• Title/Summary/Keyword: Jewish People

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A Study on the Characteristics of the Design Expression in the Exhibition Spaces of the Jewish Museums (유대인 뮤지엄 전시공간의 조형적 표현 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Suh, Swoo Kyung
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.233-240
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    • 2013
  • Today, museums are designed with specific purposes with themes to raise issues based on themes, history, culture or other special focuses. Among many of these thematic museums, Jewish museums are built around the world in order to let the future generations know the history and dark past memory of the Jewish people. Accordingly, the aim and significance of this study are to analyze the characteristics of design expressions of the museum architecture of Jewish museums done by various architects to help visitors empathize the dark period of the Jews during the holocaust. This particular study will be focused on analyzing 7 museums under the theme of holocaust and Jewish people's life affected because of the tragic event. Spatial organization, exhibition space composition, exhibition techniques such as the exhibition storytelling or scenario and natural light distribution will be analyzed to find expressional characters of Jewish museum's design and how the design form strengthen the museum's purpose. To achieve the aim of the study, targets for the theoretical discussion and case analysis regarding the design approach are discussed in chapter 2, characteristics of the cases are analyzed and synthesized in chapter 3, and finally the conclusion in chapter 4. The study found, that distinctive characters of spatial expression have direct impact on visitor's understanding of the museum purpose and it helps viewers to empathize and to be educated about the situation. Well designed architectural form, spatial organization, choice of materials and colors as well as story telling techniques of the museum will solidify the meaning of the exhibitions inside. Results found in the study will be the guidance for future study on thematic museum planning.

A New Challenge to Korean American Religious Identity: Cultural Crisis in Korean American Christianity

  • Ro, Young-Chan
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.18
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    • pp.53-79
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    • 2004
  • This paper explores the relationship between Korean immigrants to the United States and their religious identity from the cultural point of view. Most scholarly studies on Korean immigrants in the United States have been dominated by sociological approach and ethnic studies in examining the social dimension of the Korean immigrant communities while neglecting issues concerning their religious identity and cultural heritage. Most Korean immigrants to America attend Korean churches regardless their religious affiliation before they came to America. One of the reasons for this phenomenon is the fact that Korean church has provided a necessary social service for the newly arrived immigrants. Korean churches have been able to play a key role in the life of Korean immigrants. Korean immigrants, however, have shown a unique aspect regarding their religious identity compared to other immigrants communities in the United States. America is a nation of immigrants, coming from different parts of the world. Each immigrant community has brought their unique cultural heritage and religious persuasion. Asian immigrants, for example, brought their own traditional religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism. People from the Middle Eastern countries brought Islamic faith while European Jews brought the Jewish tradition. In these immigrant communities, religious identity and cultural heritage were homo genously harmonized. Jewish people built synagogue and taught Hebrew, Jewish history, culture, and faith. In this case, synagogue was not only the house of worship for Jews but also the center for learning Jewish history, culture, faith, and language. In short, Jewish cultural history was intimately related to Jewish religious history; for Jewish immigrants, learning their social and political history was indeed identical with leaning of their religious history. The same can be said about the relationship between Indian community and Hinduism. Hindu temples serve as the center of Indian immigrantsin providing the social, cultural, and spiritual functions. Buddhist temples, for that matter, serve the same function to the people from the Asian countries. Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Tibetans, and Thais have brought their respective Buddhist traditions to America and practice and maintain both their religious faith and cultural heritage. Middle Eastern people, for example, have brought Islamic faith to the United States, and Mosques have become the center for learning their language, practicing their faith, and maintaining their cultural heritage. Korean immigrants, unlike any other immigrant group, have brought Christianity, which is not a Korean traditional religion but a Western religion they received in 18th and 19th centuries from the West and America, back to the United States, and church has become the center of their lives in America. In this context, Koreans and Korean-Americans have a unique situation in which they practice Christianity as their religion but try to maintain their non-Christian cultural heritage. For the Korean immigrants, their religious identity and cultural identity are not the same. Although Korean church so far has provides the social and religious functions to fill the need of Korean immigrants, but it may not be able to become the most effective institution to provide and maintain Korean cultural heritage. In this respect, Korean churches must be able to open to traditional Korean religions or the religions of Korean origin to cultivate and nurture Korean cultural heritage.

