• Title/Summary/Keyword: Japanese Aesthetics

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A Study on Anti Couture in Contemporary Fashion (현대패션에 나타난 Anti Couture 경향 연구)

  • Byun, Young-Hee;Chae, Keum-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.33 no.7
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    • pp.1098-1108
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    • 2009
  • This study finds the meaning of Anti Couture in the examination of the tendency and characteristics of aesthetics sense of Anti Couture in Contemporary Fashion. Anti Couture disregards the traditional composition and takes some subcultural elements, moreover, have the Anti-decoration characteristics of disproportion, disharmony, asymmetry, inperfection, and irregularity such as Japanese fashion. This study analyzed 600 works from 2000 S/S to 2008 S/S to figure out the Anti Couture to summarize the eclectic, humorous, avant-garde, poor, and minimal tendencies. The characteristics of the aesthetics sense of Anti Couture according to the tendency are analyzed into ambiguity, deformation, eclecticism, deconstruction, and artless art.

Korean Chinese Japanese Hair Style and Ornament and Make-up Style (한국.중국.일본 전통 헤어스타일&두식과 메이크업에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Eun-Young;Wang, Hong-Geing
    • The Journal of Natural Sciences
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.113-139
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    • 2008
  • This study for hair, traditional ornamentation and make up style of Korea, China, Japan. Their special aesthetic character of hair ornamentation and styles are similar difference of costume aesthetics. First we study about hair style of three countries We can find their different development characteristics of aesthetics and customes, cultural style of three countries. It is translated plain and simple for Korean, exaggerative and decorative for Chinese, romantic decoravive and decoration of Tang Dynasty influnced for Japanes. All styles are showed in modern oriental styles.

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Aesthetics of Japanese Avant-garde Fashion -Focusing on Planarization of the Body- (일본 아방가르드 패션의 미학 -몸의 평면화를 중심으로-)

  • Yim, Eun-Hyuk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.57 no.1 s.110
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    • pp.50-65
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    • 2007
  • Clothes and human body are inseparably related. Aesthetic consciousness of the body determines the form of clothing, reflecting the time and culture as well as the individual and society. Clothes can even reorganize the meaning of the body, while transcending their instrumental functions of protecting, expanding and deforming the body. Using 'body' to analyze the clothing form, my study develops a framework by which to classify the planarization of the body in Japanese avant-garde fashion. In order to inquire the formative style and aesthetic values expressed in Japanese avant-garde fashion, my study examines subjects from the discourse on the body to the fashion collections of the 20th and 21st century. The results of the study are as follows. Japanese avant-garde fashion focuses on a planarization of the body which questions the three dimensional construction of the body in more conventional clothing system. Un-structured, variable space posited between the body and clothes, participation of the wearer, attention to recent technology and material, and absence of gender identification characterizes the planarization of the body in Japanese avant-garde fashion. The absence of body in fashion stresses a will-to-form rather than mere bodily proportion and structure, which explores trans-extensity that goes beyond the boundary of the body Ultimately, planarization of the body betrays the correspondence between signifiant and signifie in sartorial convention. Aesthetic ideal of the body is visualized in the form of a dress. Some clothes prioritize the body, particularly the feminine bodily curves, while others focus on the clothing itself as abstract and sculptural forms. Fashion continues to explore forms and images that transcend the traditional representations of the clothed body. As a type of intimate architecture, fashion always mediates the dialogue between clothes and body, or fashion and figure. My study suggests a framework to analyze bodily representation in Japanese avant-garde fashion, focusing on the relationship between the clothes and body.

A Study on the Aesthetic Consciousness of Japonisme (자포니슴(Japonisme)에 나타난 복식미 연구)

  • Ko, Young-Sook;Cho, Kyu-Hwa
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.30-49
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    • 2009
  • This study was intended to research how such Japonisme affected the western fashion and to consider that the unique Japanese fashion was implemented in the western mode as the traditional aesthetic sense got jointed with the western culture together and was expressed as the modern Japonisme beauty. The beauty of 'Date' was the aesthetic sense created focused on the noble culture of public family. On the contrary, 'Iki', 'Wabi', 'Sabi' and 'Shibusa' is the Japanese lower middle class's universal living aesthetics. 'Kawaii' is influence on an animation, cartoon and character industry as well as the whole world’s fashion style as one of the common aesthetic sense of the world people in the modern time. That is, Japanese fashion designers expressed the human body with such the aesthetic sense by the design of shape, space, fusion, amusement through clothes. It could be concluded that they created an autonomous amusement’s design world over the visual beauty of human body.

