• Title/Summary/Keyword: Into the film

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Modeling of Spray Impingement and Fuel Film Formation in HSDI Diesel Engines (고속직분식 디젤엔진에서의 분무충돌과 연료액막형성 모델링)

  • Kim, Man-Sik;Min, Gyeong-Deok;Gang, Bo-Seon
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.187-194
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    • 2001
  • Spray impingement and fuel film formation models were developed and incorporated into the computational fluid dynamics code. STAR-CD. The spray/wall interaction process was modeled by considering the change of behaviour with surface temperature conditions and the fuel film formation. We divided the behaviour of fuel droplets after impingement into rebound, spread and splash using the Weber number and the parameter K. The Spray impingement model accounts for mass conservation, energy conservation and heat transfer to the impinging droplets. The fuel film formation model was developed by integrating the continuity, Navier-Stokes and energy equations along the direction of fuel film thickness. Validation of the models was conducted using previous diesel spray experimental data and the present experimental results for the gasoline spray impingement. In all the cases, the prediction compared reasonably well with the experimental results. The spray impingement and fuel film formation models have been applied to the spray/wall impingement in high speed direct injection diesel engines.

Mechanism of Mulch Film Cutter on Transplanting System for Mulching Cultivation of Early Season Culture Rice in Japan

  • Hiyoshi, Kenji;Nagata, Masateru;Wan, Hong-Yong;Umezaki, Teruhisa;Tadeo, Bernardo-D.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Agricultural Machinery Conference
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    • 1996.06c
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    • pp.1021-1030
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    • 1996
  • The mechanism of the mulch film cutter assembly designed as an integral part of a rice transplanting device was developed for mulching cultivation of early season culture rice. This mulch film cutter assembly was directly attached to the transplanting device of the rotary type Japanese transplanter. The principle is that the knife cut a planting slit on the polyethylene film while the planting finger immediately plants seedling into the soil through the planting slit. Computer results implied that the knife of the mulch film cutter assembly can make appropriate planting slit on the polyethylene film as the planting finger effectively plants the seedlings into the paddy soil through the same planting slits.

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Fundamental study on PZT thin film capacitor(I) (PZT박막 Capacitor에 관한 기초연구(I))

  • Hwang, Yu-Sang;Baek, Su-Hyeon;Ha, Yong-Hae;Choe, Jin-Seok;Jo, Hyeon-Chun;Ma, Jae-Pyeong
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.19-27
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    • 1993
  • Abstract The PZT thin film was deposited by usin. RF magnetron sputtering with PZT(52/48) target. The formation of perovskite structure PZT thin film started at 55$0^{\circ}C$ on Si substrate. The AES results showed an oxide layer formed at the between Si and PZT film during the annealing. And, Ti$O_2$ layer appeared at the between TiN and PZT film for the annealing. But, the perovskite phase PZT film was formed after the annealing on the Si$O_2$/Si substarte. The ratio in PZT film was constant across the asdeposited PZT film, but, Pb have diffused into the Si substrate and Si have out-diffused into PZT layer during the post annealing at 75$0^{\circ}C$. The dielectric constants of PZT film indicated about 1300( thickness: 1500$\AA$, at 10KHz) but, the cracks were appeared to surface for annealing.

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Improving Through-thickness Thermal Conductivity Characteristic of Hybrid Composite with Quantum Annealing (Quantum annealing을 통한 hybrid composite의 두께 방향 열전도 특성 개선)

  • Sung wook Cho;Seong S. Cheon
    • Composites Research
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.170-178
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    • 2024
  • This study proposes a hybrid composite where a thin copper film (Cu film) is embedded in carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP), and quantum annealing is applied to derive the combination of Cu film placement that maximizes the through-thickness thermal conductivity. The correlation between each ply of CFRP and the Cu film is analyzed through finite element analysis, and based on the results, a combination optimization problem is formulated. A formalization process is conducted to embed the defined problem into quantum annealing, resulting in the formulation of objective functions and constraints regarding the quantity of Cu films that can be inserted into each ply of CFRP. The formulated equations are programmed using Ocean SDK (Software Development Kit) and Leap to be embedded into D-Wave quantum annealer. Through the quantum annealing process, the optimal arrangement of Cu films that satisfies the maximum through-thickness thermal conductivity is determined. The resulting arrangements exhibit simpler patterns as the quantity of insertable Cu films decreases, while more intricate arrangements are observed as the quantity increases. The optimal combinations generated according to the quantity of Cu film placement illustrate the inherent thermal conductivity pathways in the thickness direction, indicating that the transverse placement freedom of the Cu film can significantly affect the results of through-thickness thermal conductivity.

Quench and recovery characteristics of HTS film after fault current (고온초전도체 박막의 퀜치/회복 특성)

  • 설승윤;김진석;박을주
    • Proceedings of the Korea Institute of Applied Superconductivity and Cryogenics Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.181-184
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    • 2003
  • Quench and recovery process of high-temperature -superconductor (HTS) film deposited on the sapphire substrate is studied numerically. The quench is developed by fault current and the superconductivity is recovered by convection of heat into coolant. After the fault current, the HTS film experiences the quench state, current sharing state, and finally recovers the superconductivity. Numerical results of this study are compared to the previous experimental results, and shows that this numerical work can explain the mechanism of quench/recovery characteristics of HTS film.