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A Study on the Integrated Social Adaptation Assistance Program of Israel for Large Scale Immigrants (이스라엘의 이민군을 위한 사회적응지원 교육 프로그램 연구)

  • Lee, Pung-Kil;Kim, Soo-Wook;Lim, Byung-Woo
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.119-139
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    • 1999
  • While many factors could be mentioned to the rapid development of Israel for the last 50 years, it could not be overemphasized the critical role of large scale influx of Jewish immigrants not only in the process of achieving national independence but to the development of modernization. It is well known that mass influx of people in a relatively short period of time may cause serious social problems in various areas such as housing shortage, increasing crime rate, etc. Nontheless, Israel is avidly recognized as a country that successfully overcome such problems by means of creating systematic social integration systems and practicing various adaptation assistance programs for new immigrants. This study was concerned with such a successful social adaptation-assistance programs of Israel for large scale immigrants those who came from all over the world with different socio-economic background. In order to answer the research questions, following two areas of topics were researcher`s main concern. First, organizational structure and functions of the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption of Israel and Jewish Agency that are primarily responsible for the economic, occupational, social, and cultural integration of immigrants during their first three years (five years for housing-aid) in Israel. Second practical adaptation assistance programs such as direct absorption basket, Ulpan, Aliyah 2000, special projects of Keren Hayesod and two of Aliyah Absorption Centers are examined. And lastly some of implications and suggestions are provided in the conclusion section in relation with social adaptation-assistance and integration of reunified Korea, especially from the point of North Koreans.

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A Study on the History of the Scripts in Soviet Union (소비에트 표기체 제정 역사 고찰)

  • 정경택
    • Russian Language and Literature
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    • no.67
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    • pp.155-173
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    • 2019
  • After the October Revolution, the Soviet Union created a theory of creating letters for people who did not have scripts, and the task of applying this theory to the actuality emerged. As a result of this activity, the number of languages that have obtained the scripts exceeds the number of scripts created throughout Europe. At that time, most of the people of the Soviet republics spoke only mother tongue, and it had only oral form. In the shortest time, a scripts system for the Soviet people's mother tongue was to be created to approach and educate a large number of people to the achievements of international science and culture. At that time, Russians, Ukrainians, Georgians, and Armenians had developed and had a script system that fit their language. The languages of Tatars, Kazakhs, Kyrgyzs, Uzbeks, Turkmen, Tajiks and Azerbaizans had not well suited to Turkic languages, based on Arabic characters reflecting Semitic characteristics. For some minorities such as the Yakuts and the Chubashians, the Cyrillic-based notation had already been established before the revolution, but about 50 peoples, especially all northern peoples, had no scripts. As we see above, not only peoples who did not have not scripts before the revolution, but also scripts for all ethnic groups of the Soviet Union, which had previously been based on Latin, Arab or Jewish scripts, were created to access and educated large numbers of people within the shortest time to the achievements of world science and culture. The principle of markings for the people without the Soviet Union was to represent the unique notes of the ethnic languages by considering the unique phonetic components of the ethnic language as much as possible while observing the unity required for the Soviet ethnic characters, approaching the actual literary language and actually creating supplementary letters.