The Effect of the Physical Environment on the Customer Satisfaction, Revisit Intention, and Word of Mouth Intention in Japanese Restaurants (일식전문점의 물리적 환경이 고객만족, 재방문의도, 구전의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Se-Hwan;Yoo, Young-Jin
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.9
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    • pp.181-194
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of physical environment of Japanese restaurant on customer satisfaction, revisit intention and word of mouth intention. For this purpose, data were collected from 341 adult males and females who had used Japanese restaurants in Daegu. SPSS program frequency analysis, factor analysis, regression analysis and multiple regression analysis were used for data analysis. Through the factor analysis, the physical environment of the Japanese specialty restaurant was identified as a component of comfort, aesthetics, and convenience. As a result of the multiple regression analysis, the three components of the physical environment have positive effects on customer satisfaction, return visit intention, and word of mouth intention. The results of regression analysis showed that customer satisfaction had a positive effect on revisit and word of mouth intention. Through the results of this study, we confirmed the physical and environmental impacts of the specialty restaurants and suggested the practical and theoretical implications.

Displacement of the Korean Language and the Aesthetics of the Korean Diaspora (한국어의 탈지역과 한국적 이산의 미학)

  • Yim, Jin-Hee
    • Journal of English Language & Literature
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.149-167
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    • 2008
  • Korea has persisted in the notion of "ethnic nationalism." That is "one race, one people, one language" as a homogeneous entity. This social ideal of unity prevails, even in overseas Korean communities formed by voluntary and involuntary displacement in the turmoil of modern history: communities made intermittent with the Japanese colonial occupation and with postcolonial encounters with the West. Given that the Korean people suffered from the trauma of deprivation of the language caused by the loss of the nation, nation has been equated with the language. Accordingly, "these bearers of a homeland" are also firm Korean language holders. The linguistic patriotism of unity based on the intertwining of "mother tongue" and "father country" has become prevalent in the collective memory of the people of the Korean diaspora. Korean American literature has grappled with this concept of the national history of Korea and the Korean language. The aesthetics of Korean American literature has been marked by an influx of literary resources of 'Korea' in sensibilities and structure of feelings; Korean myth, folk lore, songs, humor, traditional stories, manners, customs and historic moments. An experimental use of the Korean alphabet, Hangeul, written down as pronounced, provides an ethnic flavor in the midst of the English texts. Despite its national framework of mind, however, Korean American literature as an interstitial art reveals a keen awareness of inbetweenness, and transnational hybrid identities. By exploring the complex interrelationships of cultural and linguistic boundary-crossing practices in Korean American literature, this paper argues that the poetics of the Korean diaspora challenges the closed structure of identity formation, and offers a transnational sphere to deconstruct a rigidly demarcated national ideology of "one race, one people, one language," for the world literary history.

Amygism or Imagism?: Re-Vision of Amy Lowell's Discourse of Imagism

  • Han, Jihee
    • Journal of English Language & Literature
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    • v.64 no.2
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    • pp.273-298
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    • 2018
  • This paper, postulating that Lowell's Imagism is not some "Amygism" that wobbles with "emotional slither," "mushy technique" and "general floppiness" as Pound once mocked, but another kind of poetic discourse that deserves the fullest re-consideration, goes back to the very scene where Pound left for Vorticism, condescendingly allowing Lowell and her supporters to use the name "Imagism" for three years. There, it tries to illuminate how Lowell, making the most of the opportunity given to her, picked up what Pound had left behind, grafted it on the soil of America, and finally fulfilled her literary passion to awaken the common reading public to the taste for poetry reading. For the purpose, it looks into her critical reviews in Tendencies in Modern American Poetry, and stresses her creative critical efforts to re-address Pound's principles of "Imagisme." In particular, given the limit of space, it focuses only on the second principle of her Imagism and examines the modernity of her concepts of "a cadence," "suggestion," and "the real poem beyond." Then it reads "Patterns" in the context of Japanese poetry and Noh drama and analyzes the poetic patterns that Lowell made through a creative adaptation of Japanese aesthetics for Imagist poetics. In doing so, this paper aims to provide reasonable evidences to evaluate the modernity of Lowell's Imagist ars poetica and to consider her a truly serious Imagist poet worthy of a place in the history of American poetic modernism.

