• Title/Summary/Keyword: J-A$_2$ 이론

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Cognition for First Aid in Persons Taking First Aid Education Theory and Practice related to Convergence Training (응급처치 이론 및 실습 융합교육을 받은 대상자들의 응급처치에 대한 인식)

  • Kim, Yun-Jeong
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the structure of subjective cognition for first aid in persons taking first aid eduction. The perception of first aid styles were classified by using the PC QUANL program. Data were collected from March to July, 2010. As a result of the study, the cognition for first aid in persons taking first aid eduction can be classified into these four types: 'Time-oriented type', 'First responder-oriented type', 'Convergence education-oriented type', 'Lay person using-oriented type'. Therefore, in the field of first aid practice and education this study has provided practical guidelines helpful to nursing intervention and family-centered nursing by considering each character of the types centering on the relationship of lay person, and will be useful as basic data for relevant disciplines in education.

Superresolution of Optical Imaging System (광결상계의 초분해능)

  • 조영민;김종태;이상수
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.349-355
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    • 1994
  • Superrsolution of an optical imaging system, which resolves $\epsilon_O$ (half width of the square top amplitude impulse function) less than the Rayleigh's resolution limit $\epsilon_R$, is theoretically treated by using the diffraction theory, and an experimental system is proposed. Initially superresolution is stated as an inverse problem, and an integral equation is derived as a function of parameter $\beta$, which is positive. The integration is numerically carried out for the given aperture and those given values of $\beta$, which is 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20. 1/2$\times$FWHM's of the amplitude impulse functions are meassured for the cases of diffrent value of {J and in the case of $\beta=5$, the half-width already approaches to $\epsilon_O=0.1$,urn, which is, in the case of the present work, one fifth of the Rayleigh's resolution limit. It is found both the pupil function and the phase of the Huygens wave are to be modified, and theories of the pupil function modulation plate and the phase modulation hologram plate are also presented. The result obtained may be useful in ultrafine optical lithography.graphy.

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The Nonlinear Motions of Cylinders(I) (주상체의 비선형 운동(I) -강제동요문제, 조파저항문제-)

  • H.Y. Lee;J.H. Hwang
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.114-131
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    • 1992
  • In the present work, a two-dimensional boundary-value problem for a large amplitude motion is treated as an initial-value problem by satisfying the exact body-boundary and nonlinear free-surface boundary conditions. The present nonlinear numerical scheme is similar to that described by Vinje and Brevig(1981) who utilized the Cauchy's theorem and assumed the periodicity in the horizontal coordinate. In the present thesis, however, the periodicity in the horizontal coordinate is not assumed. Thus the present method can treat more realistic problems, which allow radiating waves to infinities. In the present method of solution, the original infinite fluid domain, is divided into two subdomains ; ie the inner and outer subdomains which are a local nonlinear subdomain and the truncated infinite linear subdomain, respectively. By imposing an appropriate matching condition, the computation is carried out only in the inner domain which includes the body. Here we adopt the nonlinear scheme of Vinje & Brevig only in the inner domain and respresent the solution in the truncated infinite subdomains by distributing the time-dependent Green function on the matching boundaries. The matching condition is that the velocity potential and stream function are required to be continuous across the matching boundary. In the computations we used, if necessary, a regriding algorithm on the free surface which could give converged stable solutions successfully even for the breaking waves. In harmonic oscillation problem, each harmonic component and time-mean force are obtained by the Fourier transform of the computed forces in the time domain. The numerical calculations are made for the following problems. $\cdot$ Forced harmonic large-amplitude oscillation(${\omega}{\neq}0,\;U=0$) $\cdot$ Translation with a uniform speed(${\omega}=0,\;U{\neq}0$) The computed results are compared with available experimental data and other analytical results.

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High Energy Resolution Alpha Spectrometer Using a Cryogenic Detector (저온검출기를 이용한 에너지 고 분해능 알파분광 구현)

  • Kim, M.S.;Lee, S.H.;Yoon, W.S.;Jang, Y.S.;Lee, S.J.;Kim, Y.H.;Lee, M.K.
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.132-137
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    • 2013
  • Cryogenic particle detectors have recently been adopted in radiation detection and measurement because of their high energy resolution. Many of these detectors have demonstrated energy resolutions better than the theoretical limit of semiconductor detectors. We report the development of alpha spectrometer using a micro-fabricated magnetic calorimeter coupled to a large-area particle absorber. A piece of gold foil of $2{\times}2{\times}0.05mm^3$ was glued to the paramagnetic temperature sensor made of sputtered Au:Er film to serve as an absorber for incident alpha particles. We performed experiments with 241Am source at cryogen free adiabatic demagnetization refrigerator (CF-ADR). A high energy resolution of 6.8 keV in FWHM was obtained for 5.5 MeV alpha particles.

