• 제목/요약/키워드: Joseph Conrad

검색결과 7건 처리시간 0.017초

The Eluded Allusion: A Satirical Reading of Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness

  • Lee, Seogkwang
    • 영어영문학
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    • 제64권3호
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    • pp.415-432
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    • 2018
  • This essay reinterprets Joseph Conrad's The Heart of Darkness as satirical writing. In an experience-based fictional world, Conrad places imperial precursors who present themselves with a derogatory demeanor that stems from corrupt rapacity at its forefront. This rapacity is enabled by what European colonists believe to be a noble cause, regarded as a vehicle with which to enlighten African continent in his work. This essay reads this noble cause that allows such exorbitant and corrupt rapacity as a dominant element in the construction of Conrad's characters, particularly Kurtz, as objects of satire. Kurtz ends up beginning his calamitous descent into barbarism, mockingly quite opposite to what the colonial disciples misconceive themselves to be. In exhuming the satirical elements from the novel, this paper proves the significance of reading The Heart of Darkness as satire as an alternative reading to the racist book Chinua Achebe has accused it of.

조셉 콘라드의 『로드 짐』에서의 시간 전도 기법 (Time-Shift technique in Joseph Conrad's Lord Jim)

  • 박선화
    • 영미문화
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.221-237
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    • 2009
  • This paper analyzes the time-shift technique in Joseph Conrad's Lord Jim. Conrad's manipulation of time in this novel is based on his aspiration for how 'to make you see,' which he believes is completed through the harmony form and substance in his works. So Conrad applies this technique which was used earlier by some writers such as Laurence Sterne to his Lord Jim to show its theme more effectively. In Lord Jim, the story consists of two parts; first, Jim jumps from a ship called the Patna and is deprived of his navigation certificate. Secondly, he wins the people's respect in Patusan in which his past related to the Patna remains hidden, but he faces his death by taking responsibility for the death of the chief's son in the island. These events in Lord Jim are not described in chronological order; that is, some events are depicted with the time-shift technique using flashback, association, or fragmentary memory to accelerate the speed of stories as well as to offer the actuality of the events. With this structure, the themes of Jim's story have something to do with his heroic actions and failures. Jim wants to be a hero and after failures he struggles to redeem himself only to fail. In particular, Jim's jump from the Patna is emphasized through the time-shift and it shows there is something incomprehensible in his action. Therefore, Conrad reveals in Lord Jim that Jim is one of us who not only are imperfect but also have the weaknesses inside that can unexpectedly emerge in an instant.

Science, Commerce, and Imperial Expansion in British Travel Literature: Hugh Clifford's and Joseph Conrad's Malay Fiction

  • Kil, Hye Ryoung
    • 영어영문학
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    • 제57권6호
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    • pp.1151-1171
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    • 2011
  • Conrad's novels, specifically the Lingard Trilogy-Almayer's Folly, An Outcast of the Islands, and The Rescue-and Lord Jim, set in the Southeast Asian or Malay Archipelago can be considered travel literature that played a significant role in British imperial expansion. Conrad's Malay novels were based not only on his experience in the region during his commercial journey but also on information from earlier travel writings about the Malays and their customs, including James Brooke's journals. The English traders in Conrad's novels, namely Lingard and Jim, were partly modeled on Brooke, the White Rajah, who founded and ruled the English colony on the northwest of Borneo in the 1840s. The white traders in Conrad's novels, who act as enlightened rulers, represent the British commercial expansionism, which was obscured by the phenomenon of the civilizing mission in the late nineteenth century. On the other hand, the colonial official Clifford's tales and novels about British Malaya demonstrate the typical travel accounts of the late nineteenth century that stress the civilizing mission over commercial exploitation. The concept of the enlightening mission was rooted in evolutionary anthropological thinking, which developed as part of the natural history in the early nineteenth century. In fact, the development of natural history, stimulating British expansion in search of commercially exploitable resources and lands, enabled travel writing as the collection of natural knowledge to become a profitable business. In Conrad, the white characters are mainly traders acting as colonial rulers, while in Clifford, they are scientific rulers with their commercial interests rarely apparent. In sum, Conrad's novels reveal that the new imperialism of the civilizing mission is still a commercial one, which disturbs rather than contributes to the imperial expansion-in contrast to other travel literature such as Clifford's.

서술 전략의 전환-「진보의 전초기지」에서 『어둠의 핵심』으로 (The Conversion of Narrative Strategy: from "An Outpost of Progress" to Heart of Darkness)

  • 이만식
    • 영어영문학
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    • 제57권4호
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    • pp.625-649
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    • 2011
  • Even though "An Outpost of Progress" and Heart of Darkness were based upon Joseph Conrad the sailor's same experience in Congo Free State, their narrative strategies are quite different. The realistic representation of "An Outpost of Progress," with which Conrad was not satisfied at all, was converted into the modernistic narrative strategy of Heart of Darkness so that the sympathetic power of the story should be improved. The conservative value system of realism is expressed by the omniscient author in "An Outpost of Progress," whereas the frame narrator of Heart of Darkness is proved to be an unreliable one whose norms and behavior are not in accordance with the implied author. The glorious history of the British Empire, which was proudly presented by the frame narrator at the beginning of Heart of Darkness, was strongly opposed by Marlow, another narrator, who said that the British Empire had been "one of the dark places of the earth" when ruled by the Roman Empire. The feeling of the frame narrator was uneasily changed into the gloomy mood when he described the Thames as the flow which "seemed to lead into the heart of an immense darkness" at the end of Heart of Darkness. Similar to the straightforward narrative strategy of representation in "An Outpost of Progress," the realistic approach of Part I in Heart of Darkness is considered by Conrad as insufficient to reveal the darkest truth of imperialism, which was declared by Kurtz as "The Horror! The Horror!" Thus Conrad uses the Chinese-box structure, in which Kurtz' episode is enveloped by Marlow's tale which is enclosed by the frame narrator's story, in order to penetrate into the mind of ordinary readers in the novelist's age of New Colonialism, while attacking the ideology itself of imperialism instead of critisizing its inefficiency and individualism.

