• Title/Summary/Keyword: IoT based Management

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Analysis of Global Smart Logistics Trends Using Patent Analysis: Focusing on the Development of the Domestic Logistics Industry (특허 분석을 이용한 글로벌 스마트 물류 트렌드 분석: 국내 물류 산업 발전을 중심으로)

  • Youngchul, Song;Seulgi Ryu;Minyoung Park;Daye Lee;Byungun Yoon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.181-190
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    • 2024
  • The era of logistics 4.0 in which new technologies are applied to existing traditional logistics management has approached. It is developing based on the convergence between various technologies, and R&D are being conducted worldwide to build smart logistics by synchronizing various services with the logistics industry. Therefore, this study proposes a methodology and technology strategy that can achieve trend analysis using patent analysis and promote the development of the domestic smart logistics industry based on this. Based on the preceding research, eight key technology fields related to smart logistics were selected, and technology trends were derived through LDA techniques. After that, for the development of the domestic logistics industry, the strategy of the domestic smart logistics industry was derived based on analysis including technology capabilities. It proposed a growth plan in the field of big data and IoT in terms of artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, and marketability. This study confirmed smart logistics technologies by using LDA and quantitative indicators expressing the market and technology of patents in literature analysis-oriented research that mainly focused on trend analysis. It is expected that this method can also be applied to emerging logistics technologies in the future.

A Study on the Procedure for Establishing an Integrated Platform Plan for Safety Management of 5G Digital Twin-Based Facilities: Focusing on Facilities in Metropolitan Cities (5G 디지털 트윈 기반 시설물 안전관리 통합플랫폼 계획 수립 절차에 관한 연구 : 수도권 광역시 시설물을 중심으로)

  • Chang, Hye-Jung
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.257-268
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    • 2021
  • As the variety and scale of facilities increase due to industrialization and urbanization, blind spots for facility safety management have occurred, resulting in numerous casualties.To meet safety and security needs of citizens living in smart cities, we present a procedure for establishing an integrated platform for facility safety management by combining 5G and digital twin technologies. It can be used to perform inspection according to risk factors and aging of facilities. In this paper, the current status of facility management and application directions of new 5G digital twin-based smart city technologies are reviewed and digital twin implementation procedures are presented. Five cities were selected as target areas: Osan, Gwangmyeong, Guri, Uijeongbu, and Anyang. Old and emergency facilities of each local government were selected. A total of 33 digital twin facilities reflecting policy directions of each city were selected. Focusing on facilities determined by each city, the purpose of this study was to define information technology infrastructure elements for the application of the 5G digital twin facility safety management integrated platform, define categories of implementation services, and suggest a concrete integrated platform configuration plan.

Analyses of Expert Group on the 4th Industrial Revolution: The Perspective of Product Lifecycle Management (4차 산업혁명에 관한 전문가그룹 분석: 제품수명주기관리의 관점에서)

  • Wongeun Oh;Injai Kim
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.89-100
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    • 2020
  • The smart factory is an important axis of the 4th industrial revolution. Smart factory is a system that induces the maximum efficiency and effectiveness of production using the IoT and intelligent sensing systems. The product lifecycle management technique is a method that can actively reflect the consumer's requirements in the smart factory and manage the entire process from the consumer to the post management. There have been many studies on product lifecycle management, but studies on how to organize product lifecycle management knowledge domains in preparation for the era of the 4th industrial revolution were insufficient. This study analyzed the opinions of a group of experts preparing for the 4th industrial revolution in terms of product lifecycle management. The impact of the 4th industrial revolution on the detailed knowledge areas of product lifecycle management was investigated. The changes in product lifecycle management were summarized using a qualitative data analysis technique for a group of experts. Based on the opinions of experts, the product lifecycle management, which consists of a total of 30 detailed knowledge areas, was prepared to supplement or prepare for the 4th industrial revolution. This study investigates changes in product lifecycle management in preparation for the 4th industrial revolution in the knowledge domain of the existing defined product life cycle management. In future research, it is necessary to redefine the knowledge domain of product life cycle management suitable for the era of the 4th industrial revolution and investigate the perception of experts. Considering the social culture and technological change factors of the 4th industrial revolution, the scope and scope of product life cycle management can be newly defined.

