• Title/Summary/Keyword: KEPCO Grid

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Design Methodology of a Three-Phase Dual Active Bridge Converter for Low Voltage Direct Current Applications

  • Lee, Won-Bin;Choi, Hyun-Jun;Cho, Young-Pyo;Ryu, Myung-Hyo;Jung, Jee-Hoon
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.482-491
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    • 2018
  • The practical design methodology of a three-phase dual active bridge (3ph-DAB) converter applied to low voltage direct current (LVDC) applications is proposed by using a mathematical model based on the steady-state operation. An analysis of the small-signal model (SSM) is important for the design of a proper controller to improve the stability and dynamics of the converter. The proposed lead-lag controller for the 3ph-DAB converter is designed with a simplified SSM analysis including an equivalent series resistor (ESR) for the output capacitor. The proposed controller can compensate the effects of the ESR zero of the output capacitor in the control-to-output voltage transfer function that can cause high-frequency noises. In addition, the performance of the power converter can be improved by using a controller designed by a SSM analysis without additional cost. The accuracy of the simplified SSM including the ESR zero of the output capacitor is verified by simulation software (PSIM). The design methodology of the 3ph-DAB converter and the performance of the proposed controller are verified by experimental results obtained with a 5-kW prototype 3ph-DAB converter.

A Study on Future System Construction Using WSCR Strengthness Index based on Python (Python 기반 WSCR 강건 지수를 이용한 미래계통 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Seong-Jun;Hur, Jin;Kim, Hyun-Jin;Cho, Yoon-Sung
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.67 no.8
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    • pp.994-1001
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, to studied about future power system construction using PSS / E-Python API. Python-based future system automatical construction methods and modeling of renewable sources. it confirmed the stability of the powert system for each renewable area by calculating the weighted short circuit ratio (WSCR) index. it calculated the short circuit ratio (SCR) and selected the transmission line linkage scenario to improve the stability of vulnerable areas. it confirmed the WSCR index improvement through the selected transmission line linkage of scenario, and analyzed the stability of the renewable power system applying the scenario. It describes Facts and Shunt devices adjustment for the load flow convergence. It describes the stable methed of the bus voltage through the transformer Ratio Tap adjustment. By performing PSS/E ASCC using the Python it was performed three-phase short circuit fault capacity analysis, it is confirmed whether excess of the fault current circuit breaker capacity. In order to contingency accident analysis, it have described the generation of one or two line list of each areas using the Python. The list is used to contingency analysis and describe the soluted of the transmission line overload through comparison before and after adding the scenario line.

A Study on Power Factor Control of Inverter-based DG System with Considering the Capacity of an Active Harmonic Filter and an Inverter (고조파 필터 및 인버터의 용량을 고려한 분산전원 시스템의 역률 제어에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Jin;Hwang, Pyeong-Ik;Moon, Seung-Il
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.58 no.11
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    • pp.2149-2154
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    • 2009
  • Electric power quality in power transmission/distribution systems has considerably been deteriorated with the increase in the capacity of distributed generators (DGs). It is because inverters, connecting DGs to conventional power grids, tend to generate harmonic current and voltage. For harmonic mitigation, a large amount of research has been done on passive and active filters, which have been operating successfully in many countries. This paper, therefore, presents how to adopt the filters to an inverter-based DG, with considering a system consisting of both inverter-based DG and harmonic filters. In particular, this paper describes the simulation results using the PSCAD/EMTDC: firstly, the relationship between total harmonic distortion(THD) of current and output power of DG: secondly, the harmonic mitigation ability of passive and active filters. The system, furthermore, is obliged to satisfy the regulations made by Korean Electric Power Corporation(KEPCO). In the regulations, power factor should be maintained between 0.9 and 1 in a grid-connected mode. Thus, this paper suggests two methods for the system to control its power factor. First, the inverter of DG should control power factor rather than an active filter because it brings dramatic decrease in the capacity of the active filter. Second, DG should absorb reactive power only in the range of low output power in order to prevent useless capacity increase of the inverter. This method is expected to result in the variable power factor of the system according to its output power.

A study on the voltage rise of the inverter output terminal according to the low voltage Grid connection of solar power generation (태양광발전 저압연계시 인버터 출력단 전압상승에 대한 연구)

  • Cho, Kang-yeon;Eo, Ik-soo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.11
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    • pp.746-752
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    • 2020
  • As environmental issues have been taken seriously, the number of solar power generation facilities has rapidly increased in Korea. The voltage at the output stage of an inverter increases in a system that connects a small-capacity photovoltaic power generation to low-voltage power distribution. This degrades the quality of the low-voltage distribution system and adversely affects the load facility. In this study, a solution was obtained to increase the voltage at the output stage of the solar inverter according to the connection of the low-voltage distribution system. The voltage can be controlled by using reactive power factor control inverters. If the secondary tap is adjusted, the voltage can be adjusted to about 15 V, but there is a problem in that the tap is not adjusted unless the KEPCO distribution regulation voltage is out of the range of 220±13V. If the number of inverters is limited, the inverter can be started within the inverter overvoltage range. If it is connected to three phases, the voltage is distributed. The results indicated that power factor control and active voltage control inverters were easy to apply in the field.

The Development of an Aggregate Power Resource Configuration Model Based on the Renewable Energy Generation Forecasting System (재생에너지 발전량 예측제도 기반 집합전력자원 구성모델 개발)

  • Eunkyung Kang;Ha-Ryeom Jang;Seonuk Yang;Sung-Byung Yang
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.229-256
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    • 2023
  • The increase in telecommuting and household electricity demand due to the pandemic has led to significant changes in electricity demand patterns. This has led to difficulties in identifying KEPCO's PPA (power purchase agreements) and residential solar power generation and has added to the challenges of electricity demand forecasting and grid operation for power exchanges. Unlike other energy resources, electricity is difficult to store, so it is essential to maintain a balance between energy production and consumption. A shortage or overproduction of electricity can cause significant instability in the energy system, so it is necessary to manage the supply and demand of electricity effectively. Especially in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the importance of data has increased, and problems such as large-scale fires and power outages can have a severe impact. Therefore, in the field of electricity, it is crucial to accurately predict the amount of power generation, such as renewable energy, along with the exact demand for electricity, for proper power generation management, which helps to reduce unnecessary power production and efficiently utilize energy resources. In this study, we reviewed the renewable energy generation forecasting system, its objectives, and practical applications to construct optimal aggregated power resources using data from 169 power plants provided by the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy, developed an aggregation algorithm considering the settlement of the forecasting system, and applied it to the analytical logic to synthesize and interpret the results. This study developed an optimal aggregation algorithm and derived an aggregation configuration (Result_Number 546) that reached 80.66% of the maximum settlement amount and identified plants that increase the settlement amount (B1783, B1729, N6002, S5044, B1782, N6006) and plants that decrease the settlement amount (S5034, S5023, S5031) when aggregating plants. This study is significant as the first study to develop an optimal aggregation algorithm using aggregated power resources as a research unit, and we expect that the results of this study can be used to improve the stability of the power system and efficiently utilize energy resources.