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Quench and recovery characteristics of HTS film after fault current (과도전류 후의 고온초전도체 박막의 퀜치/회복 특성)

  • 박을주;김진석;설승윤
    • Progress in Superconductivity and Cryogenics
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.16-19
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    • 2003
  • Quench and recovery process of high-temperature-superconductor (HTS) film deposited on the sapphire substrate is studied numerically. The quench is developed by fault current and the superconductivity is recovered by convection of heat into coolant. After the fault current. the HTS film experiences the quench state. current sharing state. and finally recovers the superconductivity. Numerical results of this study are compared to the previous experimental results. and shows that this numerical work can explain the mechanism of quench/recovery characteristics of HTS film.

Opportunity Structure Analysis as Cultural Legitimation of Film World after the 1980s -the case of Popular Culture Movement & the Opening of Film Industry- (1980년대 영화의 정당화 과정으로서의 기회구조 분석 -민중 문화 운동과 영화시장 개방을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Junghwan
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.125-136
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    • 2013
  • This paper studied the transition of changes in social status of the film since 1980s' Korea. After accepting the changes in social status of the film as the legitimation process of recognition for social and cultural value, this study investigated those influencing factors. For the purpose, opportunity structure in social movement theory was engaged as a theoretical background. The structured opportunity, which was considered as external variables of the film world, was divided into chance and risk factors. In this paper, the opportunity factors, affecting the legitimation process of film, included the emergence of popular culture movement. The risk factors, being considered as the violation of American filmdom and the consequential response of strategies were also researched. Those factors were responsible not only for external variables of filmdom, but also for compensators and competitors in the legitimation process of the film. Since 1980s', cultural industrial growth and democratization generation's entry into the film world affected the legitimation of the film as significant cultural product. Besides, the threat of American film industry changed rationality and competitive landscape of Korean film world.

A Study on the Way to Increase Heat Resistance of Teflon Type Thin Film Electret Applied for Industrial Sensor (산업용 센서에 사용하는 Teflon계 박막 일렉트렛의 내열성 향상에 관한 연구)

  • 김병수;이덕출
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.60-63
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    • 2003
  • For the increase the charge stability of teflon electrets for used at uncomfortable industrial circumstances with high temperature or humidity, We made an investigation into double layer effect of teflon electrets. Teflon AF film was spincoated on FEP film and then the charge storage property of AF/FEP dual film was investigated to be compared with FEP film. It was found that the AF/FEP dual film has higher surface potential than FEP film on the repeated charging and annealing process. It seems that AF/FEP dual film has higher thermal stability than FEP film through TSC measurement. If the investigations of the double layer effect of Teflon film carried out more closely with it's molecular structures and surface conditions, it may be effectively improved the stability of charge storage.

A Study on the Chest Indirect Radiography (흉부X선 간접촬영의 촬영조건과 화질에 관한 조사연구)

  • Kim, Hark-Sung;Lee, In-Ja;Kim, Sung-Soo;Huh, Joon
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2003
  • chest Indirect radiography were taken at 44 medical facilities in Seoul area. The results were as follows: 1. The average tube voltage was 98.2 kVp in case of 100 mm film and 91.3 kVp in case of 70 mm film. 2. The average tube current was 18.1 mAs in case of 100 mm film and 42.5 mAs in case of 70 mm film. 3. In the physical evaluation of chest Indirect radiographs, the density in case of 100 mm film was similar to that in case of 70 mm film. 4. In the visual evaluation of chest Indirect radiographs, the score of identification in case of 100 mm film was higher than that in case of 70 mm film. 5. The average dose of radiation into the skin was 1.38 mGy in case of 100mm film and 4.59 mGy in case of 70 mm film. In conclusion, the image quality of chests was excellent and the dose of radiation into the skin decreased in case of 100 mm film.

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Effects of Fuel Injection Strategies on Wall Film Formation at Port Injection Gasoline Engine (포트분사식 가솔린엔진에서 연료분사전략이 Wall Film 생성에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Lee, Ziyoung;Choi, Jonghui;Jang, Jihwan;Park, Sungwook
    • Journal of ILASS-Korea
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.36-41
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    • 2018
  • Fuel wall film effects power output and cycle deviation by changing the amount of fuel flowing into cylinder in PFI gasoline engines. Reduction of wall film can reduce fuel consumption and improve combustion stability. In this research, the effects of injection strategies including injection pressure and dual injection system is investigated for reducing wall film formation. The CONVERGE software is used for numerical analysis tool and O'Rourke film splash model was used for wall film prediction model. Compared with the reference case wall film decreased with increase of injection pressures, and the film formation reduced when the dual injection system was used.