAT-2. In order to ensure generation of DEMs of optimal accuracy, the RPCs data and a suitable number of GCPs were used. The accuracy of DEM generated in this research compared with DEM generated from 1:5,000 digital map. The mean differences between horizontal position of the orthoimage and the digital map data are found to be ${\pm}$3.1m, which is in the range of ${\pm}$3.5m, within the permitted limit of a 1:5,000 digital map. The results suggest that DEM can be adequately used to produce digital maps under 1:5,000 scale.

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A Conceptual Design of Integrated Receiving end for Multi-Satellite Mission Data Processing (다중위성 운영을 위한 통합 자료처리 시스템의 개념적 설계)

  • Bae, Hee-Jin;Chae, Tae-Byeong;Oh, Seung-Hyeub
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.17-22
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    • 2010
  • Establishment of systematic platform is needed for technological progress of receiving of satellite image data with high quality and processing system for product generation and operation related with direct receiving system for satellite from abroad. Besides, it's necessary to develop the integrated data processing system to prohibit similar functions on developing (or being developed) for KOMPSAT-3, KOMPSAT-5 and to operate system efficiently. Therefore, conceptual design of the integrated data processing system is performed considering commercialization of KOMPSAT(Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite) series based on KOMPSAT-2 IRPE on operation in this paper.