A Study on the Prediction of Strawberry Production in Machine Learning Infrastructure (머신러닝 기반 시설재배 딸기 생산량 예측 연구)

  • Oh, HanByeol;Lim, JongHyun;Yang, SeungWeon;Cho, YongYun;Shin, ChangSun
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2022
  • Recently, agricultural sites are automating into digital agricultural smart farms by applying technologies such as big data and Internet of Things (IoT). These smart farms aim to increase production and improve crop quality by measuring the environment of crops, investigating and processing data. Production prediction is an important study in smart farm digital agriculture, which is a high-tech agriculture, and it is necessary to analyze environmental data using big data and further standardized research to manage the quality of growth information data. In this paper, environmental and production data collected from smart farm strawberry farms were analyzed and studied. Based on regression analysis, crop production prediction models were analyzed using Ridge Regression, LightGBM, and XGBoost. Among the three models, the optimal model was XGBoost, and R2 showed 82.5 percent explanatory power. As a result of the study, the correlation between the amount of positive fluid absorption and environmental data was confirmed, and significant results were obtained for the production prediction study. In the future, it is expected to contribute to the prevention of environmental pollution and reduction of sheep through the management of sheep by studying the amount of sheep absorption, such as information on the growing environment of crops and the ingredients of sheep.

A Study on Analysis of Problems in Data Collection for Smart Farm Construction (스마트팜 구축을 위한 데이터수집의 문제점 분석 연구)

  • Kim Song Gang;Nam Ki Po
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.69-80
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    • 2022
  • Now that climate change and food resource security are becoming issues around the world, smart farms are emerging as an alternative to solve them. In addition, changes in the production environment in the primary industry are a major concern for people engaged in all primary industries (agriculture, livestock, fishery), and the resulting food shortage problem is an important problem that we all need to solve. In order to solve this problem, in the primary industry, efforts are made to solve the food shortage problem through productivity improvement by introducing smart farms using the 4th industrial revolution such as ICT and BT and IoT big data and artificial intelligence technologies. This is done through the public and private sectors.This paper intends to consider the minimum requirements for the smart farm data collection system for the development and utilization of smart farms, the establishment of a sustainable agricultural management system, the sequential system construction method, and the purposeful, efficient and usable data collection system. In particular, we analyze and improve the problems of the data collection system for building a Korean smart farm standard model, which is facing limitations, based on in-depth investigations in the field of livestock and livestock (pig farming) and analysis of various cases, to establish an efficient and usable big data collection system. The goal is to propose a method for collecting big data.

The Factors Influencing Value Awareness of Personalized Service and Intention to Use Smart Home: An Analysis of Differences between "Generation MZ" and "Generation X and Baby Boomers" (스마트홈 개인화 서비스에 대한 가치 인식 및 사용의도에의 영향 요인: "MZ세대"와 "X세대 및 베이비붐 세대" 간 차이 분석)

  • Sang-Keul Lee;Ae Ri Lee
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.201-223
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    • 2021
  • Smart home is an advanced Internet of Things (IoT) service that enhances the convenience of human daily life and improves the quality of life at home. Recently, with the emergence of smart home products and services to which artificial intelligence (AI) technology is applied, interest in smart home is increasing. To gain a competitive edge in the smart home market, companies are providing "personalized service" to users, which is a key service that can promote smart home use. This study investigates the factors affecting the value awareness of personalized service and intention to use smart home. This research focuses on four-dimensional motivated innovativeness (cognitive, functional, hedonic, and social innovativeness) and privacy risk awareness as key factors that influence the value awareness of personalized service of smart home. In particular, this study conducts a comparative analysis between the generation MZ (young people in late teens to 30s), who are showing socially differentiated characteristics, and the generation X and baby boomers in 40s to 50s or older. Based on the analysis results, this study derives the distinctive characteristics of generation MZ that are different from the older generation, and provides academic and practical implications for expanding the use of smart home services.