Exploration on the Meaning of Lifelong Learning in Jewish Learning Culture 'Habruta' (유대인 학습문화 '하브루타'에 함축된 평생학습의 의미 탐구)

  • Jeong, So-Im;Cho, Mi-Gyoung
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.183-192
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    • 2021
  • This study was purposed to explore the learning culture through the related literature and research review in Jewish Havruta which has interaction, critical reflection, and the driving force creating a better world. The prior researches on Havruta mainly tend to as ways to increase learners' interest in learning and studies as curriculum or teaching methods such as creativity, understanding, and problem-solving skills. However, Havruta is not just method to study subjects, but rather a process of developing thinking through dialogue and discussion. Therefore, Havruta's essential meaning as a lifelong learning should be explored. Studies showed that Jews embody the thinking process from interpreting, analyzing, setting up logic, questioning, discussing, and debating Talmud with others anytime, anywhere, and anyone throughout their learning culture. It develops basic skills for life, forms an integrated personality in relationships with others, and continuously conducts lifelong learning to shape one's own beings. Therefore, lifelong learning culture would be sharing information that one has in the process of discussion through dialogue between two or more people, and supporting and encouraging the other's failure or fear rather than attacking them. The embodiment of thinking process in which people teach and learn eachother, accept the difference, and expand thought would be significant foundation to create lifelong learning culture.

A Case of Canavan Disease (Canavan Disease 1례)

  • Son, Young Ho;Hwang, Tae Gyu;Sinn, Jong Beom
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.46 no.9
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    • pp.934-938
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    • 2003
  • Canavan disease, also known as van Bogaert-Bertrand disease, is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by early an onset and a progressive spongyform degeneration of the brain, associated with an edema of the central nerve system, intramyelinic swelling and neurologic symptoms. This disorder is most prevalent in people of Ashkenazi Jewish descent but has been observed in other ethnic groups. Patients have severe mental retardation, poor head control, macrocephaly and seizures. Canavan disease is caused by the accumulation of N-acetylaspartic acid(NAA) in the brain as the result of a deficiency of aspartoacylase(ASPA) activity. Most children are reported to have the infantile form, becoming symptomatic between three and six month of age, after unremarkable prenatal and perinatal course. We experienced a case of Canavan disease in a six day old female newborn baby, associated with seizure, degeneration of brain white matter and markedly elevated urine N-acetylaspartic acid(NAA) level. So, we report the case with a brief review of the related literature.

Pomegranate (Punica granatum) as Resources of Phytoestrogen and Anticancer Substances. (석류(Punica granatum)의 Phytoestrogen 및 항암 활성 성분)

  • Song, Bang-Ho;Tran, Hoang Ngoc Ai;Bae, Soo-Young
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.81-97
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    • 2007
  • Punica granatum, L. (Pomegranate) has 613 seeds which accidentally corresponds to the 613 commandments in the Bible. Accordingly, the fruit has been worshipped by the Jewish and other religious people from the ancient. Pomegranate's seed, peel and juice contain a variety of ethnomedical components so much as the sum of three kinds of other common fruits. The number of published papers related to the pomegranate in recent 7 years flourished 7 times more than before at the bases of Medline record. Since the containments of estrogen, as $17{\alpha}-estradiol,\;17{\beta}-estradiol$, estrone, and estradiol, etc., in pomegranate have been reported, public interests and commercial values of pomegranate arose considerably. The report was disproved later, however, merits of this fruit remained yet; clinical efficacy for preventing and remediating cancers including breast and prostate cancers by oral administration of the juice, seed oil, and peel extract is still believed to be true. In this review, target components of pomegranate such as antioxidants, anticancers, antiestrogens and ethnomedical components were analyzed and discussed along with examining its pharmaceutical efficacy and prescription to postmenopausal lesion, cardiosclerosis, cosmetic beautification, viral and allergic symptoms, and diabetes mellitus, etc.

