• Title/Summary/Keyword: Inverted Class

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A Simple Element Inverse Jacket Transform Coding (단순한 엘레멘트 인버스 재킷 변환 부호화)

  • Lee, Kwang-Jae;Park, Ju-Yong;Lee, Moon-Ho
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.132-137
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    • 2007
  • Jacket transforms are a class of transforms which are simple to calculate, easily inverted and are size-flexible. Previously reported jacket transforms were generalizations of the well-known Walsh-Hadamard transform (WHT) and the center-weighted Hadamard transform (CWHT). In this paper we present a new class of jacket transform not derived from either the WHT or the CWHT. This class of transform can be applied to any even length vector, and is applicable to finite fields and is useful for constructing error control codes.

Isolation Enhancement by the Non-connected Ground Structure for the Mobile Phone MIMO Antenna (비접촉 접지구조에 의한 휴대폰 MIMO 안테나 격리도 향상)

  • Jo, Young-Sang;Son, Tae-Ho
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.65 no.6
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    • pp.1032-1037
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, the method of isolation enhancement for the mobile phone MIMO antenna of LTE class 40(2300~2400MHz) was studied. Design of MIMO antenna was based on the hybrid antenna that operates both a monopole and an IFA(Inverted F Antenna). A structure for the isolation enhancement which controls induced electric field on the ground plane is located between MIMO antenna, and was not connected with the ground but apart 0.3mm. A MIMO antenna that operates on class 3~40(1710~2400MHz) of LTE service bands and a structure for the isolation enhancement at the class 10 band were designed. VSWR measurement of implemented antenna on the FR4 board showed within 3:1 at entire design bands, and isolation between antennas at the class 40 band was less than -30dB. Isolation was enhanced more than 20dB by the studied structure. ECC(Envelope Correlation Coefficient) for MIMO performance was under 0.1, and antenna average gain and efficiency measured in the anechoic chamber were -4.28~-1.40dBi and 37.32~72.36% respectively.


    • Journal of applied mathematics & informatics
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    • v.37 no.1_2
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    • pp.105-121
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    • 2019
  • One of the main objective of manufacturing industries is to assess the capability performance of different processes. In this paper, we use the lifetime performance index $C_L$ as a criterion to measure larger-the-better type quality characteristic for evaluating the product performance. The lifetimes of products are assumed to follow a general class of inverted exponentiated distributions. We use maximum likelihood estimator to estimate the lifetime performance index under the assumption that data are progressive type I interval censored. We also obtain asymptotic distribution of this estimator. Based on this estimator, a new hypothesis testing procedure is developed with respect to a given lower specification limit. Finally, two numerical examples are discussed in support of the proposed testing procedure.

Design of Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller for Chattering Reduction (채터링 감소를 위한 적응 퍼지 슬라이딩 모드 제어기의 설계)

  • Seo, Sam-Jun;Kim, Dong-Won;Park, Gwi-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.752-758
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we proposed an adaptivefuzzy sliding control algorithm using gradient descent method to reduce chattering phenomenon which is viewed in variable control system. In design of FLC, fuzzy control rules are obtained from expert's experience and intuition and it is very difficult to obtain them. We proposed an adaptive algorithm which is updated by consequence part parameter of control rules in order to reduce chattering phenomenon and simultaneously to satistfy the sliding mode condition. The proposed algorithm has the characteristics which are viewed in conventional VSC, e.g. insensitivity to a class of disturbance, parameter variations and uncertainties in the sliding mode. To demonstrate its performance, the proposed control algorithm is applied to an inverted pendulum system. The results show that both alleviation of chattering and performance are achieved.

A Fuzzy Model Based Sensor Fault Detection Scheme for Nonlinear Dynamic Systems (퍼지모델을 이용한 비선형시스템의 센서고장 검출식별)

  • Lee, Kee-Sang
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.407-414
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    • 2007
  • A sensor fault detection scheme(SFDS) for a class of nonlinear systems that can be represented by Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model is proposed. Basically, the SFDS may be considered as a multiple observer scheme(MOS) in which the bank of state observers and the detection & isolation logic are included. However, the proposed scheme has two great differences from the conventional MOSs. First, the proposed scheme includes fuzzy fault detection observers(FFDO) that are constructed based on the T-S fuzzy model that provides very good approximation to nonlinear dynamic systems. Secondly, unlike the conventional MOS, the FFDOS are driven not parallelly but sequentially according to the predetermined sequence to avoid the massive computational burden, which is known to be the biggest obstacle to the practical application of the multiple observer based FDI schemes. During the operating time, each FFDO generates the residuals carrying the information of a specified fault, and the corresponding fault detection logic unit performs the logical operations to detect and isolate the fault of interest. The proposed scheme is applied to an inverted pendulum control system for sensor fault detection/isolation. Simulation study shows the practical feasibility of the proposed scheme.

A case study of flipped learning applied to a college-level course on the culture of family living and its effect (플립러닝을 적용한 대학의 가정생활문화 수업 사례와 효과)

  • Baek, min-Kyung
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.77-88
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    • 2019
  • This study was to execute the flipped learning as a learner-centered teaching and learning method in the course on family living culture for home economics education students in a college of education, and to investigate its effect. Flipped learning was designed in three stages(Pre class/In class/After class), and a questionnaire survey was distributed to 40 students to measure the class satisfaction. In addition, class worksheets and reflection journals that students wrote after every class were analyzed. Students positively evaluated flipped learning because they could take non-competition class with questions and discussion, etc. escaping from a one-way lecture. This study found that the level of class satisfaction was high due to high learning effect as the dual learning was available in case of prerequisite learning or individual learning. In particular, the class using Visual Thinking was considered interesting and useful in understanding and summarizing the learning contents. This study has shown that the willingness to take other flipped learning class in their major was high. To conclude, this study has found positive learning effects in the learner-centered teaching and learning method or flipped learning for the course concerning family living culture. This researcher expects that flipped learning may be utilized in the secondary education in the future as an effective learner-centered teaching and learning method for the purpose of fostering talents for the future in the era of the fourth industrial revolution.