죠셉 콘래드의 『어둠의 속』에 나타난 전체주의적 주체성의 형성 (Constructions of Totalitarian Subjectivity in Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness)

  • 구승본
    • 비교문화연구
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    • 제45권
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    • pp.479-496
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    • 2016
  • 본 논문은 죠셉 콘래드의 "어둠의 속"에서 중심인물인 말로우가 자신의 아프리카 탐험을 바탕으로 한 서사를 통해서 스스로를 서구 계몽주의의 합리적 이성주체 그리고 진리주체로 드러내고자 하는 시도를 하고 있음을 고찰하고자 한다. 작품에서 제국주의 이데올로기와 성 이데올로기는 서구 계몽주의 합리적 이성주체를 구성하는 데 작동하고 있다. 말로우는 아프리카에서 커츠를 만나러 가는 여정과 그와의 만남을 통해 제국과 성의 이데올로기들이 외부 현실세계에서 작용하고 있다는 사실을 알게 되었다고 자부한다. 그러나 말로우는 자신의 현실인식 역시 타자를 억압하고 타자의 정체성을 소멸시키는 서구의 전체주의적 이데올로기 담론에 의해 침윤되어있다는 사실을 모르는 주체이다. 말로우는 서구 계몽주의 주체인 동시에 계몽주의의 이분법적 위계서열을 가치판단의 기준으로 삼는 이성에 의해 지배당하는 식민주체이다. 말로우는 자신이 제국주의의 본질이란 정치적 폭력과 경제적 수탈로 점철되는 현실이고 이것을 깨달은 진정한 계몽주체라고 자랑한다. 그러나 그의 서사담론은 제국주의에서 발견되는 배타적이며 자기중심적 이데올로기와 성 이데올로기로 원주민을 비인간적 존재로 판단하고 여성을 이상화된 세계에 매몰된 존재로 파악하는 자기모순의 오류를 범하고 있다.

반제국주의 속의 어둠 -『암흑의 핵심』에 나타난 인종주의 (Darkness at the Heart of Anti-Imperialism: Racism in Conrad's Heart of Darkness)

  • 신문수
    • 영어영문학
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    • 제55권1호
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    • pp.61-82
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    • 2009
  • This paper aims to reexamine the issue of racism in Conrad's Heart of Darkness, especially in the light of Chinua Achebe's critique of the novella as a racist text entrenched with European prejudices of Africa and its people in his 1975 speech at the University of Massachusetts titled "An Image of Africa." While the novella's indictment of imperial exploitation has been noted from an early stage of its critical reception, its racism had hardly been discussed until Chinua Achebe posed it. Achebe offers the canonized status of the text as a modernist classic, "the most commonly prescribed novel in twentieth-century literature courses," as one reason for its obvious manifestations of racism being glossed over. One may add that Conrad's militant denunciation of imperialist enterprises as "a sordid farce," his seemingly radical stance against imperialism, serves as ideological constraints upon his readers, blinding them to its immanent racism. A closer look at the novella's attack on imperialism turns out to be contradictory, for it also shows such liberal-humanist ideas as the civilizing mission, the work ethic, and the superiority of civilized man, all of which served to prop up European imperialism at the end of the nineteenth century. This ideological contradiction also accounts for Conrad's racist attitude, which is betrayed in his portrayal of Africans as obscure, primitive. Euro-American imperialism has frequently justified itself by recourse to racism, but racism has not always been allied with imperialism. Some staunch racists such as Robert Knox and Arthur de Gobineau went against imperialism, and Conrad proves one of such cases whose critique of imperialism is voiced in ways that can be characterized as racist.

The Crisis of British Imperialism in Southeast Asia: The (Mis)Representation of the Indigenous in Clifford and Conrad

  • Kil, Hye Ryoung
    • 영어영문학
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    • 제58권6호
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    • pp.1041-1061
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    • 2012
  • In the late nineteenth century, British colonial activities became aggressive and annexationist in the tropics, including the Southeast Asian Archipelago, which reflected the historical circumstances of both increasing resistance from the indigenous and severe competition among European powers. Interestingly, the change in English colonial policy toward an annexationist or imperialist vision adopted the motto of a civilizing mission, which was founded on the anthropological assumption that the white English were civilized, while the non-white indigenous were savage. The assumption developed into colonial discourse through systematic gathering of anthropological knowledge about the peripheries of the Empire. The knowledge system was flawed, which stressed the differences of the peripheral populations from the English and served as an inverted discourse on the Imperial Self rather than the description of the Other. Furthermore, the natives were heterogeneous, which rendered indistinct the racial and cultural differences between the English and the natives. Still, the aboriginals called Malays, who were comprised of many ethnic subgroups, needed to be deemed savage or inferior by the English in order to justify the English civilizing work or imperial ambition. Put differently, the representation of the English as civilized necessitated the (mis)representation of the natives as savage. In this context, Clifford's works contribute to systematic misrepresentation of the Malays, on which colonial discourse is founded, though not without self-contradiction. On the other hand, Conrad's novels that are set in the Malay Archipelago resort to a strategic misrepresentation that reveals the relativity of the discourse. Exploring the dilemma of denationalization to various degrees, Conrad's Malay texts problematize the (mis)representation of the indigenous as inferior, which is the basis of English claim to superiority.