The Effects of Geriatric Nursing Education for Nursing Students' Attitude, Perception toward Dementia and Dementia Policy (노인간호 교육이 간호대학생의 치매에 대한 지식 및 태도, 치매정책 인식에 미치는 효과)

  • Park, Su-jin;Park, Kyung-sook;Kim, Young-Ji
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.7
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    • pp.4467-4477
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    • 2015
  • This study was a nonequivalent pretest-posttest quasi-experimental study. It was conducted to evaluate the effects of a nursing geriatric nursing education for nursing students' attitude, perception and dementia policy. Subjects were 172 persons, sophomore of nursing college in the city of K and city of J, and the education group was taken 56 houres of gerontological nursing education. Data were analyzed by mean, percentage, t-test and ${\chi}^2$ using SPSS Win 20.0. As the result, in the education group, the knowledge of dementia was higher on average 27.10, and there was a significant statistic differance(t=7.500, p<000). In the atitude of demencia, the average of education group was higher on 4.10, and the atitude about dementia in the education group was more positive and here was a significant statistic difference(t=1.423, p<000). In the understanding of dementia policy, there was more positively improvement However, there was no significant statistic difference (t=1.70, p=.090). Through this result, we could reccognize that gerontological nursing education was effective for nursing students to improve knowledge about dotards, change atitude positively. Therefore we tried this study for provide basic data to develop gerontological nursing education progress combining theory with practice.

Development of KD- Propeller Series using a New Blade Section (새로운 날개단면을 이용한 KD-프로펠러 씨리즈 개발)

  • J.T. Lee;M.C. Kim;J.W. Ahn;H.C. Kim
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.52-68
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    • 1991
  • A new propeller series is developed using the newly developed blade section(KH18 section) which behaves better cavitation characteristics and higher lift-drag ratio at wide range of angle-of-attack. The pitch and camber distributions are disigned in order to have the same radial and chordwise loading distribution with the selected circumferentially averaged wake input. Since the geometries of the series propeller, such as chord length, thickness, skew and rate distribations, are selected by regression of the recent full scale propeller geometric data, the performance prediction of a propeller at preliminary design stage can be mure realistic. Number of blades of the series propellers is 4 and the expanded blade area ratios are 0.3, 0.45, 0.6 and 0.75. Mean pitch ratios are selected as 0.5, 0.65, 0.8, 0.75 and 1.1 for each expanded area ratio. The new propeller series is composed of 20 propellers and is named as KD(KRISO-DAEWOO) propeller series. Propeller open water tests are performed at the experimental towing tank, and the cavitation observation tests and fluctuating pressure measurements are carried out at the cavitation tunnel of KRISO. $B_{P}-\delta$ curves, which can be used to select the optimum propeller diameter at the preliminary design stage, are derived from a regression analysis of the propeller often water test results. The KD-cavitation chart is derived from the cavitation observation test results by choosing the local maximum lift coefficient and the local cavitation number as parameters. The caviy extent of a propeller can be predicted more accurately by using the KD-cavitation chart at a preliminary design stage, since it is derived from the results of the cavitation observation tests in the selected ship's wake, whereas the existing cavitation charts, such as the Burrill's cavitation chart, are derived from the test results in uniform flow.

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Relationship Between Nutrient Intakes and Blood Biochemical Parameters of Korean Female Subjects Classified by Eight Constitution Medicine (8체질로 분류한 한국 여성의 영양소 섭취 수준과 혈중 지질 농도와의 관계)

  • Cho, B.J.;Kim, M.J.;Kim, M.J.;Song, Y.O.
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.143-152
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    • 2013
  • Objectives: To investigate the relationship between nutrient intakes and blood biochemical parameters of Korean women classified by the Eight Constitutions. Methods: The constitutions of female subjects were determined by the methods of eight constitutional pulse formation. Anthropometric characteristics and blood biochemical parameters including fasting blood glucose (FSB), serum lipid profiles, homocysteine, and insulin were determined. Food frequency questionnaires were used to evaluate the nutrient intake of the subjects. Results: Subjects were classified as Hepatonia 16.8%, Cholecystonia 2.8%, Pancreotonia 58.9%, Pulmotonia 5.1%, Colonotonia 16.4%, respectively. Gastrotonia, Renotonia, and Vesicotonia individuals were not present in this study. BMI, total calorie and fat intakes of the Mok constitutions (Hepatonia and Cholecystonia) were higher than those of the Gum constitutions (Pulmotonia and Colonotonia) (p<0.05). Triglyceride, total cholesterol, and LDL-C concentrations for the Cholecystonia were the highest while those for the Pulmotonia (p<0.05) were lowest, which is in line with the results from nutrient intakes. Conclusions: Total calorie and fat intake among subjects with different constitutions were different. BMI and serum lipid profiles positively associated with calorie and nutrients intakes were significantly higher in Mok constitutions than Gum constitutions. Personalized diet plans seem to be needed for subjects on a special diet due to the individual constitutional differences.