A Trend of Combining New Technology and Traditional Craft in Modem Japanese Industrial Textiles (일본 현대 산업직물에 나타난 신기술과 전통공예의 접목 경향)

  • Park, Nam-Sung
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.20 no.1 s.69
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    • pp.229-242
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    • 2007
  • In Japan, a country renowned for her traditional respect for handicraft, superior craft techniques have been transmitted from generation to generation. Modern Japanese textiles reinterprete these traditional techniques in a new light and combine them with modern technology, to make modern Japanese industrial textile both futuristic and traditional simultaneously. This combining of new technology and handicraft serves as a reservoir for a remarkable diversity and originality in the development of new technology and design, and constitutes an important trend in modern industrial textiles. The aim of this study is to investigate the developmental background of Japanese textile industry that championed this trend to make the Japanese development unique in modern textile industries and to consider the concept of modern textiles as well as the structural innovation as represented by this new trend, thus contributing to the development of creative textiles for the present and the future. The findings of this study can be summarized as follows. The combining of new technology and traditional handicraft: 1) was made possible by Japanese consciousness that values traditional culture and by early recognition of advanced textile industry, which awarded new meaning and value to the traditional handicraft leading to an expanded social role for textiles. 2) helped construct a modern concept of textiles by pursuing textile media that are state-of-the-art, aesthetic, and highly sensitive to satisfy the requirements of modern industrial textile such as high quality, high performance, and high sensitivity. 3) enabled new design ideas and creation of new styles by implementing structural innovation in industrial textiles that involved diversification of expression, diversity in materials, and emphasis on texture. In short, by combining new technology and traditional handicraft, Japan came up with a new sense of aesthetics that is highly original and high level and with which the rest of the world can easily sympathize, thereby presenting one of the most important guiding principles for future textiles.

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A Study on the Traditional Aesthetic Consciousness Reflected on the Contemporary Fashion - Focused on Comparative Research for Korea and Japan - (현대(現代)패션에 반영(反映)된 전통(傳統) 미의식(美意識)의 연구(硏究) - 한국(韓國)과 일본(日本)의 비교연구(比較硏究)를 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Yun, Bo-Yeun;Bae, Soo-Jeong
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.56-72
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to provide a philosophical basis for a rational, meaningful and systematic development of contemporary Korean fashion and culture industry. The study will begin by comparing traditional aesthetics of Japan and Korea and their respective influences in contemporary fashion design. Japanese aesthetic consciousness can be understood in terms of decorative beauty and undecorated beauty where traditional Korean aesthetic consciousness consists of aesthetic naturalism, beauty of mysticism and beauty of humor. Japanese aesthetic consciousness is generally inclined toward article fanciness, on the other hand, Korean aesthetic consciousness is inclined toward natural beauty. Both Japan and Korea reflect their traditional aesthetic consciousness in their contemporary fashion design. In Japan's case, traditional patterns have been applied to obi(帶, おび). And aesthetic naturalism can be seen in holes, tears and patches present, as well as rough and coarse texture used, in contemporary fashion design. In case of Korea, aesthetic naturalism can be seen in elegant naturally flowing curves and use of plain colored fabric used in fashion design. Beauty of mysticism can be seen in splendid primary colors from shaman ritual costumes, and fortune-telling hexagram patterns. Beauty of humor can be seen in outrageously exaggerated and distorted fit of clothes. The above comparative analysis, with respect to their formative elements, show that both Korean and Japanese contemporary fashion trends reflect and embody their respective traditional aesthetic consciousness. Japan is creating high-grade fashion design of temporal universality and contemporary appeal. Japan has done so by studying their aesthetic tradition from the point of view of philosophy and utilizing its formative elements. Korea, however, is in the middle of transition: Korea is caught between directly grafting traditional aesthetic designs onto contemporary fashion design and integrating the two according to their common internal spirit.

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Approach to Reality in Never Ending Story, Japanese Sex Slavery Victims Animation (일본군 위안부 피해자 애니메이션, <끝나지 않은 이야기>의 리얼리티에 대한 접근)

  • Oh, Dong-IL
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.699-706
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    • 2015
  • Never Ending Story is an animation work about the stories of the Japanese Sex Slavery Victims who were taken by the Japanese military and forced to sexual slavery, which tormented them with painful memories all their lives. This animation work stimulates the critical perspectives of the audiences in order to ensure a history-based approach based on facts. And, unlike general character animation works which pursue immersion and empathy through illusion of life that are created by the characters, this work demands the audiences to contemplate on historical facts described in the work and make their own judgements. In order to serve these purposes, this work is characterized by its aesthetics properties and elements such as 'sympathy', 'typification', and 'alienation effect'. And, these elements effectively deliver the reality of historical facts that cannot be denied in a chronological narrative. Therefore, this study would sufficiently be of a value in reviewing the diversity in expression and the methodologies used in them, let alone the significance of the theme itself.