AIDS Politics in American Drama (미국 극에 나타난 에이즈 정치학)

  • Baek, Seung Jin
    • Journal of English Language & Literature
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    • v.55 no.2
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    • pp.259-292
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    • 2009
  • When AIDS evolved into a narrative, there were lots of mythologies on AIDS. Among them, the one that AIDS is a gay plague was accepted without any special rejection. Now AIDS is no longer a gay-related disease. At the beginning of the epidemic, however, AIDS was said to be a gay plague and gays were blamed for their life styles. Although AIDS was new, it had been in the mind of people. That is, the truths about AIDS were distorted and misunderstood. The social aspects of AIDS were based not on real scientific facts but on the prejudice and the practices which heterosexual society had invented for homosexuals. Here the AIDS crisis is said to be politicized. The socio-political responses to AIDS were effected by the dominance of Reaganism. So this paper investigates the effects of AIDS on the gay community and the reactions of the Reagan administration through analyzing ten American AIDS plays. Four issues are discussed to develop the paper's main idea: the meaning of AIDS, the past to be remembered, the new family system, and the indifference of President Reagan and the silence of media. AIDS means death; the relation between homosexuality and AIDS cannot be separated. Under these social circumstances AIDS becomes a symbol for moral corruption and the person with AIDS is thought to be punished. But a gay person can overcome the fear of death through regaining promiscuous sex and confirming his identity as a gay. Also to survive in the heterosexual society a gay has to make a new family system. Finally the indifference of the Reagan administration and the virtual silence of the media make the crisis more serious. In the conclusion homosexuals are compared to the Jewish people and the responsibility of gay community is also discussed. The important thing is that facing the AIDS crisis, the gay community has spiritually grown up.

High Incidence of Benign Brain Meningiomas among Iranian-born Jews in Israel may be Linked to both Hereditary and Environmental Factors

  • Barchana, Micha;Liphshitz, Irena
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.14 no.10
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    • pp.6049-6053
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    • 2013
  • Background: Following research demonstrating an increased risk for meningiomas in the Jewish population of Shiraz (Iran) we conducted a cohort analysis of meningiomas among Jews originating in Iran and residing in Israel. Materials and Methods: We use the population-based registry data of the Israeli National Cancer Registry (INCR) for the main analysis. All benign meningioma cases diagnosed in Israel from January 2000 to the end of 2009 were included. Patients that were born in Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Bulgaria and Greece were used for the analysis, whereby we calculated adjusted incidence rates per 100,000 people and computed standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) comparing the Iranian-born to each of the three other groups. Results: Iranian-born Jews had statistically significant higher meningioma rates rates compared to other Jews originating in Balkan states: 1.46 fold compared to Turkish Jews and 1.86 fold compared to the Bulgaria-Greece group. There was a small increase in risk for the Iranian born group compared to those who were born in Iraq (1.06, not significant). Conclusions: Higher rates of meningiomas were seen in Jews originating in Iran that are living in Israel as compared to rates in neighboring countries of origin. These differences can be in part attributed to early life environmental exposures in Iran but probably in larger amount are due to genetic and hereditary factors in a closed community like the Iranian Jews. Some support for this conclusion was also found in other published research.

The Role of Intelligence Activity in the Building of Israel and its Identity (이스라엘의 정체성과 국가형성과정에서 정보의 역할 연구)

  • Seok, Jae-Wang
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.42
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    • pp.251-276
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this article is to examine Israeli intelligence activity which had contributed to the building of Israel and of its national identity. In the late 19th, the Jews scattered around the world had shared the image of victims shaped in the history of the persecution. In this process, intelligence activity was a staple factor which established the state of Israel; political and religious community. Fighting against Arabs, Israel's intelligence agents had played key role in migrating Jews to Palestine and building their own state. In other words, Intelligence activity was the instrument of implementing political Zionism, Jewish nationalism. Even after independence in 1948, despite the opposition of Arab, Israeli intelligence agencies had persuaded the United States and the Soviet Union to recognize Israel as a member of the international society. Arab countries, nevertheless, had regarded Israel as 'a state to be disappeared', and its national identity was totally denied. However, Israel officially gained recognition for statehood through Arab-Israeli war and summit talks with Egypt. Israel finally restored the 'Promised Land' that is recorded in the Bible and established its identity of a winner. In conclusion, Israeli intelligence agency played a decisive role in founding the nation and even forming the consciousness of the people.

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