Population Structure and Regeneration Status of Cyathea gigantea (Wallich ex Hook. f.) Holttum, a Tree Fern in Arunachal Pradesh, India

  • Paul, Ashish;Bhattacharjee, Sonal;Choudhury, Baharul Islam;Khan, Mohamed Latif
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.164-176
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    • 2015
  • Cyathea gigantea is a tree fern distributed throughout humid tropical regions of northeast India and other parts of the country. However, wild populations of this species are largely affected by various natural and anthropogenic activities. Therefore, an attempt was made to study the population structure and regeneration status of C. gigantea in and around greater Itanagar area of Papum Pare district, Arunachal Pradesh. Altogether 45 patches, ranging from 19.63 to $260m^2$ of area, were randomly sampled to study population structure and regeneration status of the species. Population study showed highest number of youngs in the height class of 0.50-0.75 m while, immatures were recorded highest in the height class of 2.0 to 2.5 m. Majority of the matures belonged to 6-9 m height class while it was recorded maximum in the diameter class of 10-15 cm. Average density of C. gigantea was $0.07individuals\;ha^{-1}$ which varied greatly among different patches with a range of 2 to 14. Significant correlations were found between patch size and density of youngs, immatures, matures and total density. Maximum concentration of youngs was observed in patch size $60-140m^2$, while for immatures, it was highest in patch size $20-160m^2$. Similarly, highest concentration of matures was observed in patch size $20-80m^2$ and $80-180m^2$. Population structure of the total population exhibited inverted pyramid shaped distribution. Population structure consisting of youngs, immatures, matures showed that around 60% patches lack of regenerating individuals which depict very poor natural regeneration of the species. Effective conservation strategies are therefore to be formulated to save C. gigantea from the threat of extinction in near future.

A Study on the Hull Form Development of the 25 Knots Class Planing Hull Form Fishing Boat (25노트급 활주형 어선의 기본선형 개발에 관한 연구)

    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.17 no.5 s.54
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    • pp.88-94
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    • 2003
  • A series of tests of 5 model ships, selected from a data survey of 10 Gross Tonnage actual fishing boats, were performed in two circulating water channels (Chosun University in Korea and WJFEL in Japan), in order to develop the basic hull form of a 25 knots-class fishing boat. Resistance tests, trim and sinkage measurements and wave pattern observations etc., were included in each I1wdel test, and the model test results were compared and analyzed. The result was as follows: P-4 hull form ship changed into Deep V type bow is the best hull form with good performance, especially with regard to ship's resistance efficiency.

A Recursive Procedure for the Queue Length Distribution of a Coxian Queueing Network (회귀적 방법을 이용한 Coxian 대기 네트워크의 대기길이 분포 계산)

  • Park, Doo-Yeong
    • The Journal of Engineering Research
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.85-95
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    • 1998
  • In this study, we consider a recursive procedure to obtain the stationary probability distribution for analyzing Coxian queueing networks with finite queues. This network deals with multiple class customers. Due to the state space representing multiple class customers, the sub-matrices corresponding to states can not be square matrices and can not be inverted. Therefore, we introduce more complex recursive method to avoid the singular problem. The open queueing network that we study consists of 3 parallel first-level sources linked to a single second level queue. We consider two types of schemes for entering a queue. The first scheme is assumed to be the first-blocked-first-enter (FBFE) and the second scheme is the higher-priority-first-enter (HPFE). Arrival and service times are assume to have a Coxian distribution with two phases. Comparison between the resulting using Gauss-Seidel method and recursive procedure will be shown.

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Hybrid Rule-Interval Variation(HRIV) Method for Stabilization a Class of Nonlinear Systems (비선형 시스템의 안정을 위한 HRIV 방법의 제안)

  • Myung, Hwan-Chun;Z. Zenn Bien
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 2000.05a
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    • pp.249-255
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    • 2000
  • HRIV(Hybrid Rule-Interval Variation) method is presented to stabilize a class of nonlinear systems, where SMC(Sliding Mode Control) and ADC (ADaptive Control) schemes are incorporated to overcome the unstable characteristics of a conventional FLC(Fuzzy Logic Control). HRIV method consists of two modes: I-mode (Integral Sliding Mode PLC) and R-mode(RIV method). In I-mode, SMC is used to compensate for MAE(Minimum Approximation Error) caused by the heuristic characteristics of FLC. In R-mode, RIV method reduces interval lengths of rules as states converge to an equilibrium point, which makes the defined Lyapunov function candidate negative semi-definite without considering MAE, and the new uncertain parameters generated in R-mode are compensated by SMC. In RIV method, the overcontraction problem that the states are out of a rule-table can happen by the excessive reduction of rule intervals, which is solved with a dynamic modification of rule-intervals and a transition to I-mode. Especially, HRIV method has advantages to use the analytic upper bound of MAE and to reduce Its effect in the control input, compared with the previous researches. Finally, the proposed method is applied to stabilize a simple nonlinear system and a modified inverted pendulum system in simulation experiments.

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