A Research on Ship Hull Roughness : Estimation Method and Effect on Ship Performance (선박의 표면조도에 관한 연구 : 추정법 및 선박성능에 미치는 영향)

  • Kwon, Y.J.;Choo, D.K.
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.30-35
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    • 1996
  • It is well known that the improved methods of the estimation of the service power margin is necessary to design a optimum ship and to operate economically a ship. Unfortunately, most conventional methods of the predicting of the service power margin are not so accurate that attention should be payed to improve this. From this overview, it is importance with. the effects of waves, as recommended by the 15th and 16th International Towing Tank Conference in 1978 and l981. However the progress of research in this field is very slow mainly since it is taken so long time to take data about hull roughness according to ship ages. For instance, it would be taken 17 or 25 years to measure ideally the data for a ship. Moreover it would be also necessary to take data for many types of ships to lead a general solution. A relationship between roughness and ship age are studied in this paper considering full scale data. A comparison is also made between the effects of hull roughness and of weather at sea for the ship.

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Fiber Distribution Characteristics and Flexural Performance of Extruded ECC Panel (압출성형 ECC 패널의 섬유분포 특성과 휨 성능)

  • Lee, Bang-Yeon;Han, Byung-Chan;Cho, Chang-Geun;Kwon, Young-Jin;Kim, Yun-Yong
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.573-580
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    • 2009
  • This paper presents the mix composition, production method, and curing condition applied to the extruded ECC(Engineered Cementitious Composite) panel which are able to exhibit multiple cracking and potential pseudo strain-hardening behavior. In addition to the production technique of extruded ECC panel, the effect of fiber distribution characteristics, which are uniquely created by applying extrusion process, on the flexural behavior of the panel is also focussed. In order to demonstrate fiber distribution, a series of experiments and analyses, including image processing/analysis and micro-mechanical analysis, was performed. The optimum mix composition of extruded ECC panel was determined in terms of water matrix ratio, the amount of cement, ECC powder, and silica powder. It was found that flexural behavior of extruded ECC panel was highly affected by the slight difference in mix composition of ECC panel. This is mainly because the difference in mix composition results in the change of micro-mechanical properties as well as fiber distribution characteristics, represented by fiber dispersion and orientation. In terms of the average fiber orientation, the fiber distribution was found to be similar to the assumption of two dimensional random distribution, irrespective of mix composition. In contrast, the probability density function for fiber orientation was measured to be quite different depending on the mix composition.

Development of case-based learning and co-teaching clinical practice education model for pre-service nurses (예비간호사를 위한 사례기반학습 및 코티칭 임상실습 교육모형 개발)

  • Hyunjeong Kim;Heekyoung Hyoung;Hyunwoo Kim;Seryeong Kim
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.72
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    • pp.245-271
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to develop a nursing clinical practice education model that applies case-based learning and co-teaching to nursing students, and to secure the validity of the developed model. To verify the validity of the nursing clinical practice education model, it was applied to the subject of 'Health Response and Nursing VI (Perception/ Cognition) Practice' in the 2nd semester of 2021 at J University in Jeonju, and the instructor's response to the model was evaluated. Surveys and focus group interviews were conducted on confidence in clinical practice and teaching and learning models. After deriving the case-based learning stage and co-teaching elements through a review of precedent literature and case studies, an initial model was devised after expert review, and the devised model was reviewed for internal validity by nursing education experts, and then modified and supplemented. As a result of the learner response evaluation conducted after applying the model to the clinical practice subject for external validation verification, the confidence in clinical performance was 4.22 points and the satisfaction with the teaching-learning model was 4.68 points. Summarizing the results of the focus group interview, the importance of prior learning and the learning of selected cases based on actual cases, learning terminology and professional knowledge, eliminated fear of the practice field, felt familiar, and learned various cases. He said that he was able to think critically through the time to organize the knowledge learned in the practice field. In addition, through co-teaching, it was found that field leaders and advisors taught the theoretical and practical aspects at the same time through examples, thereby experiencing practical education closer to practice. It is expected that the nursing clinical practice education model developed through this study, applying case-based learning and co-teaching, will be an effective teaching and learning model that can reduce the gap between theory and practice and improve the clinical performance of nursing students.