Encapsulation of SEED Algorithm in HCCL for Selective Encryption of Android Sensor Data (안드로이드 센서 정보의 선택적 암호화를 지원하는 HCCL 기반 SEED 암호의 캡슐화 기능 연구)

  • Kim, Hyung Jong;Ahn, Jae Yoon
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.73-81
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    • 2020
  • HCCL stands for Heterogenous Container Class Library. HCCL is a library that allows heterogeneous types of data to be stored in a container as a single record and to be constructed as a list of the records to be stored in database. With HCCL, encryption/decryption can be done based on the unified data type. Recently, IoT sensor which is embedded in smartphone enables developers to provide various convenient services to users. However, it is also true that infringement of personal information may occur in the process of transmitting sensor information to API and users need to be prepared for this situation in some sense. In this study, we developed a data model that enhances existing security using SEED cryptographic algorithms while managing information of sensors based on HCCL. Due to the fact that the Android environment does not provide permission management function for sensors, this study decided whether or not to encrypt sensor information based on the user's choice so that the user can determine the creation and storage of safe data. For verification of this work, we have presented the performance evaluation by comparing with the situation of storing the sensor data in plaintext.

A study on stock price prediction system based on text mining method using LSTM and stock market news (LSTM과 증시 뉴스를 활용한 텍스트 마이닝 기법 기반 주가 예측시스템 연구)

  • Hong, Sunghyuck
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.7
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    • pp.223-228
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    • 2020
  • The stock price reflects people's psychology, and factors affecting the entire stock market include economic growth rate, economic rate, interest rate, trade balance, exchange rate, and currency. The domestic stock market is heavily influenced by the stock index of the United States and neighboring countries on the previous day, and the representative stock indexes are the Dow index, NASDAQ, and S & P500. Recently, research on stock price analysis using stock news has been actively conducted, and research is underway to predict the future based on past time series data through artificial intelligence-based analysis. However, even if the stock market is hit for a short period of time by the forecasting system, the market will no longer move according to the short-term strategy, and it will have to change anew. Therefore, this model monitored Samsung Electronics' stock data and news information through text mining, and presented a predictable model by showing the analyzed results.

A study on the digital transformation strategy of a fashion brand - Focused on the Burberry case - (패션 브랜드의 디지털 트랜스포메이션 전략에 관한 연구 - 버버리 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Soyoung;Ma, Jin Joo
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.449-460
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    • 2019
  • Today, the fashion business environment of the 4.0 generation is changing based on fashion technology combined with advanced digital technologies such as AI (Artificial Intelligence), big data and IoT (Internet of Things). "Digital Transformation" means a fundamental change and innovation in a digital paradigm including corporate strategy, organization, communication, and business model, based on the utilization of digital technology. Thus, this study examines digital transformation strategies through the fashion brand Burberry. The study contents are as follows. First, it examines the theoretical concept of digital transformation and its utilization status. Second, it analyzes the characteristics of Burberry's digital transformation based on its strategies. For the research methodology, a literature review was performed on books and papers, aligning with case studies through websites, social media, and news articles. The result showed that first, Burberry has reset their main target to Millennials who actively use mobile and social media, and continues to communicate with them by utilizing digital strategy in the entire management. Second, Burberry is quickly delivering consistent brand identity to consumers by internally creating and providing social media-friendly content. Third, they have started real-time product sales and services by using IT to enhance access to brands and to lead consumers towards more active participation. In this study, Burberry's case shows that digital transformation can contribute to increased brand value and sales, keeping up with the changes in the digital paradigm. Therefore, the study suggests that digital transformation will serve as an important business strategy for fashion brands in the future.

Design of particulate matter reduction algorithm by learning failure patterns of PHM-based air conditioning facilites

  • Park, Jeong In;Kang, Un Gu
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.27 no.7
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    • pp.83-92
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, we designed an algorithm that can control the state of PM by learning the chain failure pattern of PHM based air conditioning facility. It is an inevitable spread of PM due to the downtime caused by the failure of the air conditioning facility. The algorithm developed by us is to establish a PM management system through PHM, and it is an algorithm that maintains a constant stabilization state through learning the stop/operation pattern of the air conditioner and manages PM based on this. As a result of the simulating at a subway station for the performance qualification of the algorithm, it was verified that the concentration of PM reduces by 30% on average. In the case of stations with many passengers using the subway, the concentration of PM exceeded the Ministry of Environment Standards(100 ㎍/m3), but it was verified that the concentration of PM was improved at all stations where the simulation was conducted. In the future research is to expand the system to comprehensively manage not only PM but also pollutants such as CO2, CO, and NO2 in subway stations.